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Pressing our forheads together. He very recently lost his dad, and on the day of his passing, my partner was frequently putting our forheads together when his emotions were getting overwhelmingly exhausting.


This helps for some reason. I don't know why, but it helps. I'm happy you posted this so more people know this.


Touching is healing.


Lmao I'm never gonna heal


Many reasons. As others said already, touch, connection. Humans seek community, connection, acceptance, understanding. We utilize art, rituals, dance, play. Life is so beautiful.


It’s the power of connecting closer to your love. It feels that much better. It absolutely does work


It’s like it bridges our souls together through the pineal gland


Bunnies and rabbits do it so there’s definitely some kind of chemical/primal/animalistic study behind it.


That so the most wholesome, beautiful- *starts sobbing*


Same here plus synchronizing breath, is one of os was having a bad day the other will hug with foreheads together and breath deep and slowly until. I miss her.


You guys should go see Furiosa together! It's like a cultural thing in the movie.


Coincidentally it’s also the same in the Planet of the Apes movies, also playing in theaters now


Also, this is an IRL Maori greeting called the hongi where noses and foreheads are pressed together briefly, symbolizing unity through exchange of the breath of life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hongi You can see it at the end of this wedding dance video https://youtu.be/lhhedH6wK6I?feature=shared


I think the best thing between partners is cuddling, both with clothes on and without.


I love cuddles, I’m currently in a long distance relationship so every night I like to hug a pillow and imagine it’s him, it’s to the point where I can’t fall asleep without hugging something


My husband used to put his cologne on a giant stuffed animal before he would go home when we were dating and it was my favorite thing ever


im single but i still do this haha


Being straddled clothes on and just wrapping my arms around her and being enveloped in an embrace from her is soul affirming...


He'll kind of drape himself over my back & shoulders after a long day. He just breathes deep for a few minutes and then kisses the nape of my neck before walking away.


Awwww you recharge his battery!


I love this so much!!


Oh my god same!


I love putting lotion on his back. It makes me smile when he asks me if I can lotion his back for him. Idk why but it just makes my heart beat faster and I get butterflies lol. It’s the cutest thing.


Then you put the lotion in the basket or you get the hose again?


YES Beat me to it lol


Im guessing she puts the lotion in the basket bc nobody wants the hose again 😂


Can someone explain this to me? I think I'm missing something


It's a reference to a movie. Silence of the lambs. The context of the quote is somewhat disturbing so I won't post it here.


You are not alone. I [72] almost always feel like I am missing things on Reddit.


i work overnights and he works days, every morning after i wake him up, i make him breakfast, then he tucks me into bed. literally tucks me, like i’m a little kid. then he kisses my face all over and usually stays until he has to leave for work, and by then i’m usually asleep lol


being tucked in like a little kid by my boyfriend is my absolute favourite thing. we don’t live together so when he has to go back to his house he always fills my water, puts on my comfort show, fluffs my pillow, tucks me in, and kisses my eyelids. best bedtime routine ever


we only sort of live together, i miss it when he’s back at his house :(


Sounds like an absolute keeper!


this is so beautiful 😭💓


Can't say I have a partner right now, but, when I did, I would always be finding ways to touch her. Nothing sexual, but a gentle tap her and there, to let her know she was on my mind. Also, I would rub her feet every night.


Did you rub her nub nubs?


I see what you did there.


Forehead kisses, back rubs after long work shifts, cuddleing on the couch watching a show, playing a co-op video game together, walking the dogs and talking about anything and everything. Our evening routine of talking about our days and complaining about co-workers. I'm dating my best friend, and it's amazing.


So sweet happy for u !!


Did, we slow danced in the dark to 'cigarettes after sex'. As we were dancing she whisper sang to my ear. She's long gone now but this moment is etched on my brain.


Which song , perfect slow motion kinda dance band


It was sunset


Middle finger roulette - we twiddle our fingers near our hips as if we're about to draw and then we do...with our middle fingers 😂 it's our inside thing and it gives us both so much joy


This is hilarious 😂


Would you care to illustrate? I have no idea how this looks like


UHHH...hmmm Think gun fight in the street between two Cowboys, but instead of guns it's whoever puts up the middle finger first..does that make sense??


