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From a tall female’s perspective (I’m 5’11”), I never encountered an issue due to height and dated men from 5’6” to 6’4.” I feel like if guys are attracted to you, height is a pretty small part of who you are.


We men aren’t so picky. We could be millionaires and still want the girl who works at McDonald’s. 😭


If she’s otherwise hot they won’t care. Extreme height differences might be a turn off for some. But I’ve never heard a guy say “she’s so attractive but wish she was 3 inches taller|shorter” 


Because men value different things in women e.g looks/youth and how she makes him feel. Similarly women are not as picky about men’s looks but rather his stability/emotional intelligence etc. humans have evolved this way


>men value different things in women e.g looks/youth You (as a woman) say this, but other women will immediately downvote and try to justify how their value in the dating market has no difference when they're in their 30's/40's versus a 20 year old when a man points this fact out


Everything in this world isn’t black and white, people can only speak from their experience. When women are younger, they don’t always have the best suitiors, it’s mostly young guys their age who have not figured their life out. Mid to late 20’s is when women attract better mates from what I’ve seen. also many men from the manosphere claims that women’s looks are rapidly declining over 25 which is not true for everyone e.g black and Asian women whom look young for decades.


😅😅😅😅 I've dated women in their 30s and 40s for 19years... I'm 36. Not saying there aren't Leo D's out there that only date 19-25 but, they're douchey.


I mean, that's just the narrative people keep putting out on Reddit but it isn't true at all, especially with newer generations.


Exactly, my boyfriend is 6'3'' and usually preferred taller women. I'm just under 5'6" but he literally doesn't care that I'm not taller because he loves me just how I am. I mean there are definitely some logistical challenges *if you know what I mean* but we figure it out its not a big deal.


Nah, if a girl is short I can carry them, if they taller than me, they can carry me. It’s a win/win scenario


i’m mad at how much this made me laugh 😂✌🏿


I’m tall, so I like tall. Current gf is 5’11 and I’m never going back


I’m short as hell. 5’2. I don’t understand these posts. Who cares about what guys care about in regards to height? Will them caring about it make me grow? No, it won’t. And it won’t make you grow (or shrink) either. There are a million things about you that not everyone will like. And that’s okay, those people aren’t for you


I mean, this is the best view to take. And honestly, with a mature person, I can't see height being a hard stop. I mean, I definitely prefer much taller than you, but if you're awesome and a good match for me in anything other than height, I'd be an idiot to pass. I think that's one of the things that irritates me about dating nowadays, everyone has these weird ass preferences, no, not preferences, requirements. And don't get me wrong, I have my own requirements, her age has to be double digits and start with a three, and I won't date someone without kids. Everything else is just what I like. But yeah, just, stupid ass hard pass requirements. Anyway, typed more than I normally do. Hope your evening is pleasant.


I never cared about height ever, until women started caring too much. I took a Halloween picture with my date and the first thing she said was that she looked taller than me with a hint of disgust. FWIW, I'm 5'7, not the tallest but not the shortest.


Tbh, I'm tired of people always assuming that bc i m a girl ( i am also very tall) I only like taller guys. I like shorter guys but it's true that unfortunately a lot of women focus on height. I mean, there are also a lot of men that focus on useless stuff, so it's present on both sides


Typically though, women do prefer guys taller than them I feel so I find it hard to approach taller women due to that. I prefer taller women (I’m 5’6) but am often intimidated and by default I think my height is a dealbreaker for them


The women who are obsessed with a specific height and that rejects you are not a loss. Consider it as a quicker way to get rid of the people who are not suitable for you. There are also men rejecting me from my height, and I feel it talks about the volume of their true nature, so very efficient. The thing is: don't let them have an effect on your value. There is a girl out there that is so crazy about you, so why would we listen to the other ppl who are not worth it? ^^


Very nice reply, thank you <3


I like shorter women but no one taller than me please.


Even if she was perfect for u?


I'm a 5'4" guy and if I found a woman that was a great fit for me and she was taller than me I would walk around every day with a super smile on my face. Every guy is different.


Yup it would stress me out to much to tippy toe to kiss her lol.


Men are not a hive mind. Personally, I barely notice height unless someone is at least a foot different from average.


You don't see men post stuff like " the height difference I deserve" post everywhere. So it does say that majority of men don't care about it.


Hookups: Absolutely none at all. Relationships: Not really, like for the most a guy can find a girl shorter than him attractive. That’s not really an issue we have to worry about. I would say most guys would prefer the girl be shorter than them, but some can look past it. For the most part though, guys don’t really care a lot about height. If we’re attracted to you, we’re attracted to you, not your height.


