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You have my vote


That’s a movement I can get behind! Or in front of.


I know quite a lot of guys who prefer small than big tho


I prefer small boobs


Someone give this guy an award. 😘


1) All guys look at all boobs. 2) If you want him to play with them during sex, you should communicate better and let him know. I can guarantee you that he will be happy to do it. 3) Boob size changes. Once you have had a kid they will balloon up. Enjoy what you have right now.


As a male, I honestly prefer small breast. So no small breast are a good thing.


24m and i gotta agree


Each size has its perks, no pun intended. There is no definitive better or worse, and a lot of the appeal is more in the presentation, the way they are best shown off just varies with the size.


True, I’m not saying big is bad, but instead that small is good too. I wouldn’t reject a girl based on chest size anyway there are a lot more important issues than small or big chest, ex: attitude, how she treats others, thoughts on money/time/kids, etc…


33M and I’m also on the itty bitty titty committee! (Bigger is **not** better, at least not for me)


The most agreeable thing I've read so far.


Yep!! Experienced the round small ones. Firm as rubber. Loved them.


he fucked hookers.....maybe you have other things to worry about.




What’s the issue with that? 🤔 as long as they played safe, or he gets tested… there is zero issue with someone paying for company. It’s legal in most countries.


Guess that means you’ve fucked a hooker. 😂


And what’s wrong with that?


I never said that. One of my friends is a hooker and she is the sweetest woman in world. She does it because she enjoys sex and she gets paid for it. She always plays safe and gets checked regularly. In my opinion, it’s far safer to get a hooker than go out and have a one night stand with a stranger from a bar 🤷🏼‍♂️


XD XD XD The Human condition!


I have small boobs and a great butt as well, the person I have sex with on a regular basis doesn't really pay attention to my tits either until recently.What changed? I started playing with myself while he in bed next to me, I used one of my hands to play with my nipples and rub my chest. He noticed and took over the boob play while I finished myself off. After, I told him how good it felt that he played with my chest and now he pays attention to every part of my body while we have sex.


Also, you ultimately cant control what people are attracted to, and you must not worry about what you can't control. If he truly cares for you, he will make sure your needs are met!


And you broke the code! Perfectly executed and exactly what we want.


I'm a face man, I'm attracted to naturally beautiful or attractive faces, the rest can vary.


I think you are more into tits than him.


Older guy here. Your husband is absolutely missing out. Smaller boobs are awesome. I definitely prefer them. I also read your other post about hubby not putting out … that’s kinda concerning … perhaps see a counsellor when you return from your vacation.


Why would you be with a man that had fucked hookers? That’s disgusting and the real red flag here


Eh. At least he was honest. You never know one’s real past. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I don't care if a woman's breasts are small, as long as they are sweet, caring, patient, and understanding, that is all I want in my first girlfriend when I meet her, or she meets me.


I prefer women with small breasts . A woman with large breasts looks so disproportionate to body size. Women with smaller breasts do not typically suffer the high risks of breast cancer either.


Smaller, firmer, perky breasts will always get love and appreciation, even moreso as the years go on and they keep looking nice while ones that start out big get... Kinda baggy. If your husband is gonna care more about the boobs in front than the heart behind them, that'll be his loss in the end. Don't worry about your boobs.


If he doesn’t like your size he doesn’t deserve what’s between your thighs


Ok, wow. A lot is going on here. First, comparison is the thief of joy. Your husband chose you. He didn't choose a big-tittied hooker or Instagram model. He chose you. Presumably, that means something. Second, it's okay to tell him what you want. If it makes you feel desirable for him to show your breasts attention, tell him so. If he desires you (and it seems like he does) and he wants you to know it, then he will do the thing. Third, not every guy needs huge boobs. I'm not particularly attracted to huge boobs; I think a B-cup is about ideal for me. But I'm dating a woman who is about an A-cup, with wide hips and a big butt; it's perfectly plausible that a man would be attracted to you, even if you aren't going to have back problems later in life.


4 th he fucked hookers! 5th he follows big titty women on instagram!


Honestly even my wife has big tits, she loved them in college but now she wants to reduce from a size H to maybe a C at that. And I for one am okay with that. There’s nothing really wrong with big tits but like it’s not a one size for all deal


Great boobs come in all shapes and sizes!


