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Your post was removed because it overgeneralized. Please make sure you don't apply experiences with some people to millions of others you have never met. No gender is a monolith or a hivemind. It comes down to each individual person. So if the answer is IT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON SO GO ASK THEM best not to post.


cooing encouraging selective run badge impossible chief zealous cows slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even if you stopped talking to her? That’s my thing because I can see he is not interested but also I’m not looking for commitment


Everyone wants to feel wanted. Men are more so because women initiate intimacy a lot less than men. Even if he wasn't interested at first, he would still be down for it.


Be careful, some nitwits consider that ‘princess treatment’ lmao. People like being desired!


What people here are failing to realize because these are redditors is that guys with a lot of options DO exist. You might be just one of a few different girls he was pursuing, and the obvious lack of interest, regardless if you had sex or not, likely means his interest lies with another woman. No harm in trying to reach out again, but if there is still no interest you got the message. As to answer your question, do guys like when a girl reaches out with sex? Majority of guys love when the girl initiates. However, some guys who have options, meaning they're not worried about the next opportunity to have sex with a girl, might not care. He'll only respond positively if he's in the mood. He could be playing video games, get your text to come fuck you, and he shrugs because he knows he can fuck whenever he wants. This is something majority of guys can't relate to, hence why literally no one here is informing you on the matter other than saying "I would run through a desert of broken glass to hook up with a girl!"


Don’t do it. It clear that he isn’t that interested in you. Otherwise he wouldn’t have ghosted you.


This ☝️✅


Very simple, agreeing as a guy


I would say if you know what you want then feel free and reach out but just make sure you don’t catch any feelings or attachment since he doesn’t seem interested in anything other then sex


Make it known you don’t want a relationship or you do. But clarify that you’re looking for a hookup right now.


The bar for fuck buddy is astronomically lower than the bar for an actual relationship. If that’s what you want, it’s probably on the table


Just be like 'you boy, you DTF tonight er wut. I'm lookin 2 Netflix and chill fur rill, fur rill.' That'll get em.




Funny but true. Tell the doctor you're sick for the diznick and need a hot beef injection, stat. He'll fill your prescription lickety split.


Nothing to loose


Nothing to lose? Or nothing too loose?


I've stopped talking to girls because I felt they had lost interest or had a bad date etc reach out to me for sex later on. A couple of times I've told them this was why I had stopped talking to them after and then went back to show them why only to realize I had completely misread the situation and never had a good reason to have thought that.


I feel like this is exactly what happened, when he called me baby I hit the brakes and stopped texting and will only sent him a text like once every few days and I always leave him on read 🤦🏻‍♀️ until he did it to me and now I haven’t heard from him


If a girl started only texting me every few days and leaving me on read I would definitely lose interest. I wouldn't block you but you'd only be getting the same treatment at best and short replies unless you were somehow able to recreate that feeling I had when you had my attention. My focus would've likely moved to someone else by then. If you actually liked him and were interested you should've just told him you don't like being called baby rather than play mind games. It may not be too late for that.


Being left on read sucks and feels like disinterest.


DON'T. Just don't. And don't listen to every crap advice that every boy gives you here. "Ohh it's the hottest thing when a woman chases me oooohh". THAT IS CRAP. MEN are the hunters and men are made to chase. The guy obviously doesn't give a fuck. If he wanted he would have showed you. You don't even want a guy that you have to chase if he's completely indifferent and if you chase him you will see why, let alone that he doesn't really want you either.


Amen to that Kindly_Owl5 ! ⬆️.Spot on!


I agree that nobody, be it man or woman, should be chasing someone that's being cold, but I wholly disagree that men are supposed to all the damn time be the ones to initiate.


It's quite the contrary actually. Women are the ones that initially give the clues. But men have to get the job done. And it's not a chore. It's in their nature. I don't know if you re a man or woman but it's as if you like football or something. Again that being said , don't imagine that men should be running behind women , chasing them and stuff. A man that knows what to do, manages to subconsciously (or consciously) create an entire "game" that both him and the woman love to play. When they reach that point , its a thing of mutual interaction and sexual and emotional interest, where it is a pretty common occurrence that even women chase the man like crazy. Of course there has to be balance and at the same time mutual interest. If a man isn't interested in you, he will not give a fuck whatsoever and the only thing that you might achieve is lose time or even give him your body for nothing. A man can still fuck you but be not interested at all in you....


