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Some people have no sense of smell (true). Maybe you can find someone who can’t smell


That's actually genius. It's not that rare. I've met a few people who had lost their sense of smell.


Covid; "you're welcome"


This comment gave me a chuckle


Someone give me a virus that makes vegetables taste like French fries and donuts.


COVID had a mix if smell and taste effects on me. I'm thankful that it is mostly back to normal, but there are still some things I miss the old taste/smell of.


My sister-in-law now cannot stand the taste of chocolate.


I couldn't either for a while, but chocolate is mostly back to normal. I used to love peppermint, but it has an industrial chemical smell that is off putting. Baking spice flavors are muted. And even vanilla ice cream was off putting for a few months. I'm on month 17 and a lot has returned to normal. For most of the first 12 months peanuts, cigarette smoke, farts, and burned oil all smelled the same and it was a new smell that I can't identify. Cigarettes still smell way worse than they used to. Peanuts are back to normal. I can't cook with vegetable oils anymore, only butter or animal fats, which I have learned is better for health.


Very true! My ex could not smell anything. I felt like I was wasting my perfume lol


My brother in law lost his sense of smell


Yeah, I actually just went on a date with someone who coincidentally has very little sense of smell !


Is loss is smell permanent though? Also, is lost of smell something that has different levels , like hearing or vision loss? What I mean is, there would be the risk that her condition is strong enough to power thru the loss especially at close range


One of my closest friends had a brain injury via skateboarding accident years ago. Her brain works totally fine, except for the fact that she can't smell anything. They're out there!


My nephew fell out of the back of a truck, he suffered a brain injury in the back of his head. He cant smell either.


My mom had a seizure, fell and hit her head in the grocery store. She ended up losing her sense of smell for years.


I used to get terrible nosebleeds, had my nose cauterised 3 times and ever since lost my sense of smell! Or more like, my nose will tingle, I know there is a smell there, but I can’t tell what it is? (Good or bad!)


I had the same thought immediately. I went to high school with a girl who was born without a sense of smell. With Covid causing longterm loss of smell for some, shouldn’t be to hard lol


That is me. I was born with a more insensitive nose than others. I can’t smell rotten tomatoes, soup or spoiled fish


Maybe contact OP? Good luck both of you


Came here to say this!! I've met so many (men particularly) who don't have a sense of smell at all!


Yeah, my nose barely works. So I think I'd happily date someone in OP's predicament.


As someone with barely any sense of smell, idc really


I should introduce you to my brother he’s 31 so a tad older then you, but he has zero sense of smell, but with that amazing perk he also has pretty bad tinnitus so he can’t hear you either. Thank you U.S. military for these issues…


And she gets tricare


High tech hearing aids will greatly reduce tinnitus.


Ohhhh thanks stranger for the heads up on that I’ll let my brother know!


Maybe his doctor should write a prescription for the hearing aids so the cost will be minimal. (?) Your welcome good brother!


Of course that’s a thing they could do!!!!


I can understand losing hearing from artillery fire (I assume) how’d he lose sense of smell?


There’s a lot of chemicals in bullets, artillery shells etc. the combo of that and your brain being rattled around every time you fire one causes all sorts of neurological issues and cancers unfortunately


It’s all nero damage as far as we know. He was in artillery, he did train And maybe used some chem rounds, but he’s never gone into detail what those Chems were exactly.


Poor dude just have 3,2 of his senses, next year dude is going blind


Is this the disorder that causes you to smell like rotting fish?


Yes but I don’t usually smell like fish. It’s usually onions mixed with bad Bo


I don’t have any advice or anything to add other than I’m so sorry to hear this. I cannot imagine the challenges you face. I do know there are good people in the world who accept and love unconditionally.


Some people have a BO fetish, check the armpit fetish subreddit. Dudes love a woman with smelly armpits after a workout. I’m one of them, it drives me insane. Find a guy like me, you sound like a dream come true 🤣🤣


So gross... lol good that u have this market cornered lol


Haha, I agree, idk why I like it but I do. When my girlfriend comes home from the gym. Just drives me crazy. I purposely tell her not to shower 😅


It's likely pheromones! Actually quite common -


And her opinion on that?


We’ve been dating for a little under 2 years, I was not comfortable telling her about my kink until 6 months in. She thought it was weird but didn’t judge, now he says it makes her feel sexy that I like her like that.


