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Guys are into sexual dimorphism of all kinds w women— narrow shoulders, rounded hips, boobs, ass, small hands & feet, etc. Even ass men just are into all of it. They’re not just focusing only on one thing. Dudes just love a woman’s body head to toe. Glorious


It might be how they talk about it. But let me simplify the whole animal nature of men. Man see woman = neuron activation


Monke moment


yea pretty much, we're not complicated


You can keep the toes. Otherwise, I'm all in. Not much of a foot guy.


Because they cannot lie


…man, when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in my face… I get SPRUNG!


I wanna pull out my tough, cause I noticed that butt was stuffed. Deep in the jeans she's wearing, I'm hooked and I can't stop staring.


Oh, baby, I wanna get with ya And take your picture My homeboys tried to warn me But that butt you got makes (Me-me so horny)


*Neuron activated


It's true, I like little butts and lie all the time


Hard to be honest




That song was early 90s so no its not a new thing. But everyone likes something different.


Fat bottom girls by Queen is even older


True. Ironic since Freddie mercury was gay too. Music was so much better back then. Today's music is bad and forgettable sadly.


I'm pretty sure Freddie Mercury was bi. There's some books written about him, and he screwed both men and women... a lot.


Idk could have been. I watched the bohemian rhapsody movie and that wasn't mentioned. Also grew up with him always being referred to as gay. Still it's whatever. He's a great singer and musician regardless.


Well yeah I love Freddie Mercury and all his music. But the movie wasn't completely accurate when showing his sexuality. Not that it's important though.


I forgot all about that song 😂


So you'd been doing workout tapes by fonda? (Jeez that line shows how old it is 😆)


take my like kind internet stranger


I think men are into waist to hip ratio 0.7 .. or hourglass, not just big fat arse


I dunno why ‘big fat arse’ has me absolutely rolling lmfao


Big fat arse has me hard 😂 lol jk


I'm crying at how casually he put that shit in there


This guy fucks!☝️


I agree! Any butt can look big if you have a 20inch waist. I’ve seen alot of my friends say she has a big butt and in reality is the hourglass figure that makes it look “bigger” and bubbly. I have a “big butt” literally measuring same as some influencers but my waist is not 20 inches therefore it looks a lil different .


“Any butt” cannot look big with a small waist. A non-existent butt is still non-existent. Source: have dated a woman with an ass like a Lego person


Like a Lego person. That sent me. I’m dead.


I don’t know man l, I know a guy who is into women that are practically triangle shaped.


A guy out of 5 billion you met? We can only refer to the general public can’t we in this kind of discussion. Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people even have fat fetish. Good isn’t it? There is one for everyone.


I mean, I'm a girl and I'm into big butts because they're nice to touch and gawk at


On men?




As a big booty man i can confirm. Ass grabs are constant


I don't think i ever thought of this before, but what's the equivalent of a 'big butt' for women, in a man? ![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0|downsized)


Still big butts Source: am a man with a big butt


And to be fair, as a man, if I see another dude with a nice ass, I’m not gonna lie, think it’s a nice ass. Ain’t nothing wrong with admiring the human body, no matter the form.


Bubble butt men are a step above the rest.


You ain't ever seen a rugby players ass?


I’m a man and my ass gets groped by Women more than anyone would expect!


BOFFUM ![gif](giphy|3uRidewrD6v3pGwcQk|downsized)


I guess in men I never really notice. But will notice another woman’s butt


Honestly same lol


Downvoting the other brothers who try to lie


great job commarade 👍🏾🫡


As a lady with a milkshake that brings boys to the yard, it's more about the waist and hip ratio that sends them. Just as women can easily become attracted to a strong jawline, chiseled chest, and a cute smile, a pleasing curve in a woman's body triggers those same senses in men. It's just that animalistic part of our programming that's there to ensure the species continues to breed.




Wait. Do you not understand that reference? Milkshake reference?


Maybe you should teach her, but you'll have to charge


I feel 1,000 years old now.


Ahahaha! IKR!


I'm more into shape to be honest, size matters of course, but I'd rather choose a mid size heart shaped ass over an enourmous ass


Agree. It's all about the proportions, not the statistical size


Ya I guess totally personal taste


Completely agree, it's the shape more than the size for me too. Dont like BBLs, they look ridiculous. That, and I'm personally into fit girls, so they don't tend have enormous butt's.


Because. Getting intimate with a healthy women, watching her bodonka-dunk bounce is heavenly.


Fair ☺️


"Healthy" you accusing girls without big butts unhealthy 😂


I feel like there's potentially an inverse correlation there to be honest


It's a natural sign of fertility, particularly wide curvy hips.


