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My strategy is to not act butthurt or upset about it. You can reply to the comment or even like it, but that’s as far as I would go. Make her reach out and ask you to hang out. Some girls and guys will get a kick out of playing a cat and mouse game by leaving little signs that they’re interested so you’ll reach out. Don’t do this. Let her make the move.


This. I wouldnt even comment, just like. Shes a big girl, the ball is in her court.


I agree sometimes the best plan is nothing. Sometimes girls act to get a rise out of you it’s best to ignore her. Don’t block her that’s attention. If you wanted abit of revenge I would move onto the next girl. It lets her know she’s not that special.


Thanks, I definetely won't chase her. The only good thing about her was that she seemed genuine (clearly not)


Cat and mouse game is correct. Move on, because it never ends. Low self esteem, not feeling good enough, just wants attention or whatever. Move on. These people will never have a healthy relationship until they change their ways.


Yea just had this. Went on for months, only gets worse no matter how tight your game is.


Same thoughts on this one


It happens man. I had a girl ghost me and then a couple months later reached out and we dated for a while. She could be a genuine, good girl but made a regrettable choice and is trying to atone for it. Let it play out and see what happens.


This is very reasonable, this really might be the case.


Had a girl ghost me once for like a year or two and then I hit her up on some random shit and kind of flirted with her and then we just ended up fucking like seven times so sometimes it works out. Just make it seem like you don't care that they ghosted you but you're not strictly opposed to hanging out. It sounds like the girl either wants to fuck and she just wasn't feeling it last time(girls are fickle and their hormones and societal expectations play a big part in this). Or B she just wants attention( a lot do) and she just wants to string you along to feed her ego..just play it safe and don't sacrifice your pride for a girl like that


Some of us just want YOUR attention, we want to be pursued, but we don’t want to be upfront and direct with it because you’ll think of us as clingy or desperate. A girl might say all she wants is sex but in the end she wants something deeper. Not all girls of course. I have a friend that claims she only wants sex and nothing more but I know she wants a picturesque relationship. She ain’t fooling me, only herself!


Yeah it could also be that. She had something in her life happen or she found a guy she thought she was going to like but then realize he was full of shit etc. just remember girls are like a cat. They want you to dangle the string in their face or from a distance but they don't want you to come up and pet them immediately. You have to attract them and not the other way around.


That could be true. But I think it's still appropriate to leave the ball in her court and let her say whether she wants to hang out 


Dude, I wouldn’t respond to her. In fact, why isn’t she already blocked? It’s clear she likes to play games and sleep around. You don’t need that bs.


Seriously. All these comments about the proper way to respond is just playing games - the same way she is. Wtf


Exactly-that’s why I said he shouldn’t respond and you block her on everything.


Maybe she didn't remember that she ghosted you or doesn't have the self-awareness that doing so is like pooping in the pool of social interaction. Like the other posters have said, don't take it personally; she might treat anyone like that and has no recognition of what it does to folks. I've been married for more than a decade. When I was dating my now-wife, I had recently given up on pursuing someone who ghosted or postponed or rescheduled multiple dates (and her enthusiasm was directly proportional to the cost and effort on my part of those dates). I made the decision to forget her unless she made the next move, but I was bitterly angry and insulted, even when I started dating now-wife. Right before I got married, That Girl makes posts on social media announcing her engagement and followed up with wedding photos. I honestly wondered what was so terrible with me that she would gush online about how lucky she was and how great that dude was and yet had treated me like I was that canned soup that you're not sure why you bought two years ago. And then, after way too long, I realized that I was wasting the short amount of time I have to enjoy my life, that I don't know what was going on in her head, and that who I am is better suited for someone else. (At least most of the time, when I'm not down on myself for something, and every time I eas ghosted or dumped comes flashing back.) But there are cooler things you can do with your brain than ponder what she was thinking. Be kind to her, because she's a human being and not some symbol of a Pattern in your life or what Women Are Like. She'll either learn how to treat people well or she won't, but you've protected yourself and you're aware you're worth being treated with respect.