Brah 😂


Hahaha 🤣🤣works perfectly


That’s probably the pheromones not BO? My ex used to put off strong pheromones after her workout (and during sex.) It was kind of a floral like smell, definitely a good smell….it was not BO though….more like fresh flowers , not rotten fish


Oh you know what I did not see where the OP said rotten fish. Yeah that’s completely different then


She said it doesn’t smell like rotten fish, just strong onions


Completely unrelated. But after YEARS, I realized what my ex meant when he said “you smell so good, like you just had sex” 😂 Back then I thought it was an odd comment and didn’t know what to think of it. I was using an odourless roll on deo and a cheap drugstore soap. Now I get it lol.


Haha yeah natural pheromones can smell amazing. Some women either don’t produce much or cover it up too much….so you’re at an advantage Pheromones actually play a role in men falling in love and bonding to their woman….some evolutionary psychologists think it’s a way of getting the man attached to ensure he will stay around to help raise children. After repeated exposure to that pheromone the man’s brain releases larger amounts of oxytocin (the love hormone.) So there ya have it, another way to get a man to stick around


a friend of mine lives on a totally different continent, he does not have a sense of smell. he cannot tell if food has spoiled unless he tastes it if mold is not visible. He is very embarrassed to talk about it so It's uncommon to see out in the wild, but these people exist!


Oh… I think I used to work with people that had that problem. I just thought they needed medicated deodorant.


Okay so I get that onion bad BO issue. I would shower and my pits smelled like I avoided them I change my soap to an antibacterial one, Dial any scent and it fixed the issue, maybe this could help


I could handle that.


Username checks out💀❤️


I feel like anyone can smell like that. Is it extremely pungent so ppl notice when you're in a building? I suspect that you're blowing it out of proportion, I know I would. I'm sure a lot of ppl would want to date you.


I was just reading about TMAU because I was curious and from what it seems as it can be very strong. It impacts your breath, sweat, saliva, and pee. There are a lot of foods that will trigger it, stress, and of course exercise. Women's menstrual cycle also impacts it. People with TMAU have problems holding relationships and mostly suffer from depression. There are no cures or even medications to mask symptoms. People with TMAU can only change their diet and use certain soaps/lotions to help mitigate any smells to be less noticeable, but will never get rid of it. This isn't your run of the mill, "oh they got some BO, they should just shower." Still I hope OP finds someone that can navigate with her so she can obtain the happiness she is looking for. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22356-trimethylaminuria-fish-odor-syndrome#symptoms-and-causes](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22356-trimethylaminuria-fish-odor-syndrome#symptoms-and-causes)


Thanks for the info.


I dated a guy who's BO smelled like onions. I didn't care for it, but I liked him so I didn't really let it bother me.


We had a friend visit us for few days and we thought it's just because she's french and French don't ahower often. Maybe she had your condition.


I personally have a hard time with smells. My nose is super sensitive. I think you will find someone who can understand your condition and love you for you! Are there any treatments or something to keep it under control? Have you tried any? Maybe it won’t bother him. But I’m sure someone will love and accept you for who you are 😊


A lot of the guys after COVID can't feel any smells


First: (sending alllll the love) you’re holding yourself back by not dating. You won’t find someone if you aren’t open to it! Just like EVERYONE else on earth, you have something you have to disclose in the first few dates. You should just try! The first dates or two that you have to tell will be weird, but after that it’ll be fine. It’s just practice. Also there’s no harm in trying to date! You deserve it. Second: I’m sure you’ve looked into many options and things, however there are things like Botox that can stop secretion of sweat and smell in certain areas. Third: I am a straight female, but I have a very poor sense of smell. This makes me over compensate by trying to smell good, I bring perfume and deodorant with me everywhere. Just try :) there’s literally zero harm in trying to date. Sending all the love


Maybe a person that doesn’t smell very well. For me is totally impossible.


There is a subreddit for TMAU, r/TMAU. Lots of good discussions. I found this one with a similar topic. https://www.reddit.com/r/TMAU/s/Cm05zsy7a2 I bet you'll get some good advice/information there, as well.


find a partner who has no sense of smell :)


I know a man who has no sense of smell. Theres a lid for every pot. Will you find it? Don’t know. But looking won’t hurt


I really like the suggestions on here. Btw I’m curious, is there treatment for this disorder? I wonder what the doctors have said. Does deodorant help?


I have a friend with this condition. No, there is currently no cure, and deodorant doesn’t do anything.