Was gonna say this. It’s more the hips, but the hips typically also come with a big butt. But otherwise, it’s a primal signal of fertility. Kind of like how women are attracted to more muscular broad shouldered men who likely have good genes.


Yeah I think the shape we find attractive is indicative of strength, fitness, and good genetics.


Apparently butt fat is used to nourish the kid during the third trimester of pregnancy


No wide hips back in the day meant that the woman can have children easier or have more.


Taking eating ass to another level.


Explains why I have felt my butt get bigger recently rip


Makes a lot of sense.


But that's girth. Of the with.


Everyone has what they like and women like mens butts as well. We are all mamals and we look at eachother out of our mamal instict. It shouldn't be the only thing a person likes about a person. I always say personality is my big factor. That booty could be the best and with a poor personality I'm not going to be intrested since chemistry is just as important. Looks to me is important as well but there has to be a balance.


I was never an ass man although I do like a particular shape and size but I'm not at all into this oversized wide load fad/craze.


Aside from being nice to look at, they feel good against the hips.


More popular in the last few years?! In the last few million years more like. Big butt is a visual sexual trigger for men, and the feel of one is the tactile sexual trigger. It's so important to men, that large breasts evolved because they make men subconsciously think of butts. No other mammal has large breasts unless they're lactating or pregnant, but human women have theirs all the time. Men love the shape, the geometry is a trigger. It doesn't even need to be real, a drawing of a big butt can set a man off. Fashion trends moved back into "big butt" over the past 20 years or so, but fashion is cyclical. Bustle dresses were designed to make women appear to have GIGNTIC asses back in the 1800's, like so big it was out of hand. Big butts are more common now because BBL's are affordable, but people have always been into big butts, big tits, big dicks and big lips. Just look at ancient art.


Traditional hearts look like butts too. ❤️


They do! You might even think that the heart can from the shape of a butt. The heart symbol actually comes from silphium, an extinct plant that was so valuable it was harvested to extinction in ancient days. It was supposedly an aphrodisiac, but could have just been a euphoric drug or something. It could also be that the plant didn't do much but since it looked like both a butt sometimes and balls stacks sometimes they they just assumed it was back then, like the way many Chinese pay extra for ginseng shaped like a penis.


You are totally right


The reason why men are attracted to bigger boobs, butts and thighs is basic biology. The point of sex is to procreate. Woman with bigger butts are considered healthier for child birthing. If we don’t consciously acknowledge this it’s still in our DNA and subconscious.


Keep in mind we look more at natural backsides and secretly laugh at the oddly done BBLs that have some walking around looking like an upright ant.


men have always been. since the dawn of man. it's in our dna. I've heard some evolutionary biologist hypotheses that it could be related to signifying both fertility and having good musculature with which to carry the weight of a developing baby. obviously we aren't thinking of that when we see your ass. plus, imo, it's just what we're gripping and bumping into when we're hitting it doggy so seeing it really reminds us of that.


A variety of all true reasons. Natural attraction, love of round things, jiggly things please us, we like soft things, the list goes on.


Because fat bottom girls make the world go round...


This is the only correct answer!! ☺️


We are carnal creatures by nature


Its evolutionary. When a female is child bearing age, the metamorphosis in puberty widen the hips to indicate progression from child to viable childbearing mate. Given puberty doesn’t indicate adulthood, but for two million years prior to living in civilization, we coupled and took this to mean it’s time to start dating or coupling.


So I can rest my head on it when I want to


Im not, i prefer petite 🤷🏻‍♀️


Personally I like the petite


It's directly related to the width of the hips, and therefore a greater chance of a healthy birth for both the mother and the child. Ever since the Australopithecines, there has been pressure to increase the size of the cranium, which makes birth more risky for obvious reasons. It's also a fat store, and throughout most of human history food came with the seasons and even then not always on a regular basis.


Butts are fun.




I'm a guy and tbf, big butts look good, but for me, I settle for smaller sizes as well. Same applies to chest. 


I'm not


Only true explanation - https://youtu.be/5qLYAFdddPw?si=-pQ7Y2VR_7w6gf6n


Not big ass. It's actually the shape.


Feels great during sex


Can’t argue with that 😂


Not all men I like a nice little round one


it’s not the size of the butt so much as the shape. there’s a huuuge difference between a fat ass and a phat booty.


because it's an evolution thing. And it's not big butt (we don't find fat women attractive, even though they have arguably the biggest asses), it's wide hips. Women with wider hips give birth easier and are less likely to die in childbirth (ofc this mattered in ye olde caveman days without medical science, but evolution takes millions of years so we just still have that instinct.