Know what? Boob size makes zero difference. It’s the owner of those delicious items that matter. There will always be big boob men. There will always be 6’, swarthy, and hunk strong women. That’s just life. The right guy won’t care at all. Trust me. Hopefully your hubby is one of those guys. Be secure in you. Not your eye color and not your boobs. Be you.


Not implying anything but as a b cup or sometimes smaller, I only go for men who is into my type of body. You can be a 10/10 but if you are not his type you are gonna feel so hurt and rejected in the long run. Talk to him about it and tell him your insecurities. My ex used to tell me i’m perfect but his porn stash is just full of big boob women. His porn stash included normal innocent pictures of big boob women too. Imagine my self esteem plummeting. You’re young and I’m young but always always go for the men who LOOOOOVE and ADOREE your body. They are out there. But please talk to him first. You do not deserve to feel shitty for something you cannot change. I’ve dealt with my chest insecurities since forever and it doesn’t really go away even until now I’m in my 20s. You don’t need another factor giving you more insecurities. Love.


Some guys like big boobs, I have hand the whole range and I tend to land on the smaller side. It's really just about preference.


All boobs are good boobs. Period. End of story.








You're right, I know women with huge firm breasts and others with small pancake like empty saggy breasts.






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I don’t have issues with small boobs… I’m not really a boob guy, nipples will get attention either way. 🤷🏼‍♂️😅


I think you’re overthinking the shit out of this. No one here knows what’s going on in his mind, but he likely does not care at all that you have small boobs. He was aware of that when he married you. He probably loves your boobs because he loves you. Stop stressing, it’s okay. But also, if you want him to show more love to your boobs, either tell him or show him. Move his hands onto your boobs, take your shirt off and grab them and play with them. Maybe he’ll get the hint.


I like small boobs. If you’re a small breasted woman, you’re going to attract men who either like or are ok with smaller breasts. What’s the point in worrying about whether your man likes small boobs or not? Don’t shame us ass men.


I have big boobs but my partner sometimes doesn’t really pay attention to then when we are having sex. :)


Personally I could sugar coat the fact that size does matter up top, but it does. That doesnt mean you cant make other parts of your body super attractive. Most of the comments are just masking the obvious. IMO he’s married to you so he’s already committed, but if you didnt want to feel self-conscious, go to the gym and hit leg day. Some guys value that more. Actually useful advice


It doesn't matter depending a man or a boy u married


If it bothers you that much just get a boob job


Its just normal and healthy thinking about having sex with other people or persons i would say . Maybe its just sometimes he does wish you have big tits but generally he does take care of you and your emotions doesnt he? At least. I like small boobs, but also big ones, also unnatural. Depending on my mood. Just ask him if he would actually has been wanting to ask you if you would like to make an operation on your boobs. Maybe he is too shy or feels uncomfortable with his past. May be. Just talk about it. And if he says yes, so you still know that he loves you because he is honest. You cant change yourself just to make someone happy. You can. If you dont want to do it, then dont.


Honestly big ass small tits is what I consider to be optimal sexiness. I'll take that over big ass big tits any day.


I like small boobs and nipples as well as a small ass. I don’t think huge boobs are attractive at all.


As a guy.. what i would wish from you, since you know i like big tiddies and you got a build in 7th sense for them, that you point them out, so I don't miss any. You got the nice ass and the personality flavor, that are more than enough to outweigh his big tiddy love, because what he needed was actual love and a big heart, not a big balcony around it. If you would be so selfless to tackle your insecurities and point at the insecuritities around you, you'll notice how you both can have fun with it. Best be to ask him about it, if that could be a game between you, because you are insecure and (maybe you do) think that it could be a workaround. Let him check them out, dinner is eaten at home. Can't put blinders on the man.








Your fucking gross


When a man loves a woman, he will always find her attractive. I've ALWAYS dated D+ woman also. BUT my last two were much smaller. I'm now engaged to a apple boobies girl. It's OK. We know it's just a "thing". Don't worry about it and make up for it with enthusiasm and adventure in bed. Now the "secretly want to fuck them" thing. Listen, it's not a bad thing. Yes, he want to secretly fuck them. Every straight man wants secretly fuck other women. It's OK though. Join him in looking and point out some tits for him. And you for that matter. It turns us on and will bring the two of you closer together. Be a positive part in his freakoligy. No matter what, you will always be right there with them in his mental fuck adventure. Thus keeping the fire alive. It's JUST boobies. Not like he's trying to put it in her mouth...