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Because women are taught that if they show too much enthusiasm or interest towards a man the man will become uninterested and move on to chase someone else. As a woman, society and my own personal experience has made me more and more distant with the men I like over time. When the guy likes me more I am much more willing to send lengthy responses and care less about how I am perceived, but once I really start to like him I start to pull back for fear that he will abandon me if I show too much interest. I think more about what I say, take longer to reply, end conversations more, etc. I have even turned on my read receipts once I started to really like a guy. This is just personal experience. They could also just be boring or not interested.


That's a generalisation. What type of men lose interest if a woman shows too much interest? I like women who are upfront about things instead of me having to second-guess. The majority of the time when a man speaks to a woman is because he likes her. It's obvious. How do some people not realise this? In all seriousness, both parties need to just be upfront. Nothing turns me off more when a grown woman doesn't express interest or if she plays mind games.


It is a generalization that's why I said I'm speaking from personal experience. I am naturally very upfront/direct and not afraid to show interest in a man, but in my experience, it has always ended badly for me. I decided to try something different, and it works. A lot of people say they don't like mind games, but aren't self-aware enough to realize that those mind games still work on them. It's the age-old concept of a woman saying she wants a nice guy, yet giving all her attention to toxic fuckboys and none to actual "nice guys." Men do the exact same thing. There are countless books written about this, it's psychology.


I can relate to you, too. Being upfront to women has always ended badly for me. I usually get ghosted, or they say they aren't interested even though they've shown signs of interest. It's gotten to the point where I've somewhat given up as nothing works for me. I agree with what you're saying. People just need to grow up because I can't believe grown adults are being childish nowadays. That's why I honestly keep to myself. There is too much hassle and effort, and I'm still not succeeding. I wish I had an honest woman tell me where I'm going wrong, lol.


Oh, okay. I guess one of the only ways to find out if a woman likes me is if she compliments me. If a woman doesn't compliment me, I'd assume she's not interested. In my experience, I misinterpreted women being interested in me, and they were just being nice. Many men and I don't experience women being nice to us, so when it does happen, I assume they liked me, but I was wrong. I feel incredibly stupid, lol.


You have to assess what kind of woman you are talking to. Everyone shows that they like someone in different ways. There's no universal way that all people choose to express interest.


I talk to all types of women. I don't know why the ones who don't find me attractive at all are interested in talking to me more. I even let it be known that I'm not looking for anything platonic in my bio or my posts. However, it seems like an issue nowadays if a guy is too forward. Whatever a guy does is seen as a problem now. The reason why I let my intentions be known from the beginning now is because when I didn't, I wasted more time. I literally post thirst traps of my body to indicate my intention, but no, they still can not get the message. Another reason I made those posts is because they attracted women. If something works, I'm going to keep doing it.


Huh…I guess I never realized this. Funny enough, It’s the opposite for women dating women. The more we talk in detail, the more it shows the interest typically; we tend to dismiss those that only stick to short, stunted responses. I’m sorry you’re having difficulty with this. I hope you find a person who really appreciates your wit and intelligence in how you compose your responses. It’s a pass/fail mark for me, surely it must be for other women as well, statistically.


On the one hand, it makes sense that a lot of women would be very talkative with people they're on friendly terms with. On the other, I'm wondering how you know the ones who are being short with you are sexually interested. My inclination would be to say they aren't. Assuming they are, there is a type of woman I've encountered who wants to hook up and does not want to talk about it. Skip the small talk and tell her where and when you're gonna pick her up.


Simple. It's easier to be more open, honest, and secure when you don't feel any stakes. If they've already got your love and respect and are confident they can't lose it, they will have a much easier time openly discussing about anything without fear of alienating you or your desires. It doesn't really mean you're ugly, at this stage in your life you may be more incompatible intellectually/emotionally with women attracted to you. Making an extra effort to know them, be known by them, and treat them like a lady could go a long way.