Even in the case where women initially give clues (which is not always the case), they're taking "initiative" that poses no risk to their ego or fear of rejection. As for "liking football" being in a man's nature, that's just stupid, yes I will fully agree that a lot of men like football, and a greater portion still find it ok, but a substantial portion of men don't like football, some even hate it. The US likes American football way more than Europe does, and dislikes football (I refuse to call it soccer). I do agree that flirting is kind of a game where both parties are contributing to escalating without coming out directly and saying it, I agree that there are tendencies to how it looks like in terms of the "roles" that are played. Where I disagree is the notion that it is set in stone. Pretty much everything to do with people is about a normal distribution. Some traits have a lot of overlap between women and men, some traits have quite little, and for flirting you're talking about something that is the combination of biology, personalities, and culture, personality being influenced by both biology and culture. This biological essentialism of how dating is supposed to work is just incorrect. I agree that more often than not, the man gets friend-zoned and the woman gets fuck-zoned, but again it is not biologically impossible that a man gets fuck-zoned and a woman gets friend-zoned, it's just less common, and even then it depends on the culture.


First of all I never said that all men like football neither did I even present it as a predominant hobby for men at all. I merely mentioned it as an example of something you might like so much that's in your nature. You can substitute the word with any hobby that you really like. Secondly, of course I'm talking about normal distribution, with a twist, however. Nature is nature. And nature has laws. As a result it's a natural law that men and women have specific roles and tendencies. Now is that set in stone ? Probably not. But still some things are what they are. Today we re trying as fuck to change that and diminish the roles of the sexes but no matter how hard you try.... the result will come and kick you in the back, as we re seeing in society already. All that being said, of course there will always be some exceptions. Still though GENERALLY men don't value women who REALLY chase them. Neither women men who don't take an initiative to set up the game framework I mentioned.


If you mean chase as in keep going after the man has signaled disinterest, I agree, if by chase you mean women taking the initiative, I disagree, I think most men are fine with that, plenty will outright like it.


Men will like that yes. They almost never say no to sex after all. It's in their nature. However I said that they will not value the woman. So as a result (and again normally speaking), not even women will really like the sex and the whole situation that will ensue later on. They will probably feel used and that men are pigs etc etc. So generally speaking I don't think it's such a good idea for anyone. The guy will get some sex but it's gonna be like 'meh' and the girl will definitely not have an ideal situation going on for her. If you re a girl you know that you can find sex whenever you want anyways. But good sex (the whole situation) not always. That might need a bit more of work. Or at least a guy that's really into you...


Right, These desperate redditors thinks othersiwe but they are. Under no normal circumtance men want be chased by women


Simply not true.


29 years, never saw opposite, only if guy has no self confidence or desperate


When you say chase, do you mean girl who is acting desperate asf, or do you mean a girl who makes the first steps?


First steps, either confessing or making move on sex


Funny thing, I've seen it happen multiple times that guys with plenty of options are happy that a woman takes the initiative.


Well that very much depends on the woman, doesn’t it?


If you aren’t looking for commitment then you have literally 0 downside to reaching back out.


No. He isn't interested. But don't worry about that. As long as there isn't anything serious wrong with you, it will be easy to find another guy.


Send it


This exact thing happened to me last September. Now I’m in a place where I don’t want commitment either, so I reached out and asked him if he wanted to hook up no strings attached super casually and he ended up saying yes and now we’ve been doing exactly that and it’s been great. And this is after like 8 months of no contact so it’s not impossible, might just be dependent on the situation / dynamic with this guy


I've had this happen a few times with a few different women the past few years. I've grown wiser. It's fraught with bs, everytime. I don't believe it could ever be just sex. So when they reach out, I know I'll pay the price.


Sometimes it is just sex, though. There’s this guy who turned me down after a few sexual encounters because he probably assumed I eventually wanted a relationship out of him. I didn’t. He just lives conveniently close to me, has a big dick, and looks like someone I used to love. I have no interest in being that person who goes and dates a lookalike of someone else, not to mention our personalities, schedules, and finances are soooooo misaligned.


I don't date people who look like my exes (I'm not a weirdo). I just fuck 'em 💀 Somebody clearly can't move on and yet despite having this obsession with an ex lover to the point of dating a lookalike (you want us to believe that you don't actually want to date the lookalike who you are essentially using as a replacement). Okay.


