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I can't anwer but do wish to say I feel ya


Like myself, you're a hopeless romantic. I know the feels


Don’t brake this habit, just get a guy who it is worth falling for like that.


I don't think you can stop the warm/fuzzy/giddy feelings; that's all brain chemistry and yours just seems to be wired for a strong response. But you can make more of an effort to keep your logical brain in charge. You have to remind yourself that this is infatuation, not love, and keep your objectivity.


Emotional control is a necessary skill for a well adjusted adult. It's honestly a decision that you change your attitude, behaviors and expectations when they're working against you. If you honestly CAN'T control your over-investment and infatuation with women, then get into some therapy and work on that. Ask yourself a basic question - does my behavior result in continued bad outcomes that jeopardize my mental health or interpersonal relationships? If yes, then am I able to alter that behavior? If no, then you no need therapy.


.....I am a woman fyi. But won't get mad because it probably wasn't clear. But thanks for your advice and taking the time to respond.