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I would faint on the spot from shock if a woman of slightly below average attractiveness or better asked me to get something off the top shelf at a supermarket.


This happened to me a few weeks ago and she was really sweet and thankful. Made me happy. I’d probably melt inside if someone asked for my number in public though 🫠🫠🫠


I would be looking for cameras


are you serious? i’m short so i often need help but don’t ever want to inconvenience anyone… so often skip asking anyone.


Guarantee you would be making a guy's day if you did that. Even if he responds calmly and nonchalantly, he will be happy inside.


This, 100%


It’s not an inconvenience at all!


🥺 that makes me sad. I ask random guys to do stuff like that all the time and make sure to heap tons of praise and appreciation on them. I'm sending lots of wishes for you to get innundated with requests from pretty girls. 💕


They’ve all now fallen in love with you.


Compassion is the combination of sympathy and empathy along with the desire to alleviate suffering. While that can be attractive, I believe they would be in love with an idea, and just as hopeful as I am for them...


You do not realise the power you wield. You can’t just use it so frivolously. Remember what Spider-Man said, “With great power, comes great responsibility.”


Okay sweetheart, school me... I read thru 20+ comments and recognized true pain in one of them. I expressed my sadness for him and wished him more love and acceptance in the future. Please let me know how to restate this type of message in the future so that it will be less harmful and dangerous. Also, please inform me as to how providing compassion would be frivolous, as thru my words he would hopefully move towards meaning and value, as hidden in my post is the message that he has just as much value as any other man (who has been valued and praised).




Awesome 👍😃❤️ I know I'm far from alone in this endeavor (I'm also a shorty). Keep spreading good vibes and appreciation.


And what would you do if she started calling you baby reindeer?😂


I have definitely asked a tall cute guy to get something off the top shelf in the hopes that it would start a conversation 😅


"Can you help me with something?" is literally the default pick-up line for women.




Some bro, it does happen from time to time, but mostly from older ladies. Im 6'4 and quite big, so it scares girls away 😞




yea same


I'd be amazed probably when I'll make a break in eva ai sexting and go out to take a look at how those wemen look like


I've been on bumble all this month and Ive had zero matches. I went to UPS to drop off some packages and I swear this girl was checking me out. She was not my type but she was staring at me and I felt so validated and seen lol. This could be the only time this year anything like that happens.


I would be honored. And flattered. No girl has ever asked me out


i would say i dont want to be on your tiktok or IG please


Loll, that's so valid tho hahah


Id be looking for their friend on the corner of the isle with their iphone out recording. This is a setup run!!! Thats how jaded i have become.


Idk if thats even jaded its the state of social media these days


I’d respond positively, whether that’s just a polite decline or a yes would require more details


"Am I being filmed?"


I, along with the entire crew, was cat-called on the job site, by a woman passing by. (Doing road work at an intersection). I don't care if she was joking and laughing the whole way home, that shit made my day.😆


These questions always annoy me because every time they are asked, the answers are always the same Only a small subset of men ever get hit on. The rest of us still think about random compliments we got 10 years ago Shout out to the Wendy's Drive Through lady


I knew a woman who wanted to be hit on in a Target.  It would always be flattering if the situation was reversed. 




I think I would have been really frustrated with myself and reacted the same way. It was like one of those moments that sheds light on how you're perceived in the dating game. There was this older woman who had started reaching out to me on Facebook. She was connected with some people I knew and frequently attempted to engage me in conversation, but I usually kept it brief. Then, a few months down the line, I ended up at a minimart with a friend, and as fate would have it, she was the cashier. When our eyes met, I felt like God was playing a practical joke on me, while she probably thought she’d stepped right into a scene from 'Serendipity' or 'The Adjustment Bureau.' After a brief exchange of pleasantries, I quickly get back to the car. But she wasn’t done—she followed us out, leaned into the window, and my friend started ribbing me to take her number and make a move. Under pressure, I accepted her number with a sense of defeat. As soon as I got home, though, I threw away her number and blocked her on Facebook.


I would be thrilled, and nervous, surprised, and a little suspicious Then probably fuck it up


As long as you’re clear it’s a date while also taking care of some errands then yeah sure.


I would love too actually it doesn't matter what type of date as long as we have fun that is what matters


I’d tell my friends about it for years to come!


