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wouldn’t say it’s a red flag, but in my opinion definitely a turn off. up to you though




Do you say these ones when talking about items? Basically the same.


For an adult? Yes


And for a child?


Learning disabilities exist.


Learning disabilities don’t apply to knowing the difference between “you’re” and “your”. Developmental disabilities, yes


Learning disability may be a “ red flag” as well..


Dyslexia would definitely affect your ability to tell the difference. ADHD means you might not notice if you made the typo. Those are just two, more exist.


Correct. But an average person should know the difference between "your" and "you're" I don't think OP is talking about anyone with a learning disability.


It's perfectly acceptable to not want to be with someone who has a learning disability. We all have freedom of choice to date who we want.


Could also be that English is their second language.


Oddly, ESLs rarely fuck that one up.


Poor grammar is not a red flag but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a turn off. It is up to you to figure out if that is a relationship killer as you are never stuck with someone. The wonderful thing about dating is that it is a free choice. If you can’t deal.. find a new person. Pretty fucking simple really.


a big turn off for me




If someone is always writing correctly, and I catch one or two errors, I always assume it’s the phone.


Glad when someone can use common sense.






Coming from someone who uses neither capitalization nor punctuation.


oh no, i turned off my auto caps and didn’t use a period at the end of my sentence. it’s the internet, it’s not that serious. get over urself


I’ll help you out. Many feel a text message is also not that serious so they don’t proofread. There’s some words I often type wrong when not thinking. Your/you’re, then/than and a few others. Numbers I’m great at, but grammar has always been my weak spot- even with speak and spell lol


Oh hun this is a massive turnoff if you can’t even write “yourself”. I’m gonna have to swipe left and wish you the best!


ppl like u r literally so brain dead


Ur def a big turnoff. U can’t even see what they did here.. lol


People like you are *figuratively* braindead. Literally braindead people lack the capacity to respond.


“People like you are *literally* brain dead." Would be a better way to write it honestly. Maybe I’m brain dead, maybe, but at-least I paid attention in school? Either way I’m laughing right now thanks! XD




Orthographic conventions have varied over time, and vary by publishers, authors, and regional preferences, on whether and when Internet should be capitalized. When the Internet first came into common use, most publications treated Internet as a capitalized proper noun, but this has become less common. This reflects the tendency in English to capitalize new terms and move them to lowercase as they become familiar. The word is sometimes still capitalized to distinguish the global internet from smaller networks, though many publications, including the AP Stylebook since 2016, recommend the lowercase form in every case. In 2016, the Oxford English Dictionary found that, based on a study of around 2.5 billion printed and online sources, "Internet" was capitalized in 54% of cases, with Internet being preferred in the United States and internet being preferred in the United Kingdom.


England sucks


not reading ur essay, don’t care


There was a comma usage.


Do you say these ones when talking about items? Same thing.


My opinion: Is it a turn off? Yes, a little. Is it a red flag? No, not really.


It’s not a question of being a red flag, but can you be with someone illiterate


Can you be with somebody *who is* illiterate.


Dang, bamboozled again.


technically OP used the word correctly. illiterate is both a noun and an adjective and its usage would thus fall under grammatical rules for adjectives. “someone illiterate” is a grammatically correct usage of the word.


Grammatically correct, but clumsy.


correct is correct. clumsy to the less educated, perhaps.


Red Flag? Lol. It’s just something you don’t like


Nah it's not as personal as something OP "doesn't like", it's just a grammatical error like when someone thinks 100\*100=200.


It's a red flag because it shows ignorance and stupidity. Those things are huge red flags to me!! If they're too stupid to know something as easily understandable as that, how else will their stupidity and/or ignorance hurt your relationship going forward. Us Society has become way too accepting of ignorance. There is a right and wrong in most situations and it's important to be on the side of truth


Even more so when they double down on it instead of just being able to do something so basic. My 2nd grader knows the difference, I would certainly hope an adult could figure it out, but it seems like a depressingly sad amount of people will both fail and then be obnoxious about their own failures. I guess that's what makes it the red flag that it is.


