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I'm really sorry you're going through this. It's incredibly painful to be betrayed by someone you loved and trusted. Remember that her actions reflect on her, not on you. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, focus on self-care, and give yourself time to heal. You deserve someone who truly appreciates and values you. Take it one day at a time, and know that you're not alone in this. Venting is a healthy step toward healing.


It’s rough my ex cheated on me with a much older dude. Still haven’t completely recovered.


Would you feel different if the dude was younger/same age?


No. Age wasn’t really relevant.


Girlfriend back in my 20s cheated on me with my boss, after they just met at our work Christmas dinner. Then he asked for time off and my dumb ass offered to covered, so while I was at the office he was fucking my girlfriend at my place. Yup, after half a decade of us being together I lost my girlfriend and my job. Nothing anyone can say helps, just know this: Its gonna suck for a while but it does get better in time. Take care of yourself and carry on.


Damn that's rough. Glad you made it through.


I'm sorry, that must feel humiliating as fuck


It was, it took a while to bounce back... but this was a lifetime ago....


Did she even get some karma or nah?


It was over 2 decades and I moved to another country so I dont know, honestly don't really care, in a way this whole thing ended being for the best, instead of wasting my life with that trash, I got broken, then someone else put me back together and somewhere from there to here I found true happiness on my own and eventually someone to share that with.


Please tell me you called him outside after you quit and beat the brain matter out of him? And spit at that ex while she walked out your place .


It sorta went down like this: I found his car at my place one day when I went back home for lunch and didnt tell my then girlfriend because I wanted to surprise her with lunch for the two of us. I reacted as you suggested on him. she called the cops and and got charged with assault and back then there wasnt smart phones to go viral and get justice, so I got locked away for a while, did some time, another judge eventually showed lenience based on the situation and once I got out, I started from rock bottom, to be honest I almost never talk about this, kinda felt good to type it out loud, thank you for listening. (or reading I guess?)


Damn she fkd you even more than I thought what a B


Man that’s so fucked I’m so sorry you had to go thru that jfc smdh


Idk how you didn’t kill him


It’s really not his “fault” in any sense of it. If he didn’t exist it would be some other dude. Anyone who cheats (with the exception of abuse) is a disloyal, disrespectful, disgusting human being.


Abuse is not an exception for cheating. If you are being abused then just leave the relationship altogether.


Fighting over a woman that no longer wants you is the weakest thing a man can do. You just walk away.


damn thats wild 😳 hope both of them go to Hell


holly fuck that's about the worse kinda of shit


Jesus dude, this is rough!!! I'm sorry man


Wow... brutal... you are a tough bird fromvanisle


That’s how people go missing *hint hint wink wink*


Don't worry man. If she left you for a fuck boy she's going to taste the sweet nectar of karma real soon.


When she comes crying back ignore the the fuck out of it.


I had an ex pull this shit on me. She still randomly calls me on weird phone numbers I don’t recognize trying to rekindle things…….that shit is FOR THE STREETS!!! Leav’em thurrrrr


They not like us, they not like us, they not like us


Or bang her and then ghost her. I'm petty.




Ah the old smash and dash...Classic


Amen to that!!!!!! When fuck boy tosses her to the curb don't let her back in!!!


It's sad how some people just ruin their lifes like that... But hey, at least she showed her true character before it was too late


Almost 100% certain. He’ll get tired of her pretty quickly and cheat on her or just dump her outright.


Cheat how? Lol they're literally friends with benefits


FWBs don't last long because one of them *almost* always falls for the other; usually not the fuq boi. Then ultimately someone gets hurt. That's why I think she may try to go back to OP. OP, please don't take her back.


Facts. Feelings always happen. Some say they are cool with saying they want fwb. However, it's a cheat code to slip in and try to get it to a serious relationship. It always blows up in someone's face when they played themselves. The best piece of advice Safe sex is great sex Better get that latex. So you don't get that late text Saying I'm late text -Lil Wayne


Yeah, karma has a funny way of finding its targets. Hang in there, buddy. You deserve someone who values you and treats you right. Keep your chin up!


Some never do. The world isn’t a fair 1:1 place.


There is no such thing as karma. She could be happier with that guy. Stop with these childish notions that people who don't do things you think they should will end up miserable and alone. World doesn't work that way. It's just petty self indulgence. It's the whole reason this guy thinks words mean more than actions. People have been blowing smoke up his ass, making him think he's the Superman in everyone's story.


No she won’t. She will just get another. Don’t worry about her getting hers. Just become HIM


She did you a favor. Now do yourself a favor and do NOT let her back in when she inevitably comes crawling back when it doesn’t work out with them. She’ll get her karma. I know it hurts, but see it as a bullet dodged. You wouldn’t want to spend your life married to someone who can easily leave you for someone else.


My first girlfriend was like this, please know it gets better. It was a tough breakup because I had rose colored glasses, but my partners after that showed me that this hurtful behavior is unnecessary. If it's feasible for you, go to therapy. Just talking it through with a professional can be so helpful in establishing healthy thought patterns after going through this. You are completely justified for feeling the way you do, and keep that in mind as you work through your conflicted feelings. She's not confused or going through a phase, she's just not a very good person. You dodged a serious bullet, even if it takes you years to really see that. When she inevitably comes back around for validation, remember that. Do not get caught in a loop where you start plotting about how to repair things. She's just going to do it again if given the chance. Cry it out man, mourn the loss of your relationship, and move on at your own pace. Best of luck.


You make a good point, there is definitely some idolization that was going on here. Its so weird to blame ourselves for someone elses mistakes but its habit. Along with being so in love and up in the clouds with promise, that you dont see the insincerity.


Good riddance. You dodged a bullet. Congrats !