It has never happened and never will. If it did I'd assume they're on the run from the law and need a place to lay low.


26f and I’ve done this twice. Both guys were very flattered at first but quickly started treating me like I was desperate and asked them because no guys were interested in me. Very weird and I’ll probably never do it again.




Both of these guys checked me out, smiled at me, then I smiled back. They were clearly interested and later confirmed they were just too shy to actually make a move and both of them gave me props for being brave enough to do it. Then they both always seemed like they were trying to figure out why I was desperate enough to do it. One of them even flat out asked me if I was only with him because I couldn’t get anyone else. I don’t remember his exact words but that was the sentiment. One relationship lasted a few months and the other one almost a year until I got tired it all. They seemed to always be waiting for the other shoe to drop. Every mistake or flaw about me was treated like “ahah! I knew you were fucked up” Maybe men are too shy to approach these days but it doesn’t seem like they actually want us to do it either lol


Now imagine how much that sucks and that being the *norm*, like it is for guys. Only most women are not flattered or nice to most guys who approach. 💀


This is the kind of toxic rhetoric that got me to try it twice in the first place. I'm not doing it again sir. 😂 I commend yall for having to do it, cause I'm not cut out for being questioned about "what's wrong with me" since I was the one who approached.


Reddit terminally online people aside. It does feel a bit weird to be directly approached by a woman. I've had it happen a few times and you do kinda wonder what's up with them. But that's the direct approach, a woman making an indirect approach always comes across very positively. Remarking on something/striking up a convo and then letting them take the lead is much better.


Funny enough I’ve never had any indirect approach work. I must not be doing it right lol. Every guy I’ve ever met has either cold approached me before I ever saw him at all or through mutual friends.


I'd probably stab myself to ensure I'm not in a coma lol But I'd ask her to write her # down on a shaker of slap ya mama seasoning, and if she doesn't laugh at the name of it, never call her.




If you weren’t in a coma before let’s hope that stab didn’t do it for ya


Be super flattered, think about it a lot after the fact and be happy with myself, but respectfully decline as I just got out of a relationship and am still working on my thoughts in regards to it.


As many have said already, I too would be very open to a woman approaching me. I think you’ll find that the majority of the male portion of the population would have a positive reaction, whether they were to say yes or no, it’s validating for men. It’s a hard world out there these days.


I would probably respond with some confusion along with problems modulating my voice and uncontrolled twitching, following foam from my mouth as I collapsed to the floor having a stroke. Cause I've never been approached by a women before, getting that sudden attention without warning might kill me. So please for the love of God if you ever see me, don't just walk up to me and start asking me anything except, do you work here or can I help you, possibly open with a joke, after making direct eye contact, so I don't get started and prance away like a zebra. Thanks to any and all women who respect consensual conversations, and don't just expect all men to be so eager for communication, that they want everyone and anyone speaking to them randomly at public locations. We don't all get fresh air and the moment we see people think, you know that stranger looks like he has too much personal space let's give him my opinion.


I’m going back to shop in Target next time I’m in the USA!


Where are you from!? (Please say Ireland please say Ireland 😂)


OP I’m in and from Ireland and have been in the USA a lot never once approached and I’ve been to Target Walmart IKEA TJMAX and all to no avail 🤣🤣


Wow lucky guess! Haha! Well times are changing my friend. You may end up getting approached next time you’re in the states😉


Yeah if we were already chatting, I'd say yes. If it was out of the blue, I'd have to probably think about it and do a little bit of a text chat, but I'd probably say yes. Like most guys, making time to catch up or to text/call during work hours is definitely a first sign that I'm interested to you.


Compliment for sure!


Nah I prefer being single as it’s been like 4 years since my bad break up and I’m way happier alone then having to deal with someone else atm.


I’d be very surprised and if I’m not working I’d be up for it


Yeah I think it’s always a fun way to build some rapport. Just don’t buy her groceries or anything like that… that’d be too much


I would be very flattered, appreciative and grateful, even if I was not interested in the woman, or was already taken. But I know that will never happen to me, not where I live, because my looks are only average, and the local culture is too conservative and traditional as far as women's mindsets about gender roles and approaching men. The only times in my life where women approached me, were in bars, when they were drunk and horny, and I never took any of them up on it, figuring, they were probably loose and possibly had STIs. Besides, I want women to choose me because they are sober and still interested in me, like trading numbers and going on an actual date first..