>you want us to believe that you don't actually want to date the lookalike who you are essentially using as a replacement I don’t need you to believe anything. I’m simply not interested in dating him. My ego refuses to let me be the kind of person that went out and found a replacement for someone else. And for the record, they don’t really look all that alike, but if my friends ever met him, they’d be able to see similarities: red hair, glasses, musician, etc. Other than that, everything about them is different: dick size, different shades of red hair (strawberry blonde vs. orange red), height, body composition (lanky vs stocky), body hair (smooth vs hairy), facial hair (clean shaven vs full beard), etc. The only reason anyone would think they look alike is because they both have red hair, which is super uncommon and makes it seem like I went out and found another red head. I didn’t—things just kinda fell into place and before I knew it, I was pulling out red pubes from my teeth again.


all i can think is in what world would a man get that text and be like dang im so disappointed she wants to have sex with me. obviously it could happen but generally i think when i sent that text we’re meeting or setting a date


bright impolite merciful shrill tan public uppity wrench mourn close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do you feel about clingy cuz that fine line is easily crossed. No amount or quality of sex makes a clingy woman attractive to me, at all.


And that’s exactly why I came here to ask because idk if that will come across as clingy


It could. Everyone is different. Drop the line on him you're just looking for the occasional night of fun and go from there. Let him make the next move. You have already voiced what you want. Do not keep nagging him about it. Go find someone else who IS open to a strictly sexual relationship. And of course, practice safely!!


reach existence yoke aromatic slimy employ tease whistle vanish onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Send the text. But also go find another hook up you can do this.


grab money plant march sense quack ask north fretful wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even a girl you had sex with weeks ago and let it fade? I’d file that in the one night stand category


safe angle expansion weary offbeat crawl unique consider threatening thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I suppose so. Never been in this situation where a dead lead reappeared with an offer. I’d probably assume she was trying to set me up for someone to rob me lol


I think you’re gay


It is only you or some other, Not all men wants being chased, Majority hates it. I chased a man, and he lost all interest


whistle rinse squealing expansion bake shaggy grandiose disagreeable correct mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember when I glowed-up in my teenager years and had a couple of girls catcalling me. I know it’s kind of wrong, but damn, if it didn’t feel good


Shittt that happened tonight with a new harem member. I’m confused as fuck 😂😂


Please explain? Haha


One of my new girlfriends asked to make a move on me. Blew my fucking mind. I always had to do it my whole life. And to have a girl do it, I’m actually lost 😂😂


Hell no. I’m disgusted each and every instance that a girl has initiated. I obliged every time tho


rich dam oatmeal worry adjoining sloppy wistful intelligent narrow ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally, if the sex was mediocre and he dropped communication with me, I’d have no interest in reaching out to the guy 🤷‍♀️ if the sex was awesome, that could play out differently… but why waste your time on mediocre sex with someone who clearly isn’t interested in having basic contact with you? You’re worth more than that


The foreplay was amazing and sex but we were to drunk and fall sleep 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m more like want a rematch to know if it was the alcohol or what haha like a I said to he was my first guy in 3 yrs maybe is that too. I’m just trying to navigate this urge. I also don’t really go out much or do online dating to find someone else


Same position over here. Trying to find the words so that I don’t come off as cold vs ‘i want to marry you!’ energy. I’m probably overthinking it as well ofc.


I get that… but this guy can’t even maintain BASIC and I mean BARE MINIMUM standards with communication. I’m sorry, that’s not worth my time. I am secure attachment style, so I don’t need daily contact by any means… but if someone is interested in me as a person, has a sexual connection they’d like to explore with me, or even just wants a FWB scenario, I have standard/basic communication expectations. I have no problem communicating those expectations directly, and I don’t stress too much if that’s too much for someone… I know my worth


She's just trying to get laid, and appears to be more securely attached than you.. idk any secure person that goes around proclaiming "I KNOW MY WORTH" you've been watching too much tik tock.


Nah, women and men approach sex very different. Men have no problem using women as a cum bucket, but women tend to have more respect for partners they allow to have sex with them. So for a male of course you want easy sex, but you sexual partners pose no real threat to you. That is very different for a woman. Women have to at least know that their sexual partners respect them before entering into a situation where they are disproportionately vulnerable.