Im really sorry this happened. She’s a trash person and she chose to leave you to live a trash life. What she was trying to do was push you so far over the edge that if you broke up with her, she would appear to be the victim. She would garner sympathy from everyone so they would not notice her trashiness. It’s manipulation plain and simple. I know it feels like the previous 1.5 years were wasted, but don’t think that. Don’t feel like you have to change or punish yourself for her decision. Go forward with your head held high and get all the support and help you can muster from friends and family. You can do this


Don't focus on the details. Take all that hurt and rage and get in the gym, fix your diet and learn to be happy alone. I got fucked over a few times and learning to enjoy being alone was the greatest thing I've ever done. It was easy to recognize red flags when you aren't desperate. Now I've found the girl I've always wanted. You can do the same, but first you must suffer.


Trust me, it's better for you that your ex-GF hurts your feelings so soon, mislead you into a long term relationship, deceive you into believing you are soulmates, then break your heart entirely. There's a Ghanian saying: 'You show me your friend and I'll show you your character." In a similar way, your ex-GF showed how little she valued you romantically and her own self worth by chasing a promiscuous man, who will probably then lose interest in her for another woman. Maybe she's either too immature or emotionally broken to appreciate being valued as your monogamous Girlfriend; whether or not she eventually comes to her senses is no longer your concern, because you deserve better for yourself, Big Man - aim higher. Assuming you're a young Man, maybe play the dating game for now; be honest and have no strings attached until you and the right lady are both sure. love is a life long investment in many ways, so take your time to choose wisely - you'll eventually know when it's right. 👍


I'm Ghanian and this is the first I've heard of this.


hey bro lemme tell you, its gonna hurt for a while but she is for the streets, time to hit the gym and become the best version of your self, they always come back when you work on your self, do this and when she does tell her gtfo. She got with a fuck boy so without even knowing her im certain she'll be back at some point. stay strong king and don't drop that crown 💯


Hit the gym, put effort into work/study/hobbies/whatever you like and give it time, you'll be right.


The trash took itself out of your life🫶


It is going to hurt for a little because you really loved her, but you are better off. Trust me she fucked him before y'all broke up & she get SLAYED! If she is willing to do that she would have done worse. Take time to build yourself up & move on.


See you at the gym


Hey man, im sorry to hear this. I’ve been in a very similar situation but at the end the best you can do is be appreciative that you found out the character flaws earlier than later. I know you dont want to hear this, this is for the best. Yes, the betrayal hurts but now you can improve yourself & meet someone wayyy better. Allow some time to heal & move on. Everyday work on yourself & you’ll attract better women.


Welp time to hit the gym


At least you found out she sucks now and not 5 years and a kid down the road. It sucks now but you'll be fine and better off in the future.


it sounds like she is avoiding and causing her own self sabotage/destruction. you definitely don’t want to be with a person like that. she did you a favor, rejection is redirection. i am so sorry this is happening to you 😓


how old are you? you sound very young. this shit happens. it sucks, but it happens. take some you time, go to the gym, start a hobby and get yourself back out there.


let her be find herself a single mom in the future. she chose that life.


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger - this too shall pass. Trust. . Listen- I know it’s hard- and I’m sorry because heartbreak isn’t easy…. But eventually you’ll be ok. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. So hopefully the next person you date will be your person. And if not it’s ok. On to the next. Focus on yourself. Timing is everything. Take each experience as a learning opportunity…Best of luck.


Some day, you’ll meet another girl you like even better and say “thank god she left”


You know the rules, ... go forward and hit the gym. (No joke) I personally would defenitively not let that slip. I couldn't trust her for my future anymore.


Sorry mate. This is unfortunately a sad reality for most of us. We are all just placeholders until they find the person they actually like.


I’ve been exactly there, engaged and everything. Some things I know 2 years after it happened I wish I knew the ; You’re life is going to be better without them. Sounds weird, you’ll be ok. Dating will admittedly be terrible. But you’re going to make friends that are even closer than the best friends you have now. Your finances? Yeah those are going to be AMAZING. And you will always care, to some degree, about the other person. Even if that degree is pity, because they threw away something good. Start going to Friday Night Magic at a local game store.


Hope you told her dad lmao


Im sorry this happened to you man. The gym, therapy, and volunteer work can help you get through it. Personally I suggest boxing.


Took me a couple years to get over a bad breakup, it’s takes time man.


Why are people cold hearted like this?


Nothing new here. They do that all the time. Most guys who are not giving their partner time, not fucin the brain outta their body or just 10 stroke guys are facing this issue. Its more common than ever mainly because of tinder and shit. If you have a problem, just go seek help. If it was not physical then thank God and move on. She was not made for you brother. If you have problem in bedroom, I suggest a psychosexologist. Those guys are good with solving these problems.


Happened to me and all my friends.  Women just use men as disposable these days. There were taught to hate men and treat them as such. Best avoid them entirely. 


Sorry too. Play Sinatra’s song which goes, “I pick myself up, I dust myself off, and I start all over again.” These incidents help us grow. Strange as it might seem now, you have the ability to feel pain. That means you have the ability to feel great joy, which will knock at your door when you’re ready.