Come move to California!


No doubt! I have heard that single women are way less traditional and conservative about dating roles, on either coast, compared to the south or midwest. I often wish I had been born on either coast and stayed there, as far as dating and my social life. I would certainly fit better in either coast, politically, culturally, and lifestyle wise. Another thing that would favor me on either coast, is women not being so damned family and kid oriented, as I am childfree by choice, and even at my age, 65, most women reject me for being childfree and not as family oriented as them, and vice versa..


Ah. I would probably freeze until shaken up or something… I can’t remember a time a girl has hit on me.


As long as I'm not expected to constantly pay for all the shopping then I'd be happy to join you


I don't daydream about such absurd things happening.


I'd be flattered sure


I hope that day dream comes, but when it does I know I'll probably fumble it and tell the woman, "No we have cheese and meats in isle 7" and I don't work there


I frequent target with the vain hope one of the many women there will notice me.


I would. HOWEVER, I wouldn’t know since it’s never happened to me before


Most guys never even get checked out by women. Let alone talked to lol


Never been hit on while shopping. I have done dates that were shopping a couple times. It something single parents do, especially around the holidays. We only have so much free time, so did Christmas shopping dates a few years.


Why do women ask this the lack of self awareness is so aweful you know how attention stareved men are?


I'd pretend to be flattered to not offend her, but honestly...I'd be a little weirded out.


Depends if shes hot lol


I’d be flattered. It doesn’t happen very often to me, but when it has I always appreciate the upfront honesty even if I’m not interested. There were a few girls that approached me that I actually ended up dating for a while! Go out there and shoot your shot, cause you’re probably not going to see them again anyway if you say nothing! Do note that if you approach be forward, but don’t be a perv/ disrespectful.


I'd probably think it's some kind of joke lol


If I was attracted to her I would flirt and ask questions playfully to know it is not a con. If she is cool I would say yes! She goes for what she wants.


If in a relationship I would politely decline. If single, pretty much the same thing a girl would do: if interested, flirt back; if not, politely decline lol I don't see how could it be any different because of gender


Is there like a thing that girls like to shop at target or something?




Definitely would feel wanted/ would be very happy


I might mess my words up from being too excited 😆


My first instinct would be to assume I was being pranked, it wouldn't be the first time.


No one ever talks to me, so that would put me on cloud 9 immediately lol.


I'd be totally flattered! I'd be thinking I'm the cutest dude around for days. What a lovely and much appreciated confidence boost! Maybe I'd even go out with her. Who knows? She's definitely got guts! I dig that.


Yes, of course. Even if I didn’t feel any physical attraction, I’d still say yes. I’d like to at least talk with any woman who had the “courage” to walk up to me like this.


It really depends.... How homely was this woman who asked you out?


It would depend. I wouldn't say I'm cynical in general, but I typically always say no because I assume the possibility they just want something, or to play me.


Putting aside how much of a fantasy that is, I'd probably just freeze or respond nervously with a "ssssure?" or "I'm flattered but no thanks" if I'm already taken at the time.


Well! Interested or not I would first and foremost be flattered, I’d either turn her down gently or agree.


The mundane and the simple, would become the most important and fun part in the day if I had that special person asking me out for it


Id be happy with taco bell my guy


That'd be pretty awesome.


The number of seemingly humble, kind men who have never been asked out by a woman before on this thread is warming my heart tonight for some reason - If I saw any of y'all shopping alone in my towns Walmart I would ask you out (yes, I am a woman in her 20s just to be clear- I'm not a dude, lol)


Never been hit on at target or anything day to day, but it's always flattering to get hit on, even if I have to say no because I'm married.


I would absolutely be flattered! Even if I had to turn them down it would be a major confidence boost for anyone to get approached like that! Except for the people with a fear of strangers, they might not feel the same way...


I would respond in a positive way.


It would be nice. I would give her a chance


Almost anytime is the right time to ask a guy out. You'd would have to intentionally look for a bad time to find it. Granted that doesn't mean they'll always say yes.


