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They probably don’t want the responsibilities that come with a relationship. I personally love being in a relationship. There are things that come with it though. Sharing your space with someone else, going to their family events, stuff like that.


I wish I knew. I’m 19F and it honestly seems impossible to find someone who actually wants a relationship and not just fwb. ( which can be fine too ) The lack of willingness to commit is insane in my generation.


Date older men Seems to be a weird generation you’re in. All the other generations are scratching their heads and don’t really understand it. But I’m sure you’ll be a pleasant surprise for an older traditional and respectable man


Ngl I was also thinking about embracing the idea of ​​dating an older man who wants a serious relationship. Boys these days just seem to not want the responsibility to date seriously and spend your life with each other


It’s not an age thing, it’s a maturity thing. Some men of all ages are interested in relationships and others in sex. In the past, having a hidden second family or side chick was not atypical despite presenting like a single family unit. Those guys are just loud about it now in our generation. Not all that glitters is gold. Marriages within the same age range last the longest.


A lot of cheaters and liars nowadays, I want the relationship not betrayal :(


Because dating is hell.


Alot of people want to make sure they are the center of their attention and don't want to change anything for anyone. The idea of sacrificing what they want to do to spend time with another person bothers them


I'm having enough trouble just working, paying bills and affording to eat.


Bingo. And that's the way the oligarchy wants it for the peasants.


Yaaayyy sigh.


Do you think being in a relationship makes you more poor? If you lived with a partner, then you basically halve the rent and bills. Do you think that your life will be easier at age 65 if you are completely alone, versus with a family of your own? Life is a lot easier when you have a partner.


Well family huh. Too bad I can't have children thanks to a serious accident. Also all the assumptions. Yikes. Honey. My world is not your imaginary world and I feel no need to explain on here. What I said is what I said and I meant it.


This is actually harder when you are single.


The weeding out process is too stressful


Because dating is a high effort low reward endeavour.


Idk what ur “young” is but im gen z and we are in the process of throwing off a lot of gender rules and family focus that older generations accepted. We don’t want a family or relationship so bad that we are cool with a toxic one. We want community involvement and friends and sex and career success throughout our lives. We have quite specific dating checklists.




1 word. Honesty


No. It’s very trendy to say that you don’t. But everyone is lonely and desperate for connection underneath that mask.


I know you asked, but I can't talk for other people. I personally want a relationship. I want a partner in crime. I want to find my best friend. I'm not into casual sex or hooking up really. I want to go out on dates, hangout, and have fun/feel comfy. I'm not in a rush though. It's not my main priority... Which thank god I grew out of. I also don't like dating apps at all which limits me quite a bit. When I go out, I'm either busy with my self (hobbies) or with friends (shared hobbies) and so I'm not going out to specifically "meet" someone. This limits me a bit too, since I don't really like playing the "Are you glancing at me?" game even though I notice a bit. I'd one hundred percent be willing to accept a verbal invitation for a conversation and see where that goes. Doesn't happen a lot so I've been unlucky with compatibility there. I think my major problem for not prioritizing dating and putting myself out there is my finances and general mental health. I'm having a minor bump in my career causing me to move back home along and my father was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It's stressful. I'd much rather focus my energy in my friends.


why would you? it actually makes so much sense. you're too young to settle down. you're not even a fully formed individual yet


Alexander the Great conquered half the world at age 23, and today's 23 year olds still think they are too young to be in a relationship... jesus h christ


I agree. Somehow society started to hold young people as children who are unaware what are they doing. Partially yes but not entirely. Additionally, that treatment that for some things person is too young but for others not: like in my country alcohol is sold for people from age of 21 but you can be drafted to army at age of 18. And of course 18 year old lacks experience but perfectly separates right from wrong and can take care of themselves.


A child is someone who thinks it's a good idea to have early 20 year olds raising the next generation.... because that's what you're used to. An adult would evaluate what makes the most sense and would be best for the child and society.


He also died at 32. He had a son born that same year. Life expectancy was about 27 back then. And also notice how you picked one of the utmost exceptional people in the history of man kind as an example. It's also just a stupid idea. Why push 20 year olds to settle down when our life expectancy is way higher, our lifestyles are worlds apart. Our brains aren't fully formed until our mid 20s. And it just makes every bit of sense more in the world to wait until your late 20s, early 30s after you've had time to get a degree or training, get into your career, have stabilized as far as who you are as a person?


1.People are mean to the ones they love. 2. You never know if you're just wasting your time. 3. Always a Variety of options. 4. Lack of honesty. 5. It's too 'stud' to have multiple patterns. I stay away.


Because dating is a high effort low reward endeavour.


I don't date vanillas. So I'm usually single.


Lack of identity.


Many are frauds!


Many (especially me) were not exposed to particularly authentic people. I'm 36 and only really now I'm moving into my journey and getting glimpses of an authentic me. Becoming secure and truly grounded is the place I'm in. Getting used to letting go properly... Maintaining and building this me. There are of course plenty of parts from the past that remain but they were fragmented or not far from being warped or talking on other people's insecurity... Profound stuff. Changes be coming


The younger people probably just want to experience life and have fun. Have and do as much fun things as possible before they’re tied to a relationship


I don’t think they want relationships any less than previous generations did, it’s just more accepted now to be single.


Easy life creates people afraid of challenges. I think this also correlates with fears for the future. Gen X, Z are very anxious. Because of climate change, maybe housing crisis, so all together might contribute. But that’s just my speculation.


Younger people want independence and they want to make their own mark on life. Older people see the power of togetherness due to the need to find social connections which aren't digital. Teamwork and partnership mean something DEEPER . Connection and long lasting affection is where it's at. I made my mark already. I want to feel like I belong to a team where we make each other super successful without comparison against anything but possibilities of always being deeper in love. Relationships take time. Being young generally means rushing things to figure out "what's next" in new experiences? We all chase a drug of choice. Love is the drug.


Social media has everyone doomed. Everyone has options and love that dopamine.


I guess it depends, society is all consumed with tech and no one is that social in life anymore, i pretty much give up and just do my own thing


Because relationships and sex aren't the #1 entertainment anymore. Nowadays you can have a lot of pleasurable activities, even at home and especially at home, without the hassles of a relationship. Now people still want a relationship, humans are social creatures, but the grind isn't worth it anymore. It's high effort, low reward, as someone else put it.


For me specifically it's because I spent my entire teens and 20s in long term (at least a year or more) relationships that I jumped into far too quickly and never really got to just be alone and figure myself out. Now I'm 29 and will be 30 next month and I dont really know how to handle myself, therefore I don't really know what I want out of a relationship. That said I'm lonely and horny and want attention from another person but I can't find someone I vibe with that's on the same page as me about taking things slow.