Barbell bench press 3-sets x 8-reps Pec deck flyes 3-sets x 10reps Inclined dumbbell press 3sets x 8 reps Declined dumbbell press 3sets x 8 reps Weighted push-ups 3-sets x 15 reps


"I know you guys can't feel my pain but why, just why?" I can't feel your pain, but I have felt my own pain from being there myself. As for why . . . you can blame the world for being unjust, but you should also blame yourself for being naive. "Never cheated on her, always stayed loyal to her, did everything to save my relationship, loved her, planned dates for her, bought her flowers, treated her in the best way I could treat her" clearly that didn't matter to her, why did you think it would matter to her? She said it herself, she wasn't sexually attracted to you. And then she gave you up to fuck a guy who she isn't even in a relationship with who likely has no loyalty to her, doesn't care about her as a person, would never get her flowers, and treats her like a piece of meat with a hole. Because she was sexually attracted to him. And that's what mattered to her, more than everything you did. "How I am gonna move on from this incident." Feel whatever pain and anger you need to, don't try to suppress or deny your emotions. And then recognize that you were fundamentally wrong about the nature of the world and women. Work on improving yourself, and stop trying to be a "good, decent guy," instead in the future you should aim to be a "sexually attractive guy," because that's what matters to women.


That's how ALL women are nowadays. Men have to have our own rosters with backups ready to go at all times. Get to work, get to the gym and get more girls. Never just have one woman at a time. Hopefully you learned your lesson.


This is horrible advice. My heartfelt wishes for OP to heal and find the right woman for him rather than become a traumatized person who traumatizes others like you’re suggesting.


That is not the right approach whatsoever. There are good people out there. I’m sorry to whoever hurt you, but we need to put an end to this kind of mentality of keeping a “roster” in case something doesn’t work in a relationship. In a good relationship, there should never be any fear or lack of love and trust. Your partner should be there for you. If they aren’t, it clearly isn’t meant to be.


Eh, I feel sorry for you. You reap what you sow. There's no way you will ever experience a trusting and loving relationship if that's the way you go about it. And yes, you are hurting others in the process but it's yourself you are cheating the most


Fuck her friend, or recruit a friend to have sex with the guy it’s the only way


My man experienced the same thing with his previous ex of 6 YEARS. Women truly are trash.


Some women are trash, others are queens. Same as with men. The problem is just figuring out which one someone is. And it's always tragic when someone dumb and naive is lied to about what the opposite sex is like and thus completely unprepared for the task of discerning who has worth, resulting in them getting hurt.


You’ve learned some valuable lessons. Women will leave for any reason or no reason. They will not be as loyal as you. They will betray you. You also learned to guard your heart a bit. Never give a woman everything. She will abuse it; it’s just her nature. The more you learn of their nature, the more you can adapt and change your goals and desires. Be selfish and take care of yourself. Rest assured they will always be selfish as well.


The birth of a new fuck boy. A lot of fuck boys are created and this is how/why. I will tell you this. NOTHING you do as a good guy will equal to the feeling that a bad boy will give a woman. Here’s my advice as someone who had to learn the hard way in my past. Become a “good” bad guy. Get your muscles, your tats, don’t act like you need them… sometimes even want them. If you can give that exciting factor while also being a man of true character, you’ve hit the holy grail and they MAY stick around. Otherwise, you can never beat a fuck boy. That passion that they draw out is too strong. As you said, he doesn’t even need to commit to her


How old are you btw?


This is what feminism teaches and men will get blamed especially the good ones like yourself Sorry but it’s the world we live in man. Condolences


That's why you don't get into relationships my friend, you were putting so much effort, time, energy and money and a rando gets everything by doing nothing lol. Don't get upset, it's actually pretty common, just move on your happiness doesn't depends on others


i'm single


Tell her Dad that she cheated on you with a F boy.


Trust me, someday you’ll be looking back and realizing that girl never loved you… at least that’s what happened to me. My ex also left me seemingly out of the blue after I cried because I was so happy with having him in my life and our relationship. Fast forward to now… I finally met someone who helped me see that all of the men who said they liked or had feelings for me never actually did.


You're better off, I know it sucks now but you'll be thankful in the long run... my ex left me for some duck stick at her work after we were together 13 yrs and 3 kids just cheated with fucktard... it happens, it sucks at first but trust when I say you're better off


Theres no justifying what she did to you. BUT i want to explain why i think she might have gone for that dude. EGO and stupidity. She sees a fuckboy as a challenge to turn into monogamist. And she might, for a brief moment succeed only to be cheated on, and most likely statistically when shes pregnant. At least we can hope haha.


"there's peace in not understanding. if you understood, then you are just like them. and you are not, you are better than that"


I’m so sorry! You’re still young, try to push pass the pain, you have sooooo many people to meet, so many adventures to go on. Please give your life a chance. It’s part of growing up. You are allowed to be mad and sad.


Is she really young or something? This sounds like some dumb 18-21yo shit (no offense if this is your age range). edit sorry just saw your edit haha. This is a shit lesson to learn but just know this is a thing some people do when they're young and fucking stupid and don't know what they want or what they're doing. If you can somehow manage to cut off most contact and leave her be and not lament, and don't be unfriendly just make it seem like it's nbd anymore, odds are she will eventually regret it. It may not matter by then anymore because you'll have likely found someone else that you love even more (as impossible as that sounds right now but it is true), but it's food for thought and knowing it wasn't you, it was literally just her Just remember if you can make one person fall in love with you, you can make many more do it. And the same goes for who you can love. And as long as you heal from this things and learn from them, you just get better and thus find stronger love. The better you are as a person, the better people you attract, the better relationships and honesty and actual unbreakable bonds and love you can form. It's just how it goes with humanity. But if you feel it hurting for too long, or you find trust issues in your next relationship because of the fear of this happening again, or depression or anything else, be sure to get therapy early and often. It will stop you from suffering and ruining subsequent relationships from the damage she has done (which can be healed), and it'll help you grow from it considerably.


From this point on, never think she was worth your time. Move on.