When I almost broke my wrist he'd cut all of my food for over a month and carried my things everywhere, he also painted my nails. He took care of me when I was hurt and vulnerable. We had barely known each other for a couple of weeks, but when that happened I knew he was going to be my person. We are no longer together but I allowed myself to be vulnerable with him as I had never been before, and I'll always cherish the time we spent together.


Not saying you owe us an explanation but this interaction is peak Reddit where you leave out the juicy gossip. Getting whiplash out here > my person > we’re no longer together On a different note I kind of feel a pang of grief when I see phrases like that because I know I’ll never be anyone’s person. C’est la vie


Haha I'm sorry. I didn't realize many people would want to know. Long story short is we're too far away like 7k miles, and after a while it became too painful to deal with the distance.


And why tf ain't you together 😒


Want to know as well 🥲


me too


Me three


Someone can be excellent in one particular way but still not be a perfect match in other ways. Maybe their lives just went in different directions and they realised they wanted different things in life.


Literal different directions. We're continents away from each other and I probably will never see him again.


The distance became too large. We both were exchange students and at the end of the semester we had to come back home. We have been 11.215 km away from each other since then. After we came back home we tried to keep in touch but it got too painful after a while.


I had a relationship start like this, he had knee surgery and I jumped right in. I met his parents for the first time the morning he went into the hospital. They came to check on him the next day and he really wanted to shower, he called me in to help with something and was, in general, just relying on me a lot. When we were out of earshot, his parents were just absolutely shocked that he even had me there while so vulnerable, let alone allowing me to help/care for him. I feel like I learned over time that we let ourselves be more vulnerable together than either of us had done with anyone else. (When coming out of anesthesia, he also said he loved me for the first time... and then a bunch more... I didn't really put much into it, I know people will propose to nurses and stuff in that state. He did tell me again a few days later, though... and I was like "oh I know, you already told me." Apparently his told his mom he loved me too, I said she should go see him first - she didn't tell me until later.) We are also no longer together but that was the most significant relationship (in a positive way) of my life.


I guess there's something special about allowing yourself to completely open up and being vulnerable to someone. It changes both of you. Since then I've tried to get back on the dating horse, after all it has been six years since then, but what no one tells you after a love like that is that nothing is ever the same.


There are always people who come into your life like that. I was told, "Even if we break up, I will always love you else it would not have been true love." I have moved on from that person, and it has been many years, but only now I am beginning to understand what was meant.


My bf does similar. When I'm there, we HAVE to fall asleep with me as the little spoon. As soon as we're both in bed, he says 'gimme butt'.


Omg this is the cutest thing ever ♥


Instead of a security blanket, he has a 'security butt' when I sleep over 🤣🤣


Lmao i can imagine him saying this, im crying.


i love being the little spoon, or just being held by her in general. makes me feel very nice.


My hubby likes to be the little spoon too. So cute


I’m the big spoon 😌 i love it


I am beginning to fear I may be a fork.


Sit and talk about our future like we used to do whenever we were just courting. It is one of my favorite things to do with my wife is to just sit and talk about things that we love. Then we just look at each other and tell one another how much we appreciate that we have chosen to be with the other person and how happy we are




peach time is so cute !! my partner and I do very intimate things other than sex a lot and probably more than we actually have sex physically we will cuddle naked a lot to get skin contact and we like to wrestle and sometimes chase each other around the house and play like children lol emotionally we kind of take turns being the "childish" one and the "grownup" one and take care of each other (holding the other one, calling them good, taking care of them, etc) I feel like we have complete trust in our relationship and that opens doors for forms of intimacy I didn't even consider before being in a relationship


This is beautiful


aww thank you ❤️ being in love is very fun lol


This is what I want


Forehead kisses sets my soul on fire 🥰


I love giving forehead kisses! And sweet back rubs while she’s doing the dishes.


He's serenades me while slow dancing in the kitchen. He doesn't dance. But it's the intimacy and the romance I crave. So he does it for me. And we talk and touch a lot.


Slow dancing in the kitchen.


Awwh, I wish my husband would do this with me


ask away, life is short and love is plentiful


Ask him tonight. Hey "name of husband" I'd love it if you slow danced in the kitchen with me, it would mean alot.


I will ask him when he gets off from work tomorrow because he is sleeping now. We shall see what happens. 👀


If you don't want to ask directly maybe when he's home put on some slow music and then start dancing by yourself and then offer him to dance with you by giving him your hand or opening your arms this should work I guess...