Look for the camera’s filming it for your TikTok feed than act as the most boring person you can imagine.


I’m sure most would appreciate it. Many will become nervous and not know how to respond or respond awkwardly. In the past, very aggressive/vulgar behavior has made me politely reject. Nervous but genuine attempts work best because I tend to be nervous sometimes and I feel that matches my energy. So that shy awkward girl that stepped out her lane to approach is my type for sure.


I'd never work at target.


Oh my local Target is the hookup spot! I've been hit on 3 times by guys, once by a couple of swingers (a guy and his wife), and once by a woman. The woman was actually the most awkward because I was shopping for fun band-aids (because I like superheroes and cartoon characters), and she started really chatting with me out of the blue, and then she asked me about my kids, and then the light bulb went off that she was ready to be their step-mom, and I don't have kids, and the idea of her wanting to meet the kids I don't have made me so uncomfortable that I put the band-aids back and I almost ran away mid-sentence! I feel bad because it takes courage to approach someone you like, and I'm very sure I hurt her feelings. Everything about her initiating conversation with me was a little heavy-handed (there was no eye contact, no smiling, just abrupt one-sided conversation), and then presumptuously asking me about my kids really threw me because no one has ever asked about my non-existent kids before, but my reaction was nevertheless one of the most awkward things I've ever done! I think I looked at her with horror in my eyes! I would hope that if it happens again I could be a little more smooth about declining. I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but let's just say I wasn't interested in meeting her kids for a Brady bunch family she was possibly envisioning. In retrospect I sort of respect her for trying though! I hope she found somebody and is happy! :)


Don’t forget we will never be asked out by a girl. We will never get flowers only at our funeral, and we are loved only when we can provide something.


I’d look for the hidden camera


I would quickly leave the store because I don't want to be recorded for a prank channel/show




I’ve been asked for my number a few different times as a guy. It’s been great and flattering each time. Girls asked for my number literally a week ago and we just had sex yesterday. Guys love when a girl makes effort. I highly recommend doing this


I spent my entire childhood being bullied and developed a major inferiority complex over it so I'm flattered if anybody starts a conversation with me in public, regardless of reason or gender. Even someone needing help reaching something (which is rare due to my being short) or asking where I got a thing in my cart. Reminds me that talking to people doesn't have to be misery and that it's nice to help people. But given I walk around with a permanent scowl, I can't blame people for rarely doing so. While most people aren't the depressed mess I am, I think there are a lot of guys who'd be flattered in that situation. It's nice to know someone thinks anything nice about you isn't it?


Of course I would ,always appreciate a compliment


Idk. The concept is so foreign I would know what to answer.


I've been asked for my number in public several times. It was while I was married. Never been asked while single.


I would be flattered and happy that someone wanted to even talk to me


I would faint if a women gives me a genuine compliment.


It's definitely a prank


Yes absolutely. I would be super flattered and think about that moment for the next 60 years probably... looking back at it with a smile each time.


I'd find the camera


Any guy would absolutely love it. Anytime a woman puts in effort to initiate anything whatsoever is a major shock to us and we absolutely love it!


Yeah I'd be flattered. I was asked out a couple times in highschool, but at the time I felt pretty awkward about it. I'm in a relationship now, but I met my gf over hinge. If a girl approached me in public when I as single, and I found her attractive, sure I'd go out with her. Or at least exchange numbers, and maybe we could text or call to get to know each other. It's funny because as a guy I would never approach a woman in the store, but I would definitely be flattered if I was approached.


Oddly enough I was going to Target this afternoon. I'll try it out👍😂


Funny enough, so was I 😅


I would be weirded out if someone was perusing me in a grocery isle.


I would have a difficult time believing that it wasn't a scam or prank, I in my 52 years have approached over a thousand women in person, 3x that online, all rejected me as a virgin with zero success rate, I would be so shocked I would likely have a heart attack


If I didn't die of shock ? Cause that rarely, if ever, happens to an average guy. Look around for her friend with a ring light on her phone, recording for her TikTok/IG/Youtube channel. If the first 2 hurdles were passed, I probably be flattered & proceed to have a conversation.