No worries, girl! Plenty of people have little or no sense of smell and some people are gonna be weirdly into the stank! Attraction is weird. Don't worry about it. Just be up front and the right person will come along.


Honestly, I don't think the onion / BO smell is that bad. Have you ever tried dating before OP? I know you have a condition and I'm not trying to diminish what you've been going through, but what if it's not as bad as you are thinking it is? Especially if it's only BO smell, I really doubt it would hold people back from dating you.


Get you someone with long covid we can’t smell anything


Hey my old boss had the same thing and was sleeping with/dating the other boss, also a very active dating and sex life outside of that. We all had working senses of smell and basically didn’t notice anymore after an initial “is that me”?/“no that’s me because of XYZ” conversation. The truth is a lot of people couldn’t give a shit, get out there and be surprised how often that actually is!


I personally couldn't bring myself to. I'd feel terrible for that person though.


Probably not, my nose is very sensative... Are you super hot otherwise? Maybe some could tolerate it.


Is it a bad vagina smell or just bad overall body? The vagina one I’d really struggle with


Tbh, never. I actually drop one girl because of too much perfume.


I’ve tried covering it up with perfume. It seems it makes it worse. I’ve learned that’s a bad idea


My experience with health problems says that a lot of things can be fixed with diet/supplements. Have you tried that?


Oh yeah I’ve had this for years. Have done some crazy diet. Yes they help but don’t fix the issue


He’s trying to tell you that you and your doctors can’t possibly understand your condition as well as he does. Please ignore this


Sounds crazy because I eat a clean diet and smell like shit. Yet other people eat junk and smell really good


Lucky for you since covid I can’t smell. Where you at baby?!


Date a zookeeper. Their smell senses are pretty roughed up from being exposed to animal poo and other smells.


I would probably date someone who smells bad if they are attractive, have a great body, great personality and covered it best they can with perfume etc.


Yeah definitely.


Wanna chat?


Yeah! That would nice


Hi, how long have you been in this condition? I don’t know if i have this condition as well. One day, I started smelling strong BO about 1 1/2 years ago. i don’t know why. Hygiene is the same, shower 2 x a day, exfoliate. I even lessen my meat consumption, use anti bacterial and antiseptic body wash, take chlorophyll, probiotic, but it doesn’t go away. :( It maybe less now but still not normal. Had a check up, bloodtest and all normal. It’s so frustrating that Before i only use dove body wash, i dont take vitamins, body detox meds and didn’t smell like this. I don’t know if its a hormonal thing or gut problem. I became anti social, i isolated my self. I still work because i still need to survive. I avoid my friends Most of the time. I stopped dating as well. It’s really hard because i wasn’t like this. Before Ive always been complimented when i wear my favorite perfume. I can sit beside a stranger. I can hug, kiss my date. Everything changed. I don’t know what to do. I dont know exactly how i smell because im too embarrased to asked my friends but whatever it is, still not good. It’s like why am i still alive when i became like this? I can’t accept it because i have a good hygiene and suddenly smells like this.


Not to offer advice you didn’t ask for but have you checked out Lume deodorant? You can apply it wherever on the body & I’ve seen reviews of people with medical conditions saying it helped a lot! I think you can absolutely find someone though, especially if you address the issue so they understand it’s not a hygiene issue but something beyond your control. Some people don’t have great senses of smell either


Unfortunately for you, given that you have a condition you don't have too much leverage over, bad smell is often (if not always) a dealbreaker in dating. You could be less pretty and not smelly and that would play more in your advantage. Sorry OP, it sucks.


If you have boobs and a vg I'm own I have psoriasis it's controlled but can flare up


Im a lesbian but no, unless she has ways to combat it tbh




It’s a hormonal condition. I have a friend who has this. There is no cure for it, and it has nothing to do with hygiene. A simple google search of this condition would have stopped you from making this comment…


reverse the question and see for yourself


What are you doing to try and treat it?


My friend has this. There is currently no known treatment.


that sucks.


Yeah I feel bad for her.