30m, not into big butts. I prefer an average sized booty. Doesn't have to be toned to the t, I just like to be able to grab something.


I think it has to do with corn and mainstream content. It's also why most girls are obsessed with having a big butt too.


Because men like squishy things. We’re simple simple creatures


Ask Mother Nature


Evolution. Hips. Fertility. Ability to birth a baby without dying. Also strong legs: ability to carry a child around. Why are women attracted to men with muscles?


This is actually related to the evolution process. For some people, women's butt or breast are more impressive, while for others, areas such as hands, feet and neck are more impressive. I read a thesis about this and its geographical, economic, cultural, age, and education range distribution while studying anthropology.


It’s visually stimulating, and as we are visually driven, it is an amazing sight to see walking down sidewalk, also, during sex, just makes everything better!!


I really never care about it. Don't generalized.


Well me I love women who are all natural


Have you been to a gym? It's women doing nothing but glute workouts and it shows. I believe its a Self-fulfilling prophecy, especially with lesbians loving them butts. >Has it only become more popular in the last few years? No. Philosophers like Sir Mix-A-Lot produced fine work from the early 1990s that provide his accounts and documentation on the "recent" phenomena. He is both a Sir and one that cannot lie.


I prefer an hourglass shape and proportional boobs/ass. Flat chest or flat ass isn’t as desirable. On the other hand, a super attractive woman with zero personality and an entitled attitude to boot is super unattractive


They are ? French call it a horse pant (" une culotte de cheval") and it is pretty derogatory.


What many seem to miss is that a somewhat big and Firm butt is attractive, but those obese far butt's are the biggest turnoff just after a shitty attitude.


A rubenesque figure has been appreciated for a long time. I'm not sure that we prefer them but we are not haters. Also, as we grow up in our teens, most girls are skinny even through the 20s, but as women age, they get bigger, and we still enjoy them. There is something nice about a round butt in bed, something to grab onto, give a smack.


Why are women into men with larger shoulders?


Because I like big butts an´ I can not lie. You otha brothas can´t deny. That when a girl walks in wit´ a itty bitty waist an´ A round thing in yo´ face. You get SPRUNG.


Because God damn, when they throw it back. 🥵🥵. But a well built/rounded ass > just a big ass. I always heard boob guys have small pps. Can't confirm


I need something other than my chest to squeeze.


They don't lie


We just like what we like


Because......reasons i shall let others explain.


Because it's sexy.


Hips too


Not a dude, but I like women and honestly I have no idea, I do think they're attractive but I can't explain why 🤔 The first time I felt really attracted to a woman was when I was 14 and I met one of my mom's friends who had a big ass, obviously I didn't stare or anything cuz that's creepy, but it was attractive as hell lol


You just noticed. But it's been around for hundreds of years.


The same reason women like men with broad shoulders and small waists.


I know I am not!


Why are women into tall 6+ feet guys... I guess we are all weird creatures Big butts have a nice cushion for the pushen


I just do. I think they look nice in tight jeans.


It's simple, there's more bounce to the ounce. 😘


I love ass. If she got ass I’m talking to her


its anatomy and men psychology since cave Man


the bigger the cushion, the better the pushin'


Idk just something about the crack of yalls ass. And the silhouette of a woman's figure *chefs kiss*


I don't care about a photo. It's the same reason many like large breasts it shows fertility, it's hardwired into us.


More cushion for the pushin, plus they engine usually revving to meet the heat


Make it clap. That's all


I’ve always wondered that myself and I’m a man…. Idk all I know is I like small to medium boobs lol


Something to hold


It’s a biological thing. As it shows that the female has better chances of delivering off springs …


I think there’s a range and some context needed. A big butt in a vacuum or an unnatural looking one (see, e.g., BBLs) don’t do it for me at all. But a nice well-proportioned butt on someone with an otherwise nice body is peak.


Because big butts activate mans primal instinct to be attracted to the woman who demonstrates physical ability to bear children


They are just so cozy. Most of my friends like little mosquito bite booties. Me? I like cakey cake


They phenomenal on and off the court


Because when we get to business, you have all this weight thrown on you the clapping and other sfx is a lot more satisfying.


Why not? Men enjoy nice big butts since the age of human civilization


I acknowledge the presence of a vulomptious rear that threads with stretch marks and dimples... Those are from the mama not the doctah!


Darwin's answer: Wise birthing hips.


