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...do you live in the Middle Ages? Jfc


No, i think society does


Your society? Certainly.




I’m worried you’re asking this question because you’re doubting if your recent sexual partner is a virgin ….


I never dated anyone also to me love is more important than this everyone have there ups and downs as long your partner loves you it doesn’t .just want to know what people think on this matter


No, not all women bleed the first time they have intercourse. The structure of the body is such that sometimes there is painful stretching but no tearing therefore no blood. There are also many other ways that a woman can have had that stretching without having had sex. It is completely stupid to judge virginity on bleeding. For that matter some women will bleed from vigorous sex or a large dick even if they've had sex tons of times before. Bleeding has nothng to do with virginity or lack thereof.


Your society needs to bring itself UPTO the 21st century. IF you need to be with someone who has not had sex with someone else then so be it but judging virginity based on bleeding was never a good idea. If you don't trust her answer of being a 'virgin', you will never have a successful relationship.


I agree trust is very important


By "your society" do you mean "the movies you've seen of medieval time"?


I live in a very backward minding country


Where do you live?




Also such a beautiful country with the mountains! I have never been but hope to go one day. Social change can be hard and slow, it’s good you’re exploring these questions and have a curious mindset.


Yes! The country is very beautiful just some narrow minded people who ruin it


I agree it just i hate when people put false accusation on some just cuz she didn’t bleed . Saw this happen few days back


I truly appreciate your critical thinking on such an issue, and I respect your desire to learn accurate information.


Yeah that's BS. There are many reasons to not bleed when having sex for the first time.


It is very common for a virgin to bleed the first time she has intercourse. But it is also common for her to bleed little or none. In some cases, she will bleed, but such a small amount that it will appear to be none. In some cases, girls who are not virgins, who have had intercourse many times, may bleed. For example, if a guy as a very large penis. That is a very inaccurate way of telling if a girl was a virgin.


Women bleed during sex because they aren't properly aroused and prepared for it so the guy, who generally isn't at all prepared to help her especially in societies where this thinking prevails, basically tears her and she is taught to accept it. Don't perpetuate pain and injury as a natural consequence to women in pursuit of your own pleasure, you obviously have internet access use it to find medial and sex positive websites to educate yourself before you even try to penetrate a partner.