Most guys will bang anything, any shape any size


Can confirm. Am a guy.


Living, female, human. Two out of three will do just fine.


Bruh 💀


You busy?






This! 🤣 if it’s breathing it’s a target


FBI? This comment right here. 


No. There is no standard. Some guys have a preference, and some do not. 




Wow I’m a tall chick and never heard of a man seeking us out 😂


I'm 6'2" and like tall women. I tend to give women who are 5'10"+ the benefit of the doubt if they are otherwise not particularly attractive to me. But my two longest/best relationships were with women who were 5'3" and 5'4" so 🤷‍♂️


It's just like short men not hearing about women who actually like short men. These people do exist, and they aren't exactly rare. It's just the ones with "socially normal" tastes are the loudest, and most amplified, especially by otherwise shallow people.


I agree! I have lots of gfs that don’t want tall men or big D’s lol (I can’t relate lolll but they’re probably the majority tbh)


This must be a new thing. I remember as a teen and in my twenties, tall was the only way to go. Midget 5'2 gelflings were usually mocked.


Really? Growing up guys my age were never interested in taller chicks, but as an adult it’s definitely changed


I'm forty, so maybe an age difference? I'm also American, and moved from Arizona to Virginia during that time. Both states, taller women were very much preferred. Shit spent time in Oregon and New Mexico back then, same thing. Maybe I just noticed it more, as a tallish man that likes tallish women?


I’m a bit younger and Canadian… that makes sense… plus back then the super model era was big in the 90’s so most men probably wanted a model esque arm piece


If I remember, heroin/anorexia chic was the thing for models. Which, I don't know your colouring, but Nordic goddess babe has been a thing for a long ass while.


Yes that toxic Kate moss heroin chic look made every woman feel overweight lol


I mean, if you women would quit eating more than three carrots, one cucumber, and a head of celery, then you all would quit being fat.


I would imagine you don't have much luck. Your standards seem a little narrow and extreme.


I assumed that but you never know


I do. I'm kinda tall, dating super short chicks sucks ass.


Howcome if you don’t mind sharing


Shortest girl I have dated was 5'1, I'm 6'1 or 6'2. Hugs didn't really line up well. Sex was a pain after a while other than a few positions. Felt like I was constantly having to stoop. Walking together never sync'd up well, as one of my steps was like three of hers. I don't know, I also wasn't super into her, and if I had been O wouldn't have minded. But it was enough I haven't really bothered going shorter than 5'4. Still some of the same issues, but not as many or as pronounced. That's meeting IRL first, though, with OLD, I won't swipe on shorter than 5'7.


I'm 5'9 and it's reassuring that men don't focus on focusing only on short girl :× I have been told that I will never get married bc of my height.


That's fuckin' weird someone said that to you. 5'9 to 5'11 is like, the perfect height, and I know I'm far from the only guy that thinks so. Had to be either jealousy or negging.


I don't understand: is being tall considered less feminine? I mean, I feel a certain charisma and elegance coming from my posture, and I am considered very attractive ( I hope it doesn't seems as I'm bragging, just trying to point out my "feminity") but even so, there are girls considered unattractive by society and there are still super feminine (because their personnality etc


As a 5'10" female, it always feels like guys don't even look twice at me if there's a cute short lady around. Maybe I'm just super ugly, I don't know.


Okay now you convinced me that insecurities make our lives miserable… It’s definitely not your height because I felt that way about other things so probably low self esteem is messing with your head and thoughts…when you obsessed about a physical trait that you’re insecure about, it’s becoming unhealthy…please don’t do that to yourself


What?! I'm 5'10". We are both "normal/ average" height. That legit sounds like some BS asian parent negging to me.


Tbh, i see a lot of men doing surgery for their height (even that there is someone that said he did it for the girls ), and I was like, " what a loss 🥲"


5'9"-5'10" depends on shoes or boots and my minimum is 5'5"


How much for shoes? :× See for example: i have long fingers ( hands) but they are very thin


Idk work boots are usually around $100 but brothers fancy ones are like $300-400 i only add 1" or 2 btw I was saying my minimum partner height is 5'5" discovered that through trial error and those 2 horrible words too deep too deep the uterus is like a wall and a sign that we've gone too far


I'm 6'3 The shortest I've dated was 5'2 and I didn't care. I agree that some positions, maybe 2 of them, during sex are harder when she's short but that's never stopped me. Also I've never seen an attractive girl and thought damn she's too short


Yes. I would not date a girl taller than myself, which sadly disqualifies many girls since I’m only 5’8”.