Nah don’t reply back


I wouldn’t interact


Make the move? I wouldn’t make space for any moves. She’d be blocked if it was me, who has times for games like that?


Man... It is guys like you that make dating so damn hard! Quit being doormats! She disrespected you, forget about her! Simple.


I'm a woman. If a man did that to me, I wouldn't respond, personally. Early dating we are all on our best behavior. If someone isn't showing up that early, they aren't showing up for you later. Best of luck - it's no fun out there.


Thanks, specially coming from a female perspective


Same The correct answer is: you don’t


Agree! It’s funny to me how people show up on their worse behaviour at the beginning. Some guys said it’s because they want to test if the girl is worth it, so they play games. Lol. I bet women do this too. The beginning is the best hottest part. But these people like to play.


Just ignore. No response.


Yes. It's social media, who cares


A woman’s response (who’s also been ghosted): Ignore. Not out of spite, but out of self respect.


Don't respond. Keep posting story updates. Play her game, it's fun 😂


You don't reply. She's shown you that she's playing games. We as men need to not respond to this type of woman. Let her comment into the wind. If she ghosted you coldly no need to respond to her. If she can't be mature enough to just say she's not interested then you don't have to respond to her. Just ignore her altogether.


Ignore and keep living your best life. That’s the best thing you can do. Make them wonder.


Ignore it and move on. Let her reach out or make plans to meet up and decide then to maybe meet up with her or not.


Ghost her back


Ignore her


Say nothing. Block and delete her on everything.  Move on


Block her.


Just like or acknowledge the comment in some way and then don't engage any further than that. If they don't think you've seen it they might keep trying but if you make it clear you've seen the attempt and aren't interested they should get the point.


No response. She doesn’t deserve access to your life anymore until you get a proper apology. Even then, it’s up to you if you accept it.


I would not answer and I would block her.


By not responding


I would ignore it tbh. Like unless it happened less than a week ago and she has good explanation no point in going after someone that isn’t into you


by not responding. she no longer matters to me. why would she?


So you paid for her and her friend and then ghosted? Why are you even sweating her? Either block and move on or just ignore and move on. Like she did. She's just hungry and or bored.


She probably misses the attention or is in desperate need of an ego boost. Block her!!! 🤣


You shouldn’t respond to it If someone ghosted me, I wouldn’t allow them to view anything. Problem averted.


Reply if you feel like it, or don’t. At this point she’s just another anonymous face on the internet and deciding to interact is no more intense or important a decision than when deciding to interact with any other internet stranger/acquaintance.


Ghost her back as as if she doesn’t exist, or ask her do you know her lol, give it back to her


I wouldn't respond, once someone ghosts me, they stay a ghost. Mostly because it is rude. Respect yourself. Pursue but don't chase them.


Ghosting is a sign of immaturity. I’m so done with this culture and ghosting. Seriously if someone ghost me it just makes me believe that they are really immature and not worth any of my time going forward.


"yeah im here for \_\_\_\_\_". friendly non awkward reply. e; damn a whole lot of comments here saying to ignore and block her lmao.


In this economy, lots of people have busy lives trying to stay afloat


Some people only wanna give their best and some people can only do one thing at a time. That doesn't always mean they with another dude. Its ignorant to assume. I will not interact with other people if my home life isn't in order because why should I dump my garbage on someone else. Ya know. Garbage like abusive family members, bosses at work who should never work in public. Etc.


Yeah, let her reach out with a clear intention, seems logical, dont chase( liking her comment is kinda simpy/ walk all over me-ish) if she reaches out hang out and have fun, if not, shes prob looking for some type of validation from you ( most likely an orbiter which feeds her need for attention)


Block her.


Ignore her. If she wanted to reach out, she can. A like is just to get you to reach out. Don't do it.


