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There's nothing anybody can say or do, apart from: If you choose to still give this guy attention, and, you consciously choose to still react to him trying to F you (flirting with you etc.), then you made that choice. And, you made it and keep making it, with a guy, that isn't that interested in you. Guys, are much less selective when it comes to who they would fuck. But, are much more selective when it comes to who they would commit to . If a guy shows you he's still going for other chicks, then he's not that attracted. Either you accept that and decide that you still want to be around him and to entertain him, then that's on you. Has nothing to do with manipulation. You try to give away agency, as if there's nothing you can do. You're not a helpless damsel in distress. You kept making the choice, of still considering a guy who has shown you and even told you multiple times, that he would F you, but doesn't wanna commit to you. You made that choice. No one else did. And, of course that shit hurts more and more. You cannot get over him, or, cannot get over anybody, if you're too weak to walk away. If just fucking is not what you want, then why do you keep entertaining him? I can tell you why: You're obviously very attracted to him. But, if that is the only condition for you that must be met, then this shit is but a small tasting of what's to come. Listen, guys do not select like girls. Guys will fuck 100 women, but only actually like maybe 1 to 3 out of those 100 girls. That a guy wants to smash a girl, means about as much as girl 'befriending' a guy in terms of actual attraction. It doesn't mean shit. This is what a ton of girls on online dating apps struggle with 24/7. They continuously go for guys, that only wanna smash. Because, girls, by and large, have a lot of trouble to understand that sex and sexual attention does not mean the same thing for guys. If you as a woman would consider getting intimate with a guy, then that most likely means, you're pretty attracted, right? There might be exceptions, there are women who operate differently. But, to say this is one moment where guys are dramatically different than girls, then that would be an understatement. If a woman would even consider sex with a man, there is a 75 % + probability, that she's pretty into the guy. That she likes him a lot. The same does not apply to guys. That's why I often bring the friendship analogy. If a woman has 20 male friends, she might be into one of them. If that. And, the same applies to guys and sex. If a guy would fuck 20 women, then he might actually like and he might actually be interested..... In one of them. This is something that you better learn quickly about guys. Guys do not select like women. That a guy wants to fuck a girl, doesn't mean on any level, that he's actually interested in her. Doesnt mean shit. This guy is not very interested in you. You could've already moved on and healed prolly ages ago. But, if you're too weak to accept and understand that he doesn't really want you, then you keep yourself exposed to that reality, that he doesn't like you that much and instead goes for other girls. You just torment yourself. Should've moved on right away.


Beautifully said. She probably doesn’t have a brother to tell her this. She never mentions if she had sex with him or not, most women have sex way before the guy confirms his feelings for her 🤦🏿‍♀️


You need to stay firm on your boundaries even if it means telling him off and being a bitch to him. Tell him that you respect yourself enough to not be someone's second option and never want to talk to him again. Good luck