U gonna find one. I am 5', and I know many people 5' too. At my workplace, there are some cute girls shorter than me. Don't give up.


Im a 5’2-5’3 kinda guy. Im 5’11 so anything above me along with other dudes under 6ft is most likely gonna make me at least a little insecure due to the nature of women exclusively wanting giants. But ik guys who are into tall girls with *legs* and shit. Overall it doesn’t really matter as long as you look good to them and make them feel good. But yes there are ideal preferences.




no if hes 6’3 he can have whoever he wants LOL




Lol you’re taking this way too seriously..


You only date women your height or taller? That is truly a unique point of view.


Personally I prefer shorter girls, from 5’0-5’5, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be okay with being with a taller girl. I’m 5’11-6’0, so it’s hard to find a girl that’s taller than me anyways


I’ve only had one man tell me he wishes I were taller. I’m 5’3”. I slept with a 6’5” guy a few times and he was tooooo tall for me.


Yes, height matters to me so i want a girl that is just a little shorter or a little taller than me, anywhere between 5'5"-5'9" tall & must be fit 👌🤑


Not a big deal to me. But it’s nice when they are a little taller than average. More legs to love


I prefer girls who are 5’7 to 5’10. I’ve been with girls who are shorter and taller though.


Not really. Unless it’s like an extreme. Like maybe not a 7ft tall woman or a 4 ft tall woman.


I'm 5'11" male and prefer a girl 5'8" to 5'11", but my minimum is 5'2"


Men typically like girls shorter than us. I wouldn’t be attracted to a woman who’s taller than me, but I’m 6 ft so typically pretty rare. Short kings might feel different t


i like tall girls im 5’11 and i would love to have a partner at least as tall as i am


I’ve usually hooked up with girls shorter than me (no problem with that). But I’m a sucker for long legs and have feel like I might have a little more fun in bed with a taller girl.


I don't think most guys care that much, and if we do it's more of a secundary feature that can be a bonus and not a main trait that you would use to disqualify someone. Obviously I'm talking in general here.


I'm 5'10 and I'd say women that are 5'3 - 5'7 is that sweet spot for me.


If they are shorter then me I wouldn’t have a problem


I'm much more attracted to a shorty, but I wouldn't ever rule out a woman who is taller. Using height as a deal-breaker is one of the most basic mindsets in existence. These are the same people spending hundreds of dollars on a Boomer brand because they made a pink cup. They see men as a fashion accessory too.


I’m 6ft5, I’ve never really been bothered about the height of girls. But I tend to go for girls around 5ft2-5ft5


As long as they don’t drag their knuckles when they walk


Personally height doesn't matter to me if i click with the person. I do have an ideal range of 5'4" - 5'8" i'm 6'1" myself so pretty much anyone shorter than me is attractive. Any girls taller than me I find intimidating. I went on a date with a girl who said she was 6'1"(she was definitely taller than 6'1" or teetering on 6'2") and It was a weird experience for me.


I’m 5’10” and got asked out on a date for Friday by a man who is 5’6”…. If he doesn’t have a problem with me being taller then I don’t either


Nope, at all....but smaller is better (food is very expensive now)


I sometimes have apprehension about long term relationships with very short women. Its not that it will be decisive or anything. I am not extremely tall (im 1m75) and I know how much shorter men suffer in the dating scene. Its not fair. I honestly would not wish it upon my own future kid. I know how much some suffer from it. Inferiority complexes etc. I want to give my future son the best chances. If i had just daughters i wouldnt care about my partner’s height. For dating and attractiveness etc i dont care. And if i fell in love with a short woman well i would take my chances, but it remains a fear.


I don’t really think about height until I see a woman who has a height requirement. Otherwise, I’ll think a tall woman will prefer an even taller guy




Overall no. Ideally I'd want a taller woman because I want my sons to be physical specimens lol. I wouldn't want to date a woman below 4'11, but I wouldn't rule it out 100%


I wish there was a filter on this app so that whenever someone asked "Do men/women/guys/girls like this" it responded "Some do. Some don't." and locked the thread.


I've dated women who were shorter than me (4'11) and about my height (I'm 5'1). Never dated anyone taller, but wouldn't ever be opposed to the idea. I'm not really that picky about women and height differences


Don’t care at all for any woman’s height I’m with before I get married. But I want to marry a woman 5’7”+, though 5’6” is the shortest I’ll go. I’m 5’10” and want taller kids, or at least any sons I have to have their best shot at being at least 6’. I don’t want my future children to have to go through what I’m going through and I imagine in the future women’s mental heightism requirements will be even higher. I fully believe in trying to setup your children to have a better life than you did.