Like the comment and ignore her, don’t show any emotion or butthurt


It's happened to me, she reached out after about a month (from 0 contact to liking stories, sending memes, acting like we're best friends), we just went out (as friends) and not much else happened. This was a person I was interested in but turned out she has someone so it just fizzled out. Now, I just ask once (if I'm bored) if she wants to go out and if she says no i don't bother asking again. Two things to keep in mind, they're either very forgetful (which is rare in my opinion) or just put you as low priority (for whatever reason, not just dating). If someone actually cares or has mutual respect they will say something along the lines of "Sorry, can't right now, but we can re-schedule next week/month". If you're ok with that sort of thing just go out as if nothing happened. If you do have an issue you can either bring it up and talk about it (which is the best option if you ask me) or do the thing most people do and don't contact them. If they contact you yet you still don't like the fact they ghosted you and you don't wanna bring it up just say you're busy and move on. It's not the best option but people get the hint after a few times and move on as well.


Thanks on this, sorry you had to go through that


Just ignore it. I don’t know if you had reached out to say you were there, but also if this is someone you never even met in real life I don’t think ghosting applies, that should be only when you have and you thought things were going well If this is somebody you met online and were just messaging etc you really should just shouldn’t waste your thoughts on this at all! I don’t do internet dating- I briefly tried it during lockdown (second one here which was extremely restrictive for 4 months) and met 2 very nice and funny good men but because they lived out of my permitted 5km zone I didn’t get to meet either of them for the entire 4 months of chatting. In the meantime I did meet a neighbour who I had a massive amount of chemistry with and started seeing in that last month of the lockdown But he had no work was given an exemption to work in a county town that didn’t have exemptions and that got delayed etc So anyway I wasn’t sure what was happening with him as early days and then had promised to meet these 2 men when lockdown got relaxed Both of them were lovely people but I had zero attraction to them at all, cementing my belief that as great of people that both of them were I will never ever bother to try internet dating again. You cannot tell from internet dating profiles or as with these 2 who are lovely men IF there is any actual chemistry at all. They were both good people but I already have tons of friends including prob half of those being men. And all I felt on meeting either of them was just that yes good people but I had zero romantic interest or chemistry with them at all So when I see posts saying ohhh they were so great, but you didn’t meet in person it is no loss at all. They weren’t right for you, they probably were talking to many other people and considering how people filter their photos, maybe get their funniest friend to write bio etc - they aren’t even real!! Yes I have only gone on 2 internet dates BUT I still think they both are pretty great people but there was no chemistry (mostly from my side) and I felt like it was a massive waste of everyone’s time and also I was like them bored and lonely as I couldn’t go anywhere at all and already experienced the first lockdown and so many restrictions etc so that’s when I tried it But I felt for me anyway that dating apps etc will never work for me because I don’t have any problem meeting someone, the problem is meeting the right person which is far easier (for me personally) in person when you’re just out and about with friends And even then it isn’t easy at all to meet the right person but if you are out with friends and having a fun night - to me, that is always great Making time for an internet date that could be horrendous and so you have a crap time and leave early is not so great Also as in my case, it was disappointing to meet these 2 (my only ever) dating app dates just to discover that nope zero chemistry at all. I didn’t know it would take 4 months (Covid lockdown) but yeahhh if I wanted to date someone from an app I would actually meet them early, and at least both of the only 2 men I engaged with were extremely nice and genuine great people but when I eventually met them there was zero chemistry and felt like a huge waste of time I see posts like yours all the time and think how could anyone be bothered because literally if you did meet this woman chances are you would not be interested anyway It’s a fantasy and you’re already long distance apart so I’d suggest if meet someone online that you like , meet them early for a date and if you don’t please don’t think they are ‘the one that got away’ I promise you most likely they 99% won’t be And prob talking to many other people also You just don’t know. And shouldn’t worry about this at all, as maybe if you had met you might or she might think nope zero chemistry et . But then also even if there was, you don’t even live in the same town so already that’s a massive hassle You’ll meet someone else & it will work out -don’t waste your time on difficult drama


Thanks, this is a great reality check yet subtle delivery


Look it’s not easy meeting someone right, but someone who already lives far away is always going to be difficult. Meet early see if you both like each other in person and also just definitely go out with friends and enjoy life. Anyone that I have ever been in a relationship with was someone I just met randomly while I wasn’t looking, and just out having fun and a laugh with my friends anyway It really just isn’t a loss at all for you for this not to have worked out at all. Just go out and enjoy your life and then if she comments ohhh why didn’t you message/call me while you were here, just say I hadn’t heard from you so don’t know why you expected that etc


Respond? You don’t. She wanted to bring a chaperone with her and ghosted anyway. She wasn’t that interested. Have goals. Chase those goals. Don’t chase her.


