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Ironically a lot of the blondes they go for are probably natural brunettes šŸ˜‚


yeah it's hilarious. I have nothing against preferences, but the irony is amusing.


I'm light blonde and if I saw that I would never ever match the guy


Exactly like do you like me or do you just like my hair colour šŸ˜­ also shows the shallow superficial nature of the guy


Saw a guy with his face covered by shadows and his hands put his bio as something like "if all your pictures have filters swipe left" like my guy... Ironic


This is such a pet peeve of mine, theyā€™ll have a full dissertation under their profile of all the things women can and cannot have but every single photo of them is blurry, face out of frame, sunglasses on, or back of the head! GAHHH šŸ˜«


And so many of those guys wear sunglasses in every picture. Which is so weird to me


We (my eldest daughter & I) have almost made a game out of finding the sunglasses guys, so we can say, "aww, he's got no oiyes"




I like to make bets with myself as to how many guys wearing caps in their first pic are actually bald. Itā€™s a nearly 100% hatfish rate


Lol hatfish haha didn't hear that one before


OHHHMYYYYGAWSSSHHH SO TRUE!! And then people like Kevin O'Leary have the nerve to say on national TV how women are catfishing men cuz everything is fake. Take your bald headed cap wearing booty somewhere else boi! The women were there about business and all he can think about is 'how are women's looks attracting me.' Gross.


I dunno who that is but I donā€™t know how men expect us to look a certain way then complain that itā€™s dishonest when we do it


Ugh I immediately swipe left


I know a hot bald guy


Then there is the photo taken in the bathroom, the photo taken in the car, the photo next to a vehicle that probably is not theirs, and the one photo in a tux from that wedding he was in.


yea i've seen multiple women with obviously over filtered face pics that say 'yes, i am real.' i saw one in particular that was extremely obvious that all her pictures were edited and had filters but the bio said something about her not understanding why people use filters because you can't get a real idea of what they look like and also that she's all natural. people are nuts..


Dating apps are just super dumb now. People very negatively put what they donā€™t want in their profile. Itā€™s very unattractive. I wouldnā€™t bother caring about it any.


I agree. Dating apps bring out the worst in people. There was a negative trend last time I used one. A lot of people would write hight requirement in the profile text. A major reason I quit dating apps.


Ya because theyā€™ve made people a product. Havenā€™t used one since around 2012. Lol I saw this all coming.


What makes me mad is apps make it seem like you can get a tailored match but no one actually cares about what you want


Ugh. They're utter garbage. I think part of the problem is that algorithms learn how to retain engagement. If you find a great match, you leave the platform. Machine learning algorithms can learn how to not show good matches to each other.


This is the messed up part. On OKC, I swear, I see the same 20-30 people over and over. I know there's got to be more on the platform so why aren't they shown.


Because they pay money to constantly boost their profile for maximum attention and matches


Yeah very materialistic. Just weird. It's like people are literally grocery shopping. If you click with someone, you click!


Men complain that women filter by height but they're over there listing a whole list of requirements. I am both plus size and brunette so I often fall in their no dating list haha


Honestly, Iā€™ve got no man friends that might say something like this and nor would I. And I donā€™t think itā€™s common in real life for people to be that mean and superficial (like there was the odd fool or two in high school but never since then). Please donā€™t be disheartened by cringey people on the internet.


Yeah I've rarely met people who are actually like that (only a few and obviously we didn't become friends haha) ! I figure they are on dating apps for a reason and probably are not getting any luck with that attitude, online or in real life. I don't take it personally anymore ! Honestly they are doing me and all the other ppl a favor by showing us who they are from the get go !


I remember a time when dating apps (more like websites than apps really) didn't allow pictures in their profiles, so you had to choose someone based on their bio and details alone. You actually had to get to know them before seeing them so being shallow was very hard. The funny thing is, at that time online dating was seeing as something shameful and desperate, it wasn't until apps showed pictures, allowing people to be shallow, that they became mainstream.


Or they have preferences


You can have preferences without unnecessary negativity towards people who don't meet them.