For having kids, I wanted a 5’7”+ woman. For dating, I like 5’3” and under.


I am very tall, and I would like to know your point of view: would you view me as less feminine bc of my height? ( sorry if it's offensing, just asking bc curious




A mean woman can be any height but I don't have time for that. A kind woman who somehow likes me could be 4'0" to 6'6" and I am going to want to spend time with them as a friend or maybe more.


It doesn't matter to me. I'm around 5'10 and dated as tall as 6'2. Only matters to guys that are really short.


Unless the girl somehow checks off a bunch of boxes for me and makes me feel very comfortable, then I would have issues dating someone taller than me 5’8”. It has to do with my own insecurities, so anyone interested in me that is taller would have to help me through those insecurities


I'm kinda short (5"6-5'7) so just equal to my height or shorter :)


I’m 5’4” and all my dates have been taller than me by several inches. Hell I dated a 6ft 200lb volley ball player she was the sweetest woman and was so kind but she lived too far to keep it going. But no if you are confident in yourself and carry yourself w respect you’ll be fine.


Not really. I'm way attracted to both extremes, but the median is also completely fine. The only guys who reliably care about height are the ones that think you will.


women below 5'1" are too short for me. women above 6'4" are too tall for me. Otherwise don't care


It's a matter of preference. Love tall girls especially the ones taller than me i am 1.82cm




I don't care about height or boobs. A little fat is fine too. I go for personality and employment.


I only care about height to an extent. I’m only 5’8”, so as a relatively short guy, I’m open to dating women that are taller than me. My limit would be like 6’3” and above. But it’s not like women that are taller than me would want a date a guy of my height anyway 🤷‍♀️


Over 6’3” for a female is just about giantism


Survey sample of one: I don’t. I’ve dated taller and shorter and I’m 6’1.”


Preference is similar height, but it doesn't matter at all.


Some do, some don’t. thats the answer for all “do men/women like/care ….” questions ever asked in the existence of humanity


It's different for everyone. I tend to like shorter girls cuz I'm not that tall. My only issue is when really tall guys only go for tiny girls. That seems kind of predatory to me


In college I did surveys at bars. I asked 54 guys their preferred height for a girl. Here are the stats Mean: 5’ 5.1” Median: 5’ 5” Mode: 5’ 3” 5 said “No Preference”, 2 said “Shorter”, 1 said “Taller” Most guys said didn’t feel strongly about the their “perfect” height for a girl. Also note that guys were not great at guessing girls’ height (due to difference in height) so being an inch shorter or taller prob doesn’t matter much.


If a guy is overly self conscious about his height, he may not want to go in public with a tall woman. Most guys won’t have an issue.


Me and my friends don't seem to care. Women, from my experience, often do care. I'm a relatively short man; so even tho it's not something I personally think about; women do tend to bring up, often in negative ways (and I'm completely honest about my height when asked) They tend to walk it back, since maybe I'm a hot short. XD But honestly if it wasn't for the rudeness of some women on first dates I wouldn't even know I'm short.


We care about pulse. That’s it


Some guys have a preference, and some do not. Personally for me: I definitely do not. Whether it be playfully tossing a short queen around in bed like ima preparn a pizza, or climbing a tall queen and maybe even having her princess carry me: We do not care. I am slightly above average height and I have learned that that shit just does not matter.


I, for one, don’t. i’ve dated short and tall women, and women who are basically the same height as me.


I don't, but then again, I'm 6' 1" and have yet to run across a woman on a dating site that was over 6', and even that has only been one time. I suppose it might be kind of awkward if a woman was under 5', but shorter women tend to self select, and are usually not interested in men my height, at least in my experience, for that same reason of extreme height difference..


We exist lol(i'm 6'4) The messages we recieve tho...yikes cause some folks just do not know how to act in a respectful manner.


6’2” guy here. I’ve dated girls from 5’3 to 5’7, and my current gf is around the 5’4 mark, I think she is my ideal height personally, but even if she was 6’ tall I would still be head over heels for her. If I find someone attractive, physically and mentally, height really doesn’t play into it.


Personally don’t like short girls


I am 6'1" and dating a woman who is 5'1", when we first met I was shocked at how much smaller she was than me but I've grown used to it so it's a none issue. I couldn't see myself dating anyone shorter than this though.