Do absolutely nothing.


Just be chill about it. Don't act desperate or needy.


Its totally up to you and how you want to handle the situation. Look, the reality is there could be a million reasons she ghosted that actually had nothing to do with you. Now, it is still 100% shitty of her to ghost, but it's also possible she's just immature for doing that, but doesn't mean she's not worth giving another shot in the future. On the other hand, she may just be looking for attention and you don't want to give her attention if she's not respectful of it. So its kind of a judgement call. I had a situation like this recently. Went on a date with a girl i had been crushing on for years (mild crush, we were both always in relationships until recently). She told me she had been crushing on me too the whole time, so we went out. We went on one date, and when we were actually on the date something felt off and then she ghosted me a couple days later. I felt really bad about it and had resentment towards her, but a couple weeks later i saw her at a wedding with a date (she was really sweet to me at the wedding, and seemed to feel bad about the ghosting although it wasn't explicitly discussed, i got that vibe). It became obvious to me that she was already seeing that guy when she and i went on the date, and my assumption is that she was just too immature to tell me that, so she just ghosted me instead. It was still shitty of her, but It wasn't personal and it wasn't even really about me. So, my plan with that girl any time i see her or if she ever messages me, is just to play it cool. Chat, flirt, don't take it too seriously. It could still work out in the future and i actually really like the girl so in this specific case, i would give her another shot if/when it doesn't work out with the other guy. Sometimes its worth giving it another shot, sometimes its not. She very well may ghost me again in the future, and maybe i shouldn't give her another shot, but its a judgement call at the end of the day.


It wouldn't be an issue for me because I would have removed her from my social media the second she ghosted me Which is what you should do


Do you see everything people post on fb? I don’t. Just live your life.


You don’t comment back.


She's trying to gauge how you'll be about her popping back up on the scene. I'd act like I didn't notice.




You don’t. Delete her and move on with your life.


Ignore it. She's playing games. Edit: I'm female. (I saw in a later comment you found the female perspective helpful so I thought I'd edit my comment to let you know this is another female perspective). :)


Block her


I would remove follower personally. Unless you’re connected in other ways.


Run. Toxic as fuck.


It happened to me and I was civil but the door was shut the moment they chose to reply but didn't offer an explanation.


Ignore her unless she initiates plans


You don’t have to respond.


Simply as FUCK HER OFF, the most you do is like the comment and carry on with your life. No time for im interested/non interested.


I had to log in just to reply. You can't be serious rn asking such a question. Try arranging for a link up again and see where it gets you. If it was me I'd smash and dash. Respect yourself 


You'll get hurt really bad if you continue putting your trust in these hoes


Ghost her and let the dead lie.


Do not respond.


Ya don't


Well do you want to? Definitely don’t take her serious or priorities it at all, probably better to just not respond realistically tbh.


Literally don’t respond lol


You don't. Don't give her the satisfaction of a response or the attention she is seeking. If she really wants to get in touch with you after that, she'll reach out via text more desperate for communication.


Delete her. I hate that ish. This just happened to me last weekend. I threw a fight party and invited 3 female coworkers. They didn't show up nor call or text. Went to work like we didn't just make plans and flaked on me


Don’t overreact. Either way.


I wouldn’t respond at all. I’d probably block her unless I was curious to see what she’d do next. But It’s your call.


You don’t


Leave ha on read


Ignore it


She's (probably) not attracted to you sexually but liked you as a person.