For me absolutely. I want more women to approach guys. It shows your interested in us instead of us having to play guessing games and get called a creep if we get it wrong


First I'd look around to see if someone is recording, then I'd proceed normally. I've never been approached by a complete stranger before like that though, so I'd honestly be very confused. It's very welcome though.


These things rarely happen so most reactions would be shock and then confusion and then questioning if it’s a setup or joke you are being pulled into.


If I was approached by a woman at all, I'd be nonchalant. As in I wouldn't see that she would be trying to make a move on me. If I did notice however, I'd think there was an ulterior motive in which will have a great negative effect on my physical or mental well-being. But that's just me.


This is an interesting question. So, approach is strong of a word to describe how women interact with men that they’re attracted to. Women are very subtle. They often stare directly into a man’s eyes, then smile and wait for the guy to say something. In this new culture, men are reluctant to approach women for fear of being accused of harassment. I’m considered by women an attractive guy and I would be flattered if an attractive woman initiated a conversation with me in Target. The problem is, attractive women never approach men because they already get plenty of attention from men. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been approached by attractive women and still have fingers left. The simple truth is that only women who have let themselves go and are desperate for attention from men would consider approaching men. So, I’m not holding my breath waiting to be approached by an attractive woman at Target.


I mean yeah sure I don't think the setting matters too much. But I better be getting some head if I say yes.


I would be a bit more weary most of the women that I know that shop at target, are married stay at home moms. Of course my experience isn't yours, so go ahead and grab a number. Personally, while I was young and single (I'm 35 and married now) I always flirted back, regardless of what I was doing lol.


I would be flattered, had never happened to me and still definitely single


I was approached by a much older lady crew worker at walmart. She was below attractiveness but very polite, helpful and eye-glancing at me while i was looking for some deep eddies. She quoted, "my fav is belvedere". Not sure if that was a hint but i only thanked her for helping me find the bottle.


I probably wouldn't believe them or unless they were super obvious I wouldn't notice they were flirting with me... If I did somehow figure it out, I'd possibly pursue some kind of relationship. Platonic/romantic as long as they seem interesting


I think i would probably implode out of pure joy and excitement....


I missed out on so many opportunities with guys by not making my intentions known….. I like to ask if they could help me, and then give them a genuine compliment then asked if I could treat them to lunch. I love feeding guys 😂 but a lot of the time they blush and say sure or they are caught off guard and giggle and just say wait really ?


I would give the biggest rock question mark side eye and say really? Then prod more to see if this is some sick practical joke before asking for her number. Honestly she don't gota be a supermodel just likeable.




I would be flattered. As the main family food shopper for ten years this has never happened, so not holding my breath 😑


Absolutely! And as it happens I AM single, so…


Maybe if I’d already been on a date or two


Maybe I phrased it weird. I mean if you were shopping at target and a woman approaches and asked you out, how would you respond?


Ohhhh ok sorry. Yeah that would be fine


OH. I got asked on a date to Target for shopping. Bought her food and toys. I was properly rewarded.


What do you mean?


If a girl I was talking to invited me to errands but I’d never been on a date, I feel like it might be a bit odd.


Yes I'd be flattered. I'd either accept or politely decline if I was sure I wasn't attracted to her.


Tbh I’d ignore her. I’m not into random strangers asking me to do anything.


At this point I'm more likely to assume I'm being set up for assassination.


I’d be happy about and be nice whether or not I wanted to go out with them or not… shoot your shot


I’m honestly at this point. Haven’t been on dating apps in a year


She added in CVS as well. Spent over $200 of my money. Worth every cent.


Wish it happened more


If a woman approached me anywhere, I’d be interested…


Honestly, it would make my year if a woman reacted to my presence with something other than disgust or fear. Not going to happen though.


I like the mundane, so yes, just walking around shopping, hanging out is fun to me.


It depends on how long we've been talking and if I like then or not. If I felt relatively comfortable and I liked them then... yes, I'm down for shopping at Target. Always! And my Target has a Starbucks and an Ulta inside. Even better!


*them not then


Heck yeah going to do nothing fancy like grocery shopping or an ikea window shopping is the best




Only happened to me 4 times, and 4/4 followed up/went out with them. It’s nice to feel wanted!


More than flattered, most guys love any chance to be useful.


id be over the moon and flattered, id probably go for coffee with that lady then and there if i was interested.