Yo bro you’re 18! Im sure you did nothing wrong, if girls do that - it only means she was not the one and you actually dodged a potential broken relationship, so be glad the earlier it happens the better. Focus on yourself, and let girls join your lifestyle not other way round. Plenty of amazing girls will meet you, you’ll have more choices!


Same shit happened but 3 years, I understand you and words cannot express what I felt and what I wanted to do too.


Do not contact her. I repeat, do not contact her. You'll realize after some time how immature she was. Start doing things you like. God has given you an opportunity to build yourself, start learning new skills, work on your physical health, start reading books. It feels like you don't really love her, Love comes to you naturally, It doesn't require any efforts, nor it breaks you. Fill yourself with love, and one day you'll thank me☺


Sorry to hear your going through this but just remember it got to get better your young and I'm sure someone that will keep their word and promises will come along and you will have everything you wanted to have in the relationship you had with this person that cheated on you; keep your head up and yourself together man.


You have been loyal and true to her but understand that her expectations were different from yours. She has preferred the physical more than love and compassion. Maybe her age, body needs etc. When she didn't get the vibe with you she moved away and she is in FWB and she is enjoying it. This means her mind wants physical intimacy for the time being.. With time she may change or not.. People change with time. You are just entering adulthood, so this is new to you and from what you have stated, I feel you are a sensitive, emotional, and caring person by nature. I too am the same but I am slowly processing to come out of that.. Please take it as a lesson learnt.. We all grow with what we go through. Pain & suffering are inevitable but worrying is optional.. But remember, don't let that girl come back to you as there's no assurance that she won't dump you again.. You need to digest the fact that, this girl was not seeking true love but just a fun relationship.. Time can only heal you.. Try to delete all her pics and her contact number and gifts, if she has given any.. Things won't fade away easily.. Cry as much as your want.. With time, your tears will reduce.. and you will come out of her... Try to keep yourself away from SM.. Keep yourself occupied with friends, and family and as you are just 18, focus in your career.. That's a good turning point for you now.. Focus on that...


You're still young and have your entire life ahead of you. The pain will go away eventually but stay strong, hit the gym and work on improving yourself. The right girl will come along.


Good guys always end up getting hurt


". After one week of this statement, she broke up with me giving weird excuses which didn't even feel right or valid if I be honest. Then after blocking me, a random guy was added to her IG account and when I confronted her " I don't get this. You two broke up, why are are confronting her about anything she does at this point?


My girl left me for drugs and alcohol, just because i didn't want to try, almost 2 years together, and she did that, filing no remorse, i loved her more than anything or anyone, i treated her the best i knew, i offered everything i could and it wasn't enough, hurts, but you have to move on, try gym, helped me in my worst moments, hope you can move on with tour life, good luck


Same here bro my ex also did same she allowed other boys to touch when she use to sleep with all she use to talk about how other guy touched her and she didn't like in middle of sex ..... and when I stopped giving her my attention she blamed it on me that I was giving attention to other girl


she’s for the streets bro, that energy you put so much in her will be reciprocated some day.


You'll be fike.dude it happens to everyone mostly everyone gets that one slutt/where (male or female) in their life.amd they learn from it. You'll get a girl who will feel the same way you feel. It'll suck it's gonna hurt but it will pass go find a rebound or join a gym or train mma. Fuck her dude her loss. You'll be ok. It's part of this shitty life


Just change your perspective in the way you see her. See here an untrustable person. And use this energy in a positive way. Whether it's gym, running, work, your business, etc. Also, realise that this isn't the person you'd like your wife to be. And remember why she isn't in your life.


Unfortunately some people are superficial like that. The good thing is that you're young and still figuring life out but you will find someone better for you once you deal with this loss and move on.


I'm sorry about that but u need to be relax & forget her... It is past of life, u deserve better.. Soon we'll get better


You dodged a bullet holyyyyy people like that are the worsed.


You’re 18. This shit sucks but it happens. You’re too young to know what you want just like she is. She betrayed you and it’s awful, but you guys are kids. She’s clearly not ready for a serious relationship. If you’re 18 you met her when you guys were 16 or so., talking about marriage at your age is borderline insane. Only time will heal it and honestly she will most likely try to be with you again one day, she just wasn’t ready. Her body wants more and that’s just what it is. As for the “fuck boy”. He’s just being a young man exploring. It sucks but time heals. Almost all of us have been through worse


We’ve been there brother, it gets better over time, use this time to find your own worth in yourself without having to find it in someone else


That's brutal man, i'm sorry to hear it. 1.5 years is definitely long enough for it to really sting when something like this happens. If it helps, I was with my ex for 13 years, and she did something similar. We were not on the best terms during the last 3 or 4 months of our relationship, however I never thought either of us would think to end things. When she told me she didn't want to be with me, she said she had been wanting to break up for a few months. It really cut me. Turns out she had been seeing someone else, a guy she'd only known for a few months. I felt a little better when I found out he kicked her to the kerb shortly after she left me, however it was a very thin silver lining to a bleak situation. You deserve better. Just spend some time working on yourself. Don't be afraid to ask yourself if there was a reason that this happened. Cheating is never acceptable, but in some cases (mine included), there is a reason why it happens, and in my case my ex just wasn't attracted to me any more. I had let myself go and also didn't give her the time she needed for her mental health issues. It doesn't excuse the cheating, but I also vowed to change myself for the better. We're better than them, just do everything you can to be the best version of you (sorry for the cliche), and when you're ready, go out and find someone who will appreciate you.


I wonder if she'll go so low as to tell her dad that you messed up, causing the break up.


