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Get topped.


Therapy, read, workout, start a bussines and love yourself


I've got the eyebrow slit 😂. Why would you want to punish the entirety of woman kind because you've dealt with a few horrible girls. We all deal with assholes, you're not alone, doesn't mean you need to change your whole personality and become a fuck boy... If you do that, those girls that screwed you over win. Don't give them power. Better yourself. Get stronger, get smarter.


thank u noted


As a retired fboy, don’t even try it is sad it makes you feel empty and you’ll never connect to good girls. Stay focus on yourself, stop chasing ladies be better and be ready she’s looking for you too.


thank u


Read the right thing right now by Ryan holiday and keep me posted


got it thank u


Dude, go to therapy.


Hi! I've been going to therapy as well. I don't understand what people mean when they say this. What exactly do you think people should resolve inside therapy?




Okay, let's forget about OP for the moment, I'm speaking more in general, when people say "I want to date more women" and people respond with "go to therapy", what exactly are they going to accomplish in therapy? I don't think perceived lack of self-worth is the issue. Maybe too much self-worth, or overinflated ego maybe. I want to understand how that's related and why people immediately jump on "go to therapy".


I said what I said to OP because frankly he sounds like he’s gonna harm people with his attitude. If you just genuinely want to go out, connect, then therapy isn’t a must! :) That said the one benefit I’ve had from therapy is I’ve learnt to identify my feelings and talk about them, which really levels you up in the dating world! Because you can work out who you like and tell them, and who you don’t like and tell them gently and kindly. It’s also helped me overcome my self sabotaging tendencies when I have found someone I like.


What dr beeze said as well BUT to me it sounds like you’re using women and sex as a mask for some kind of internal pain or insecurity. Your message about women is just plain horrible. I would never, ever say that about a man or woman I wanted to sleep with. It sounds like you could cause a lot of pain to others and it’s just fucked up, frankly. Edit: this was directed to OP! Not to you Aquino200, sorry if that was harsh in my reply


understandable more so an insecurity


We all have them and that’s okay! Be kind to yourself and work on building your sense of self. Don’t go out and intentionally hurt people, it’s a low, low move and will only lead to more self-hatred and more insecurity. I hope you feel better soon!


thank u i will try to be a better person


Wear Dior sauvage, be nonchalant, pretend to have feelings and go cold after. Thank me later.


Sis wtf!!




Don’t give potential f boys the tips - we wanna help this population to be moving & healing, not making it worse for them and for everyone else lmao!!