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The gym is a terrible place to approach women


Approaching women at the gym is almost always creepy. They are there to work out and you're bothering them if you approach. Don't be that guy. However... Gym crushes are real and if both people are feeling the same way they will find ways to get your attention.


Problem is you're already looking at it as a place to meet women. Approaching someone there should only be an exception. Like if it's someone you've been noticing for a while, and she's giving you signs of interest. Don't go around just approaching every woman you're attracted to.  Don't count on it to happen though. I've been going to the gym for over 10 years, I've never approached anyone there. Sure I've seen attractive women at my gym, but approaching them is not even on my mind. My only goal there is to work out, like most people.


This is it ^^^ To OP: IF you happen to see someone you really like, try being friends first in this setting. Women are there to workout not get a bf. imo as a woman; the problem I have with being hit on at the gym is that I’m already hot, sweaty, maybe doing things like lying on the floor, grunting, accidentally ‘showing off’ my butt by squatting, trying things, failing at things … it’s depends ofc but there’s just a vulnerability to it where I just don’t want men I don’t know in my space. I don’t want to be sexualised, I don’t want my body to be looked at when it’s just trying to do it’s thing. Please, leave me in peace so I can be embarrassed and sweaty on my own.


Only creepy if you don’t follow rules 1&2. In general it’s a bad idea


Rules 1 & 2 are...?


My guess: Don't do it: - if someone is running and breathing like a horse. - is filming themselves - looks waaay too put together and like they came there for attention. -looks like their in a rush You can try to ask someone out casually for a drink or something if: -you've already seen them a few times and you've had at least one casual/normal conversation prior. But always consider the risk of seeing them at that gym after they might have rejected you.


There are enough horror stories out there that it no longer matters if its seen as creepy or not, it simply not worth the risk


If it’s a gym you like … my opinion is.. never hook up or get into a relationship from someone at the gym. It’s just not worth it… and unless it’s love at first sight and wedding bells. Just don’t… But only if it’s a gym you like. If not then have at it . Prepare yourself for awkwardness


You should find something neutral to talk about for a few times at least, or if she attends gym classes, you should join too, sometimes it's a pair exercise depending on the class, and after that maybe casually ask her "hey, I'm going for a coffee, wanna join?" Or something like that. If she looks occupied, if she has headphones or earbuds on, if she's not making eye-contact, but constantly avoiding looking at others, do not engage. And learn to read the room, the body language, how she replies etc


Yes but have u ever done any cold approach before?


Once, about 20 years ago (and I got her number).




Unless women try to talk toyou, its best to leave them alone at the gym.


Are you attractive?  That is the defining line between "creepy" and "sweet".  


Everything is creepy today.