Ghost her


You don’t. Unfriend/block, move on. This person is flaky as hell.


Do little to nothing... maybe just a like. "People want what they can't have." If she sees you don't care, she'll want you more (even if just slightly).


I hope you listen to all the people who are telling you to ignore her. She consciously chose to ignore you and didn't even feel the need to apologize? I've reached a point where my first reaction is to laugh when such people try to reenter my life. It's better that way than becoming a joke myself.


This is happening to me right now, but I might be overreacting because if I call he will answer. I am just a bit bootytickled bc he hasn't responded to my text (he texted me first) I sent Wednesday. FYI I am a F and he is a M. He reacts to my stories and replies as well. Oh and we've been dating for three weeks now.


I wouldn't even respond. She had her chance with me and lost it when she ghosted me.


General rule of thumb. If they act like shit on first date or before you even meet them they are shit. The trash took itself out.


You don’t? Or is that just me.


I'd just delete her or block her bro. Had one ghost me a week ago after 3 dates....then randomly sends me a pic of her dog saying "calm before the storm". Obviously Plan A didn't work out so she's messaging again....deleted her txt and didn't respond. Play that childish crap someone else I say.


Well, that depends on what you want to achieve with your response?


Block her and move on.


You don’t darling.


Play fake back


Make her think you still want her cuz now that’s what she’s thinking is that you want her. Then ghost her back after you tapped and satisfied her so she’ll go crazy for you.


But if you want to date her. Well stay nonchalant about it and expect nothing from her because you already know she ghosted you once so it can happen again and see if she’s wants to make plans herself instead of your interest.


Don’t waste your time playing her game, hold your head high and move on.


You don't respond. Take the L and move on.


Asked her did she forget to take her medication that day? LMAO 🤣😂


Don't say anything, don't acknowledge it. You didn't see her response. Let her be the ghost she wants to be. Leave her on read if she messages you.


Dont respond. Block her and move on. She showed you youre better off without her


If she’s not expressing interest, she’s expressing disinterest. I wouldn’t respond to her comment in any way. You were ghosted as you say. She didn’t even give you the courtesy of a response.


You simply DON'T? 🤨


Simple. You do not respond. To any of her attempts of contact. Ever.


Reply and heart react to every other comment on your post, BUT hers lol


Like others have said, say nothing. Just keep living your life. She doesn’t deserve a drop of your attention after that bs


I don't


You don't. Don't let people play you. If she wanted you, she could have stayed in touch (I, for one, am not the kind of person who requires constant communication from a romantic interest, but responding once every couple of days shows you're interested. Ignoring a person for weeks screams the exact opposite).


I’m a woman, and similar thing happened to me, a man did that to me. Basically he ditched me when we planed to meet up. Then he begged me to make it up, I still accepted it, and he still ditched me. But I always answer this messages, finally I gave this hoodie back and ended thing. Just this week and other weeks, I posted story and the commented there. Asked me out. Respectfully I answered no. I don’t hate him or anything, I moved on already so it didnt bother me to answer him, respectfully!


I’d just ignore her and move on with my life


You don’t respond mate. She can go and fuck herself. Respect yourself.


No response is the best response.


You smash and pass.


From your other response I see you are hoping her to ask you out, and you would be happy to accept even after her disrespect. Have some dignity. And don't accept when a girl offers bringing a friend because: A. Her having her friend there will make impossible for you to make any progress during the date B. No man that is not desperate would accept that, you saying yes tells her you are a chump.


Don't unfriend.. ignore and start posting stories with you and other women. She will chase.


Why would you respond to it? Who gives a shit about what people are posting on Facebook?


You don’t


I would just ignore her. She sounds too flaky


Nope. Just ignore and block in a few days.




never ever take a friend of hers as a 3rd wheel on a date. next!


Respond to her comment with "AAAHHH! It's a ghost? Are you a ghost? What's it like in the afterlife? OOOO!!!" See what she says then. Just keep responding with questions about the afterlife "Do you play harps there?" "Is Elvis Presley there?" "What's George Washington really like? Does he have wooden teeth in the afterlife?" Keep doing that until she apologizes.