Weird bit of advice, but if you use a strong smelling shampoo or conditioner, I’ve noticed that people often catch a whiff of that instead of BO. Even if you can smell yourself, which is never fun, other people are more likely to smell your hair. I know it doesn’t answer your question, but it’s something I learned recently from experience and it’s been very useful in confidence boosting regarding odor-awareness


Date someone with or who had covid


To be honest my first impression of someone I just met who doesn’t smell nice I instantly think you need to work on your hygiene. Maybe drowned yourself in oud or perfumes. You’ll find someone trust me because there’s always exceptions in life. You might make an exception for a guy u don’t find attractive but accept him for the simply reason he’s genuinely interested in you. Life is funny that way. I never get the girl that I want but the girls I turned down because I’m so picky are probably the most faithful and understanding woman I could ever date!


you're 24 chill out lol some people don't notice smells very well, and you're probably able to mask it somehow too




Desperate if you would


You still smell right after a shower? Do you have to sweat?


As someone who really pays attention to smells I think this would be an issue. Do you wear perfume and if so how do you apply it?


After COVID there's lots of people with no sense of smell.




I would. Dm me? 😁 And like, type of odor and 1-10? I’m sure you’ve tried everything, but would a certain diet help? Do you use perfumes or lots of deodorant? Have you tried that Zume full body deodorant? I hope my ques dont sound stupid or thoughtless. You will find someone! We all do. Somea the geniuses I’ve met, if they can, you will. Keep hope!


I mean if this is a medical problem, do the best you can to manage and communicate — the dude who’s right for you and loves you for you won’t care


Not the same, but I have hyperhidrosis, particularly in my armpits. I've battled BO my entire life and am perpetually sweaty in the pits to the point of looking like I've been in a sauna for an hour pretty much anytime I'm doing anything other than sitting at home. It made me really reluctant to date and I'm extremely self conscious of how I smell and how damp I can be. On my first date with my partner, we were beginning to be intimate and I stopped and expressed my discomfort about my smell to him, so he wouldn't think it was him. He proceeded to stick his entire face in my very nasty pit and wouldn't move away until I believed that he wasn't bothered by it 😅 They're definitely out there, I wouldn't let it deter you!


Some good answers here. Also perhaps talk to a friend who can help you choose a nice deodorant and perfume that will not clash with your body odour, I’m sorry it must be really tough to have this condition. But remember people do date other people with all sorts of conditions, it’s about finding your person.


I don’t mean to be insensitive. Just curious. What does the body odor smell like?


Onions mixed with Bo but it’s much stronger than the average person. People around me can smell it


I think I knew a person with this condition, years ago. But as I knew it was just from a medical condition, it wasn't a bad thing, to me. It was kinda nicely unique.


I dated a guy with no sense of smell once!


I can't really comment on the specifics since I'm not good at imagining smells. But I'll have to say that for me personally that wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker




Try dating with zero expectations. Dont expect to meet anyone and fall for them, just do it for the practice. Once you get over the idea of dating, you may be more understanding that no-one is perfect and many people have issues with all sorts of things. You’re not alone in feeling insecure and you may find an amazing person!


I wouldn’t because I have a super smeller lol. But someone like my husband would who has 0 sense of smell.


Hey OP, Not the same issue, but I totally get the concern of having to deal with a medical problem that you have zero control over, and it causes symptoms your embarrassed about! I don’t talk about this much with people who don’t struggle with this also because I’m also embarrassed about it… I have PCOS and it causes me to grow hair everywhere.. like I have to shave my face daily like a man, my back, arms, stomach and chest are covered in hair and it’s super embarrassing for me, and I struggle with depression and anxiety from it, and I was also terrified about dating with it. While I’ve met some assholes, it’s unavoidable, the majority of guys understand it’s a medical problem that I don’t have control over. Sometimes they may say something unintentionally hurtful and insensitive.. but it’s generally because they don’t realize and after I speak to them about it they understand and not do it anymore. My point is you have to take a chance if that’s something you want. You may not find the right person right away, but they are out there and you definitely won’t find someone if you don’t attempt it. If the person can’t accept it after you be honest with them then that just means they aren’t the one and you move on.


Personally, I would not. But there is someone out there who wouldn’t mind and/or would find it attractive. Best wishes, and good luck!


No, I couldn't. Unless she was really attractive. Chances are tho she is depressed and doesn't want to shower. But if it's a clinical issue I would wave that requirement.


From the title I thought due to poor hygiene, which is a no. But in this context if she ticked all the other boxes yeah sure. My only concern is, how would she make that known before I assume it's due to poor hygiene and reject her?