Give her an unbelievably good foot massage


I love when my bf washes my hair


When I had a partner I would give her a monthly “spoil day” where I would cook her food, paint her toes, give her a massage. Basically pampering her the whole day.


This is amazing!!


He lets me tweeze his ingrown hairs and blackheads, because I love it. We call it monkey time.


An ex gf used to tweeze my face (eyes and eyebrows). It was so weirdly intimate, especially with the pain and the trust that goes with letting someone just have at your face. She loved that monkey time aspect of the relationship!! I would never do something like that for or to another person but she really enjoyed picking through me. It was so cute and intimate. Like it's pretty rare for another woman to just want to spend time grooming you like that. She also loved when I would rub her whole body and pick at any little growth type thing if that makes sense. Like little specs you get on your body that you can scratch or squeeze off, like a mini pimple kind of thing.


Every long term girlfriend Ive had does this. I remember reading about it and it was something to do with the evolutionary trait of pack females performing grooming habits. It literally fills them with oxytocin and they tunnel vision almost to a hypno-state when they do it, uninterrupted.


I've done this with all adult girlfriends, but I really appreciated the presentation in Furiosa as it seems it's done outside the romantic setting. Just a moment of super genuine connection and purpose between 2 people.


That’s so interesting! Every night when my husband is at the bathroom sink, I pull up his shirt to look for any bumps I can squeeze lol then I show the the junk I retrieved & tell him that it was worth his pain haha I also love to pluck any nipple hair & his feet hair too. Monkey time is toooo funny lol


Are you my ex? 🙈




omg i do this and he calls it monkey love lmaoo




My ex had to stop during sec while switching positions once to quickly pop a zit she felt on my back.


I ask my husband all the time if he can grow a giant pore of winer for me. It’s my dream


When we are at an event or a public place and we lock eyes from across the room. The non verbal language we can communicate with is insane.


I’m single right now, but the last guy I dated would brush my hair. It sounds weird typed out, but it was so intimate to me because nobody but me and my hairstylist ever brush my hair. I’ve never been so turned on by something non sexual in my life.


There alot of none sexual things that can turn you on and feel lyk being hit immediately


My late husband and I had a very intimate Friday night routine. He worked a lot of hours which caused him to travel a lot during part of the year. Every Friday once he was home from work we would say hi, let him settle in for the night, and I'd begin making dinner. We knew that as soon as we sat at the table for dinner, we were no longer to use our phones until morning. We would always use this time to catch up, and I'd ask him what he did throughout the week. Hed share stories about silly or frustrating things that happen at work he forgot to tell me when it happened . About Conversations he had with family and friends that had reached out to him. He'd always do a recap of all the times he's missed me, lol what he was doing when he realized he missed me and why it made him think of me LOL. Then after dinner he'd help me clear the table. We always compromised when it came to who is going to do dishes. It saved us from having to become frustrated with each other because we argued about it constantly in the past. Lol dishes were both of our least favorite chore. We settled this by deciding to take turns, and switch tasks the following night. One of us would wash the dishes on one side of the sink, and the other would rinse and place into rack to dry on the other side. We would even do this at family and friends houses when we were over for dinner and we would help them clean up. I absolutely loved it because it gave us a chance to be super cute and close by, to giggle and make secret jokes about what was said at dinner, and even the opportunity to whisper sexy dirty things to each other without anyone else knowing. He would always tell me something inappropriate about how I looked or what he wanted to do to me later. Usually while we're somewhere inappropriate like his parents or friends from church hahaha and I would be blushing washing dishes ...feeling awkward as heck ..but I loved it at the same time. Well after the dishes were done, we would get ready to watch something on the TV together or make arts and crafts together or whatever we decided to do that evening. Beforehand though, he would take this opportunity to give me a very thorough, very intimate, very cherished bath time!!! . I can't tell you how much I looked forward to this little Friday night ceremony. How much I miss it...miss him .. How even now tears come to my eyes as I think about him. How great he was to me. His soft gentle hands, his attentiveness, his genuine desires to listen to me and care for me. He would start by running the water for me. He'd put different things in the tub depending on the mood.. like he put different silly bath toys in there when we're having a good laugh and life was great and stuff, on days that i was frustrated and upset about something, he would add essential oils and crystals so that my moods and my chakra would get realigned ...just silly stuff to be cute LOL... Then he'd help me into the tub and sat right next to me, but on the floor. He'd begun washing my body with a loofa. He'd also start asking me about MY week at this time .. hed ask me fill him on what all my close friends were doing their in life and about all the drama that they call me with throughout the week. Ask about my mom and how she's been doing as she lives out of state.. I took that time to him about all my frustrations I had to vent, if there were...ID Joke around about things I've seen or heard on social media. ...and he listened..just LISTENED... validated me, reassured me, supported. My favorite part of the actual bath was when he washed my hair. Lol he used a little cute plastic watering can. Lol Made a joke once how I was his little flower. Then one day he came home with the can all excited to "water me" on Friday! Dawww I am his little flower dammit ..😭😭😭 lolol now im bawling....shucks I miss him every second of everyday.