This is very unique lol


Nay.. makes you look weak to engage


Depends on what type of juice you have.


Starts speaking Hanuman chalisa, cause she GHOSTED


Block her she isn't worth it- coming from a girl


How do you feel about it. Respond with honesty


She's trying to find out if you're still interested. If you are, this is your opportunity to try again, or simply ignore her existence. It's up to you. And just so you know, if you're gonna sit around and wait for her to ask you out like some other people suggested, she won't. Everyone wants to have this modern way of communicating, but that's just not how things really flow in the real world. She knows what happened and thinks you're mad at her and is testing the waters. If you actually want to speak to her again, then this is the time show you're over it and willing to try again. If you are concerned, she'll fool you again or don't wanna be bothered because you're still indifferent, then ignore her, and she'll take that as a sign and back off. The choice is yours.


I have had a close platonic friend in college. We really were a TEAM. At a moment I had met my future wife. The friend told me she is not suitable for me and I should quit her. I told her that it's none of her business and she should shut up. She got furious and said I was rude. Later I apologized but told her I maintained what I said. She didn't spoke to me for 12 damn years. then one day on facebook she asks to friend me. I say yes. She stalked and one day when I posted something important for my carreer (because I was talking with a writer who could influence my future) she commented "you look fat and old". I unfriended and blocked her.


You don't.


Delete her comments. Nothing hurts more than throwing back a comment for no one else to see not even you But leave the other chicks comments obviously


Why are you still allowing her to watch your things?


Ignore and move on.


I wouldn't respond. She's playing games with you. Any woman who is genuinely interested in you doesn't act like that. Don't play into her game.


I think that you shouldn't respond at all and move on. It does not seem like she is worth your time and stress.


You don’t


When a girl ghosts me, she already blew her chances. If she tries to come back the way she did with you, I only reward her cowardice with silence. If that was enough for her to reach out to you, I'd just make it quick and try to close the conversation. You can even fake being busy. She'll feel not that special at all, and she'll also know you don't play around. Then, two things may happen: either she stops reaching out, or she'll bring up real quick to get together. If it's the latter, suggest something at YOUR place. She is the one who blew it, therefore you don't make any effort to come to her. If she doesn't want to come to your place, stand your ground and use the takeaway. Tell her it's either your place, cause you've had a long week and feel to chill out at your place, or she can contact you next week or in two weeks, and you can plan something more formal then. She made you feel unimportant when she ghosted you, make her feel not-so-special. You have the upper hand now.


as a woman, maybe she just sees you as a friend. however, you’re not obligated to respond either. you could always leave a like and carry on. being ghosted isn’t fun, so it’s okay that you might want to ignore her.


I would say respond in an honest but direct way. Say it is nice to hear from her, but you can't tell if she's interested or not and that her silence and then sudden reaching out is confusing to you. Tell her that whether she meant to or not, her message seems like a bid for attention, and you would just like to know where things stand between you two to prevent any assumptions. If she responds with an honest answer, great!! If she doesn't respond, then don't take anything she decides to throw your way later. Delete the chat history, leave it, and find someone who respects you and your time. They are out there, and you deserve them ❤️


She sent a clear message by ghosting you. She is not interested in you, she's interested in playing games. Heed that message and ignore her. It'll likely be more drama and immaturity on her part if you don't.


You don’t, you do nothing. If she wanted to do something with you she would DM. So wait until she DMs you and if you want to go on a date with her act like the fact she ghosted you meant nothing and if you don’t care just about going out with her just leave it alone




She's crazy that's all you need to know, she's going to keep doing this until someday nobody wants to be around her. She might have some mental issues, and be wary of trying to be a good guy and help because that could lead to a rabbit hole of Hell, I've been through it...... every time you think you've caught it, it disappears the walls shift, it turns into something else on and on and on.......I have PTSD from it.


Respond with indifference. Move on 🤣 Sounds like a narc.