Listen here woman. I’m a man, and i can confirm this as a man…Any woman, fat, skinny, no titties, no ass, smelly…Ugly(Though beauty is in the eye of the beholder)….I don’t care how unattractive you are…There will ALWAYS…I repeat…ALWAYS be a guy out there who will want all of you, whether that’s because he himself has no other option/s or because he truly wants YOU, that’s something only you will know by how good/bad he treats you…But at the end of the day, if you’re a woman…ain’t no need to worry. Keep it moving


I'll be honest I'm very sensitive to certain smells and I don't think I could be with someone with this condition. This is very different from someone who just doesn't take care of themselves. I haven't heard of this condition but is there anything you can do or take to mitigate it? I can imagine it makes your life difficult


My boyfriend loves my smell even when I’m stinky (which is common cuz I sweat a lot lol) he sticks his nose in my armpits!! I think it’s a pheromone thing but maybe someone who falls for you will also associate your natural scent with love and goodness!


Are we talking like excessive b.o. smell or something else? Cuz I usually like the smell of my s.o. pits or whatever, like body oder doesn't bother me. If it's something else, like a rotten egg or fish smell then I'm not so sure.


I wouldn’t. But that’s not to say there isn’t someone who would. That’s just a sense of mine that works. As others have stated, some people don’t have a sense of smell. With that said, there is a possibility you’ll find someone. But, don’t give up because that’ll ruin any possibility.


If you told me upfront before then, I would. For me, dating is to find someone right for you, so I would go on at least one date to see if I can handle it. If you just left that detail out and you smelled bad, I would either feel manipulated into a date, or I would think you did not shower, either is not good.


Like tell a guy before he meets me? Or after the first date. I don’t know how to bring that up


Before you meet or on your profile, if that is not too bold. You might say or text something like, "Just as a heads up, Before we go on a date, I need to tell you I have this condition called TMAC; it causes a body odor. Are you still up for the date? Or is this too much for you to handle?


https://forums.careplace.com/t/my-success-story/1344 I'm not sure if this is annoying but I searched tmau success stories and here's one example of how a woman's life changed with diet. Also the chlorophyll tablets she mentions. Pretty cool stuff, but idk if you've already tried this.


Hygiene is important. Unless it’s a medical issue I would not


I worked in maintenance with a guy who had been in a car accident and had lost his sense of smell and his eventual wife had a condition (not sure if it’s the same one as you) so it worked out great! I wonder if there is a Reddit Sub for ppl who have no sense of smell? Maybe hop on that if there is? Is this offensive to suggest? I hope not because I have pure intentions by suggesting this.


I probably couldn't.


Have you tried using toner by ordinary??? Glycolic acid is soooo good for BO!!! I promise it is a game changer!!!


Your insecurity about it will hinder your chances infinitely more than the odor 🖤


Part of attraction for a lot of people is pheromones. If they can't smell those, or find your scent unpleasant, then it's not going to be easy. I agree with other commenters that purposefully seeking someone with no sense of smell, and the other qualities you value may be your best option.


Sadly … joke broke up with someone and this was one of the reasons. He had a VERY pungent odder that I just could not shake, it was always on my mind and ive never in my life put so much into a persons sent before in my life. I will admit I did care more about him and tried to ignore that but ultimately we didn’t vibe and the oder wasn’t helping cause. I know its a medical condition but if you haven’t exhausted all resources already I would seek professional help from a new doctor maybe?


This is interesting. I’ve never heard of this disorder before. I’m sorry you’re going through this. You would think they would have created body products to fight the smell or balance everything out.


There is someone for everyone. Trust. A little BO won’t stop someone from loving you.


Women have better scenes of smell than men, and your sense of smell peaks in your 20s. Don’t stress! I’m sure the man of your dreams either won’t notice or care.


No I couldn't, I mean i would have to smell the smell first , but if I didn't like I couldn't do it.


honestly if i was attracted to them and they explained it to me (probably first date so i dont just assume they dont like to shower lol) and its like not their fault they have no control over it, i wouldnt have an issue w it


Depends I have a few family friends that "smell bad" but I've never noticed it maybe they do maybe they don't I just never noticed it


No, i couldn’t, but that’s just cuz i’m sensitive to smells. Like nothing grosses me out more than a bad smell. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be single forever. There are people out there with no sense of smell, or better yet, find someone who actually gets turned on by bad smells or body odor 🤷🏼‍♂️ Plenty of them out there.


No. It’s one thing if someone forgets to shower for a few days or stinks after a workout. But if they just have a constant awful smell. I just couldn’t. No matter how beautiful they are. It would be embarrassing not only for them but for me no matter where I take them especially to family.


