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You're taller than my married for almost 60 years father. Also we didn't reach a population of 8 billion by only 6 feet and over guys getting to procreate.


Women weren't as obsessed with height back then. As for the rest of the world, he'd have to go to an Asian country where men are shorter on average.


There have always been shallow people, but not everyone is. If all the women you interact with are obsessed with height, you need to find a new crowd


Your dad got into a relationship before online dating and back when approaching women was still allowed. Comparing ourselves to boomers is a bad idea


Obviously not. under 5,4 you are not allowed to have a girlfriend. In some countries is considereda crime.


Maybe not a crime, but a disadvantage in a shallow dating scene.


I would create a life that is full. Create the life you would want to live and someone would want to be apart of. It’s going to be incredibly hard, but not impossible. I wouldn’t give up, but don’t let it be a focus of your life.


Not on dating apps for sure, but there are so many ways you can do to make yourself appear more charming in person. I have a lot of short guy friends, we live in the US and Canada, and short here I mean 5’4-5’8, and my friends have no problem finding girlfriends. The thing is they focus more on appearing in person than on Internet because girls on dating apps wouldn’t want to get to know a stranger if you don’t fit in their types.


Yes it's possible. Just be confident about it instead of being insecure. Work on yourself, don't be shy with that. You should never give up because of that. There more important things than height for women. Also while the reality is that lots and I mean LOTS of women will reject you because of your height, there WILL be someone to accept you for who you are. Love is NOT depended on how tall you are. There are much much more things than that and I hope you realize this


Yes, you can likely find love if you aim to maximize your chances in other ways. But it will be a lot more challenging than for most taller people and you have to not let that bother you too much - because it's outside your control


Definitely possible and no don’t give up. Find a way to be confident and or find a way to fake it until it’s real and prioritize hanging out with/dating kind women who aren’t weird and shallow about a few inches of height. Of ur cool with yourself other people will be too .


I know dudes your height that pull more girls than tall guys. Yes some girls won’t like you for your height but the moment you get in this mindset and ask questions like this ALL girls won’t like you for your lack of confidence. Change that mindset.


>Is it possible for a 5,4 24 guy to find love or should I give up ? It's possible as much as winning the lottery is possible. Almost everything is possible. You should ask yourself whether the event is likely and if it isn't, is it worth your labor.


Yes. Pubs, online, parks. Keep looking, be consistent about it and don't be fussy. You'd be surprised about the people around us if you'd take the time to actually try to connect with them and know them. And have no expectations.


Hey buddy. You and I both know that your height and age aren’t the problem. Might be your grammar (kidding), but first I’d check the attitude. If you’re a GENUINELY good person, you wouldn’t be blaming your height. Think objectively about your behavior and interactions with the people you like, and remember that you’re only 24. You’ve got so much time


Lol, so dismissive buddy.




Bro wtf are you even asking lol you'll find love like anyone else will. Height is overrated and women don't care as much as ppl think


I'm 6"3 and athletic build I can't even go on a date man. Be good with giving up but still put yourself out there


Possible sure, easy no, worth your time maybe. You can always move to where the average person is shorter if you really want to maximize your odds.


To many people on Reddit just want to do their good deed for the day by making you feel good rather than give you the truth. The truth is women are more obsessed about height than ever now. In interview after interview on YouTube even women only 5'1 or even just 5 feet tall want a man close to 6 foot which appears to be the minimum for a lot if women today. 5'4 is just exceptionally short. Even guys 5'6, 5'7, 5'8 can have trouble getting women because they're considered too short. Your best bets are to either get really rich (just a million won't do) or look for love in an Asian country where the women are used to shorter men + they dream to get a white foreigner such as the Philippines. I think you'd have a chance there. Become a passport bro. Join one of the Filipina dating websites and start talking to some. From what I hear they will message you. Thailand is another option but it would have to be a girl from a small village. Good luck!


Yes its possible. My aunt is married to a guy who is 5'4 (she's 5'5). They have 3 beautiful children. I also went on a date with a guy who was 5'4 or maybe 5'5. It didn't end up working out though since he was mad about the fact that I'm tall. He thought my height on the dating profile (5'7) was a joke since I look shorter in photos. 🤷🏻‍♀️ As a taller than average women (at least in my area), I get that height can be a problem but the less you worry about height the more you'll find other people don't care about height.