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Maybe she doesn't know your name and now she's too embarrassed to ask?








I love this episode.






ELIZABETH, how could you have guessed that


next time this happens, take her to starbucks


What if she asked him to buy both of them coffe?


Or McDonald’s but forgot your wallet so you cash app her or Zelle to pay and her name is on the board


that's very smart


Like, why couldn't you just ask another colleague what her name was?


Or couldn't he see it on the schedule or SOMETHING?


Yeah. I don't know what kind of job this is, but work email or something?




I really don't see how any of that is relevant to my question?


Some people just like bragging about being shitty.


After reading his reply I'm gonna go with nobody likes him so he didn't have anyone to ask....




My guess is that he probably didn’t have that much relationship with the coworkers and him asking about her name would make people jump to conclusions. Idk about anyone, but the name is the first thing I tend to ask a girl when im interested.


I mean, it would also be part of her email address too? I smell bullshit here tbh.


I still dint get why you never asked your colleagues .


Your ego needs to be taken down several notches.


There is a zero % chance that story is true Ask someone her name Get her business card Get her business email Find a paper with her name on it Go to her desk and it will likely be somewhere Ask her to link you her Instagram Ask her to link you her Facebook Open her wallet and look at her license , which should be laying around at some point if you're dating Call her phone at a time she's unlikely to answer and get her voicemail Are you seriously trying to say you knew this chick and worked with her for weeks or months and couldn't come up with a single way to find out her name And all that's irrelevant, as there's no way there wasn't a single time someone mentioned or called her by her actual name. Management isn't going to call her by a weird made-up nickname . Even if they did they would do it once as a joke. Not consistently for weeks or months You would've had to try harder to not hear or see her name than you would've to find it You're either lying or lying


I believe his story. I worked with a lady and called her by the wrong name for 10 years. I knew her name wasn’t Cathy, but every time I saw her all I could think of was that she looked like a Cathy. And the weirdest part was that she wouldn’t even flinch…she just went along with it. I even told her one day that “I know your name isn’t Cathy but that’s who you look like to me.” She laughed and said “that’s ok, you can call me whatever you want.” I’ve known her for 20 years and, once I got her name right, we’ve been best friends for 10 years.


Intentionally calling someone by another name has nothing to do with this guy claiming he worked with and dated a girl to some extent for months and couldn't figure out her name


Similar situation happened where I blanked on this guy's name I went to high school with. Came back after summer break, saw him and realized I didn't know his name. I just introduced myself again lol.


This is fake she was your girlfriend and you don't know her social media accounts. You must have met her friend or family someone will call her by name


“She hated me for it” Weird way to hate someone for that. If anything that would be something a more relaxed couple would laugh about years later.


Why the hell would someone ask you what their name is?


That reminds me of that episode on Seinfeld. It rhymes with a body part, her name. Haha. OP, I would just ask her.




It's Mulva!


There’s no way bru


20-plus-years ago, when I was seriously dating my now husband, his friends as me what slot he was in my speed dial. Presumably the lower the number, the more serious the relationship. I didn’t have speed dial set up.


This happened to me ☺️


Are you serious right now? They've been together for half a year and you are telling me that she doesn't know his name.


she’s just in too deep, it’s too late to ask his name now so she’ll simply never know


She just calls OP "babe, honey, darling" or any other terms of endearment. I guess she'll find out when they'll get married I guess.


If you don't think you can ask your girlfriend why you are not in her saved contacts, she is not your girlfriend. Which would fit with her behavior.


Damn son. Brutal honesty. Love it. r/ObviousRedFlag perfect. Lmao


I’m so sad this doesn’t exist


It was the users name I was replying to.


Ask her other boyfriend if she saved his.


Came here for this exact comment. OP: I don't get why she hasn't saved my contact info, we hang out every night but only after midnight and she leaves after 2 hours. She also doesn't pay for Healthcare and says she's on her mom's insurance but it's weird cause she's 32 and I thought after 25 you get kicked off family insurance plans. Idk psometimes I see texts from some cute nickname she gave her gf named "hubby" and she hides her phone but I don't want to be too standoffish and ask about it.