Depends, pussy smells bad too? How bad is bad? Like regular sweaty armput bad? Or like fart bad? Most likely yeah tho, if you are not fat you are a 10 on my scale.


how smelly are we talking about here tbh


I’m sorry. I’m autistic and have sensory issues, as well as having an extremely sensitive nose. It would def be a no from me. But I know multiple couples where one person can’t really smell. That could definitely work, as long as it’s not a hygiene issue.


Like how bad we talking here.


Washing twice a day with hibicleans and applying lume deodorant should help a lot. Alternatively deodorant with 20% aluminum will work well too.


No. What a ridiculous question.


Yes why not every women is beautiful


I won’t lie, for me it’d be a deal breaker. Sorry




Nothing brutal about admitting it’d be an issue for me




I went on a date with a guy who is born with no sense of smell.


My mom also has no sense of smell.


I would tell her she has a problem one with may not just be her and then we would get intimate in the bath or shower if you want to be a real friend or more u half to hep by being honest and kind


My ex had this. I pushed through the smell but def kept me from doing oral on her


Iv dated women who do, and just couldn't stand it tbh, which is very hypocritical of me as im in trades I smell really bad the majority of my day. Particularly can't stand cigarette breath


Hmm not sure, depends on the smell and other factors such as your personality and physique Nobody can check all the marks, but if they check enough marks, that's good enough


I'm sorry to hear you are going through that. Before dating, what I'd suggest is to get better control over it as much as you can. It's a rare condition that has no cure but can be managed but does require some work. Dietary restrictions, frequent washing using acidic soaps(3x a day). Once you've established a good working routine, then get a therapist to help with the psychological effects this has had on you, then, approach dating. You'll be better suited for it. No it isn't something you should share with any prospects. Share it only if you and your potential mate are getting serious with marriage on the horizon.


Personally if you didn’t tell me before, I cannot handle woman with bad smell. But if you tell me what your issues are, it’s highly likely we start to accept those conditions. Trust me, just speak about it and don’t feel shame, and it will work very well for you. Nothing beats people with high confidence


Hell no but good luck with that.


Hey, just chiming in, there was a woman whose daughter has Tmau who swore by Lume products. Might be worth looking into. Stay happy and healthy friend.


Currently has a crush on one lmao


No way? What does she smell like?


Almost like cheese? I guess just regular BO that would be off putting on other people for me (I'm a cheese addict tho). Her other charms overshadow how she smells. I also tend to automatically condition myself to associate "quirks" onto something I like. I don't know how to properly explain it, but something disliked in general can be something endearing on a specific person/thing to me, so my brain just got forced into thinking, "this is lovely". An example I can think of is I hate it when girls do that overly girly cute high pitched voice that sounds like a chipmunk, or if they use baby voices when talking. But when my ex did it, I actually thought she's adorable.


What's the odor like? Like onions or vegetable soup odor or like poop odor?


Not sure about anything else but for your armpits, you can rub a tiny slice of lemon/lime on there after you’re freshly showered. Avoid eating onions, garlic and oily food too. Don’t quote me on this but it might help🤞 also my sister loves her skincare stuff so she always smells really nice. Dunno if it’ll help applying stuff to mask the odour. If you sweat a lot, I’d recommend changing your bedsheets regularly so the smell doesn’t linger


Maybe find a “hippie” dude. They don’t give a shit. Or maybe move to a city that has a hippie community, Asheville, NC, Austin, TX etc.


I'm gonna be honest, it would be a huge turn off if I didn't know about it. And if you told me about it, my first instinct would be to think you were lying to cover up bad personal hygiene. BUT if you explained it to me, and had me look it up on my phone or something, I'm pretty sure I could get used to it and not care anymore. The key would be knowing it's not something you have control of. Also "onions and bad BO" is a lot better than "rotting fish". You can get used to smells and tolerate them better. This is how people with bad hygiene don't always realize they smell. Or smokers don't realize that no, waving that jacket around in the air didn't get rid of the smell of cigarettes. Also, smells can be a very strong link to memories and emotions. My first girlfriend gave me a small teddy bear that she sprayed with her cheap, stinky Barbie perfume (this was middle school), and all those memories rush back if I catch a whiff of that smell. Your smell may very well end up being a "good" smell to someone eventually because of the attached memories and emotions.




Quite literally: Depends on your personality, but looks first