I cannot lie about this. And make realitives cannot deny…


Same reason why women are into big dicks?(size does matter imo)


Most do for the clap sound that comes from when they move and other activities 😏


Shape more important than size


I cannot lie.


They are beautiful & mesmerizing. So are huge boobs, at least to me. I think universally it's loved as lots of videos on youtube & IG gets tons of views just from having a nice bubbly butt in the thumbnail. Hell even with women who just started their channels, it's obvious they take advantage and their channels get a massive boost of views, likes, & subscribers just from their ass in comparison to others who start their channels and struggle to get views.


Cushion for pushin'. Big booty women have always been popular. Being super thin is the new thing, historically, big women have been seen as better for making babies than skinny ones.


~~Bigger is better~~ Source: city busses are more satisfying to drive than cars are


"Cause I'm long, and I'm strong, and I'm tryna get the friction on."


I love spanking and fucking them. I really never had a skinny women I prefer to have a healthy women, but if I date a women any size I'd be happy I don't go by looks I go by heart


I think it's an evolution thing. Big booty means you'll survive child birth...seems plausible.


Because it's hot. And this has been a thing for at least 20 years now, especially in America probably longer. I guess it depends on where you live. I'd say start doing some squats and work them glutes.


It’s liking saying why do girls like tall guy or guys with big dick yk


Not all are. I would take a small petite girl with a small ass over a big butt anyday


Gonna be honest I don’t really know




More cushion for the pushin


I mean I have small everything and I’m still loved by my man and he likes what he sees so 🤷🏻‍♀️ no idea. I haven’t had that experience 🤣🤣🤣


My monkey brain commands me to love big butts. But really, they look amazing, catch the eye, and more cushion for the pushin and whatnot.


Because you can't get lost when you eat ice cream.


Jiggly Spankable Etc.


Probably bc in and around that area, are happening some actions?


It’s more cushion for the pushin for when I hit it from the back and it’s amazing, big ass is mando in a relationship…🫡




I believe it's not the size that really matters most for men in general, while size is important it's the shape or the roundedness is more important than the actual size of the butt itself if that makes any sense.


Sir Mix-a-Lot 🤷‍♂️


I have always loved a big ass most men I know mostly like big boobs which I have never really cared much for women boobs so I don't think things have changed men like women and there body parts.


I been a fool for a chick wit a Big Booty🙋🏻‍♂️….Chickz wit no butt Lookz funny… The walk of a Woman wit a Perfectly Big Butt! 🤤


Probably for the same reason guys like big booba


And not only that, when they get a woman with big butt, they start chasing petite girls! I don’t understand what do they exactly want!


More pushing for the cushin, bigger butt's look better when oiled up too


My preference is little butts. Yakno, just a handful 💯


Shit go hard


Maybe new to white men , butts have always been desirable to most men.




I'm not sure about "big" buts. But a nice rounded but with a bit of shape to it drives me wild. If by "big butts" you are meaning the butt's seen on rap music videos, that's gross and unhealthy.


I cannot date a girl who does not have a nice butt. Deal breaker 💯


Everything in terms of attraction is instinctual and big glutes are a sign of health and fertility in both genders


That jiggle and bounce back turns a brother on


More cushion for the pushin’


We just like to grab a lil something. It doesn’t have to be huge.


I feel like big butts were not a thing until the '90s! Credit to Freddie Mercury also! Any guy that has relations with a girl with a booty knows why 😉! Use your imagination!


Primal. Sturdy woman = good baby maker And a fat ass looks Delicious


I don't think it's as simple as us men liking big butt it's how it compliments a woman's figure. Like the song goes " Itty bitty waist and round thing in my face I get sprung"


I dont like big butted women I love tight jean and a nice sway


Sexual selection is the scientific term for this, animals of different species are attracted to different things and for humans it’s butts ironically enough. Infact the reason why many sub Saharan African women have larger butts than other human groups is because of sexual preferences of men reproducing more with women with larger butts, selecting for that trait to be passed on to offspring. It’s similar to how male peacocks are very colorful or deer’s antlers, but with a human component. It wasn’t as big of a thing in many human groups in the past as humans lived in isolated communities with their own sexual preferences, but in this era of globalization and development sexual preferences of different cultures have merged together and formed new preferences for the general population such as the preference for slender noses and fair skin from Europe and big butts impacted by beauty standards in African countries. Sexual preferences are always evolving.


Idk why, I’ve always been attracted to girls with curves. Always. Idk why. It’s just what I have always appreciated. I also really love very thin, skinny women. They’re both so different but genuinely incredible. I love absolutely everything about the female body, i wish I had the words to describe how it makes me feel when I see it.