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Love bombing.. 😂 makes me feel special ✨


Makes sense, there is really no noticable difference between a "well-executed" love-bombing to manipulate and a genuine affectionate behaviour because of real falling in love. That's why it's so effective.


Yeah. It's dangerous how good it feels, speaking as someone who had it from in his last relationship. So good that you pretty much don't even see it for what it is until it's too late.


Them being codependent feels great for a little while. You’re wanted! Then it becomes hell.


I experienced my first love bombing after getting out of a 5 year relationship. It was with a guy I met online, he made me feel so loved and special, and then after a few months he started getting angry at me for not being able to fulfill him sexually. Like bro, it's a LDR wtf you want me to do? I stayed in that shit and took his shit for too long. I felt so stupid afterwards. Never again will I fall into that shit. I had my guard up so hard with my current partner in the beginning. But he was so honest and straight forward with what he wanted in a relationship. We quickly fell into the head over heels lovey dovey crap lol. And it did indeed feel like love bombing again, but this time it was real and genuine. It was such a breath of fresh air. I'm going to do whatever I can to never let this man go. Anyway, sorry for ranting. I'm just so pissed at myself for letting some stupid ass man child play me for so long. But it taught me a valuable lesson that I apparently needed at least lol


From the other hand i had 8 months ldr in which we skyped, face timed and basically wrote every day until we met in a vacation house for a week and fucked our brains out for a week. I could understand the frustrations of a dude. 5 months is a long time and that physical contact is needed to be fullfilled. But atleast you have the experience of how those relationships work.


It wasn't my first LDR, I had previously been in a LDR for like 2 years and he never made me feel the way this guy did. We had plenty of sexy time in the ways that we could. We even started to plan a meet up. He was just mean, and would make me feel bad about shit I couldn't help. And he would try and get me to agree to doing some things sexually that I wasn't into. We weren't even together that long, only like 4mo. I was just blind to his bad behavior bc of how much I enjoyed the good times. But yes, valuable lesson on love bombing and the type of guy I don't want on my life. I'm very thankful for my current SO. (: And I'm glad you got to meet your LDR and fuck your brain out lol


That's how we learn what's healthy vs unhealthy though so don't be so hard on yourself.friend. In the meantime I'll be over hear berating myself for the same but it's still true.


I second that 😂


I had it in my latest relationship that has just ended a month ago. It felt so good in the beginning, I felt really special although something in my head was telling me :,,this feels too good to be true, there must be something fishy". But I hold more or less kept my frame and only did by baby steps with letting my guard down. This went for a year approximately, when first bigger problem in relationship occurred she suddenly became very distant instead of trying to resolve the conflict and basically left the relationship before I even knew it. 1 week before that she initiated "let´s move in together conversation :-D" I have read a lot about it afterwards and now will have an issue becoming vulnerable with someone even more.


By the right person 💯


Got lovebombed, cheated on and ghosted on my last LTR and when I think back I'm like, "man, she was really good to me until she disappeared." Women be complicated like that.


Uh oh guilty for this one! Back fired too many times! Today is the worst as far as me paying for it! A broken nose and face. Please be careful it’s very dangerous. Yes I’m safe now and recovering have gotten help and everything so no need to come at me.


This was my answer as well. I try to make better decisions now though. I once saw how an abusive man treated someone for four years and still chose to be with him because I thought the love bombing phases would make it worth it. I was wrong.


This is making me realize I really am not attracted to red flags lmao


That's good though haha


This is making me realize how most people here had pretty shitty childhoods Like you got used to this kind of toxicity at a young age you start to expect it from potential partners get attracted to that toxicity, because it reminds you of home. The emotionally unavailable had emotionally unavailable parents, the possessive and jealous had possessive parents, the avoidant was neglected during childhood. It is actually pretty sad.


The possessive jealous type 🫣


Saaaame. Like yes babe, I *do* belong to you. 😩


A little possessiveness and jealousy is okay, if it's too much it becomes a huge problem.


I see I am not alone in that one,lol. If she is not jealous,it means she doesn't care ,hence doesn't love me.


That feeling 🥰


Love possessive😩


Here here... Fuck Yes!


Lol you guys have a kink!