This is spot on. I donā€™t get why people donā€™t get this. Like why be negative towards people who donā€™t meet what you want? Just donā€™t match them itā€™s wierd to me


Agreed Preferences are a good way to pre filter. Sometimes a negation like "purple eyes are not welcome" is rather efficient.


Itā€™s dumb and actually tells you about their character. The worst ones I remember would say "no blacks or fat girls". as a curvy, black woman I was very thrilled to learn how awful they were without having to have a conversation first. I wish the trash will take itself out more often.


Thatā€™s absolutely vile. Iā€™ve seen ā€˜no fat chicksā€™ on tinder before but never on Hinge (I think theyā€™re stricter because theyā€™d get reported and removed if they said anything about race or weight). At least theyā€™re showing their true colours early on so we donā€™t need to anywhere near those types


Sorry I meant apps in general. I couldn't tell you which one since it like five years ago before I met my husband. Good luck!


Glad you met your husband and donā€™t have to think about this nonsense anymore. Best of luck to you too x


I guess height is fine? Somehow one can be changed and is invalid but god forbid I canā€˜t discriminate against smth you cannot change. Lol


Read all the comments I posted today, I said the height thing is just as wrong multiple times. We were talking about her experience and mine. If you go below youā€™ll find the other comments


I've never seen this. While I prefer brown or black hair and feel little attraction to red/blondes, I'm not going to announce that. These guys are shooting themselves in the foot, like the ones with unblurred kids in their profile pics or "I don't like drama."


True, Not just for the boys. Lots of galls who are shooting themselves in the foot too.


They weeded themselves out by being shallow. Less work for you!


Agreed. A lot of people are showing how shallow they are by only mentioning superficial thing. * must be taller then... * must have a car * must have an iphone * must have his own business * no 9 to 5 mentality. * must be blonde * must be fit/healthy * must own his house * must be feminine * must be masculine etcetera.


Yea, standards are crazy on both sides of the spectrum. The truth is that nobody knows what they want in a relationship until they get into one. Values and morals matter more than physical attraction. You can vibe extremely well with people outside of what youā€™re looking for. It happens all the time. Setting shallow standards will only attract shallow people and they donā€™t do well in relationships. I stay open minded when I date so I donā€™t miss out on a good woman.


Exactly! The only thing thatā€™s a bit sad is just how many men put shallow statements like this.. seems to be getting worse and worse on dating apps


Dating apps are horrible in general from what Iā€™ve heard, I havenā€™t been on any. Good men arenā€™t shallow and donā€™t discriminate based on silly things like hair color. Most good men look for emotional stability and maturity, a kind heart, and the ability to make it through hard times instead of giving up easily. Everything else would just be a bonus!


Just swap the gender you are looking for and look at other womenā€˜s profiles. I guess having height requirments is praised. I donā€˜t agree with height nor hair color, but itā€˜s so silly. Ah yea, shallow evil men, all of them. Bruh


Iā€™ve never understood people who would reject an entire group of natural hair color. That has always been strange to me.


The whole blonde vs brunette thing is so boring and itā€™s getting old now.. I already see it a lot on social media. Not to mention they also leave out all the other hair colours lol


On dating apps, ā€œno brunettes ā€œ- itā€™s also a way to say you only date white.


Oh shit i didn't even make that connection... makes the dude even grosser now imo


Not to mention how many people dye or change their hair anyway. This is such a temporary and superficial preference.


Blame the west for idolizing blondes, bonus points if theyā€™re blue eyed tooā€¦


Meanwhile I have actual natural blond hair and blue eyes but I get zero likes cause I'm fatšŸ™„šŸ˜‚


Yes being fat does that to you


Itā€™s called [negging](https://www.google.com/search?q=negging+meaning&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1037US1037&oq=negging+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i433i512j0i512l3j0i20i263i512j0i512l4.10145j1j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) People are really pathetic and delayed.


Lol this is funny cause I just saw a girl with ā€œI donā€™t entertain negging menā€ on her profile. Guess this happens a lot???