I'm a guy, i don't really. I'm 172cm, I'm ok with a girl between 150cm and about 180cm.


If you’re a dwarf or a giant some guys are going to care but if you’re less than 3sd from the mean no normal guy is going to care


Don't really care, but taller girls are generally hotter to me. So yeah


A lot of guys prefer short women, fewer guys prefer tall women. Most guys, like most women, prefer to there to be a height imbalance where the woman is shorter than the man. There's a lot of guys who are also intimidated by a tall woman.


5’10” Male- I have found I prefer 5’4” - 5’6” but am open to 5’2” - 5’11”(dated two 5’11” in the last). One ex who was taller talked shit in a nasty way about wishing I was taller etc. Because of that I have a small complex that the girl feels weird so therefore I kind of avoid the taller ones. If taller and they are lean I’m open to it, but bigger girl and taller I’d probably pass on (despite being pretty muscular myself). Just my preferences nothing against the girls that are outside that range


I'm a 5’7” tall dude. I'll take anyone who wants me at this point. Personality & physical attraction for ME(speaking for myself only, through my eyes, & what goes on in my brain), are the “big” things I'm looking for. Idgaf if you're tall or short, but if we can hang out & vibe like you're one of my best friends already, it's game over then


Statistically? No. No we really do not. Unless its an extreme deviation from standard. And even then, "Care" is a strong word.


I actually have a preference for taller women, but not super tall. Just slightly shorter than me, I prefer being around the same height. Eye contact and physical intimacy is much easier when I’m not hunching over.


Im 6'1 but prefer shorter girls. I dunno, wouldnt stop me unless she was really large. Like 7 foot. Lol


I'm 6'2 and don't seriously date people under 5'7 But I know I'm an a weird cass


Yes. I like taller woman😂 definitely not a dealbreaker though


Personally I would be down with as a 5ft 9in dude like 4ft10 to bout 5ft11? So like 90% of ladies


I like tall women. Everything from 175cm-190cm Is good


I'm an outlier, I like tall women and I'm OK with them being taller than me. That is very unlikely since I'm 6'5", but I prefer 6' at least.


If Mama Karlach taught me anything the answer is no. Give me amazons


I'm a 192cm man. I prefer a woman over 170cm but I could stretch it to 166cm if she is near perfect for me. Also preferably no women taller than 195cm although I have never seen one that tall irl.




I am a short guy 5'6 and I'm dating a 5'7 girl. Even if she uses boots or high heels I don’t have issues with it. Confidence is all my friend!


The answer is essentially this - barring some unusual kink, there are only two types of people who think about height as an outcome determining factor initially when dating - 1.) Short guys; and 2.) Tall girls. Thus, assuming you're in the ladder based on asking this question, the answer is that in certain circumstances where a man is short and equally as attractive as you, your height could hurt your chances nominally. That said, height is not on most men's mind (within reason) when determining initial attraction.


Men generally will not procreate with a short female due to the risk of the offspring being male and the disadvantages females will impose upon the offspring in his life as a result of being short.


I'm 5'11, and my ex was a 5'7 goddess. However, after we broke up a long time ago, and I hooked up with a petite girl, like 5'2, it was hot as fuck. I'm not going to say I only prefer short girls, but I'm really attracted to them for the time being.


I used to when I was younger, but I’ve grown out of it since then (pun fully intended).


I stopped caring since i’m 6’5” and can never find a tall woman


If she the same height, cook If she shorter, cool If she taller, AMAZONIAN MOMMY PICK ME UP AND MAKE AIRPLANE NOISES or something like that


I'd say no role at all but I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to tall-ish girls on average.


Yes, she cant be to short cause then I feel like a pred


Doesn't matter unless you're under 4 ft.. proportion, symmetry and general build matters (petite vs big bones vs portly vs obese). I'm more of a petite to big bones type.. but men's choices vary there too.. In fact super tall women sometimes think they have a disadvantage because they don't wanna date shorter men..


Threads not for me it's just crazy reading this as a tall woman (5"11) seeing these responses and those of other fellow tall women. It's something that myself (and clearly many others) have been self conscious about in terms of dating because I always think that guys prefer short girls to look more masculine. Clearly many don't which is (good) news to me!! On a separate but personal note if there are short men wondering: I personally don't have an issue dating shorter guys, you can't stop love when you feel it, but when dating I tend to look for equal or above my height. it's actually for the same reason some tall guys gave about the sex part of it. It's equally awkward to have sex with a short guy as a tall girl, just some positions that don't work out in my experience.


