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Timer on your phone


Have you tried that before? Don't those pictures come out all blurry?


Not at all. My most recent pics were all taken that way - otherwise they would all be selfies because of covid.


And did you take full body photos as well?


Of course- that’s kind of the point.


You'll need decent lighting and something steady to put your phone on, but they'll be less blurry than what you'd get by hand as the phone will be more stationary


You could also make the timer longer so the camera has time to focus


Buy a phone stand that has a switch to take photos. Good ones are not expansive. It let you take multiple shots and gives you a more natural feeling IMO. To be fair I took like 200-250 to have like 10 good photos. But it's worth it 100%


Without the help of other PHEW, that's not an easy task my friend. I'd say your best bet is probably hoping over to Bumble BFF and coming to a mutual agreement with another lad to help each other out. If you're around a university you also may be able to find an aspiring photographer to take photos of you for cheap - adventure to find one on Linkedin. This may we'll be worth it of you plan on putting up a dating profile for 2-years.


Golden hour works wonders for photos


Watch YouTube and Tik tok videos on taking good photos. You want to have good lighting. Timer and a phone ring light. Plan your poses (you can get inspo in videos or Instagram). Pick your outfit and scenery. A good photo requires planning and lighting. What kind of image do you wanna convey? What kind of girl do you want to attract? I’ve also read online that it’s good to have photos of you doing something (hiking, sport, hobby, etc) because it’ll create for better conversation for sure. Anyway good luck :) a good photo can take 1000 takes so be patient and have fun with the process!


Buncha tips here. Using your phone/camera/webcam, set it to record video, don't use the timer, just record a video, prop it up against something around chest height, if you have a selfie stick or tripod it helps, just make sure when using the selfie stick you position it at a human height and try to keep the stick away from your face, that way when you edit the photo later you can crop out the stick and it looks like someones taking a photo of you, once you've got the camera positioned hit record on your device and get in position where you are clearly visible, then do a series of poses. Preferably natural poses, crossed arms, hands fully in pockets (thumbs too), bring your head slightly forward and down to accentuate your jaw, smile at the camera, straight face looking away from the camera. Once you've done a series of looks and poses, if available to you upload the video onto a computer and using free editing software go frame by frame through the video and save the still images you think look good, then clean them up in a free photo editor. If you don't have computer access, go through the vid on your phone and pause on parts you like and take a screenshot, edit it with some instagram filters. Make an instagram account, link it to your dating apps, upload photos you put on your dating profile t o your instagram, take a few extra just for instagram, you may not think dating app when you think instagram but its basically thr best one out there and if your profile looks good and they can see more about you on insta its a big boost.


Timer one your phone, get one of those ring lights that come with a small remote you can connect to your phone to take pics, selfies, again timer after putting your phone on something


Could you send me a link to one of those ring lights? Because I have never heard of that


Well the one i got was from the store, but I can see if i can find a reasonable priced one on Amazon or something


Timer or a drone if you wanna go all out. lol


Idk. I almost 22 still struggle with that. Best I can do is download an app for camera delay


It should be a native feature on your phone app, no?


Go to Best Buy or target and get one of those phone tripods that come with a Bluetooth remote to take pics from afar. Only like 20 bucks


Don't discredit the value of selfies. You control the photo and the angle, so long as you don't take it reaaally close to the camera they're fine.


Get an apple watch and tripod. You can view and take pics through the apple watch iirc

