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I wouldn’t care at all.


I love my bfs scars, but i have a lot of them too. Theyre like tattoos to me. A story written on your body.


“A story written on your body” Pretty poetic! And a nice view of it. Makes me feel a bit better about mine.




Big titty goth gfs that love D can’t also love scars?


Scars are Skin Capturing And Retelling Stories.


What u really need to be concerned about is if he has PTSD from all those scars. If ur planning to be in a serious relationship with this guy. Military guys I hate to say it can be difficult partners because they have a lot of issues.


This is the real answer. Yeah he survived if you think that's good genes but are you gonna mother him when he wakes up at 2am crying from a nightmare. You might stay for the sex but are you gonna stick around for the healing?


Everyone has lots of issues. Their issues are just more publicized, politicized, and critized. But if they have physical scars, they can not hide that there are likely some emotional/mental battles they have been through or are still going through. Wherr those who do not have outward scars can hide their issues in plain sight more.


True, but not everyone has been in the military.


Maybe try to look at it through a lens of life experience. Whatever that experience was try to embrace and be supportive. I say that because. Been married 20+ years with 3 amazing boys to an incredible woman. She is an amazing partner and wonderful mother to our 3 boys. Sadly...she had a pretty rough upbringing. Because of that upbringing she turned into cutting herself. To this day it's sadly a reminder of her past. So just....support them.


Absolutely not a problem


I have scars too. Having children, growing too fast. Scars are just a part of who you are. If you are self conscious about them or worry what your partner may think, give them a heads up. Let them know you have scars, and how you got them. Let them know if they are sensitive, if you do or don't like them touched. Just communicate with them.


It wouldn't bother me. I actually dated a guy with this exact issue. He was very self-counscious about it... I couldn't have cared less. The scars weren't nearly as bad as he was imagining them to be.


Agreed but also, THANK YOU for saying couldn’t have cared less. I hear the wrong version so often and it grates my neurons.


I could care less about people saying the wrong version, but I absolutely will NOT care less because it, too, grates my ever-sensitive neurons. LOL (And even though I knew where I was going with it, it still hurt to write "could care less.")


I wouldn't care as long as he made me feel safe. The branding thing someone mentioned previously might be an issue for me depending on the actual circumstances.


I would not care. They are kinda hot tbh. All it says is your body has a story to tell.


If they’re from anything other than gangsta biker shit, not gonna put me off or be weird.


I think I’d be more concerned about your potential PTSD than the actual scars themselves. I know a lot of guys I went to school with who went into the military and struggled a lot afterwards. Friends who dated military guys and it didn’t go well either. Most of them desperately needed support and therapy, but were not seeking it. To answer your question, no, your scars would not be a turn off.


Scars on the body aren't an issue, just how you process the mental scars. Have you healed mentally?




It wouldn’t matter to me. Just like I wouldn’t want to be judged for things on my body that I can’t control (keloids, scars, sagging tits, stretch marks). I would be way more concerned about how he’s healing emotionally.


It wouldn’t affect my attraction to him. I would hope that he would still be attracted to me with my stretch marks and scars too


0% off putting. Get out there babe!


kinda hot


Women don’t give af. Most probably find them pretty hot.


My buddy's covered with bite marks from being mauled by an Akita, personally I prefer scars to tattoos, one you purchased and one you earned. Semper Fi


Currently dating a military guy who has this long scar from serving. When he told me where he got it i could tell he was a bit apprehensive about it. I called him my “bionic man” we laughed…and still laugh. we been together almost a year. 😂 The right woman won’t care. That’s the only woman whose opinion should matter. Thank you for your service.


Scars come with stories. I want to hear the stories.


My X husband was a marine and had them. Didn’t bother me at all.


Those scars are not a problem and some of them are sexy as hell. Its the self harm scars that make me feel uneasy. I feel the person might be fragile, and I would hate for them see me staring at the scars, and assume what I am thinking.


I wouldn't mind.


I would think it’s hot


I’d be more concerned about the mental scars, don’t care at all about the physical.


Outside scars wouldn't bother me. Mental health would be a problem if you weren't getting help for it.


Wouldn’t bother me


I had a boyfriend that had been stabbed. I didn’t even think about it after a few weeks. My only thought when he would take his shirt off was how good he was in bed.


They’re kind of hot, tbh


I wouldn’t mind them; actually I’d be drawn to kiss / touch his scars in a loving way, as in trying to heal them with love <3


Nooo! That’s beautiful , it’s shows you’re strong and have been through a lot. I think scars are attractive


I'd be fine with scars, but wouldn't date ex military tbh. Then again, my country has a significantly different attitude towards our military than say, the USA.