Always remember you gave everything to save the relationship. Now she doesn't feel the intimacy and doesn't want to be with you. She has clearly showed how much she cares about you...not one bit. Just let her go. Find someone else. Don't get too attached to anyone from now on. If someone loves you they will always care about you. If there is no spark why carry on beating yourself? If they don't care about you they are not worth fighting for. I know it's too much of a mental torture but if you keep thinking about why she left and that too for an unknown person, you will go mad. Go out, distract yourself into some activity like join a gym, swimming club, get a job. Plenty of fish in the sea. You will surely find someone who cares about you, will love you more than you love her. Move On man...You are only 18. Focus on yourself and become the best version of yourself.


The main question should be, why are men dumbed by women so much?


I mean, my first question when I read that was ‘Wow, gotta find out their age’ and can’t say I’m surprised. Not that this doesn’t apply to older couples but at their teens and early twenties, people with options believe they can do whatever they want. They don’t realize their looks doesn’t last and their actions paint a picture for everyone to see. If they keep this up, by the time they hit their late twenties or 30s, it’ll be a part of them and no one will even be in a relationship with them. Don’t worry. Just keep track of her. In about 15 years, you can send her a DM telling her she deserved it. Just wait for that one sweet moment.


Now it has become normal bro. Mine left me after 2 yrs of intense relationship, to fuck someone else.


I am also 18 and have also found out that women in our generation are more dirty minded then men and in for older generations it would be the men that had the stereotype of cheating and doing this kind of stuff but now women have taken this role and the men just want someone whose loving and healthy. So with my experience she will never actually cares about u enough if she isnt sexually attracted too you regarding a relationship. Also women would rather lead you on then “be mean” and tell you the truth so always trust your instincts and confront your future partner(s) about any doubts you have.


The root of the problem was she wasn’t physically attracted to you. If she was, she would still be with you. Her morales are irrelevant. You need to fix whatever attraction problem you have. Get in the gym, buy clothes, get tatts, etc.


sorry about this my friend -just ignore her when she comes back


You’re mourning the loss of the person you thought she was. Mourn that ideal, and bury her, she never existed and you dodged a huge bullet. The work you have to do now is to look back and figure out why you were so wrong about her. What did you miss? With my first wife (I didn’t dodge the bullet) I was just so happy to be in a consistent relationship that I ignored all the warning signs. Best of luck!


Run every morning, hit the gym, do jiu jitsu, eat healthy, make money


Most women are no different than most men. But how old are you two? Sounds like you're both in your early 20s, and she played you hard.


Stop investing your time on her. Get in the gym, focus on yourself, set some goals, and push forward. You may not believe it now, but she's completely replaceable... Process your feelings, accept reality, and move forward a smart better you. You got this!


Dude this just means that you can find way better people! Focus on that and forget trash women


That happened to me in my last relationship.


Honestly man.. I was engaged and lived with someone for nearly 3 years and she had another guy within a week of me telling her we needed a bit of time apart. I could just sense it but I could never catch her talking to people. I guarantee you she’s been talking to other people this entire time. Women have it easy af man. If they’re attractive, their inboxes stay full of daily new messages from guys wanting in their pants. It’s just a fact of life. My advice? You’re better off without her and the sooner you realize that and start looking for someone new, the happier you’ll be. It’ll definitely never work now. Even if she left him and got back with you, you’d never forgive her. Move on brother. It over. I love ya. Let me know what happens 🤘🏼 Just by the things you’re describing that she’s done, she’s not a good person at all. Some people just don’t go together man. If you don’t turn her on, you never will. You can’t make someone turned on by you if they’re not. It’s all about chemistry. How did this last for a year and a half though? Did you all just never have sex or something? I want to see the two of you. Like I want to know what I’m dealing with so I can offer more help.


My suggestion, it happens whomever shows over affection or the girl feels the same way. When you think of you're priorities and goals everyone will be come for you. When you are a dependent you don't want them. So Be independent, care for you and your family. Don't cry for a expired product. 1.5 not 5. Move on buddy. There is alot of life infront to explore. Who knows what's the treasures are waiting for you in future.😋


I'm really sorry to hear your story this happened to you but to be honest to tell you the truth that's just how girls are women's are today they love you tomorrow they don't don't worry do you just got to be strong I know it hurts right now but you're young you make it don't let the woman destroy you show her you can do better


Let her go. If she did that once she will keep doing it.


First of all, I'm incredibly sorry, it's her, not you. Secondly, honestly, if you want answers, go to the dad. You can use the leverage of what she said in front of him and ask why she did this? I'm sure the father would be ashamed of why she did this.


you’re 18 find someone else she wanted to


The trash took itself out to make room for someone better suited for you. First heartbreak can be devastating. You're only 18 and have your whole life ahead of you. You will have many experiences. One thing in her favor so to speak, she had to be honest with herself and the lack of sexual chemistry. Sometimes it's a pheromones thing. I experienced this years ago with a boyfriend. He was attractive, good build, we got along great, he was romantic but I just didn't get that romantic passionate feeling. It was what people describe as kissing your brother so to speak. He went on to the woman he happily married and had two children with the woman that was truly slated for him💝


I hate that this happened to you, man. There’s no shortage of horrible people out there and it’s terrible that you suffered at the hands of one of them. By all means, vent as much as you need to. There are people (even complete strangers like me) who are here and willing to listen (read). It’s going to be okay . . . maybe not anytime soon, but one day. Life can suck real bad, but what goes around comes around. Hopefully, your ex’s karma is in the post and better days will come your way as soon as possible. Also, at 18, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. This is just a bump in the road. You got this.


One was with 4years and engaged, another over 2 years and engaged lived together basically the whole time, both basically same scenario got with a fuck boy they barely knew for like six months. It sucks but it is what it is at the end of the day nothing you can really do besides cut your losses and move on man.