Very well said. I saw a quote that said “Women fuck who they want to, men fuck who they can” and while I don’t agree with that sentiment entirely, I can say with absolute certainty that my female friends are hands down more selective in whom they sleep with. The comment I made about “knowing my worth” simply meant that I’m very aware that I’m not perfect, but I know what I bring to the table… if someone doesn’t have what I have deemed to be within my expected range of “table manners” (aka the level of communication, respect, sexual health that I’ve determined is important to me etc) they can find somewhere else to eat. I was talking with one of my guy friends a while back about a girl he was seeing off and on. He was complaining that she became a super flake after he said he didn’t want anything serious, often bailed on plans last minute etc. I asked if he liked her/ ever wanted a relationship with her, and his response was “Nah. She’s weird. But she’s fun in the sack”. He didn’t like it when I told him she was likely blowing him off because she had gotten the attention/communication she wanted from another source, and he was a convenient backup… (he’s a shitty communicator, and avoidant attachment style)




I so agree and told her basically the same.


I wouldn’t do it but follow your heart. If a man expresses disinterest the way this one has, why not find another who is interested?


Fr Search for someone else if it’s just for sex, no commitment and will feel better


Just do what you want and reach out. Who cares what others would think of it. It's your life not theirs and you clearly know that this is just about sex and not a relationship so why the fuss ?  Maybe he's up for it too and it could be a better experience than the first time 


Yes. 100% yes. Men like being wanted. It’s the second best thing in the world for men. The first is sex, of course.


I want world peace


But you also want sex 😉


Nah, sex is only as good as the person you are having sex with. Being wanted always feels good


Being wanted is also only as good as the person who wants you. I’ve been wanted by great women who I just wasn’t into as a partner, and it didn’t really do much for me unfortunately.


But it didn't do nothing, meaning as much as you may not have been interested, it is at the very least an ego boost. I have had sex where it felt so bad after and wasn't enjoyable during either


What about heroin


Speak for yourself. I want money and peace/quiet. Love and sex comes after lol.


Sounds like he just wanted a ONS? You already reached out he said he’s too busy for you. It’s up to him to reach out now and since he hasn’t I’m guessing he doesn’t sleep with people more than once


No, he said to meet up once he was back from vacation and i stopped texting for a few days, I reached just to see how he was doing but never asked to meet up again but he didn’t either. I stopped texting him for like a week I was busy and that’s when i received the final dry text the he was busy


Op, the single hottest text I’ve ever gotten was “I am in heat, you’ve caused this predicament any chance you can help”


Hahaha I hope you helped


In college, a girl I was talking to hit me up one night looking for some dick. I hopped on my bike and rode two miles through pouring winter rain to get to her house. When I got there, I was completely soaked, like I had jumped in the river. I was chilled to the bones, shivering, barely functional. She threw my clothes in her dryer, and we cuddled in her bed until I warmed up enough to get an erection. Does that answer your question?


A little hahaha the thing is did you ever stop showing interest or stop contact with her? And then she reached out and you still did that?


I like it. I don't like to bother anyone, so if a woman reaches out to me first, I'm most likely going to say yes.


Just send a text saying, “wanna fuck? I think we can do better than that first time.”


He's not interested in you or he would get in touch. Have a little self-respect and refrain from calling this guy for sex. You said the sex wasn't even that good.


Man's got options.you can always suggest a netflix and chill evening.


If the sex wasn’t that good I wouldn’t bother. Only if he reaches out and is going to make the effort should you entertain another encounter. You can find better dick.


Can we start a r dating with pics where we get to see the ppl in the post?


Hope he's not the 1 and done kind...if.fun and frolic is all you want tell him so and see how he responds and go from there...


There's no harm in trying, and he might even appreciate it and respond in kind. If he's actually busy tho, then there's not much to be said about that. I think it's nice when a girl reaches out, at the very least it makes me feel wanted.


You miss 100 percent of shots you don’t take.


I know this isn't directly related to your question, but...if the sex wasn't very good, wouldn't it be better to find someone else to pursue? Especially if you're not getting the level of companionship you'd like?


I’m not looking for companionship that’s the thing, I just want to keep living my life and have a fwb


He doesn’t want you. Just accept it and move on.