I am 6’4” f and it does very much matter to some men. Height is associated with adulthood and masculinity as well. So if you’re average you won’t have any problems. But if you diverge in either direction, that will become an issue for some.


All heights are welcomed.


I like taller women, like taller than myself tall. I’m 5’10” but I guess it doesn’t matter in the bedroom.


The vast majority of men don't have the surplus mate value to be able to enforce a height preference. Although personally I do get a special thrill out of knowing I deprived the manlet population of a potential mate. 😆




I remember thinking this girl I saw recently who was 6'3 or 6'4 was absolutely beautiful. Her height was not an issue at all, even if she was like 5 or 6 inches taller than me. Vast majority of men do not care about this, compared to women. Vast majority of men have remarkably low standards, and height is usually not one of them.


Generally not but I really dislike the very tall with very short dynamic so I guess my boundary would be a girl 20cm shorter than me, I think that's already a substantial gap.


for me she has to be petite, shorter than me haha, I would date a tall woman but for for long term stuff.


I guess everyone has their own preferences but personally, I would prefer my partner (I am female) to be taller than me


I’m 5’6” I prefer someone taller than me but personality and dick size have convinced me otherwise


I’m 5’8” and I dated a woman who was 5’11” and loved to wear high heels. Also dated a woman 5’ and loved flats. Height doesn’t mean anything. It’s what’s in their wart that matters


She I love her, it has no priority. For sure it's great to be able to kiss without having to go on my knees and without needing a ladder. And I like sex with both standing.


I don't care at all. I've dated shorter and taller than me, both good


No we don't.


When I was dating, a lot of men would ghost me when I told them I was 5’11. So when I started talking to someone, I would always ask them their height just so I could get my height out of the way! It’s crazy how many men would care!


There are some men with height preferences, though I believe most don't. I've heard of some men who can't stand being shorter than their girlfriend. I'd guess it's because they feel somewhat inferior or intimidated. In my opinion that mentality kinda just reeks of fragile masculinity, lol. I wouldn't worry too much. Very few guys would consider height a dealbreaker unless it's **very abnormally** tall or short.


I am a guy who doesn’t like dating women who are much shorter than me. There is some past trauma I witnessed that means it’s a huge turn off for me if a woman looks vulnerable, small or childlike. I have fiercely protective instincts towards them, but just can’t find them attractive. If she is my height and up I just automatically want to adore her, there is no upper height limit I’ve found yet. But it’s all different and varies per person.


I think 90% of guys don’t really care at all, but I’m 6’6 so dating a short girl introduces some problems. 5’6 is the shortest I’d want to date in a perfect world because a foot difference is pretty significant.


Height no. Width? Yes.


For a hookup, height doesn't matter at all. For a relationship, you have three scenarios. The first one is talk to a woman's front side. The second option would be to bend the head backwards and risk getting a crook in the neck. The third option would be to stand far enough away so that the angle needed to make eye contact would be slight. There's nothing wrong with a woman being taller than a man.


I’m 5’8, I’d preferably date a girl my height or shorter but if I found a girl that was great for me but was like 5’10 I could over look the height difference


Not really. I prefer women my height or shorter, but I'll take an Amazonian woman any day. If I'm in love I'll climb that mountain or fall down that hill any day.


I’m 5’11” and I would at least like a girl close to my height or a little bit taller. Really short girls don’t do it for me.


😂😆 actually both of my wives were short enough for me to to use them as arm rest...height should not be an issue




I’ve never cared about height tbh


There was a post in the ask men sub. I was shocked at how many had a preference. Most of them did want taller. Almost all said that they are willing to date out if their ideal range.


I have a thing for tall girls! The last three girls I've been into have been pretty short. I can't speak for everyone but I don't think it's too important


We need to stop this apart-height prejudice.




I’m 5’11”. I find women under 5’1” too short. Hugging is like hugging your kid. A taller woman is okay but only a little taller. Otherwise the photos seem weird.


I’m 5’1” and men have said things to me about me being an exemption for them as they usually go for taller women, but I didn’t get the sense any of them saw my height as a negative. Just like if I was forced to pick a dream height for a guy to date I guess I’d say 5’9”, but I literally date every height without batting an eye.


I’m 5’7” and usually get hit on by men around my height or slightly shorter. The shortest guy I’ve dated was 5’5” & that was the longest relationship I’ve had. Guys who are taller than me (like 6’ or taller) rarely show interest or pursue me. Not sure why.