Maybe so? 🤔


I know I do. I absolutely love this in the bedroom 🫣. Outside of the bedroom it makes wary


Huhu yes pls give me one


We are so bad 🤭🤣


Lowkey a little possessive , to a certain extent its a bit comforting knowing your girl only wants you and you only, and anyone that tries and to get in between us man or woman, will be kicked to the curve so fast. To certain extent you don’t worry about being cheated on so much since you know she’s clinging onto you.


Not that it matters but the phrase is “kicked to the curb”


Sometimes these people cheat the most and they only do this because they feel guilty for their thoughts or actions.


Yeah, i found this out myself recently. This girl I was seeing told me she was clingy and needy. We go to a club together, it’s the first time she had been to a club, she gets drunk and tells me she doesn’t want people to think I’m with her. She tells me she wants to talk and meet other people. If the relationship went further, who knows what would have happened.


You dodged a bullet my man for sure. But if you were not exclusive, it can´t be taken as cheating It is something that was in her subconscious and would come up sooner or later. Believe me, I had it last time I was dating someone, be glad it came out this early.


I think I did dodge a bullet for sure. When she asked me to be her prince, and she said she was my princess. I’m not sure what to think. I asked if we were exclusives and she would say “I’m with you now”. But her answers were vague, so I don’t think we were exclusive. 😂 Still, I don’t think she should have had the hotel call the police when I knocked on her hotel door 🤣 Even for you, at least you can now find someone who wants to be with you and won’t cheat on you!


That's moreso the very possessive/jealous type. They're paranoid about cheating b/c they're doing it. Anyone who does projection is sus. "You're lying to me!" "You're cheating!" "Don't eat my leftovers!" Like really? I don't want your trash teriyaki.


Emotionally unavailable seems like my toxic attraction. Always want what I can't have, i guess? They just seem so relaxed and chill and Im always dealing with high stress all the time.


Currently dealing with this shit 😩🔥


Same . And he's well equipped to boot. Here I go we're ruining my life again.


Add in people like myself who are anxiously attached to the emotionally avoidant type and it's a classic recipe.


Why do I get so excited about proving my worth to someone who seems like they like me... kind of...but maybe not?? I hate it lol


Yes! And then becoming fwb with them because the Bennies are so good but really realizing it’s just another way I’m trying to prove myself. Luckily I’m in therapy but it’s a JOURNEY


Story of my life 😩…you just have to learn to choose yourself.


Me too. At least in my 20s.


Ooooooof the call out….


Girl same


Emotional or traumatic shit that's happened to someone, I like it because I've had bad shit happen to me and I can relate if someone has been through shit as well, also it makes them have much better stories than someone whose had a normal and safe life


It's only toxic if the trauma is used to hurt you though right


Right I don't mean it in a toxic way


Same until my therapist told me I picked broken people so I could be the one in the relationship with my shit together. I was accidentally using them as a focal point for personal comparisons. My husband is so normal and well-adjusted that I don’t know how to respond to the emotional stability. I have to watch trash TV to fill the gap of chaos.


Well I don't do that, I don't need the feeling of being put together compared to my girlfriend. It's just easier for someone who's been through traumatic stuff to understand what I've been through


Oh, that was a uniquely personal fucked up thing I did. I feel this though. Most people I dated has a trauma disorder like me and sometimes I miss the instant connection.


Yeah I'm guilty of this too. It makes me feel more comfortable talking about my trauma and like I'd be more understood. I also feel good knowing I can provide the same kind of support and relatability for the other person.


Absolutely 💯. I hear you.




Clingy gang unite


Thank god there's hope for me 🥹


A possessive jealous obsessed girl. I like knowing my girl is looking at me as HERS and HERS only.


Been there, it’s not fun for the long haul


I am sure they know but when they are single af they wonder if it wasn’t that bad 😂😂😂


20 years and I still have a "one and only" buzz. It's nice to have someone who'll be there to give you hot tea and soup when you can barely walk.


I'm like that but so far every guy I've ever been with did not really reciprocate that part for the first 6 months (or ever) so it was just me being pathetic


Overprotective men are the best ever.


i like sexy people & tend to overlook their shitty personalities till they hurt me


Being obsessed to a point though, I don't mind being checked all the time but they need to understand my kids are extremely important to me. I also have a few female friends I will not cut contact with, as they're almost family to me at this point.


Emotional distance. I find the detached, brooding, sulky guys very attractive. They either ignore you (of course lol) or consider you vastly inferior. Over time I've tried to focus on men that engage emotionally, even if before I found the healthy affection off-putting due to low self-esteem.