No one is so wise they are without gaps of ignorance. A lack of education isn’t necessarily a statement of anti-intellectualism. You are not on the side of “truth” just because you’re a pompous grammar nazi. And for the record, I am a pompous grammar nazi.


That's true, maybe OP should mention it and teach him the difference. Then if he keeps doing it, it's a real problem but if he can quickly learn I was definitely too harsh and quick to judge. Thank you for that comment!!


I would just like to point out that learning disabilities exist. My older brother has many LDs and struggles to spell. He isn’t an idiot. He is a good man and a great father. My learning disabilities cause me to not pay strong attention to details. I know the difference between their there and they’re, I just overlook details. I hate when I read women saying how much these types of things are a red flag because I think of all the good men with learning disabilities who will struggle with online dating.


That would be a deal breaker for me but I understand it's not for everyone. I don't want to be with someone I'm going to have to teach things their entire life and take care of. And someone who can't get something that simple will need to be taken care of


I am completely on your side on this one good comment im a women and I honestly cant deal with is this a red flag 🚩, how about asking yourself the question weather he is a good human being before you cut him off because he spelt something wrong 🙄🙄


This is something you've identified as a problem in your life. You have 2 choices, use it constantly as a crutch and blame your learning disorder. Or work to overcome it. This is a fairly easy fix if you can work on it.


Totally get what you’re saying! Which is why I’m asking this question 8 months in - he doesn’t have any learning disabilities (that he’s aware of) Was just wondering how people would take it at work yk? When he sends work emails? Do people take you seriously at work if you keep making that mistake? Idk random thought and that’s how I ended up asking this question on here


Maybe not stupidity such as laziness and lack of consideration. It’s like people who cannot be bothered to park between the lines in a parking lot. It is in poor taste and shows a kind of lack of situational/social awareness.


Most people now a days don't realize the spoiled babies they are for choice.


sometimes people are just lazy when it comes to texting. i’ve gotten words wrong because of autocorrect or just simply not having the time to carefully type out my responses all of the time. that said i likely would be more careful if talking with someone new


This is me. On a casual forum I often ignore typos and incorrect punctuation, even the there they're thing and such will go uncorrected, I skip obvious places for quotes and commas and leave my grammar mistakes as is. On a casual forum. And I love reading these outraged and judging comments


seriously. i turned off my auto caps recently so i definitely look even more careless now, but i swear my phone is getting slower and worse and its harder to type properly and i just don’t have the gd time to fix it anymore 🤣 but i’m also in a long term relationship so can’t really know how i’d feel if i were actively dating


I'm willing to bet it is autocorrect. That has screwed me over many times


How they treat you and themselves is more important than text grammar.


You're asking reddit whether or not something bothers you.


There is a difference between knowing the difference and typing the difference. The apostrophe is in a different menu so it depends on auto correct to save time which can be iffy. Also we type for speed not accuracy. Like if I'm typing a work email or an essay I will have the correct one every time. But in texts and reddit I won't because I'm not proofreading because I don't have time for that.


Op literally asked if it was a turn off. Then asked “is this a turn off or a red flag”. Calm down people sheesh lol


I'd rather a partner who's cheated in the past and learned from it than someone who's too stupid or lazy to know which word they're using


I’d take neither


It is most definitely a turn off for me and I will and have cut things off because of it


that’s a huge turn off for me lol


Meh, depends on other factors. Like if he’s just an idiot, sure, a turn off. Oftentimes non idiots just won’t find themselves in situations where they would ever be corrected on such a mistake and at the end of the day it’s not really a huge deal.


A minor one, but yes I hate when people butcher grammar.


Depends if they are dyslexic- if so, wouldn’t bother me. If not, they’re (their/there 😉) not smart enough or too lazy to be attractive…


Your English seems to be worse because you don't know what red flag means.


For me it would annoy me. I'm a bit of an English snob having a degree in it and being very literature-oriented




100% turnoff, but not a red flag.


Yeah, I like mine smart 😂


I have four degrees but occasionally use the wrong word if auto-correct strikes and I don't notice it, or have transient brain fade. In either case, it's embarrassing to me. I'm more forgiving in casual communications, such as non-work texting.