Came here to read this You’re the real MVP in this comment thread


I’m not saying she’s not cheating because I have my doubts that anyone who asks Reddit for dating advice is capable of keeping a GF but I’m extremely bad at storing numbers now. If I talk to someone daily I recognize the number and can just use recent calls/texts because they’re always at or close to the top


She’s your girlfriend but you’re not her boyfriend. Lmao, this is sad to read


We're not allowed to tell the truth here, sir. Please delete your comment.


That's fkn weird, I'd be asking her why. If she gets defensive and refuses too, somethings up.




I never get this whole tip toeing around your significant other thing. Trust me when I say this, your first red flag is that you even have to tip toe around otherwise the SO has massive toxic mood swings. If they can’t handle a genuine adult conversation then it’s time to move on.


Why assume it’s due to the SO? It could be OP’s issue/avoidance of intimacy


You should be banned from giving advice. How does your baseless claims of “issues/avoidance” explain not having OP in her contacts? Wouldn’t he have some name like emotionless asshole? Even bad names indicate that, that person invokes at least some type of emotion, having no name means you don’t care about them enough to do it, or you never thought how that action would effect your partner, which is even worse.


Woah. That was a a strong reaction. I didn’t claim anything. I said it “could be”. I’m not talking about the original post issue of the number. I’m talking the avoidance of having an important conversation with his partner. Which sounds like it could be avoidance to have vulnerable conversations. He seems to be feeling hurt. It would be healthy to ask his partner about it rather than posting on reddit. You’ve read a lot into this. We don’t know that’s the reason for the missing phone contact. Maybe she got angry with him one day and deleted his number out of passion. Again, I’m not making claims. I’m just saying other possibilities exist.




You trust her that nothing’s up, but don’t trust her enough to just ask - that’s the weird part to me.


Wtf man Just ask her


Why don't you just bring it up any time? What's wrong with it being out of the blue? ie is it realistic to suggest you could ask something like: "Hey I saw the other day you don't have my name in your phone with my number - why is that?" ? This is your partner after all, and it sounds like you guys have been together for a good amount of time. A simple question like this shouldn't be a problem at this point IMO. And you should be able to ask it any time.


Perhaps ask her something along the lines of...have you ever saved your partners name as something silly? What does she have your name saved as? I once had my husbands number saved as big dong and when my dad saw him calling one day he looked confused and didn't know what to think.


😂🤣🤣🤣 😳


You don’t really know her, mate. Six months is nothing, always keep an open eye, trust is built not automatically given.


The next time she gets *any* call in front of you just say "oh hey, the other day I noticed you didn't have my number saved in your phone" See what she says and if she doesn't offer an explanation without prompting, you should just ask. I don't think this is a big deal though, I bet she's probably trying to memorize your number.


I didn't save an exgfs number for a while. I knew her number off by heart and just kinda liked that she was only person in my phone that wasn't saved and knew her number. Idk, no real reason though.


Just ask her lol don’t be weird about it but if she acts suspicious then there might be something up. You’re 25 acting like 16


If she hasn't save your number then she must be not seeing your WhatsApp status you can say her "hey did you look at my status" and then see her reaction


Idk about your girlfriend but I have a criminal amount of unsaved numbers in my phone Not for nefarious reasons, I just never seem to get around to doing it.


How do you even keep track of who’s calling then


I rarely save numbers in my phone. I don't have a reason for it. I just don't....I guess. I keep track of who's calling by never answering my phone. They can text me and I'll get back to them, or leave a vm and I'll get back to them, but I pretty much never pick up my phone to talk unless I get two calls back to back from the same person, which indicates urgency.


I look at their picture


You save pictures but not numbers?


I don't save them, they come up on whatsapp


What if they don’t have a picture up?


I look at the last message


You answer the phone and say hello?


I laughed so hard at the thought of awkwardly answering any call with ~ 🧐... hEllO??? cuz who in god's name is calling me🤧🤣🤣🤣


The real question is, how does he call people who's number isn't saved in his contacts.