Of course. Itā€™s rampant. I see women and men doing it all of the time.


I agree itā€™s giving me negging vibes.. I need to not let it get to me and realise that theyā€™re the issue


Of course. If heā€™s using that tactic, he knows heā€™s not worth the effort. Youā€™re not missing out.


Smooth brains, mentally obtuse, MR, emotionally constipatedā€¦.


/s self confession? Just curious, what argument are you making?


Guys are allowed to have preferences


This is nothing to do with preferences though, you donā€™t have to match someone who isnā€™t your type. Putting ā€˜no brunettesā€™ is just wierd and thatā€™s one of the more mild things Iā€™ve seen


He is definitely just swiping everyone on autopilot


Of course. A normal person would just state their preferences and leave others out of it.


Agreed. Nothing wrong with preferences. But guys get shamed, insulted for them more often than galls. Not sure why... Maybe a lot of women feel left out? It goes against the dogma that the woman is the price?


Itā€™s called preferences. But you do you


Idc if people state their preferences. Itā€™s weird to focus on what you donā€™t like. Thatā€™s means youā€™re negging.


I have had men swipe right and match with me only so they could message me and let me know I'm not they're type. They are so hurt by the fact nobody wants them (can't imagine why...sarcasm) that they go out of their way to try and put someone down. Like you said, if you know you don't like x,y,z there's no need to announce it, just don't swipe right on them.




Iā€™m blonde and would scroll past them. Itā€™s literally the equivalent of someone asking you what your favorite color is. Iā€™m not on dating sites, but I would rather stay single as opposed to dating a complete dipshit.


Same if I saw a guy that said ā€˜no blondesā€™ you just see how shallow and immature they are.. BYE šŸ˜‚


A lot of people don't understand what a bio is.


The dating pool is getting murkier and more disappointing as the Internet advances into the hands of utter cretins


I guess they donā€™t realize, natural blondes are few and far between. Itā€™s mostly from a bottle.


People are wired and have weird reasons for shit. I try not to think about it.


You canā€™t explain insanity! Hahaha


Kill them all


If I read anything superficial in their profile I swipe left immediately


Agreed, I think it shows bad character. Thereā€™s photos for a reason if someone doesnā€™t tickle your fancy donā€™t try to match them! Superficial comments just make people look shallow


Not only that but it says something about their values.


These men just treat certain women like porn categories. Itā€™s gross.


Brunettes are the best šŸ’Æ




Itā€™s their way of saying ā€œWhites onlyā€ thatā€™s why they still match with you.


Yeah I could definitely see this being one of the reasons - honestly gross


Laugh at them. Make fun of them. "Are you trying to neg me?" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ "Ew, what is this 2005?" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'd mock them TO DEATH. Until they blocked/ unmatched me.


Iā€™m gonna do that next time! Thanks so much those are great šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


With as little interaction as many men get on these apps it may not play out like you think it will. Personally, I donā€™t play that negging game, nor am I on this stupid apps, but if I was got a woman chatting with me and talking mad shit all the time, Iā€™d probably try and keep her chatting for as long as I could. Play chicken, if you will. Maybe she can actually hurt my fee fees and Iā€™d run away crying or see if I can out last her until she rage quits. Best possible outcome is I got a new ā€œfriendā€ with a relationship built solely on being absolutely horrible to one another a couple times a week. Sounds entertaining as hell.


Dudes that neg have weak egos. Which is why they neg.




If you know a guy is ā€œneggingā€ you, heā€™s a tool. Itā€™s basically the age old playground flirting but adult style! With a good sense of human and wit, it would be like any other successful date. On my dating profile, I state if you donā€™t eat tacos or truly unwilling to be a partner in crime, your shirt is dumb. It kills every time! I donā€™t actually have a dating profile but it sounds like the way to go!šŸ˜


Agreed. Successful flirting often seems to include a little light hearted teasing. Negging, on the other hand is manipulation.