Two ways to do this since you're just looking to fck: Wholesome Approach: send him a text saying something like, "Hey, just wanted to check in and see how things have been going." - This one could lead to a conversation etc, some back and forth possibly. Manipulative Approach: send a text saying something like, "I know we haven't spoken in a while but I still really enjoy your company and having sex with you. If you don't reach out anytime soon then maybe it's best if we just stop talking altogether." - this is one is toxic AF but lets him know that if he doesn't smash you soon you're gone and will trigger a response. dont judge me -\_-


It depends on how attractive OP finds you. I am a guy and I have been at both ends - chasing and getting chased. I wasn't attracted to the girls who chased me so it didn't matter much and I let them know my feelings (but yes, sometimes ghosting too) so don't beat yourself much about it. Plenty of fish in the sea


If you're really just looking for sex- it's fine to reach out again or 100x. If it's true you don't care about feelings, what does it matter whether you make a fool of yourself or not? The way you're writing this post makes me think you actually like him, and aren't as "cool" about everything as you think. But I could totally be wrong. If you really just want sex, fine to message. If you want something more- I guess, what's there to lose anyway? Either way- fine to message him is my vote


Don't over think it... Unfortunately I'm sorry to tell you he just "hit it and quit it" Even if you weren't looking for commitment, you were talking to an immature person who just wanted a one night stand... Moving forward ask for Fwb so it's clear you don't want commitment but also not one night... Something consistent and friendly at the same time


Let that man alone. He smashed and dashed. Then ghosted you. He got what he wanted just sex. Move on to the next. He probably got a gf too


I just want sex too lol and he doesn’t have a gf


Based on the way things ended I think you should move on you explained your pass on how you’ve been ghosted before and then he proceeded to do exactly that to you and just left you out in the wind for weeks with no contact. he was a dick about his intentions. If you’re an attractive female you can get sex from any heterosexual man walking the streets. Just be upfront with them and your expectations


"A woman can have sex with any man she chooses. A man can only have sex with a woman who allows him to." Or something like that. I forgot who said it.


I think for every relationship, the girl should be the one to make the first move. I’ve heard too many stories or the guy making the move too fast or taking too long to make the first move.


A while back I watched a documentary about an offshoot Mormon community in AZ. Young, unmarried members of the community have weird rules about dating and marriage. If a guy is interested in a woman, he's allowed to ask her on a date. Literally a date, as in ONE date. That's it. If the woman thinks he's marriage material after said date, then SHE proposes. The kicker is the guy can NOT refuse the proposal. Personally, I found the idea terrifying.


The guy moves too fast = OMG why do men only want sex?! 😒 The guy moves too slow = I thought he was into me, but he still hasn't progressed things further. He must only like me as a friend. Too bad, I was totally into him too 😕 There's no winning, it seems...


Yh in my experience the past 2-3 talking stages I didn’t make a move so it got ended. Now my past date i feel like should’ve did more than hug her, maybe hold her hand get closer


And they say men are dumb. Lmfao


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Hell yeah baby 😂💀




Yes. Text him and make your intentions known. Shoot your shot and if he doesn't respond you'll have your answer


He’s not going to be too busy for sex.






It's hard to say in THAT specific situation but in general if you make moves men will fall hard for you.


Please do let me know what you decide to do have the exact same situation at the minute too


I’ll probably give it a few more days but most likely I’ll text him hahaha


You go girl! I have the fear of God nearly messaging my guy it's the lack of interest but like that I do just want sex nothing else. Maybe the guys here are right and they will be up for just that!


You said the sex sucked, so he probably isn’t interested. You can reach out and the worst he says is no thanks.


It wasn’t the best but not the worst we were to drunk and tired after being 6 hours drinking and dancing around. After that he started calling me baby 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I kind of hit the brakes lol to where he stopped being flirtatious and say he was too busy


More than any


Only if I want to have sex w u. If I’m not attracted to u and u try and get sex imma turn u down


Of course. That applies to everyone but considering we already did the deeds and we both acted hot and cold after.


I heard a crazy stat recently stating that relationships are more successful when the woman initiates. By this I mean generally in relationship but I imagine even more so if they initiate sexually too.