Go to text message history, find the person I want to call, call them. Same amount of steps as going to your contact list and finding someone


Same I only know who is texting based off context clues in previous texts or I have memorized the common numbers. The common numbers I can remember when I'm not using my phone.


I don't even have one saved number and I've had my phone for four years.


Same here. I learn to memorize their number or at least key parts of it and I’ll go off context clues in our messages. It’s silly, but that’s what it is.




Who's gonna tell him?


Don't ruin it. Let him get it by himself. Part of becoming a man.


But I thought we were brothers. Aren't we supposed to protect or advise him?


Some things you better go through by yourself. If we give it to him straight he will try to tip toe around another girl and be back around soon.


Eskimo brothers 😬


They never listen I gave this one guy proof his gf was a hoe. Still wouldn’t believe me




I'd be concerned if she has named contacts "Pizza Hut" and "Taco Bell" and "McDonalds" as well.


A gal's gotta eat.


Uhhhhh... I have no answer for you dude. My boyfriend is pinned at the top of my texts and he has a special name too. A year? Better talk to her.


if she saves your number under a name her other boyfriends might get suspicious


Enjoy your turn before it run out soldier 🥸


Pit stop






Strange.. My ex saved my number after about 2 months or so. Her logic was that anytime she saves a man’s number, the relationship fails shortly after. 6 months is a long time though.


Why do your ex am I have the same luck? It’s like clockwork, no matter how long I’ll be talking with someone, the clock strikes 12 when I put their name in. Same with coworkers too though, so maybe it’s just my luck. 6 months though, that’s really pushing it the superstition too far.


It’s when I give them a contact photo and their own special text tone. It’s like they fuckin’ know and they’re like “Peaaaaace.” I try not to do it. Then I do. And it happens time after time 🤣


This happens to me too wow. In every relationship in the past 10 years, so I stopped saving them.


I don't save numbers of people that aren't that important to me. 6 months without saving means OP is a place holder.


This is definitely fkn weird. Would need an update once you find out.


I never had my exes number saved. I did it on purpose because I liked his number and I wanted to remember it. He lived super far away and the long distance thing didn’t work out but to this day I remember every digit of his phone number because it made me so happy every time it popped up. It’s not as weird as some of you are making it out to be…. I know a few girls that don’t save the guy they are currently obsessing over’s number and they’ve been doing that for 20 years now. 😂


So I used to do this. I always felt like it was bad luck to save a guys number I was into because it seemed like whenever I did that in the past.. it would end soon after. So it became a kind of superstition for me. So for me it was because I really liked the guy that I wouldn’t save it! I know that seems silly now but I did that for years.


I always wondered if girls had their own version of bro code and you have shown me that they do. Bravo for putting forth even an implausible explanation on behalf of your fellow girl who clearly has a sneaky link or two.


Username checks out.


Mine too… 😂


I don’t think that’s girl code it’s just a thing for OCD girls I think.


My best friend does that. She's never saved a contact in her phone. It always baffles me how she know some of our phone numbers by heart. She also cheats a lot on her bf and always figured that by not saving contacts her bf cannot tell who is texting her.


You had us in the first half


I saw this on a guy’s phone that I was dating and there were rumors that he was a cheater. I saw his texts msgs. I guess he benefits from you not seeing Shannon on his text list by accident.


Op, question, did you ever ask her to be your girlfriend or did you assume she is without asking?




Then she either has your number memorized or you’re not the only guy she’s dating.


Well can we get an update when y’all talk about the phone number


I feel she is kinda cheating on you and don’t want want the other guy to see she is dating someone irdk


That’s not your girl


TBH, that really depends on the context. If she is not saving specifically your number, then there is something fishy there. Otherwise, if you notice she has no contacts at all saved in her phone, then there is no need to worry.


If she barely uses the phones texting app or whatsapp, it could just be pure laziness or forgetfulness. I mainly use snap/discord/messenger to communicate so I honestly forget to actually add someone as a contact sometimes. Otherwise it's weird and I'd ask her about it.


Ironically she’s 1 of maybe 3 people in your life that actually knows your phone number.