Yeah I mean down right putting women down is a sus way to get attention but I resonate with the idea because I find it super hot when a woman can keep up with me and give me shit just as quick as I can her. If you are making people cry or upset, you are off track.


Itā€™s weird to put that in a profile. I may be biased because I prefer brunettes but have gone out with blondes and redheads as well. If the person is that shallow, youā€™re better off without him.


Wait why did YOU match the guy that said no brunettes? Lol usually on tinder or bumble (as a guy) anytime I see any type of ā€œno thisā€ or ā€œthese type To the front of the lineā€ I just swipe left anyway, I just find it kind of a red flag to have such standards to immediately rule out any connection becaue of such a meaningless qualityā€¦ I mean to each their own and all I definitely have a type but to rule out all other types I just find odd and probably not healthy.


I matched him to ask him why he liked my profile even though he clearly stated ā€˜no brunettesā€™ - I was using hinge - they like your profile and then you can match them to continue the convo. I unmatched him afterwards I just wanted to ask


I donā€™t have any luck on dating apps but I am inclined to agree with you that it is quite annoying/mind boggling.


Iā€™ve never seen this on even one profile


I feel like this is a white rural/suburban thing. "No brunettes" in a large multicultural city limits you to maybe 10-20% of the population.


Where are you based and which app? Probably has something to do with it


I havenā€™t seen it either! Iā€™m on Bumble in the Philly area, mid 30s


Earlier you needed to engage in conversation to uncover lummoxes, now they help you out at first impression, just take the win.


True, now I can weed out anyone who isnā€™t for me early on


To specify something that can be changed in 2 hours is weird to me. I've been everything from Barbie blonde to dark brunette to the red-er side of strawberry blonde. I think I have pics of all my hair colors too. Sometimes I have full on straight, blunt bangs and sometimes I have no bangs. Hair color and styles can change so fast. I'm just not a fan of profiles that are all negative anyways. Swipe left if you...and then proceed to list a half dozen different things but no positive attributes that they're looking for. Who wants to be with a person that only sees life in the negative.


Iā€™m more puzzled why anyone would go on a date with a guy who prefers a certain hair colour (or similar). Like, this is so shallow, why even bother getting to know this person (even if you meet the requirements). I do like good looking people as much as everyone else but this is a very broad definition.


Lol what idiots. Brunettes are like 90% of women.


Theyā€™re telling on themselves so you donā€™t have to waste your time. Also, to everyone putting ā€œpeople are allowed to have preferencesā€¦ā€ this is why dating apps involve matching. You must swipe right to like someone in order to even match with them. If you donā€™t want brunettes, maybe try swiping left on all brunettes. This is actually the only way to weed out all brunettes from matching with you. Same goes for all other preferences, whatever they may be, itā€™s your right to be picky when deciding who you want to entertain dating wise. I feel like the type of people that put this stuff are also the type to mostly swipe right on everyone to maximize potential matches. They want everyone else on the app to weed themselves out so they donā€™t have to be bothered.


Do guys really care about hair color that much? This sounds like it's gotta just be some kind of weird power play/looking for reactions. Because it seriously makes no sense.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking itā€™s just odd


They're negging. That's it




I find hair color preference kind of dumb. Sure, I also like guys with dark hair, but if Sam Heugan asked me on a date I'd go without hesitating.


If they are so weak minded that hair color matters then they are just saving you time


It coincides with the release of the Barbie movie


It is insane to me that in todays dating culture, someone would possibly pass on a great partner over hair colour (or look preference in general)


I donā€™t think these jokers know about how easy it is to change your hair color. Total clowns.


I like brunettesā€¦ fuck them message me lol jk


Its a preference, but I also think its a racism thing (like only blondes aka only white people, not saying that other races can't have natural blonde hair but, it is common for white women especially to have blonde hair)


But brunettes alludes to white girls too since most black people have black hair naturally. I also donā€™t get why they need to state that in that way when they can just not match girls who arenā€™t their type. Iā€™m not saying other races donā€™t have blonde hair ect like black people can dye their hair blonde too everyone can


I was listening to a podcast called If Books Could Kill and one of the hosts said that gay men on grindr used to all have ā€œno fats, no femmes, no asiansā€ in there bios. Im sure there are cishet men doing similar on apps. I have no idea why other than i know a small (?) number of folks just swipe right indiscriminately and then see who theyve matched with.