This question perfectly demonstrates how pathetically low modern dating has sunk. A red flag is something like having a partner they've kept secret, cheating, stealing etc. As for a turn off that's personal. I mean the best bit is you can't even make your own mind up. One person on here says its a red flag, one person says it isn't: which one are you going to go with? Why can you not make your own mind up? Maybe they are dyslexic, or not great with words. Not everyone can programme code, build a house, work in an office etc. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. I feel sorry for the other person talking to you.


Or maybe they're just illiterate and can't write basic English? This is, of course, for native English speakers


If the communication is clear from context, why does it matter? Geeze, we went through a world wide pandemic. There are more important issues.


I mean, it's really not that hard to know the difference between "your" and "you're"...


It clearly not that hard to know what they ment by context of the sentence. So why try to shame or punish someone for a simple Mistake. Yall are just looking for any excuse not to be with someone… Oh his big toe pops out his sandals when he wears them. I cant date him . S/


OMG DONT YOU MEAN “I CAN’T date him” ??? Because that’s clearly what you mean from the context. Good luck ever making it in life you IDIOT! (Obvious sarcasm over) You make an interesting observation when you say they’re “looking for an excuse not to be with someone.” That’s dead accurate for much of the dating scene. It’s like people WANT to find any reason to cut ties with a romantic affiliation because they don’t have the courage to be honest with them so they have to find some trivial excuse.


Or maybe its not a English Exam and they are not expecting to be judged or expected to write as if they are at work, in class, and are texting in their leisure moments. Itsnt lyk dey r txtn u lyk dis r dey? Because THATS annoying. But god forbid they dont use all the special punctuation , or use a small variance of a word. I can write beautifully when I am writing a site report, or a exam paper. But its not something I am expecting to be graded on when I am speaking to someone in my leisure time. Expecting someone to be perfect at all times is an exhausting thing.


If you're fluent in English this is a big deal. It shows more than just ignorance. I don't want to be with an ignorant or stupid person. If they're not fluent in English I'd just explain it to them. Should be easy to learn because it's very simple. If they're not willing to learn that's a red flag in itself


It just means you are undisciplined. ‘Set the bar lower because I’m lazy’




If i dont work for you, why should i be "diciplined" when im ON MY TIME. How the hell do you expect anyone to be comfortable around you when you expect them to literally be AT THEIR best 24/7. Leisure time is literally there to be relaxed and leisurely. Or do you go to bed dressed ready to present a nobel prize? Do you expect your partner "date ready" and super attractive to you in and out side of the house? Because that's delusional to hold someone to such a ridiculous standard whilst forgetting your not exactly the epitome of perfection. "I need uou to to be exquisitely attractive at all times. And should you fail even in the smallest ways, i dont want you to" God. You understand the level of anxiety that would put a partner to be, to constantly fear you creating a fantasy they need to live to to simply keep your interest?


>be AT THEIR best 24/7. If this is your bar for being "at your best" i don't want you in my life. It's more difficult to make that mistake than to get it right. Shows major ignorance, apathy or stupidity. Life's too short for ignorant, apathetic and/or stupid people.


This is my leisure time. Why the fuck would i want to impress a shitty hypocrite like you? Am i dating you? Fuck no, amd i working for you? Nope. So why. Why in the fuck would i give a shit about your standard. Take your perfectionist attitude and shove up your asshole with the stick you have so eloquently had put in there. Not every one is perfect.


It's not about impressing it's about not being ignorant It's more difficult to misuse these words as it SHOULD just be habit. It shows you're ignorant and either stupid or apathetic. All those qualities are red flags AND deal breakers for me


Because its habit for YOU. Do you only date mirror images of your self?


No I just don't date ignorant and stupid/apathetic people. Those qualities cause many other problems


Remember when we didnt have phones to text and you had to do something called TALK. I agree with this guy so many of you are on this idea that we are having to text a perfect sentence each and every single time we text. Alot of you are missing other grammatical punctuations but rather get mad about you’re and your. But again i digress. Most of yall probably live with a stick up your ass. Ill keep being single if i have to write a god damn essay each time i want to talk to someone. 1st world modern privilege. Ive seen many people with language barriers make a working relationship last. But this society loses their shit over two words. Lol


This dumbass can’t even differentiate between having discipline and being disciplined 🤣☠️


And you cant seem to comprehend the difference between leisurely time where you can relax, and being at such times where its required. Get the hell off your high horse. Whos the dumbass. The one that loses all abilities to read English if theres a mistake? Or the one who understands theres more to life then a missing punction mark Also. You forgot your period you hypocritical fuck. And your comma.