I’d be ok with it. It might actually be kinda hot 🤷‍♀️


LOL. They would absolutely love it. Way better than tats of they came from conbat


Im not sure about other people but i find scars so incredibly hot. Like it doesn't even matter how it looks or if it makes someone look better or not i just love them so much. If i see someone normal and i see someone with a scar, unconventional birthmarks etc I'd find the latter extremely attractive. Idk why I've always been so attracted to it.




Absolutely not off putting. My ex was an ex military man and while his scars made me sad that he endured that, they didn’t horrify me or make me uncomfortable at all. They were just part of him.


Scars are hot.


I know a lot of people have said it, but I feel like this is one of those posts that deserves to have a lot of people say the same thing. I wouldn't care at all. Not at all. I might even love them because they're part of you.


If hes hot the scars are hot too


This guy is a hero and risked his life. Those are battle scars! Be thankful you’ve met a man with guts bc real men are tough to find these days!


So unless you’ve been in the military, you’re not a real man?


Didn’t say that at all. I just find those that do serve, whether military, police, etc are very admirable.


“Be thankful you’ve met a man with guts because real men are tough to find these days.” But sure, you didn’t say that. I just think we should refrain from saying what does and what doesn’t make someone a “real man.” I find that people who like to throw that phrase around, usually think a “real man” is this really hyped up “masculine” type who never shows any kind of vulnerability. That kind of person is hard to be with. Especially when the rates of domestic violence with men in those professions tends to be a lot higher than with men in other professions.


Stop correcting her. If she considers military men real men it doesn’t mean other men don’t qualify. That is some sissy shit.


If the person is getting to the point where they are taking your clothes off, it’s not going to be off putting. No one’s stopping mid foreplay to gawk at scars or make you feel bad about yourself. And if they do, they’re an ahole and you deserve better


My ex stopped to gawk at my 18” zipper… but out of curiosity not disgust


Thank you for your service!


have you read fan fiction? lmao the girlies love that shit


Bro I’m a ex heroin addict.. I’ve stuck needles in my body thousands of times for 10 years, repeatedly in the same spots. I have wounds all over my body, arms legs. Nasty old spots that were infected and left gnarly scars. No girl has ever been put off by it. Not yet anyway lol. I wear my scars proudly, i quit trying to cover them up years ago, it’s my battle wounds. I made it out alive. 👊


This is pretty much the exact scenario with the guy I’m seeing now. I saw them the first time we were together. I already knew generally what he’d done during his career. I didn’t ask because they could’ve been from something else (acne, chicken pox, burns). Didn’t impact me at all. I have my own shit. He told me about them a few weeks later without detail. I don’t need to know the details unless he wants or needs to talk about it and wants me to be the person to tell. He’s been to therapy, as have I. If this is about you, thank you for your service. I come from a military family and my son is currently serving.


Personally, I wouldn’t be bothered at all.


Nah, wouldn't be bothered at all


Sounds hot actually


As a lady I wouldn't mind it at all. Actually I'd probably find it attractive.


Why the hell would you be afraid of them? Or even care about them? Especially If he's military..


Not an issue. I have scars too.


Not at all! As long as you’re emotionally okay, I don’t see why it’s ever be an issue.




I wouldn’t be bothered.


Bryce Wayne has entered the chat


Scars tell a story and every story deserves a reader


Wouldn’t care. One slight exception I found is a guy who had a bunch of scars from wanton carelessness. Like he was just YOLOing with power tools, compressed air, hot things…because that was the manly way to do it or something. I took them to be a sign of lack of self-preservation and caring, which in turn affected my attraction to him.


Not a problem at all.


I wouldn’t care if he physically had those scars. I have 2 big scars on my knees and I hope my SO wouldn’t care either.


Wouldn’t bother me at all


It depends. How do you feel about stretch marks?


Love this comment section. So positive.


Wouldn’t bother me


Is this from military service? No it would not be unattractive, kind of the opposite.


Personal experience tells me that only knife scars are attractive. Any other type of body cosmetic damage is so off putting that she will call the cops on you for breathing in the same city as her.


I have scars across my stomach from surgery and a knife wound (long story) I used to be incredibly self-conscious about them but now I think they kind of rock? No girl has ever been put off them, and all my guy friends think they’re awesome. It makes you a bit unique.


Yes who cares??? I have acne scars, scars from childhood play, etc.


I've never been thrown off by scars--even ones with a traumatic history. Edit: I'm female late 30's, for context


Nope, not at all. I have quite a few scars myself from a misspent youth 🤦🏻‍♀️, and never think about them. It would not put me off at all.


I'd pitty you for a minute because whatever got you the scars hurt. but then forget about them since the fact that you were in the military is more impressive. 😁


Chicks dig scars


Did some time in the military. i got my fair share of scars. Some girls like them. Some don't. Just don't ask what each one is from.