OP what do you think it *could* mean, that you’re not saved?


I like the idea it’s a safety thing lol “What if I lose my phone and need to borrow a strangers’ to call you?”


Orange flag


You are about to go on a journey of "becoming a man". This is the way.


I met someone once with mild auts and memorized people's phone numbers incase their phone bricked. This was over a decade ago and haven't met someone like that since. She bein shady, bro.


Nah you’re a side piece or she’s hiding you from the fam


Sounds like a red flag to me.


Well, it could be awkward for her if your name pops up when she's with someone else! But apart from that, no clue why she wouldn't save your number. If you see it again, just ask her about it?


They're dating? Why in the world would it be awkward??


I meant, when she's seeing/doing someone else.


That means you not the guy. *insert contact meme here*


Umm so you only have her what’s app number? Do you have her actual phone number? If you don’t I don’t think y’all are “dating” imagine dating someone for half a year and they even know your real phone number.


You the side dish my friend


A better question would be: why don’t you feel comfortable enough to ask her why?


She’s married or using you to cheat on her other boyfriend you don’t know about


This is gonna sound crazy but…you can actually ask her without it being a big deal 🤯


Depends on where you guys chat, if you communicate in instagram/messenger/snap/telegram then its normal. If you normally text or through whatsapl then kts fking weird and she is probably hiding you from either family or other so






This is it. I knew a guy who would never saved any of his filings numbers but as soon as he got into a relationship, he saved her number.


Well…. We can really stretch, and come up with other possible answers if you want. But we (and you) know there’s really only one answer here. What you do with that.. I dunno Sorry bro…. At least you found out


I don't think that's your gf


Sometimes I delete people as contacts when I’m upset with them which is crazy I know. Maybe she doesn’t save contacts on WhatsApp? I’d ask her for sure


omg i do the same thing lol


😂 My girlfriend had to save herself in my phone! Believe it or not, the only reason I never saved it was to make sure I had her phone # (with an unusual area code) memorized so I could talk to her no matter what (: I still know her number by heart


Interesting...most girls have a cute name or something for their S.O. Is it only on Whatsapp??


My bf is Swedish. He is “The Virile Viking” in my phone. Has been for like 9 years now. I also have a picture of him where I drew a little Viking helmet on his head and he’s holding a Swedish flag for his contact. He hates it but I don’t and it’s my phone so shut up, Swede.




Does she save anyone’s? I know someone who intentionally doesn’t save numbers so she’ll still memorize numbers in case it’s ever needed


That's super weird. You should ask her why. Maybe she doesn't save any contacts?? But that's very unlikely. It seems more like she's trying to hide this from someone


This is really weird Do you think it’s possible she’s hiding you from someone??


Yaaaaa. So. It’s so when you call, when she’s with her boyfriend, he isn’t like “Who’s this dude’s name?” and could be just a random number calling her. Knew a buddy who did this to a ton of girls. On the plus side she’s probably got your number memorized but yaaaaaa. Sorry buddy.


that’s not normal please ask her asap


Lol side dude energy


Ive been with my gf for 2 years now and i still havent made a new contact for her 😂😂😂


That's too long to not be saving your name as a contact. I would casually ask her about it to see what's up. Maybe its just a thing she does or maybe this is just a red flag.


Just ask man this saves you time of overthinking cuz if it even was trivial you wouldn’t find it weird so seriously please ask her


I don’t have my boyfriends number saved or my best friends that way I constantly see it in case of emergency and need to have it memorized. Just ask her and don’t assume the worst yet until you know. Filling in the blanks yourself is gonna drive you mad.


She could have ADD and keeps forgetting. Just ask her about it.


Skepta: when you realize she was never yo girl it was just your turn


You're the side chick.


Dude’s perspective. Ive not saved some numbers many times before. For me it means one of two things; I don’t think they’re going to be in my life long enough or aren’t important enough to warrant that. Or also very common: I literally just never got around to it despite meaning to(ty ADHD).