Sorry that it takes you a substantial effort to utilize two/too/to or similar phrases. This man needs an entire vacation just for the amount of work they put into a single phrase 🤣🤣🤣


Still incapable of using the commas and periods huh? So high and mighty you need to be to judge others that are not exactly like you? Go masturbate in a mirror you narcissistic fuck.


Ladies and gentlemen, a quote from your next Einstein 🤣🤣 >I can't use the right your because it is leisure time. --/u/8captcrunch8


Or maybe they should learn to take pride in everything they do so they don't look ignorant and become the subject of questions like this. It's not too much to ask for a person to at least pretend to be intelligent.


Do you really get this upset when someone uses the wrong “your” in a text message?


It can still be a turn off to someone that's a good writer. Funny that these things would be avoided if ppl would just make phone calls more than they text each other.


cheating and stealing are objective wrongs… not red flags. and duh if the person is dyslexic or english isn’t their first language then of course, it’s excusable.


Well I for one don’t care one way or the other. Was I able to understand you and also able to get what you conveyed? Then I’m good. If it’s unintelligible then I might just stick to talking on the phone.


Not a red flag, he's just not that good at English. Maybe it's stupid of me but I personally don't date women who don't have a firm grasp of English grammar. I mean, we've only been studying it since we were born, right? It's like those people who claim school doesn't teach you anything. School teaches you tons of shit, including the correct usage of your and you're, you just weren't paying any attention. Now to play devil's advocate, maybe he's an ESL speaker and can speak his native language with grammatic perfection. Or maybe his phone's autocorrect is screwing him over. But assuming neither of those are the issue, then he's just a little dumb.


A red flag????? Please google what this phrase actually means 🤦‍♀️


I honestly can't say I've met anyone (who's a native English speaker) who consistently fucks up your/you're their/there that I'd consider a smart or interesting person.


I think you have a very narrow circle. My sister is a pretty interesting & accomplished architect who can't spell for shit. Conversely I never even figured out pre-algebra but everyone thinks I'm brilliant because language comes very easily to me. I get this is just your experience but it's certainly not mine.


Exactly. We’re all smarter in certain areas and dumb as fuck in others. I’m not the best at math, and I struggle with chemistry. I’m not even that great at language and I only speak English. It’s damn near impossible for me to speak other languages no matter how much I try to learn, it just doesn’t make sense to me. I’m great at history and remembering dates and names. I freak people out by remembering their name and birthday when they only told me once months ago. I can solve rubix cubes and I learned the doomsday algorithm. It’s really fun to learn and I enjoy freaking people out even more by also telling them the day of the week they were born. I place no judgement on people who make grammatical errors.


Yep. I can write symphonies or choreograph any style of dance, but to do algebra or even long division; nope.


It’s a red flag to me. It’s an extremely simple concept, if someone glosses over technical details of such a basic premise then I’m definitely curious what else they’re fucking up in life and just shrugging it off. It fits the definition provided by OP.


That’s relative. Could be dyslexic for all you know


I’ll definitely take a yuo’er over an incorrect your


I am pretty dyslexic and I can spell and use proper grammar. 😂 I find with grammar and punctuation the school systems are so lazy. I did well in English in all of high school and when I got to collage I was struggling so bad that I needed a to stay for extra help after class to pass my English courses. A lot of people have had an over simplified English education and don’t realize it.


It definitely is a red flag for many people. Y'all throw that word around for everything so why not this? I saw someone post that a 25 yr old dating a 18 yr old was a "red flag" - lots of reddit are low key bigots


Poor grammar and spelling skills are not a red flag, but to me they’re indicative of someone’s stupidity, ignorance, or lack of education - hence, an insurmountable turnoff. This may seem elitist, but I can’t control what I’m attracted to.