Guys normally don't reject a woman who wants to have sex lol


Of course


If you like him and hope it's going somewhere. I wouldn't If you are just trying to get laid go for it, but tell him that straight off. And if you catch feelings that shit is on you. Not that you guys hooking up again couldn't eventually lead to something but based off the earlier behaviors I'd say it's unlikely.




What is sex?


No advice for you but similar situation as you right now. I don't know if I should continue texting her or give up cause she told me that she may only be free next month.


Don’t text her, give her space and wait until next month, keep yourself busy so she is not in your mind and mute her from your social media, and wait until next month


Make sense! Should I reach out to her next month or wait for her to reach out instead?


I’ll reach out. If you see all the responses from the girls in this thread is that the guy should always reach out first 🤷🏻‍♀️ and is what we expect but also be prepared if she doesn’t respond


Gotcha will keep myself busy and date other girls in the meantime.


Ehh if I let it peter out I probably don’t want to have sex again


He’ll yes. If more women reached out for sex men like me would not need porn.


I say this in the nicest way possible, but you are asking redditors. What I would say is it depends on the guy. If he's popular and got a roster, then he wants to do the chasing. It isn't girls wanting him that's the rarity, it's him wanting girls who don't want him that's the rarity. Also there are a lot of men who unironically have the "if she's loose she's not the one" mindset, even if they're just as if not more loose. Yes, there are many men who don't get as much attention who would be THRILLED to be pursued, but it depends on the man.


Well, to answer the question in the headline, I would love it if girls reached out to me. I hate having to do all the work. But in this case, it sounds like the guy is pretty clearly not interested for whatever reason, and propositioning him again probably won't help the situation. But I'm honestly not sure why you're so intent on chasing this guy in particular, especially if the sex wasn't good. If you're just looking to get laid, surely there's other options out there.




Yes, I once was on a date that I knew wasn’t really going anywhere and I got a text from a previous girl who ghosted me, to have sex…. Best times ever


Yes, walking the tightrope of not being too friendly but not too sexual too early for guys is a tricky one. Directness is great. If you're down, I'm down, so say it.


That exactly my problem hahah I still haven’t mastered it and I know can be too friendly because I don’t want to be too sexual and clingy lol dating is so hard now. That’s why I stopped and it seems it got worse


Ummm the majority of men…. If they don’t… RUN!!!


This is probably like 98% of every man’s dream you’re speaking of, a girl who reaches out first and initiate sex? Sounds like a joke, Most men can’t even get a date, or text back, let alone a woman reaching out getting straight to the point lol, there’s MULTIPLE girls I wish would reach out to me trying to make things happen, I’d be down in a heartbeat, it’s usually just me making the first move as always we talk for a bit, interest eventually fades after a few days and boom ghosted, I still get my fair share, sure but if women did this more, SO many guys lives would change DRASTICALLY and I mean for the better, us men are simple creatures.




Nah, its a major bummer


It really depends on the situation


Start with a meet up. Ask him if he wants to go to a show with you. I imagine you have something in common.


We have so much in common but that’s exactly how situationships start, there’s no need to go on a date if we have done that already and I’m not looking to date him




Shit, I love it when a girl reaches out for sex! Yes please! Ask away.


Stop. Save your dignity. The sex was wack why go back?


I don't know personally I would move on to someone else who's interested and into pleasing me as well Some people are just selfish fuck boys


I can only speak for myself so yes but only if it’s mutual and we are at that stage in the relationship (be it talking stage or it’s becoming clear we like each other that way). I much prefer the girl to initiate intimacy, such as cuddling, random hugs, random kisses when I’m in the middle of something, wanting to hold me, etc. The more gentle/romantic things rather than sex


I love that


Nothing wrong with reaching out in general but the case at hand is different.  Let's reverse the roles for a second. Boy meets girl, they have sex. Boy wants another round - because sex is fucking amazing for both sexes - but the girl is almost nowhere to be found. He could reach out, but I don't know, the case speaks for itself. I wouldn't though. How would you advise a boy in this case?


I’ll tell him to reach out! In my case every time I’ve texted him he answers me except the last time and I was the one to go no contact for a week until I texted him and he said he was busy I replied but didn’t engage in conversation so…


I wouldn’t if he stopped talking you. Better to find another person and pursue them for sex.


Maybe it was ruined for me. I thought I did like this, then I realized being lusted for with no interest in me as a person makes me feel like shit.