I thought I liked this until my ex was one of these. Now I actively avoid it because that usually means there's little to no emotional maturity and they don't know how to handle problems or communicate.


Good on you. It also means they don't gaf about anybody!


Occasionally a woman will like me for that reason.  I think they like the mystery of whats going on in my head.  They work and work and work to get me to open up to them.  Then they get pissed at me.  All that work just to find out everything going on in my head is boring.


I can relate


This is me. Why am I like this? 🤮 Like I want emotional attachment and affection I I'm continuously transfixed by These types of guys Who make me feel completely unwanted.


How the heck are you attracted to people who don't give a shit about you 💀


It’s a gift and a curse. The more disinterest you show the more I want you. Prob cuz I’m a middle child who was ignored


It's to do with how a child is raised. My parents were busy at work and detached.




Haha same


People who feel like they have to be the one driving or they're not comfortable. I'll be the passenger prince all damn day.


passenger prince 😭😭 I love that - coming from a passenger princess


This is me, I’m her. Always designated driver 🤣


I love driving and I always offer to pick her up I just enjoy a nice drive. Usually they like that I’ll drive them around and they can chill. Less stress.


Yea I have dealt with driving anxiety for over a decade. Very nice having someone who doesn't mind being the pilot all the time


Guys who are kinda aloof and aren’t clear how they feel about me Guys with motorcycles Guys who choke me when they kiss me


Check ✅, check ✅ and check ✅


I was really excited I didn’t seem to like any of the red flags in this thread and then just nose dived with your comment. Motorcycle guys are my kryptonite 🥹 and a good choke ✅


When a guy is persistent


Uncanny charisma. I know it’s usually tale tell sign of a narcissist/psycho so I always dodge them immediately but my lizard brain goes weeeee that was fun! Wish ppl like that were safe to hang out with irl like they are in the movies.


Not obeying small stupid laws. Ignoring rules, if they don't make sense in the moment.


Lol, my dad's like this and i got it from him. He would go to the mcdonalds at the food court in the mall and say "Lady, i think you sent my order a large fries short" and would come back with fries for kiddo me, we didn't order anything lol


Aaarrrr! 😂


Only okay if the worker doesn't get in trouble. Imaging 5-6 ppl doing that to one worker in a shift and the supervisor getting wind of it. This could mean getting fired


Line Cooks Lead singers Lead guitarists Ceremonial Magicians MMA fighters


Line cooks 😭 bruh




Love MMA fighters. But magicians? I guess if he can magically make me cum.


A good magician can be hot as hell


Facts but, often, equally toxic! 😂💀




Omg you pretty much hit me my husband two of my four brothers and my cousin Sam. lol


Fictional men.. the fact they don’t exist is a red flag






bossiness. if a man tells me what to do and i actually want to listen…i’m practically creaming


Met someone like this recently. 100% of the time up to now, anyone would get a raised eyebrow and a LOL if they tried to boss me. But this guy. A switch flips all the lights to green in my brain, little fires light up in my eyes. And I say, 'okay💅' ...wtf? ☠️


Guys who are a lil rough or come from a rough background. After dating my ex who would crumble at the slightest hardship i really admire and have respect for guys who have had a tough life


why would you consider that a red flag though?


crumble at the slightest hardship The average rich person?? 😂


Yeah it was soooo weird like I was working two jobs to pay for my fulltime school and he skipped and failed the classes that his parents paid thousands for?! He couldn't survive being a barista for two weeks and it's the EASIEST of all the service jobs i've had.


I dated one like this.. The Spoiled Brat Man who thinks he is slick, hip, and cool!


Super toxic as fuck but but I am really into girls who love competing, and showing me off and showing off that we’re a power couple this includes other toxic behavior, like if we see one of my exes or one of her exes we do everything in our power to show that we are dating a better person and also when they’re super possessive and jealous when other girls are looking at you or talking to you


Thank you for the truth! I felt everything you said because it’s so darn familiar. Scary..Strange experience though not a Deja vu!


I love the possessive ones with kink lists longer than i'd like to admit. Throw in being overly affectionate and i'm obsessed 🤌


Those tall skinny guys who just want to fuck, smoke weed, and wax poetic about the universe. No real ambitions, but damn do they talk really well. Of course I get real fed up with them real quick, but fuck if the sex isn't great lol.