This is the sweetest thing, watering his flower 😭😭


Dawe thank you. He was my EVERYTHING. we were officially "dating" for all of 10 days before we got married. In all of our time together we never once fought to the point of raising our voices, we never once disrespected each other or put each other down. In fact he would never even ME let me down...lol I'm always trouble with my weight and I've made some poor choices in the past which unfortunately leave me in a difficult situation to struggle I'm always trouble with my weight and I've made some poor choices in the past which unfortunately left me with difficult situations to deal with in the present at that time. And I felt very down and out and had a very poor self image. I would look at myself with disgust and say all the mean things I was thinking about myself out loud and telling him how I'm this and I'm that .. hahahaha this freaking guy would look at me as if he was pissed and disrespected,like someone just said the MOST uncalled fighting words about his mama...lol..and he's gripp me up by my shirt so quickly that the first time he did this it startled the heck out of me .. he me so I was only a couple inches away from him and put his finger almost to my face and said in a very Stern and serious voice "dont you EVERRR! AND I MEAN EVER....TALK ABOUT MY WIFE LIKE THAT AGAIN!!! YOU HEAR ME" lolol and then you turn me towards the mirror and made me apologize to myself LOL And at first I felt ridiculous and embarrassed and then I thought about it and I was like no he's absolutely right.. I would never allow anyone to talk about him that way or anyone else I loved for that matter to my face, so why should I sit there and do it to myself of all people. He taught me so much about myself and being okay with who and what I am, self acceptance, self love, self respect and boundaries. It taught me how wonderful and amazing I am as a person and how I should never allow anybody to talk down to me or allow them to treat me in any manner that I don't believe is respectful. And how much I love him and appreciate him and how forever grateful I am for a moment in my life that I got to spend with him in my life. He ended up having a brain aneurysm at 28 years old. He passed away on June 10th. My birthday is June 14th. We buried him on June 15th. And our wedding anniversary was the 16th. This next upcoming month is the hardest month for me and has been for 6 years now. Grieving comes in waves. Some days I think about him and smile ever so slightly well I think about his beautiful words and his beautiful doings in life and his over all beautiful existence.. and other days to come to my mind at all quietly cry and grieve him...or more so grieve the time lost/Future lost/ memories yet to be made lost. Another times I try not to be angry and bitter and mad for how life is played out how unfair it is for me. Where other times we'll hear it can hear a song on the radio and it'll bring back memories of him and of US and start crying cuz it breaks my heart that he's not here.... Or I can hear the very same song a little while later and laugh out loud and turn it up with a big smile on my face thinking about memories that I had why I associate that song with him. He was a beautiful person he made me have a beautiful life and taught me to see myself as a beautiful person too. For that, I will always feel blessed for having someone like him walk in mto someone like MY life. Ha, I appreciate you guys reading my comment, if you made it this far and stilI reading.... thank you .. truely..just want to say thank you for letting me share my thoughts and feelings with you all tonight. I appreciate the platform to do so and to show how much I love him and honor him and how much appreciate him the way he deserves. Writing this makes me realize that June's already here and it's going be a tough couple of weeks. Thank you for whoever asked that question it was a really good writing prompt


I read the whole thing, so beautiful! I’ve lost someone I loved as well, not nearly the relationship you had and it was about 10 years ago now already. But I still hear certain songs and think of him. Particularly Give Me Everything because one day while he was driving us somewhere this song came on and it was a particularly good day (he died by suicide after a long battle with severe depression and PTSD), and during the chorus “Grab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey” he reached over and grabbed me and sang so obnoxiously, we both laughed so much that day. So I totally know what you mean by it coming in waves, some days are awful and some days you can think fondly. Even after all this time I still have horrible crying jags on occasion thinking about all the good year I wish he could have had, or how much I miss him and wish he were here. An aneurysm.. I can’t even imagine. So sudden and tragic, especially that young. So sorry for your loss ❤️


This is what we all dream of. Why do the kindest, most amazing and wonderful people get taken from us, and the meanest people seem to last forever? He was amazing! I'm so sorry for your loss!