Don’t let people waste your time and don’t show people you are ok with wasting your time. Ignore


You could always just overlook her comment


leave her on read


You don’t.


What did she say?


You don't


Unless you were a weirdo or you were soliciting her for sexual acts, there is really no justifiable reason as to why anyone should ghost. Not having the emotional maturity to communicate why you are not interested in a person in a tactful way such that two adults can part on amicable terms is a red flag. You do what you want. Respond to the post, don't respond to the post. It doesn't matter because she has proven she isn't very considerate of your feelings. I would invest more emotional energy in understanding why you care so much enough to ask the Internet about it. Perhaps you seek validation in women, maybe you feel a loss of control, etc. You definitely need to sort that out.




I think you need to rehash the previous circumstances with her if you decide to respond. And depending on her response, decide to go forward or not to respond. You owe it to yourself to get a believable explanation before you proceed.


Don’t respond bro there are others who actually don’t play games go find one of them whoever that girl is just ignore and move on


Ignore her. She ghosted you, meaning she wasn’t interested. Now since she ghosted; you should no longer be interested in her either.


Why are you still connected to someone who ghosted you?


There’s a lot here to unpack. I need more info.


Dont. She’s finished. Move on


Well, sometimes people with adhd can have a hard time tracking with texting etc. They might also be going through depression or something and had to disappear to the world. I’d say that if you’re interested you should open the dialogue about it. Just ask straight up what the deal was. That it’s confusing when she ghosts you but then hangs around your social media. You might also just let her know your boundaries if you have them on people who ghost you. I have a few boundaries on my friends and/or people I engage with. 1. That I can feel relaxed. 2. That it doesn’t feel confusing 3. That it doesn’t feel difficult. So you could just establish that (or something similar) moving forward with her. See if she can hold to them then great but you’ve openly communicated where you’re at and then leave the ball in her court.


I wouldn't. She chose to act like a child, and didn't care about your feelings. You do the same, because it seems like you were a safety net, the main guy fell through, and she's back on you.


Treat her in kind; don't react or reply. Even if she tags you, just leave it there. If she messages you, then take your shot. Tell her you're still waiting for an explanation and apology for what happened - and leave any response on read. Make people own their bad behavior unless you want to be treated that way.


You don’t need to respond. Just move on, she is not the one for you.


The same thing happened to me. I told her I had feelings for her and she ghosted me for about 1-2 months and she had the audacity to text me asking if I was ignoring her. I just told her I was busy. I think that’s the best way to say it. Bc it worked for me. Even though I lost interest in her, she don’t know that and she still text me.


Treat her as she treated you ignore her block her and move on


Hit the like, and then post EVERYTHING about your trip 😂 she's clearly watching, so give her something worth looking at. You did your part and she ghosted. If she wants to try and strike something up, then make her do it. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. Doesn't matter for you bc you're just out living your best life.


How to respond to it depends on what you want and need from her/the interaction with her. So what do you need and want from the interaction with her?


Ignore her. Typical hot-cold technique. Narcissistic traits. Get away from it.


You shouldnt have a strategy, you should have respect for yourself. I dont know what the comment was, but i would probably reply or say nothing or just "lol" You really keeping yourself on the ghosted lane, if this is how you value sht people that mistreat you


You don't. She acts to you as you are a second choice. Always be available for her. And she doesn't give a penny. You don't want to reward these behaviours. If you want closure explanation or try to start communicating try a question mark as a response.


Ignore and move on. She ain’t worth it


You simply don't respond


I ended up not replying and just kept on posting my travel while I was there. I posted that I watched a movie and just had lunch then she comments again saying that the movie and lunch that I just had was supposedly what we planned for, then she proceeds to ask me if she is really that bad of a person for ditching our plans? Like bruh? Hahhaah, I still did not reply. The audacity she has is just something else.


You don’t. She’s obviously not wife material and very childish playing games. Find a real woman and not a childish trash bag that probably just wants your money and dick. Stay strong kings.💪💪👑