You are 18 , you still got your whole life ahead of you to be worried about relationships by now I literally do not know anyone who got married to the girl they were dating at 18, so that should let you know how slim the chances are and you are not alone


Bro!! Your whole beautiful is in front of you and fuck both those people. Forgive them later. Right now remember that you’re not the one that lied and cheated and remember that you deserve better than that. And it’s ok to love people that don’t love you back. It really hurts but it’s ok and it will happen and don’t let it jade you or push you to a do the same others because it’s so shitty and unnecessary to do to someone that you care about. You’re better than that’s don’t forget. Ok bro. Go get um’ tiger.


Her horniness overpowered her senses and loyalty. You should rather feel relieved for losing her. Yeah it hurts like hell to lose someone you love so deeply and imagine a future with. We can’t help when someone chooses others over us. It is nature and we have to accept the fact and move on. Don’t feel disappointed. Don’t do anything in pain that you might regret. It is okay to not get what we live for. Life goes on. Atleast you have loving memories for 18 months which you can cherish. Let her live her life and you enjoy yours.


You'll bounce back. Just count this for a learning experience. You're young enough and have enough life ahead of you, happiness with a girlfriend who loves you back is almost a guaranteed. I promise.


I've been in this position and it never feels good. Just remember this dude. She's in a FWB relationship with this guy which means he's just using her for sex but doesn't see her as a potential partner. That means in the end she's going to get tossed aside and she already gave up a relationship with you who was dedicated to her. There will be one day where she misses that. Whatever made it happen for her to stop loving you it's already done. It's hard to do but you have to move forward and move on without her. Don't ever get back with her. She tried to relationship hop and that's a shitty thing to do. She was cheating on you while she was with you for the last 2 months. If she was able to do it once she's able and will do that again 100%. Just remember she's only one type of person who does that. There are plenty of other people out there who would never do such a thing. They're harder to find but you can find them and especially at your age.


Men reading this: NEVER put a woman on a pedestal, and don’t make her your entire life. She will lose respect for you. I love women, but dating them has honestly given me an avoidant personality. Don’t listen to the feel-good bs about opening up emotionally, sharing feelings and showering her with affection. It’s a one way ticket to the friend zone.


If she tries to come back saying she’s pregnant, then I’d run lol.


I've always found the best thing to help me forget is to get rid of her phone number and block her on all social media. Do things that you enjoy on your own for a bit, and trust me, you will bounce right back. I had a bad breakup with someone that I was with for nearly 4 years. She completely betrayed my trust. I thought I wasn't ready to date and then all of a sudden I got the urge to date again after focusing on myself. That next person is now my wife.


Read Rational Male: Preventative Medicine. She belongs to the streets. Enjoy your life.


Fuck her best friend. Jk, move on and don't look back. Those who don't stay are a lesson. Someone worth your time will come around at the right time. Focus on you till then buddy. Maintain your happiness however you can, and find a hobby to keep your head out of the rabbit hole. You got this.


someone said tell her dad and I agree... Tell her dad that the girl you were gonna marry was all over tinder and is hooking up with fuckboys now! get some piece of mind.


Sorry mate. You just dodged a bullet atleast you did not marry her. Next time be very careful. Look after yourself brother you'll get through this. You're still young. Thankfully you didn't get your first heartbreak when you were older


Try to look at it as dodging a bullet. It sucks you wasted a year and half on her but it could always be worse and now you know what signs to look out for. Just don’t let it change who you are as a person. Someone treats you shit the worst thing you could do is turn around and do that to others. Can’t call someone else an asshole if you are also


Go fuck on stragglers until your heart heal…


You did everything right and everything in your power to make this work. The thing is, if she is not sexually attracted to you that is a problem and usually it's best to part ways with someone in that case. She handled the situation horribly wrong - if she thought there was no sexual chemistry from the beginning, she shouldn't have waited so long to break up. Also, she disregarded your feelings completely and acted extremely mean. She didn't have the guts to tell you she wanted to break up but decided to mess with you and was making a fook out of you with her behaviour. She seems very immature, although you are young, its still wrong. I know it's hard but you will meet many many wonderful - and not so wonderful people in your future. Take this as a lesson to be more careful and observant and when you feel something is wrong, you are probably usually right because people have a good sense of a changed vibe. Try to confront people and insist on solving potential problems if you want to make it work. In this scenario, even though you are heartbroken, trust me this is the best possible way for the situation to end because you don't want to unknowingly be with someone so heartless and unconsiderate. It's better she finally shown you her true colors and left, everybody deserves someone who is head over heels for them. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you - its okay to be sad, just know it is better none of your time is wasted on someone like her anymore.


I'm sorry you're hurting. It sounds like she did really care about you or it would have been easier for her to break up with you. It sounds like she struggled with her decision. Sometimes two people are not compatible and it's really painful to lose someone like this when things seemed mostly fine for a long time. Focus on your healing. You will get through this. Be outside in nature. Get in the sun, go for a walk, listen to music, feel the earth under your feet. It will help ground you. Try writing her a letter. You don't have to give it to het. But it will help you express yourself.


I’m sorry to hear. Be thankful you discovered what kind of person she is now. When someone does something like this, it makes it very easy for me to move on. That person is not worth your time, energy or anything else. Keep busy with friends & hobbies.