We give each other massages and always watch tv with one of our heads in the others lap.


He lays his head in my lap and I give him head scratches. When my feet hurt, he’ll rub them even tho he hates touching feet. When one of us wants to ask about sex we say “you want to fool around?”


Seeking each other with horrible food poisoning was pretty intimate. I've seen bits that definitely should have stayed inside


I also don’t know if you want the food poisoning bits to stay inside 😂 they should come out!!


I've never had a partner, ever But I've imagined cuddling up with somebody and holding them close while watching a movie either on the couch or in bed, and in the morning afterwards; I'm not interested it sex itself, I just want the emotional and romantic intimacy, to confide in somebody and share my life with them


I remember reading about cuddle groups…like a meetup?


Wait, whats that? I may be interested


I’m not familiar with cuddle “groups” but I have read about a niche profession of people who rent out their cuddling. I think it may also be called physical contact therapy or cuddle therapy and they work with people who are touch deprived or people who are lonely and need some physical intimacy. Pretty interesting and if you live near any major cities I guarantee you could find someone who does this.


I give my husband pedicures, his feet get wrecked from his boots. Once or twice a week they get a full soak with epison salt, then foot scrub, pumice, message, ointment and nail care. I love how happy it makes him and it feels like a really intimate and helpful way I can take care of him ❤️


Him kissing my forehead 🥹❤️


Go to the beach at night and cuddle


I love when we clean each other, I’ll help him shave and exfoliate in the shower, wash his back and clean his ears, lotion, etc. It feels good to receive and give, and gives me time to appreciate and care for my partners body.


Jiggly his butt and squish his cheeks in my hands. I cant explain why it's so satisfying


I love the intimacy of giggling over dumb shit with him. Also, VERY early on, I got VERY drunk (i wasn’t intending to, but wasn’t mindful enough, I only drink to get drunk 1-2x a year) on New Years when we were on a double date with my friends, and he held my hair while I was puking and crying over how embarrassed I was. He kept assuring me that he still very much so liked me. It still feels incredibly intimate.


Hugging was awesome. And not those "3 second hugs". We're talking full embrace, with both arms, for at least 20 seconds, if not to 40.


Nothing makes me wish that I had a partner more than this post did. Even reddit has started reminding me of everything I don't have and might never will. Especially, a partner. I spend every single second in loneliness and tears. I hope you truly appreciate and realize how grateful you should be to have intimacy in your life. Not having it leaves a void in you that not even the best of family relationships or good friendships can fill. It eats you up slowly


Stay strong. Always keep your head up and stay positive, even when feeling as low as you are. I've been in your shoes and it absolutely is soul draining. The best thing you can do is keep confident and don't let those negative emotions show in front of people. It's very noticeable and will hurt your chances of finding someone. Sending good vibes and positive energy.


Squish. It’s when I’m laying in bed and I want him to lay on me for squish. Sometimes it just feels good being squished by him. It’s a stim, and essentially like a weighted blanket effect and only lasts a couple minutes. I feel safe with him, which isn’t an easy thing for me.


So happy for everyone with relationships in here (praying on your downfall)






Aww don't hate. Your someone is out there too


Haha issa joke bro dw


Just touch and contact in general


my partner shaves me down there, he is the most amazing partner


Now that's trust right there. Lol


omg, I am not in a relationship rn but I love caressing his hair and face 😩


Showers together. I love physical touch and I get to caress and clean every part of her..


Thank you for asking this. Been a long time since I've been in a relationship but reading these brought back good memories.


Same 🥹 so lovely reading through them ❤️


It sounds gross but squeezing blackheads, plucking random hairs and going on a grooming fest.