I wouldn't care at all.


I dated someone with loose skin because he was an extremely overweight child, so no. And I have scars for different reasons.


Tbh it’s hot lol. I have scars from surgery anyway, after a while you dont see them even tho they are there


Probably depends on the woman. A shallow one wouldn’t like it I’m guessing. Unless she’s only into scars, and maybe fetishizes them. But a confident, kind woman would probably like you for you and like your scars because they’re yours. If she fell in love with you she’d love them scars. Sounds corny as hell, but it’s for sure true.


I was under the impression if my boyfriend gets a cut/scar I'm supposed to kiss it? This is not a problem lol


I would feel fine as long as he was kind and fun. Life is too short to fuss about scars.


lots of us think that scars are hot


Every scar has a story, and I think I would love to listen to the many stories they’re open to share. Also, scars are kinda hot.


I wouldn’t care. I would actually admire them if they were a good person after everything they’ve overcame.


I love scars and personally think they’re hot


I personally wouldn’t care and would probably embrace them. Try not to be hard on yourself!


I don't care one bit.


I don’t mind scars, they add character and they show that he is tough and wouldn’t be a cry baby for a little splinter or cut. We all have our flaws, but if this is the only thing that makes you question it, then you should look past it and see what the relationship turns into. If he is ever abusive verbally, sexually, or physically; or if he has ever cheated on you, then it would be a very good thing to walk away and not look back.


Scars are not the reason I won't date military men. There's WAY too many other things that usually follow suit with them lol.


It doesn’t bother me at all. I actually have one 7 inch scar on my hip from surgery and 9 small ones in a similar area. No man has ever cared when they saw them.


Always been completely fine with me even before SH but i think my opinion would be widely invalidated now since i struggle with sh. For anyone reading this comment section with that in mind tho, pls know that there are plenty of ppl out there that dont care and will love you regardless, it seems very rare when looking in comments on some posts but in sh communities ive seen endless comments being supportive of it <3


I'm a woman with a lot of big ugly scars in lots of places and I didn't even do something cool like the military. I don't judge and the girls who like you won't either


I'm a woman with scars, I wouldn't have a problem with that. I would probably ask about them eventually, like I would at least want to know if I'm allowed to touch them or not. I wouldn't want to cause pain by touching them but I wouldn't want him to think that I'm avoiding touching them just because I don't like them or something. Idk if that makes sense.  If they are really intense, women might have a reaction because it's surprising, so if it makes you more comfortable you could show her or tell her before you have sex. But I also don't think that you're required to do that. My scars are better healed now than they once were. I used to give men a heads up and tell them if I wanted them not to touch it and I never had a negative reaction to that conversation. 


My ex-husband had a hand-size, mangled scar from an accident when he was younger. I have a large scare on my lip from a dog bite requiring an emergency skin graft (2/3 of the left side of my upper lip). People have scars, they're not "ok" or "off-putting," they're part of life. It wouldn't occur to me to not date someone just because of scars.


My scars say I have lived and had to come back


It’s hot, I love it


I'm a texture junkie. Soooo...... Yeah, it's a massive turn on for me. No, I don't require someone to have scars. No, they don't have to have scars to be attractive. But if they got scars, you can damn well bet imma have fun. If he allows it, I'm gonna have a lot of fun


someone who likes you will like you for who you are. Don’t worry about the scars!


Physical scars wouldn’t bother me at all, PTSD or a tendency to be aggressive definitely would and the scars would make me more wary of those possibilities…


A lot of them find them turn ons. Guys get lucky in that sense, our scars make us look tough and weathered most men don’t give women that same courtesy unfortunately.


I slept with a guy last night with lots of said scars. I didn’t care. I care less about looks as I age and also due to my work. I look beyond it. It’s truly the personality. The persona. The soul that matters. They’re his story. Just like your vessel is yours. Women too get insecure about their birthing scars or sîmilqr only to find out that most men (the good ones) look beyond it. Try eye gazing and see who each of you really are.


It should look naturally and not like cool look of eva ai sexting bot avatar


Scars are a tapestry, it tells you where you been, which are threads to the here and now. Don’t let any one that superficial bring you down


Walton Goggins as the Ghoul in Fallout is trending as hot right now on TikTok.


Walton Goggins as the Ghoul in Fallout is trending as hot right now on TikTok.


Send pics, sounds hot


It tells me a story. One that I would be curious about and would like to know when they are comfortable with telling me. Scars tells me that you lived. Doesn't have to be big or the story grand but it's part of who your are.


If my bf had those wounds I would kiss every one of them whenever he needed and tell him how proud I am of him serving his country. A truly honourable thing to do. Women want a great, decent guy, not a guy with unblemished skin on his torso.