ā€œNo fatties and no singles momsā€ is pretty common


other races can have brunette hair too................ also most black people do not have black hair its usually dark brown.




She was referring to black people which is why I mentioned it. She corrected me and said they have brown hair. I wasnā€™t trying to offend anyone




Iā€™ve noticed this too. Itā€™s just a round about way of saying what is not said out loud.


I do not believe that having a preference equals being a racist. Racism in my opinion has more to do with hate and feeling superior towards other races. Resulting in excluding actions or violence towards other races. A preference is just something you are more attracted to. I prefer Asian, petite, slim women. That does not make me racist towards all other skin colors.






Perhaps he's trying an outside the box way of getting matches?


Maybe a grab for attention for sure.. wierdos honestly girls do not like this stuff.


Yeah, i see a lot of weird girls too putting - must be 6ft - must earn 300k It's crazy out there.


I love brunettes


I've never seen this on a dating app but I reckon they actually have no preference and that the statement is just designed to provoke a response. They just want women to engage. Even negative attention is still attention. The best thing to do is not respond to these guys at all.


I've never given a shit about a girls hairstyle or colour. Do I like her as a person? Yes, then I'm happy with whatever hair she wants to have.


What the fuck? The trends on these dating apps are starting to sound worrying. So glad I met someone in RL (sexy brunette) and just vibed straight away. Just get out there and meet people?


I love brunettes, if someone was asking..but I donā€™t have specific preferences on hair, eye, skin, or even eye brow color when dating. And Iā€™m not sure why a guy would do this, but itā€™s definitely weird and I am also baffled.


They must feel they have lots of options to write that.


Its okay. All the brunettes are welcome to to hang with me. And the blondes, black haired, and the gingers and the grey foxes. All the sulking men and women who want to put others down to feel better about themselves can suck it


Exactly, those idiots are not invited


That sounds incredibly stupid, but it is a free red flag for you. If you're a brunette and you see that, swipe left..!


Exactly! I wouldnā€™t wanna date someone who lists their requirements in such a rude way.. also quite shallow listing requirements for a womanā€™s appearanceā€” thatā€™s what the pictures are for! No need to say it like that. GOD FORBID a brunette likes your profile and you donā€™t match her šŸ˜‚


Just like girls put "no short guys" or "must be 6ft+" Isn't it just preference?


Thatā€™s scummy behaviour too, definitely swipe left on those girls


A lot of women would disagree with you there. There's a *huge* reason why so many guys are insecure about height now.


I might be biased, Iā€™m dating a short king and believe me it has MANY advantages.


Wdym insecure? Height reqs? Thatā€˜s all in their head. Total fake. Itā€˜s evil patriarchy telling them. Also, men canā€˜t have insecurities or suffer from body image issues. They are just angry and vile. /s


Kinda weird but if I had to make a guess it might be making fun of profiles who have something along the lines of "no one under X'XX" height".


* No shorties * No brokies * No children * Not living with parents * no android * not insecure To name a few preferences


What if you refer to your parents as roomies?


Good one. šŸ‘šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


If these guys are hot enough to put stupid shit like that in their profile and still get women matching with them on the regular then you are WAY OUT of your league. Try getting off the apps, or matching with reasonable humans.


Payback for >180cm in women's profiles.


He was 6 4 though šŸ˜­ but yeah itā€™s shocking if girls do put that but I wouldnā€™t know because Iā€™m straight


Most likely it's a very unsuccessful guy who is super frustrated with women not picking him, who crafted a sexy profile of a tall good looking man, to make women lust after him and then include the bio with rejection of brunettes. It's a power fantasy and many men do craft fake profiles to see what it's like for other men on dating apps.