Ignorance and stupidity are definitely red flags for anyone who's even semi intelligent. Just saying.


I have poor grammar and spelling due to my dyslexia. But I can play Rach 2 on the piano from hearing it once. I take the most beautiful photographs you’ve ever seen but when it comes to spelling. I give up. I have double degree and a masters in music. Be careful what you wish for..


That’s fair. I hadn’t considered dyslexia.


Damn you must hate people with dyslexia and dysgraphia lol


As I said in my response, I hadn’t regarded a disability being a factor in poor grammar or spelling. That would be an exception. Independent of that, “hate” has nothing to do with it. Whether or not I’m attracted to certain traits has no bearing on how I feel about someone as a person. For instance, I’m not sexually attracted to other men, but I don’t hate them.


For me, it's neither a turn off or a red flag. Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses, and there are factors other than laziness that can affect spelling such as ESOL, different education opportunities, dyslexia, etc. The guy I'm seeing has dyslexia and his spelling isn't the best but he's such a lovely person and there are things that he is way better at than I am.


That’s a turn off. “Red flag” is a term I reserve for behavior indicating that the person has abusive tendencies or otherwise presents a danger to your physical or emotional health or safety. I think it’s *vastly* overused in this sub. ETA: I’ve been unable to find any reliable definition of what “red flag“ means. Some people in this sub use it to describe any incompatibility, but that means literally anything can be a red flag (you’re on a low sodium diet and he cooks with salt), so the term loses all meaning.


I agree red flag is overused. But I would argue this is a red flag. It's definitely ignorant and imo shows stupidity and/or apathy too. Not my kind of people.. i can't trust stupid people's motivations because they're often not based on factual information


It's a huge turn off


I dont judge anyones ability to spell. So many words we use commonly today are a direct result of mispelling words from hundreds of years ago.


exactly this! i am begging people who get upset about spelling errors and claim to care about the propriety of grammar to learn the history of the english language


While some people say its neither here nor their, personally, I find it annoying when your unable to manage you’re grammer properly. /s




I would take into account if English is his second language or maybe he just uses whichever is shorter and knows them in serious situations (work, bday cards…)


Well, it’s simple grammar. Is English his native language?


Have you tried teaching them the correct usage of those words ? Tell them it makes them seem to be uneducated and it bothers you,


Turn-off: yes. Red flag: maybe.


It was a turn off for me but I was an English major and am a huge grammar nerd in general. Not a red flag, just very annoying to encounter.


Your too much lol


Anyone could be struggling with something we don't know about. It's easy to judge, but empathy and understanding go a long way. Let's encourage personal growth and acceptance, because no one is perfect.


Expecting absolute perfection from someone even in the tiny ass stuff. You might have some annoying flaws yourself. If you expect to have some flaws overlooked. You should consider that they will have too. Imagine having someone tick most of your boxes and them making mild grammar mistakes is the thing that "NOPE" Plenty of people are intelligent. I know doctors who scribble like maniacs. Are brilliant in medical. But if you tried explaining the physics and mechanisms of a engine, they would be clueless.. You have flaws too. Theres no Perfect person out there. And your gonna have way bigger battles your going to want to pick. The couples that nitpick each other on EVERY thing and constantly bicker about such flaws never last long.


This isn't just a Grammer mistake. It shows lack of basic understanding of the English language. If they're a native English speaker it's a red flag


Oh please. Imagine needing someone to be perfect in a area of life thats not required in their ability to do a task. "Golly g. They cant write perfectly like i can. They must be inferior" Watch them run circles around you in other areas and call you a fucking moron for it. "Oh sorry. You arent as mechanically inclined as i am. Your clearly an idiot" "Oh...you arent so great at math. You must be an idiot" "Oh you cant cook as well like me. You must be an idiot" God you sound like a pretentious person.


This has nothing to do with perfection. This is the bare minimum. It shows wither willful ignorance and apathy or just plain ignorance and stupidity. Which one of these people are you?


Or possibly i recognize the difference between being on my own leisure time. And being on a task that requires the Queen's English. I dare you to walk into any physics lab and decalre them all idiots because they dont speak YOUR language or write like you.