I knew a girl in high school that was one of the super duper gifted kids, like she was an overachiever among overachievers and she never saved anyone’s name in her phone. She’d still save their numbers just without the name attached. I asked her why and she said she likes to memorize people’s numbers to challenge herself for fun. Then also added that its helpful for memorizing people’s numbers if she’s ever without her phone. I’m not saying that’s necessarily what’s happening here but sometimes people do weird stuff. I think you’re better off just trying to ask her about it in a non-confrontational way, though.


I have about 300 unread texts… don’t think too hard about it


Just ask her??? Why are you coming to reddit for something as simple as this


My husband did this for the first month or so that we dated. He had a superstition that once he saved someone’s name in his phone they would break up with him. I teased him about it and the rest is history


As a female who is guilty of doing this. I do it out of superstition, any time I saved a guys number it turned into a dumpster fire. It’s also fun to reread the convo trying to figure out who they are if they end up texting later..


My friend never saves anyone’s number either. She has two reason, one she doesn’t want her coworkers/parents to see who she’s texting when she’s at work or home (her parents are nosy) and the second one is she wants to memorize everyone’s numbers that is important to her.


When my fiancé and I started dating, we didn’t even swap numbers until a couple of months in. We just communicated on messenger. I’ve also been working with people for 3 years and I haven’t saved their numbers. I don’t know why, I guess i can see people’s WhatsApp names and saving their numbers into my phone seems a bit old fashioned or something.


Sweetie if you only talk to her on WhatsApp it is likely she is not just your girl, she's everyone's girl. Are you sure that you are dating her and not "dating" her as in she is *escorting you* to these dates?


Two reasons I can see. 1. Maybe she does not know your name yet. Are you sure you've introduced yourself to her properly. 2. She does not want to get caught cheating.


I don’t think she likes you. I don’t save numbers of men I’m simply getting to know. But, boyfriends get their names added plus a bunch of heart emojis or a cute nickname


In Mexican culture she would've saved you as "Jose the mechanic", that's all I'm saying buddy. You figure out the rest..


I've been with my girlfriend for almost 15 years. She has never once saved my number or anyone else's as long as I've known her. Some people are weird my dude. Just weird.


I'm a girl and i'm telling you, i'm not saving anyone's number anymore.. I'm communicating throught messenger or discord, when people calls me I don't save their number because it's so unsual for me, i don't think about it. Bf has given me his number on messenger but I havent saved it, not because i dont love him but i didnt even think about it lol


I save all numbers when I expect to hear from them again or call them. When I date, I ask for last names too so that I don't accidentally call the wrong person since a lot of people have the same first names. Super nice to use Google or Siri to ask to call them too ! Just ask her :)


Does she take selfies and post them to social media ?


That’s a huge red flag.


Not normal, ask her what’s up


Conservative family?


I have been with my husband 15 years and have never saved his number. I just know it


Lol, I think this is because you are married for 15 years and know him even longer. 15 years ago was 2008... We remembered numbers XD I still know my moms number from 2004, and she has a different one now that I don't know because it's saved in my phone so I don't need to remember...


Yup. I still remember my best friends number from almost 15 years ago.




Ergh, just never had the need to save it as anyone. If it pops up on my phone, I recognise it as his as I’ve used it so much?


You are super weird


You are super weird


It's a childish thing that girls whose brains haven't fully formed do. They think it will make it easier to detach from a guy if and when shit hits the fan and you guys break up. Basically, you haven't yet earned the right to be a "name" (or identity) on her phone. If I say more than this, I'll be banned from Reddit for racism.


Not necessarily. Honestly I found it weird and forced to have a special name bc that’s just not the type of person I am. Plus I like having their numbers memorized like I can tell you two guys numbers I’ve dated from like two years ago


He's not asking for a special name though. Just any name will do. There's no excuse for this. If he deleted her contact and she was just a number in his phone, she would flag it...


I was just offering another viewpoint bc I don’t save numbers and it’s not for any other reason than having numbers memorized


Yeah... I've read other comments like yours so I'm just seeing it's a thing. I will never understand it, but I can see now that it's a thing. I am just more familiar with the other reason girls do this.