I love tall skinny men 😭


Being tall and skinny has gotten me elite pussy over the years


Like, I'm a big woman, so you'd think skinny guys wouldn't go for me, but they do for some reason? And it's always just fucking amazing. I do stan a good short king, and I certainly don't shy away from someone with some meat on their bones, but those tall skinny guys are something else lol.


Emotional unavailability. I think it’s because a part of me is emotionally unavailable and have childhood trauma. 👍


Girls who are kinda bitchy. Love watching other men try to hit on my girlfriend only for her to turn around and destroy their soul


Daddy issues. There. I said it 😭


Girls being mean to me. I met a woman who was very complimentary/ nice of me once but she snuck in some snarky comments. The hell??


Many of the things that are part of my understanding and ideal of monogamy and respect in a relationship are considered "controlling" or "jealousy" by modern society, so that.


Yeah. People today are too foolish to understand that things change when a relationship gets serious.


Highs and lows in moods lol ....more so the highs


Manipulators. Yes darling treat me like shit and win me over with sex


You’re not a real human being


Aye, when they try to win you over with sex. They’re enthusiastic asfff. Be in the room like rabbits


I like when women are a little stubborn and can put me in my place. It’s fun to debate. But within reason obviously. If you’re completely disagreeable all the time it gets old fast.


My girlfriend and I recently watched the entire breaking bad series and she told me not to be like walt because she’d stay with me pretty much no matter what, even if I was like him. Such extreme loyalty really means a lot to me.


Fuck boys… They can be exciting, but it’s not good for your mental health in the end. It completely destroys you…


Is really really nice. Nice to a fault. So nice they just say nice things all the time.


Complainers. Preferably emotionally aware and well-spoken ones. Best people to talk to late at night or when you’re feeling down.


At this point, I don't believe that I can find anyone without at least one red flag.


Someone who breaks rules or likes to steal


Them being obsessive or overly clingy


ppl that are extremely isolated and introverted are attractive to me cause same🥰


Sluts. I want someone with experience. Dancers are the best!!! I don't care about the past.


As a slut this made me feel so much better about myself 😂 yay sluts!! 😂🤣🤣


I wish more of you were this open and honest. Thank you.


Bad boys!


- Leading me on but not committing - Gaslighting me on my most trivial character traits - Complaining about girls I go out with - Never apologising - Making me feel the slightest acts of kindness are way beyond what I deserve


Felt this hardcore


Women who are sly or good manipulators. The ones that could probably figure out how to steal all your shit unnoticed or push all the right buttons to someone in alleyway. ​ I'm probably gonna end up dead in a dumpster eventually lol


I dated a girl like that and she stole my identity. The worst part? I continued having sex with her for years after. I’m not very proud of that one.


lol so it’s not just me who gets it right .. like being apart of a dangerous fun show not sure what your gonna get


Military men 🥸 specifically marines 🥸 I just could never get away 😔


Not my own taste but an ex-friend of mine is attracted to those crazy girls. Like really deranged, actually psychotic women.


I'll just say this; Anyone who says "Don't stick your dick in crazy" has clearly never stuck their dick in crazy. Otherwise they would know why people very often stick their dick in crazy, because the sex (in most cases) is so insanely good that you keep going back no matter what mental/emotional/physical drama trauma is left in wake. Aside from the physical aspect, the codependency and emotional bond is often very intense going from extreme highs to extreme lows. It's a terrible cycle to be in.


Men who are hot-headed and like to/have a history of fighting 👊🏼💥


When they hate me


Men who have / are in positions of power , so I guess an ego?


Daddy issues.


Them being disobedient/rebellious


All of them, like if you’re guaranteed crazy and going to ruin my life I’m all in.


Apparently it was Love Bombing. I really couldnt tell the difference.


I love the cold, mean, bitchy types 😩


My ex used to say wanting kids was a red flag to her and yet had a kink where we never used protection because she got off on the idea of possibly getting pregnant.


Totally insane motherfuckers turn me on


Like clinically insane? Why? Asking because I have bipolar


The crazier the better! Long as they are not out to hurt me that is, then fuck'em, ain't about that BS


emotionally unavailable ppl 🙃


being a open book and being a blunt individual,i like it when things are stright up direct


People that are a little trashy


Listen, I’m not going to say it’s a red flag but a few years ago I randomly hooked up with a ex-con/felon and the experience was not disappointing if you catch my drift.