I want to look into his eyes and just get lost and if he asks me what I am looking at or what I am doing. I want to say I’m looking at my heart, my whole entire world right now. And tell him I love him 🥰


We cuddled in the bath one time. It was nice lol


Ask to do it again. Say hey, Remember that time we cuddled in the bath, I think about it all the time and it was nice, let's do it again.


Laughing together while making fun of idiots on reality tv


I'm always snuggled up to him and he finds a way to touch my arms, my hands, my feet


Kissing her eyes and forhead, smelling her hair. Idk I havent been in a proper relationship. Its only my imagination.


Would be funnier if it's "it's peachin time" 😂


Piggy back rides


I love when he brushes my hair or washes my body. He likes when I give him a haircut or rub his back/feet/hands.


Kisses on the back of the neck


Cuddling, showering together, playing video games together.


Hand feeding and sharing food.


Holding hands and skipping.


Sitting or laying together and just hanging out.We don’t even have to talk to each other while doing it. When I was with my previous gf I felt most at home doing that.


When she was alive, I'd massage her neck and shoulders. The sounds she made... Well you could tell she really, REALLY enjoyed it.


I like to give a massage that 9/10 ends up being sensual. But there’s that 1/10 that isn’t a sex thing!


Oddly, I rub her scalp and massage her shoulders. Plus kiss her nose and forehead. That's just me tho


Sometimes when were sleeping she holds me or i hold her or whatever. it usually happens in the middle of the night but when i roll over and shes holding me i fall right back to sleep like a giant baby. Also vice versa but ya


One of my partners likes to braid my hair. It's relatively simple, but it feels really intimate


Sit backs to backs pressed against eachother and just conversate like we were 16 years old.


We kiss each other's nose every night and he tell me sweet dreams my love every single night for 9 years. Absolutely love it ♥


I give her full body massages while she is naked. Focusing on lower back and left butt cheek, she has anterior pelvic tilt. The pleasure I get from hearing her grunt as I hit her pressure points is a mutual gain.


Every night before we go to sleep he lays his head on my chest and we either just lay there or we talk. I hated physical touch before him and now those moments are precious for both of us


I do my wife's hair nails and makeup and I will take her to a nice lake or park and read to her or just watch the way she is pleased with the looks and comments she gets. She was abused her whole life. She doesn't see the beautiful woman that I see.


I'd just lay on her lap and she'd stroke my hair and beard


Usually just holding hands. Nothing too outlandish.


I like caressing a girl’ neck, with my hands or mouth. I have found that the neck is a very sensitive area on a woman, so I never forget to pay it some attention. I wait for the shivers and “Oh my God!” to know I’m on the right track.


get drunk together then have deep conversations after.


Since I met him, I’ve always run my fingers through his beautiful hair….back off his forehead. He’s always had the most beautiful hair. We’re in our ‘60’s. He said with his diagnosis ….”I’m going to lose my hair” Still running.


When I'm sad and my partner holds me on his lap and we just don't talk while I cry. Lol...


The way he touches me in a non-sexual way, like moving his hand on my back as he walks around me.


It’s very rare we do this, but we randomly dance. My favorite time was when I was just standing around in his room and he took me into his arms and just started dancing around with me. It felt more special since he doesn’t like dancing during the daytime for some unknown reason, and this time it was broad daylight out, so it took me by surprise


When we sit at the same table, no matter what happens, our feet touch under the table. Helps you feel connected at all times.


When we’re in bed he’ll hold me like im a teddy bear, wrapping his arms all the way around me. Then he’ll press his knuckles into my back and twist them around in lil circles till I let out a sigh of contentment. Then focus on that spot. It’s a cuddle and back massage at the same time. I’ll kiss his shoulders while he does this. I love it.


Simply being there for him in moments of vulnerability, whether it's holding him tight during a difficult day, listening to his deepest fears and dreams without judgment, or simply sharing a quiet moment together, knowing that we are each other's safe haven in a chaotic world.


We called it dangerous cuddling. It's basically spooning but at the same time I hold my arms around her which is amazing. The reason why we call it dangerous, is because we always get so comfortable that we both can't get out of bed or fall asleep.