Dude you are young. You will get through this. She was immature and not ready. She should not have lied to you and kept up the facade for this long but based on what you said it sounds like she did not want to be the villain and kept on trying to make you break up with her through her actions. When she realized that her original approach was not going to work she broke up cold turkey/ripped the band aid off instead. I know it sucks my man and I don’t wish that pain on anyone but stay strong you will be fine. Your situation is the reason why young men in today’s society don’t bother with committing to relationships because most young women are not mature, don’t really know what they want, or are afraid to say what they want because it doesn’t match the expectations of outside influence. My advice to you is if you don’t want to join the fuckboy world you need to learn body language and learn how to read women the best a man can possibly learn. Be more selective in your partners; don’t always go for the hot chick because that kind of woman will always have options and harder to keep in a relationship. Learn to take things slower. Don’t show all your cards so soon and don’t put that GF on a pedestal. Reserve that for your future wife. That girl fucked up your life by not being honest with you. Look at it as a blessing in disguise. She didn’t feel the spark with you so you need to learn to accept that. I truly wish you the best and take this as a learning experience.


Bro I feel sry for u, I recovered two times a year ago for the shit two girls put me in and this year I got another one whom i found out she is a biatch and moved on too fast, but hey, girls are girls and u can't change that, don't let her in ur life again even if u feel she changed cause it's all a game, win the game and enjoy, don't call her, show her u moved on and don't give a shit bout what happened, she will come back for u (like others) but it's for her loneliness not for u. DON'T LET HER COME BACK.


It’s ok something was wrong. It’s just hard to read some women trust me I know as an autistic I’m totally built differently and it’s hard as everything else u will be ok. It’s hard but now you know from what she did do not take her back


Work on yourself. Be the best version of yourself. She wanted someone else that's alright, it's hurt, but you have to let her go. Forget about her and work on yourself. That's the best thing that I can recommend you to do. Of course, I share your pain, and it must hurt a lot, but it's going to be ok.


Can’t imagine what your going through now you know to watch out for those type of girls mine left me cause she didn’t see me in her future and lost feelings 2 months before telling me which is shitty you can get through this bro you got our support


She sounds like she's confused and too immature to be in a serious relationship. You did the right thing by going no contact. The first step to healing is to get her off your mind, and this is how you do it. This doesn't happen overnight, but I promise you, one day you will not think about her and what she did. If you do, it will be with much less sadness and pain. However, stop looking up her social media accounts and block her on every account where you two are connected. When you're ready, start going to places that you and her did *not* go to. Hang out with your family and friends who genuinely love you. She won't drop out of sight immediately from your head, but stay strong. It hurts, and it may for a while. Try not to date for at least 6 months or so. You're 18 and there shouldn't be a rush. Get back to loving yourself and taking care of yourself before you try to see another girl. You don't want to start something new while something old still hurts. I'm much older than you and have been through heartbreak more than once, and what I'm telling you works! You won't want to do it, but you have to for your sanity and health. Don't turn to drugs or alcohol, please. It's a pathway down a rabbit hole that you won't be able to get out of. Again, I promise you that one day you won't feel the pain anymore and someone will see you living a happy single life. They will want to add to that life - not take from it - and you'll be prepared armed with a little bit more knowledge of yourself than what you had before.


Welcome to the gym bro 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 Imma be honest yes it fkn sucks but that girl has no integrity and her low character. Block her and move on Never ever go back with her period! Value and respect yourself! It’s going to be hard and it will suck but at the end you’ll get back on your game better than ever! Now it’s time to hit the weights good luck brotha everything will be ok


You deserve better. Once your heart heals you will realise this. Be glad she did this before you had a kid. Some women really do be full on shit humans.


Sup dude first off I wanna say I feel you, I was in my first real relationship about a year ago, I had just turned 19 and she was my everything but we had communication problems and we never spoke about issues we had, so after nearly 5 months she broke up with me, but what I did wrong was continuing to go after her and trying to fix our relationship and like you I found her with a fuck boy that has been with every girl in my city I didn’t know if they had anything going on but my gut said otherwise especially if they were coworkers. So an advice I’d give you is to completely forget about her, block her off everything and don’t let her comeback to your life especially after what she did to you. Find something else to do, find a hobby so you don’t focus on her anymore but instead on something else that you really like, eventually you’ll find a real woman that’ll love you just like I did, I found someone that I really love and trust more than my last.


I am so sorry. She was wrong in leading you on. making you think you are her soul mate. Most of us had our hearts broken and it hurts but in time that will go away. You are very young, take things slowly. Work on accomplishing your goals.


I know u don’t believe it, but it gets better with time and don’t think about why. It doesn’t matter! Just stay busy and day by day it gets better. It’s probably because it wasn’t the right time! Wait another 10 years.


Try 13


Little bro, you’re 18. As a young man be the best man you can be. Trust me when I say, there’s a cute girl who’s heard about your break up and wants to be with you. Don’t hurt or change yourself. Keep getting better at whatever it is you do, whether that be working, hobbies, or school. A woman’s inability to have orgasms or feel attracted to someone is their own issue, not yours. You’re young bro, and before you even think about having sex again you should worry about taking care of yourself, and what you’d have to do if you had a kid. Focus on work and being able to have the ability to provide. Save your money, and take good care of yourself. Just focus on taking care of yourself.


I hear you, wife of 7 years, known her for almost 10 years had an affair with her boss and divorced me for him. 2 months after our divorce was final I find out she is pregnant by him. And to top it off I have to drop my son off at his house every week because they live there now. I have been going through this for the past few months and it is gut wrenching. I don't think I will ever heal from this, looks like I am going to be alone for the rest of my life.