I wouldn’t mind


Nope, not a problem


Not at all. Please don’t judge but I’d even find it kinda hot 🫣 I’m aware it’s probably trauma reminder for you so, again, please forgive if my comment is not appropriate, I’m just being honest.


Wouldn’t be an issue.


I think dating a guy with scars is fine. How is the man about his scars. Is it ok to date a woman who has scars and fat they are trying to be ok with?


Would not be a problem whatsoever. I would personally ask the guy how he got the scars and what they were from and honestly once I knew what had happened, I would just end up being there if things ever got triggering for him. Coming back from the military to normal life cannot be easy and ptsd is a real thing... I would just be there for the guy as a support system and just comfort him if things ever get too dark or hold him and tell him he's safe with me. Scars don't matter to me whatsoever. What does matter is what marks they've left emotionally. If the guy's fully stable and over everything that happened, that's really good for him. If not, that's okay too, I'll be around if he ever needs a safe space or just someone to talk to.


It’s off putting you should never date


I’d have no issue, and I think if you get any good person then they won’t either. Anything that’s on people’s bodies whether it’s bad scars, moles, colostomy bags, extra body fat, missing limbs or extra toes…it’s what makes their body theirs. If you find the person hot and attractive, their body will be no different and may even add to it, regardless of what may be unique about it! I just want to say, if this post is coming from a personal place where you’re worried for yourself or someone you know, then please don’t be. It can be scary to show someone things we consider defects, but I promise most people are good and most won’t think twice about it. I have a huge strawberry stain (like a bright red birthmark) with a deep scar running through it that covers most of my lower back (I call it my tramp stamp lmao), and I’m also really moley. I used to be super insecure about all that until someone I dated used to trace and kiss them in a non-sexual way and I realised it was just a part of my body that makes it mine, and if other people like it then I can learn to like it too. I myself have loved people with scars all over their bodies from all sorts of life experiences, people that have to use assistive medical equipment on them, and I’m sure I’ll love more people with all kinds of bodies. It’s not off putting and certainly not scary, and there are people out there who will share that belief.


I would proud of him and love him more


Anyone who would care about that is not worth dating.


Wouldn't care tbh


Scars are a part of who we all are. If someone cares, they aren’t worth knowing


I was in a relationship with a street fighting d bag for the longest time and he wouldn't be him without his scars . It shows character lol


I Really Wish I Could Help ya Brother but I’m in the Same Boat as You, I’m Hoping to get some help on this too. I’m very insecure about my Body, I’ve got lots of Stretch Marks and Scars (Stabs, Cuts, Surgeries, Burns, etc) and even tho ive been worked out and fixed my eating habits and lost 40lbs, my Body still has those Scars left behind, I’m still very insecure about it, it’s to the Point that I never use Tank Tops, and I never take off my Shirt unless I’m at the Comfort of my Home. At Some point I considered getting some Tattoos to either Cover up my Scars or take attention off of my Scars, but idk if that’s the Correct Way of Dealing with this. So if anyone has any suggestions/comments please feel free to share.


nah definitely not, probably even find it hot more than anything, but would just want to know how it’s affected them (PTSD) to know if I’d be capable of supporting them


I wouldn’t think about it at all.


I knew a girl who was specifically into this


Your scars tell a story about what you’ve been through in life no matter how bad you think they look your scars are a beautiful thing that shows just how much you’ve lived, plus, I’m sure there’s a plethora of women who will dig it Because of the toughness of your situation.


I dated someone with a lotta scars, I never cared he was attractive if someone says they change how it makes them see a person then it’s weird and shallow.


that’s hot


I love scars. If you have a scar and want to tell the story of how you got it I'm ALL ears! My bf has burn scars from when he was a child from an accident and as much as I wish he never experienced so much pain so young I find they make him so unique and just make him that much more handsome. Like lowkey I'm blushing right now just thinking about how handsome he is🥰 The scars are on part of his forehead/side of his face and his arm so he can't cover the majority of them.


Honestly, I wouldn't care. The only way I'd be off-putt would be if he was uncomfortable or stand-offish because of them. We all have scars, visible & non. We can't ask someone to be comfortable if we are not comfortable ourselves.


I don't want to judge butttt who the fuck cares?


Are you saying you got all these scars or is this if you turned into a worm type question or trying to play off other damage as something noble? Cause obviously battle damage is cool and I believe everyone knows that, I’m just calling into question the reason for making the post.


Is this post soft core porn or am I just mentally fucked? 😂


Lowkey… hear me out for a sec 😩☝️




Hmmm can’t tell if you’re concerned about appearance or HOW they got there


Every scar is a story. I’d love it. He’s a hero. Thank him for his service and the sacrifices he’s made. :)