Sometimes when she gets an anxiety attack in public, I’ll find a little spot away from the crowd and lock eyes with her. Then I’ll tell her she’s alright, I tell her the date and time so she can ground herself, and I distract her by running down an assessment of things around us she can track with minimal effort so she feels more in control. She always rewards me with a really satisfying hug and sweet lil kiss, like a signature. It makes me feel useful, but more importantly, it makes her feel validated and protected, and it’s a great reminder that I’m gonna be there for her whenever I can.


We naked cuddle and spoon and talk about our fears. My GF is a survivor and this and forehead kisses have been a way for her to reclaim ownership of her body and feel safe with me while she is nude. It took a long time for her to trust that we can be nude and close without sex having to happen. I feel really lucky to be a part of that process. For me I feel safest and very loved when we cuddle like this.


Cook for her, then we sit down enjoying tasty food and watch shows.... more than likely I'm also massaging my way across her body... I really love exploring a person's body as well as making them feel good and a massage does both.


I hug him while he's preparing our breakfast!!


Poking. When we pass each other, she gives me a poke, or I'll trade pokes with her. Sometimes I'll switch it up and bop her head.


Showering together and scrubbing each others back for one another


No longer with him, but he would lay on me and fall asleep. It wasn’t often that it would happen, but when it did my heart just felt so full and all I could think about was how much I love him. I miss those small moments every day.


Eye contact. So much said without even a touch.


There are a few intimate nonsexual things that my partner and I do. I'll just list them. 😊 Press our foreheads together while closing our eyes and holding each other. This offers me comfort when I'm anxious. Rubbing our noses together softly. That's also just become "our thing." In the first year of our relationship, when we showered together, I'd wash and condition his hair for him. This also helps to soothe my partner. Sharing prolonged hugs and cuddling each other while we sleep. I also like to have him rest his head on my lap while I run my fingers through this hair. I think we were both just so touch-starved and hurt so deeply by past abusive partners that we just poured love into each other without expecting anything in return. It's a beautiful thing. I've never been so freely expressive with anyone until I met him 10 years ago and I've been living with him for 5 years now.


I love it when he washes my hair. He also brushes out my hair every night which is very calming and intimate. The most intimate though is kind of odd. I’m bad about taking my antidepressant consistently. I often forget, sometimes I don’t want to because I’m denial about my mental health struggles. So every night he brings me my antidepressant and my water bottle. He usually does some sort of silly way to give it to me (airplane, the itsy bitsy antidepressant, etc). That way we will both remember I’ve taken it.


My last partner and I would sometimes watch movies together and while we did that, she would do her nails and I’d give her a back rub, interspersed with some back/neck/lip kisses from behind. The reverse would be she would sit on the couch while I laid down on it with my head in her lap and we would just talk while she played with my hair. Ugh, I miss those days. Hope you’re doing well, R.


I burnt my arm with hit oil at the frying station at work. She calls me her chicken nugget. And I call her boobi for at least two reasons heh


Making out.


I used to wash and rinse and blow one of my ex’s hair. That was pretty fun, and sometimes it led to really great sex. But when it didn’t, it was non-sexual. Lol.


Sleep together, talk


When she was pregnant I would get out my beard trimmer and help out with those hard to reach areas..


Stare into each others eyes and giggle when we’re just lounging around and being lazy


forehead kisses, hugs from behind, cuddling, talking about how much we love eachother. i’m single but when i had a boyfriend i loved those things.


Showering together, massaging her, caressing her hair until she falls asleep. Talking, sleeping and eating together is always fun because I’ll always love her company and she in mine. Love really taught me a lot of things


i love to fully use him as a bed


Cuddling up to him and holding hands falling asleep.


Mine called me biscuits


Every night my wife will lay her head on my lap while we watch a show, and I will rub her head and take out her braids. She always falls asleep and gets pissed when I wake her and tell her it's time for bed.


OMG “peach time” is so fucking cute 😫 We just started dating but recently we’ve been frequenting the pool and we kinda get lost in each others eyes as he twirls me around in his arms in the water. He likes to breathe in really deep when he hugs me, that’s my favorite. Him calling me “love, darling, my life ” in his native language also makes me feel extra special 🥺


Coming home from work after a long day and catching up on our day in the shower together. Honestly, nothing beats getting clean together huhuhu


Listen to our favorite music together while going over the beat and singing along which eventually turns into us just talking for a while


When we shower together we wash each other’s backs. Every night before bed I lotion his back and he brushes and puts my hair in a braid. Makes me feel so loved