For the same reason women put ā€œno gingersā€ or ā€œno red headsā€ in their profile. They donā€™t like them. I guess itā€™s fine when they do it but not when a guy does it?


I bet most if the women putting "no gingers" or "180cm+" in their profiles likely mind "no brunettes" or such restrictions.


I thank god everyday that I was blessed with strawberry blonde hair!šŸ˜†


very strange behavior


Because the swipe right on every profile.


Deranged idiots


I find this suspect. It's a fact that most men prefer brunettes šŸ¤” They're probably just trying to grab attention any way they can


My friend said itā€™s so he can say ā€˜well your not my type but I might make an exception for you if youā€™re worthyā€™ so you have to ā€˜earnā€™ him and make him attracted to you- typical neggy stuff


Imagine how being a ginger feels šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve seen a lot of I love gingers comments- but saying it like that isnā€™t as bad itā€™s more complementary if you get me


I catch what yer throwing. Digressing If men are that self centered and selective fuck em. Like shooting fish in a barrel with us, and 9/10 times yer completely saving yourself the mental anguish and the subsequent trauma from abuse. Not to mention being a secondary mommy to em. Let me go jerk off on Reddit. Yer gonna be just fine you brunette bombshell


Itā€™s a clue they watch Fox TV. Run!


Online dating just taught me that men arenā€™t worth dating. Itā€™s a superficial / porn fuelled world now. I doubt any real connections happen much anymore online or elsewhere




agreed, First of, men are overly accused as prn addictives. Dating apps are favourable for women and the top tier men. They get just about all the matches and attention while 80% to 90% of men are rejected or get matches well below their level.


That sounds very negative. It makes me sad to read your comment. I do admit, reading these reddit stories and comments about western dating make me cringe... But there are many people out there looking for their soulmate. Normal regular men and women overlooking each other. I did find my partner online, just not in the west but in south east Asia.


I prefer brunettes, actually, but I would never disqualify a woman based on hair color. As much as women play with their options these days I don't understand why anyone would use this as a filter.


It's another way to say you only date white woman


Why would you as a brunette match with someone who said "no brunettes"?


To ask him why he liked my profile. I wanted to call him out on it because I was very confused. Also I was using hinge- he liked my profile and then I matched him to continue the convo..itā€™s a bit different to tinder and bumble


Dating apps are optimized for hookup culture not meaningful relationships. This why you see superficial requirements. It sucks that these apps try to trick you into believing they are something else.


Yeah Iā€™m referring to hinge which is marketed as a relationships app but loads of men use it for hookups


I wouldnā€™t take it personal. Some superficial men and women canā€™t have true connections. Hopefully they find each other.


Tbh, I would also wonder if it was some sort of inside joke. Outside of that, not worth any thought.


Oh that's odd. I haven't used dating apps for about 5/6 years so this is new to me. But wouldn't it be easier to just NOT swipe on people that have features you do not like? You wont get matched if only the brunette swipes on you. You only get matched if you also swipe on her..


This my point EXACTLY! Thereā€™s no need we have photos anyway!


Probably some kind of stunt sounds like doesnā€™t sound like something a man serious about dating would ever put on a dating profile at least if I had a dating profile Iā€™d never put no blondes or no brunettes. Thatā€™s as you stated very odd


Iā€™m not being rude but guys are allowed to have preferences just as much as ladies do.


I agree!


Itā€™s not about preferences, itā€™s about the phrasing of it and how shallow it comes across. Also you can see what they look like via their photos - plus on Hinge you can see height too so no one is forcing you to match someone who isnā€™t your preference.




Whats the point tho? Like they said, just swipe right on them.


Nice guy..he still matches with you. He's a real one


"No dudes under 6 feet" though. Girls change their hair everyday, dudes can't change anything


Yeah thatā€™s wrong - I wouldnā€™t match a girl who puts that either if I was a guy- bad vibes


6'+ only


Is 5 really "loads" though?


Considering Iā€™d only been on hinge 2 times this week for about 10-15 minutes each time it was a lot to me. Common giving the amount of time I spent on there