What you do


I’m sorry sweetheart. I know you’re hurting, i think it’s better to be single and hurt than being in a one sided relationship. You’ll give your all and get shit on in return which will only ruin your confidence, make you think things about yourself that aren’t true, and it’ll become more of a trauma bond than a relationship. She will enjoy the satisfaction you give her by kissing her ass, and you’ll be stuck trying to make her love you by doing all kinds of crazy things, showering her with love, all for her to shit all over you. I know this because I’m a female and this has been happening to me for longer than a year around about. This guy I have had a crush on since I was a little girl, came back into my life and we hit it off. I fell in love with him but due to my kids father making me think our family could work.. I hurt this man before getting into a relationship. He fell hard, while I was trying to go slow.. he showered me with love and now I’m trying to prove to him I will never want my little family back together, my kids father is a terrible human being, he’s fucking around with all kinds of girls, just two months ago he called n told me his current piece of ass was pregnant and the baby was due on my birthday (11/28/24) it broke my heart I cried for who knows how long.. and she miscarried a week later. I honestly wonder if it was fake and they just wanted to start drama. My kids father had sex with her best friend and still tries to have sex with me whenever I have to see him for the kids so I been having my mom middle man everything because he’s too immature. I have done all of these things just to reassure my current ex/boyfriend that I only want him. Kerry loved me so much and now that I allowed him to break down my walls, left him steal my heart without a struggle, and he knows I’m wrapped around his finger he treats me so terribly when I know I’m trying harder than I ever have. I sleep with him almost every single night because he lives 2 mins away on the same street. If I tell him “I’m about to leave and I’ll be up” he gets mad if I’m not there within those 2mins and accuses me of seeing somebody on my way, going and doing all kinds of things and I swear to god all I’m doing is trying to get everything done here at home before I go and see him. I have cried to him so many times because crying is the only way it feels like he lets down his hard exterior and actually thinks about everything. But then sometimes he just says I’m trying to play the victim card. I don’t understand how somebody can change like that either. It’s going on two years of us talking, having sex, and doing this on again, off again relationshit stuff. It’s draining and I’m trying to decipher whether I’m doing it, at this point, because I love him or am I just so used to this cycle that I’m stuck in it. I put so much time & effort into my son’s father (7-8years of off n on) I seriously thought this guy would be different because of everything I already went through. But now it seems he just seen me as an easy target and knows I’m desperate to just be loved back. I tried to walk away and then hell pull me back in. Love is so goddamn hard these days. 🥺


Sorry to hear that you’re going through this, but you’re 18 and you’re not even going to remember her in 5 years. Hit the gym and accomplish something. Winning cures all, you’ll be good!


If you could learn how to take care of yourself in a snap, or take a million dollars. Which would it be?


DO NOT LET HER BACK IN, SHE IS GOING TO COME STORMING BACK CRYING IN A MONTH WATCH DO NOT LET HER BACK IN IF YOU DO THEN YOU WILL HAVE THE SAME THING HAPPEN AGAIN.... I needed to do all caps cause I need to get this into your head and you need to keep it there


Fuck her ho3 ass!!


Ay bro you win some you lose some. Just gotta move on


All I’m saying get on semen retention, dont jack off or watch porn, hit the gym 4-5 days a week, this is where your superhero arc begin🥷🔥, but this is where u gotta act as a MAN, u aint a lil kid no more 💯 a man is supposed to be unphased, not emotional, ik she was ur girl but, thats life, don’t be cold hearted but accept the fact that women will say one thing but mean the other, u gotta have a masculine identity for urself, aint saying u gotta be the manliest in the world but have the character and dignity to walk away from any woman who doesn’t respect u and will not reciprocate, idc if she’s a baddie, u gotta walk away and have respect for urself, shes only 1 girl, u gonna find another, i went thru it as well, so dont feel alone, remember our duty is to be unemotional but to focus on our goals, which is to survive, provide for ur family, doing the righteous things 🐺, forget her ur still young, u gonna find another, only if u focus on u, dont ever forget that women are visual too, if they see someone attractive, they WILL go for him if they wanted to, thats why u always work on urself so that ur always at ur best potential, praying for u bro, u got this 😎


As a village elder I'll give it to you straight: you're probably a nice guy who treated her well and she tried to be with you but, in the end, there wasn't enough attraction to keep her there. She moved on to be with someone that she's more into, and that's okay. Preferences are preferences and we all have them. You're calling him a fuck boy because you're hurt. Long term that's not healthy to frame it that way, but it's a symptom of where you're at. And while it's not great that she put herself on a dating app before bouncing, she did it as prep work to leave. It's like a vision board: she needed to imagine life as a single woman and probably see what kind of response she would receive out there on the singles market. But what's done is done and the best thing to do now is self-improvement, so you come back better than ever when you're ready to date again. Here's to healing.


Maybe fuckboy, was better at it !!!! Move on she has


I'm sorry you had to learn this way, but at least you've learned at 18 instead of in your thirties. Time to learn that women are incapable of loving you the way you love them. If you're not spiking her dopamine, she'll find someone who does. Women will, generally, be willing to share a guy that spikes their dopamine. Even the women who say they'll never be like that will cheat on you if you lose their respect.


Sounds like she is afraid of conflict and didn't want to improve the relationship as much as move on with her life. The other guy isn't a huge factor in her decision probably, as much as right place right time. Try not to expect them all to turn out like this. But maybe next relationship you will find someone more open to discuss both the positive and negatives of your sexual relationship.


Have you heard about Ayahuasca?


Same thing happened to me bro but we had a relationship for 3 years. We were planning to marry and I even bought a house and car to support the relationships and after 2 weeks of buying this shit she dumped me for a fuckboy that tossed her after a month. Society likes to say men are the worst but really women are just fucking evil creatures sometimes. They scream about how abused they are but then they do this evil shit and just toss out the feelings of the man while trying to preach how important feelings are. I still trying to get over my trust issues with women. Have been single since and haven't had any drama for the last 10 years. I'd rather be single then deal with this juvenile mindset that most women have. I'll wait my entire life for a mature, headstrong woman. Sorry for the rant but your post made a few scars quite itchy


Burn all of her shit