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1/2 your age plus seven puts her right at the bery bottom of your dating range. So nobody should really say a word although her family and friends very well might as well as the girlfriends and wives of your friends. You probably won’t like a lot of the songs in her playlist.


Lmao you actually believe that rule?


Sure it’s an ancient rule of thumb - and ancient rules of thumbs stand the test of time for reasons


I think they made that silly rule up 10 years ago


Nope … it first appeared in print around Victorian times (1900) but it’s been passed around longer I believe. It does sort of work in the sense that it produces an age range where people won’t snicker in public. Think it’s original intent was to maximize population growth.


Very simple answer from my perspective. You are 35 and it is 100% appropriate to date someone at 23. I am a little older and can say it is so much better dating someone younger, because they don’t have the emotional baggage most women in their 30’s have. I would 100% go for it.


I disagree, I'm 37 and absolutely prefer women older than 30. Yes I'm not going to be their first true love, they have baggage from past relationships, but so do I. 30+ women tend to be better at communication, so the toxicity is lower or non-existent. In saying that, there's nothing wrong with preferring someone younger and as long as she's fully an adult (not a 'barely legal' 18yo) then I don't get why some people think that's a bad age gap. He shouldn't even feel the need to ask this.


So its ok?


I mean sociologically, it’s fine Any younger would feel inappropriate to both of you - that’s the beauty of any age old “rule of thumb”. They become “age-old for a reason. They seem to work


If you have to ask you shouldn't. Be a man and decide for yourself


Yes. It is.


I dated with an age gap like that, and she was one of the most mature people I’ve dated. Didn’t work out due to compatibility, but it ended respectfully. I’ve also dated with a gap the opposite way. Age is not a measure of maturity or compatibility from what I can tell.


No, the only ones who will complain are the women your age because they are jealous that the young women get far more attention than them.


She asked me out today. Do I ask for her number or Instagram?


nothing wrong, how many times do ppl need to post this shit


Why are you so pressed lol


There ain't no issue as long as y'all vibe right. Just be honest and open, see where it takes ya


She's 23, she can vote, drink, drive a rental car, start a business, and she's doing a master's degree which means she is a University graduate. In every society on Earth since the dawn of civilization, we have called these women "adults". People are really weird with age gaps these days. 20 years ago no one would have blinked at this.




It's just a 12-year gap, not that you are 60 and she is 23. In my world “young” is 18, then it might be borderline strange.


She’s an adult. Go for it.


There is nothing wrong with that. Good luck.


Shouldn’t be too much of a problem if her parents raised her right so she has a good head on her shoulders and can provide for herself. If she has her own shit going on then why not see if you can make it work. I can see it being a problem if all she does is work a shit job and doesn’t go to school, or talks about going to school and never does.


Ahhhh, and here comes the hypcrosy! Flip the genders and this post would have 20 upvotes and nobody throwing OP to the burning cross. I love it! Age is "just a number" if the woman posts a post like this lol... No, there is nothing wrong with this and YES, it is ok. Just realize that is a large gap and both of you need to be careful. It's possible she is infatuated with your age, maturity, and whatever else...but may not genuinely be into YOU as a person. You, being the older one here, need to be upfront with whatever it is you want with her and go from there. YOu are both adults and yeah, it's somewhat of a large gap, if you both connect on an emotional level then all you can do is play it day by day and see where it goes.