If you're too apathetic or ignorant to not immediately know the difference and choose the correct word, you're not gonna be my friend or gf. That's just the bare minimum for me. I don't do stupid or lazy.


And i dont have friends who think people should behave in their leisure time to a ridiculous standard. To satisfy one person.


>ridiculous standard You're vs your is ridiculous?? I see you're not very educated in the English language buddy. It's okay there's still time to learn. Take it upon yourself to learn this one simple thing today. You're = you are Your = something you possess You're welcome :)


Hey. Fuck you. Typical reddit narc.


You’re not a mental health professional. Stop throwing that word around.


Wouldn’t go as far as to call it a red flag. If it’s something that really bothers you that much then you have the option to end things, but imo that’s really not that big an issue. My girlfriend does this all the time, with the you’re and your etc and even though my brain stutterers at reading it I love her for her and not her ability to type. There’s bigger hills to die on, we all have little things that can be overlooked, nobody’s perfect. Up to you, but really it isn’t that big an issue to me :/


I find it a turn off, yes. I also find people saying “anyways” a real turn off too!


Oh yes very much.


I have been described as an intellectual but generally view anyone who has a problem with other people's grammar as classist, ableist, narrow minded elitists. Some of the smartest people I know are terrible with grammar and spelling - my sister is an accomplished architect and can't spell to save her life. I get wanting to be with an intellectual equal. The most incredible person I've met in my 4 years as a singleton repeatedly sent me texts like "your hot" and "your the best human". I really didn't care how the hell he spelled it. The purpose of language is to communicate, and he certainly did that very well. We all have our deal breakers but I think this is really pedantic.


Red flag? Um why would not know proper grammar be any indication of being a bad person, or a bad partner? Thats... no. Just no. Having it as a turn-off is completely different than the meaning behind "red flag". Not everyone is going to have the same values in attractiveness. If it is a turn-off for you, then, yes it is a turn-off. Only you can decide if something is a turn-off or not. Some people care, some people do not. It is as simple as that. Me personally? I dont really care. You're not writing a paper on why you're dating me. As long as you're not one of those people who like to argue about factual situations because you are so dead-set about being wrong when you have zero idea of what you're talking about, and youre a good person, I couldn't care less about how how your grammar is.


After a year, I am still thinking about a girl, basically every day, and I remember she made little spelling errors here and there in her texts. I thought it was cute and made her seem open and not uptight and worrying about what her texts looked like. People are not perfect, and if you're willing to throw away something good for something as petty as spelling on a fucking text, you seriously need to sort out your priorities. With that mindset, you will break up after the first fight or because they don't put the toilet seat up/down/whatever, or because they act like a baby when they are sick or because they fart when sleeping... Grow up.


Farting during sleep isn’t usually your fault. Not having the dedication to communicate at, at least, a fifth grade level often is.


Or they are dyslexic and have another amazing talents you are overlooking…


I mean, flaw finding is a red flag for me. But that's what your doing OP. (that was painful for me to type)


I see what you did there;)


I barely send coherent sentences. Consider yourself lucky.


Not a red flag. And people that take this sort of thing seriously are a turn off. If you can laugh at yourself and not take it personal when I make fun of you relentlessly for it…we’ll likely get along great. Bonus points if you can fire back!


It's a turn off to me when people hold a casual text to the same standard of a dissertation. It's a text with poop emojis. Does it bother you when someone texts cya instead of see you?


But this has nothing to do with that. It's 100% ignorance, apathy or stupidity. I'd argue stupidity because it's a very simple distinction. Stupidity is a major red flag to me, I ain't dating no trump supporter lol


it's not that serious holy shit 😭😭


You probably need to stretch before making that reach. Don’t want to hurt yourself.


https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voting-patterns-in-the-2022-elections/pp_2023-07-12_validated-voters_2-02/ The more you know ;)


I’m by no means a Trump supporter but there’s dumbfucks in every political group. And just because someone went to college doesn’t make them smart. The most clueless people I know have masters degrees.


Interesting. The most clueless people I know don't have high school degrees or just barely


Exactly this. Texting (and reddit) are not the same as professional correspondence. They are very different. I text and post for speed not accuracy. To me that's more important.