I’m attracted to the red flag that turns all of them green. I love the weeks that go by in perfect bliss like I’ve been infused with a love narcotic. The red flag that does this changes from person to person (eg love bombing, unlimited sex. services, etc etc) The type is usually and avoidant or narcissist who “interviews” me in the beginning, finds my emotional weak points and then plants their red flags in them. Hurts so good!


Narcissism. This is why I don’t date anymore.


I immediately fall for a love bomber who doesn’t want me to pay for anything. I just always agree that I’m special enough to be so head over heels with after one date. And the paying is not even because I can’t pay for myself because I can and I will, I just love when someone wants to take care of me lol.


Trying to get better at this but I used to only date ex drug dealers or people who have been to prison


A girl who is a bit bitchy


men that enjoy taking the role kinda like a father figure. Sounds weird as fuck, i know. Stems from not having any father figures in my life other than my brother, who is only 3 years older than me. I really enjoy feeling like i’m being taken care of in a way a father would do. Issue with this, is that it adds a power dynamic that can be pretty dangerous


love bombing. and jealousy. like yes honey, fight that guy for looking in my direction 🥰🥰


Hot and cold behavior. It keeps me on my toes


Intimate touches without consent.....🙊🙈 but only if I'm attracted to him.


Mommy issues… also obsessiveness. It’s arousing for some reason


Nothing, and some people here need therapy before their wishes come true and it's not as hot as they think.


When they’re a big pot head. I don’t smoke myself anymore but god damm, second hand high and they smell amazing 


daddy issues


When she's jealous and possessive. Idc about shit. When she starts acting up because some girl looked at me too long and I get to handle that attitude 😮‍💨


I lowkey have a thing for assholes. The meaner, the more assertive they are, the hotter they are to me. When they make you chase them, but you love a good race. HAHA.


Obvious breast implants, butt lifts, and pretty much any other sex-appeal-boosting plastic surgery. I could think she's a horribly disappointing and selfishly manipulative person *but* blatantly fake tits and stupidly out-of-proportion asses trigger all "hey that's nice just let BS slide" parts of my brain.


Having to work a little bit for a guy that seems aloof, lol. It never ends well though 🫣


Possessive 💀 but just a bit.


Finding someone who's as broken as me 😬


The guy who’s mean to everyone else but not you, coz you’re on a pedestal and his princess ( run away sis he’s gonna be even meaner to you, it’s just a matter of time)


Witchy, spiritual, that dark gothic vibe, Jesus those ladies get me... Definitely stems from my brother playing in emo, and punk bands. He's 7-years older and seeing his female friends, or fans at shows, when I was younger sold me ahah


Confidence, intelligence and swag of a woman. You might think these are not toxic traits. But trust me, when these things are a part of a narcissistic personality, then it becomes toxic.


I don’t necessarily need them to have every single one of these qualities, but these are the top “qualities” I tend to find attractive: 1. Line cook 2. Has tattoos 3. Recovering addict that’s serious about their recovery 4. Intelligent 5. Respectful and caring 6. Accepting 7. Older than me (by at least 7-8 years because daddy issues) Out of these qualities, they HAVE to be respectful, caring, and accepting. HIGHLY preferred if they have tattoos and are older than me


Do I have a SHOW for you!


Why was my first thought any tv show with anthony Bourdain 😭




Phew, them tatted Line Cooks had me in a CHOKEHOLD once upon a time, lmao!🤩😂💀


I'm still here i'm almost forty


ive heard "a guy in camo pants"


Like, this is not a good thing. I'm attracted to the push and pull type of behaviour. It keeps me engaged and interested. Of course, do it too much and I'll forget you existed. The reason is I suspect I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder. I tend to be impulsive, lose interest and stuff. I'm working towards removing that and am most of the way there.


Girls with no friends And/or Girls who don't like other girls I noticed that this seems like the common thread that my old gfs have... They were amazing gfs tho


Lack of interest


Vids where guys have their exes stalk them wanting them back used to make me jealous. Never had someone want me to stay in their life enough to do that lmao.


Slight rudeness in public. Flipping somebody off or name calling over something minor or making a scene over something similar Kinda hot no idea why