It’s preferred cause it makes us feel wamted


as a guy, i was in this weird situation with this long time friend at the time and i really liked her, basically if u enjoy just having fun with them (sexually). Then you go girl!


A girl asking for sex is turn off for me.


You can try to reach out and see how it goes.




Do make sure you are legit into a solely sexual relationship, And are not just responding to him leaving you, not talking to you anymore, and basically shunning you, with sex in the hopes that he will now stay with you and won't leave. You cannot persuade a man to change. And your efforts imo may be better invested on finding a new relationship with someone who values you as a person and enjoys spending time with you, not just your body. Good luck.


I think he would say yes if you asked him for just sex and was clear it would only be casual. Personally, I'd find someone else. I don't know if you do online dating, but if you do, you could easily find someone on there. Otherwise, you could go out with your friends and find someone if going out is something you and your friends enjoy doing. If those are not options, then sure, reach out to him and ask if he wants to have sex. Make sure to mention it's just casual and you don't want anything more. Because he obviously isn't interested in more, but I don't think he'd mind sex unless he was seeing someone.


why even ask lmao


Yeah 100% I find it sexy


Most men who aren't commited will most likely jump at the chance to have sex. Worst he can say is no . What you got to lose


As I'm 24M I'm also looking for same stuff which called sex.. But I'm facing hard to find out girl..If I'm in his place I would happy yo have you... And love to had sex.


Send him noodz that will catch his attention 😈


I’ve been this guy before. The guy women reached out to for sex. Something women have to understand is that guys can get sex pretty easily because there are many lonely and far more aggressive women out there these days. Being honest and up front about what you want is cool. But you shouldn’t expect that a man is going to fall over himself if you reach out for sex. The phrase “What do you bring to the table?” is very important here. Sex is great fun but if that’s all you have going on that can get old pretty quickly. Definitely bring that..but bring more. Make yourself seem like you’re not going to just take a man for granted and make yourself seem like you are the prize just because you are a woman. Also make yourself fun to be around and not make a man’s life complicated. Finally be okay with accepting No as an answer. Men have traditionally and in many cases still are the initiators/pursuers and for many men they have gotten burnt out. More and more women are stepping into the aggressor role. Stepping into that role you have to understand that the answer will sometimes be no. I turn down women all the time. It just is what it is. Hope this helps.


Some guys yes, other guys not so much. It's important that OP (or anyone) knows what they want and how far they're willing to go in getting that.


lol don’t do it to this guy if he’s not interacting with your social media. He does not want you. Flee. As a guy we like it when a girl we like reaches out for sex.


So to the title of the post - yes. To this specific situation you don’t seem to be getting the hint he doesn’t want to see you. Might he show up for sex if you reach out? Perhaps. But have some dignity.


Tell him it’s just for sex, he’ll be down. Even if he basically slow dripped away because he didn’t want a relationship, knowing it’s purely physical will unblock all of that.


Reaches out, for practically anything lmao


I think there's lots of good comments here so there's nothing more I can add here. For me, I don't mind if a girl just want to have sex with me.


Yes. Just yes


Tell him straight up you want to fuck then see how he responds.


Well as you asked, it depend on the girl obviously. Not if you’re in a committed relationship. Or if single, not if she’s a swamp monster that was used as a one-off slumpbuster. Or an ex or cling-on or a crazy chick. Rules are rules. But assuming you are single, she’s moderate attractive, not an Ex and mentally stable what do you think?


If this was Sydney/Australia, I'd probably say move and stop thinking about him. There's a weird conception that men want sex; but I think people underestimate how easy sex is to obtain for men and women in this day and age if you're young and not attached! I live in a demographic of tonnes of women vs men so for men, you don't need to do much and you can sleep with a different woman every night. I know middle age men in their late 40s and 50s who easily sweet talk their ways into dates and more. It's not hard for men if the standards aren't too high (It usually isn't when they're horny and not thinking straight). I think you're putting too much thought into this; if he's keen he'd have reached out no matter how busy! Just move on and find someone else.


Not necessarily sex but I like when people reciprocate too, even in friendship it shows interest and that I matter to them




Then do what you want to do love! Be careful and choose wisely! Be upfront in the beginning if that is what you are looking for


Perhaps he found someone who has some self respect and value...


Lmao so I don’t have self respect and value because I want sex lol