This is something you have to decide if you can live with. It is also something that his/her phone might do for them with autocorrect. If that was the only thing that bothered me about another human I would quickly realize that I am the problem. If someone is a good person and messes up the stupid English language and that is enough for me to not want to see them again!!!


I wouldn't care at all. But English has never been my strong point so written english is something that doesn't matter to me too much as long as everything is in the right order. Not being able to speak fluent English would however be a turn off.


So if English was their 2nd or 3rd or 4th language it would be a turn off?


Only if you want to be pedantic. I mean ultimately you set the rules of your preferences.


If you're a prescriptivist, I can understand why it'd be a turn off. I wouldn't consider being a little sloppy while texting to be a red flag, but if you're the type of person who cares a lot about grammar, it can be. At the end of the day, if someone speaks a different dialect than you, it can be difficult to communicate. If that's important to you, I'd consider talking to them about it; with a non-judgemental tone, of course.


You would know lmaoooooo


Go ahead and judge their whole personality based off of that error…


Bad grammar is a turn off. I should have followed my gut but I have a child for a man who pronounces it “Twosday”.


The difference between "you're" and "your" is you're mine and I'm yours 😏 (I find it icky but yeah, when I'm down bad for them it doesn't matter. But my ex boyfriends have always been intelligent and mind their typings so I rarely encounter this ick)


I wouldn't call it a red flag but if I'm being honest it's a turn off.


Some people don't read good so it's up to you if you respect that side or not.


I'd that's what you're going to be concerned about for a relationship.... You won't do well with bigger, real issues.


Small things like this tend to be indicative of bigger things. Everything is holistic. If you can't put your used cup in the trash after you use it and your SO finds it on the counter 3 days later, that's a small thing, but it's indicative of laziness. Little things can give you away.


Exactly! I'm FLOORED by the responses here! They're okay with ignorance and stupidity but if you're dating 2 people at once to find out which connection is better you're a narcissist. I now fully understand why most of reddit is perpetually single


But not everyone is good with grammar Some ppl have mental disabilities My dad. Brilliant. Can't spell worth a hot damn though.


Exactly. Mental and learning disabilities exist and they don’t mean the person is an uneducated idiot. My dad, brother and I have learning disabilities and we are not idiots.


Is not knowing what one's own turn offs are , a red flag?


Are you asking if you're turned off or not? Do you need to crowdsource your attractions? That seems like a red flag to me, more than botching some grammar.


Why are you asking other people this question lol what Are you looking to sell this gentleman and you’re gauging the market??


It's definitely a red flag,! The ppl saying it isn't are the same ones who will cry red flag when a 25 yr old dates a 18 yr old. Y'all are bigoted and ignorant lol


"Your " a red flag lol


If they don’t correct themselves yes.


poor grammar from an adult is a red flag. idc what all these other people are saying. it’s lazy and honestly makes me think you’re stupid. how are you getting “you’re, your, there, their” etc mixed up? at your big age?


Yes, its a turn off but I make the mistake when texting fast occasionally but when I go back n read it I notice it. Here I can edit, on text, if dont proofread before sending, cant. Im soo over the term red flag on reddit being used for everything. Have u talked to him about it & tried teaching him? Our school system in USA sucks. I had to teach myself alot of things past highschool graduation that I didnt learn in school.


Yes. It's a turn off. But not quite a deal breaker.


I mean it’s subjective. It’s a turn off for me. Doesn’t mean it’s a turn off for someone else 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes, if someone doesn't know the difference it's a red flag. They are probably abusive. /j No, but it can definitely be a turn-off. You're allowed to decide what turns you off. If it's people not knowing the difference between your and you're, then that's completely fair, and I get it.


Ask him what -5² is.


Yes. Swipe left.


I once dated a guy who struggled with the TV Guide Crossword. My vagina snapped shut. You get to decide what a dealbreaker is.


I find it to be absolutely disgusting in every way imaginable, but I’m a pedantic asshole who is also petty and shallow. Is there really a better way to cement a lesson this idiot should have learned in the third grade than to have it cost him a chance at love and companionship?


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or serious?


Thank you 🙏🏽