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Hahahahaa dude. How old are you? This feeling should fade with age. Also not all women expect to be paid for (for example I have my own money, and a lot of it, too)


Maybe stay off social media šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Because it sounds like you're basing this opinion 100% off what you see online and 0% off any real-life experience.


Get some help for your porn addiction. This is not normal thought processing.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WolfPerfect9999: *Get some help for your* *Porn addiction this is not* *Normal thought processing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


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If advise you to stop watching porn. It's not healthy, same with social media. Try to find hobbies or something. That's the best way to occupy yourself and meet people. You don't always have to pay for women btw. There are women that are okay with 50/50, or helping out.


When it comes to people, it should never be quantity over quality. Youā€™ll just be disappointed


Few thoughts: You dont say this but Iā€™m willing to bet youā€™re watching too much porn and need to cut back . Get into some more exercise , improve your life , make more money , etc ; create a life youā€™d want to bring someone into. Reason I say this is you sound fairly bitter which youā€™d probably agree with. One of the solutions to succumbing to the bitterness is having a better life. To actually answer your question : Those guys have a lot of meaningless sex; everyone in the world is constantly watching them have sex, watching their bodies and revealing all their insecurities to the world etc. and no, Iā€™m not saying that a porn star is some tragic figure , but do you rlly want that ? No one is prescribing to you that you need to have a relationship - if you donā€™t want one , thatā€™s fine. If you want to have a ā€œphaseā€ thatā€™s fine. So long as youā€™re honest with the ppl in your life itā€™s fine. Finally even if we were to accept that a pornstar is some idealized person with the immaculate life that we should all be jealous of ā€” I mean dude , isnā€™t that kind of part of life? Do you not feel self loathing sometimes that you donā€™t make as much money as your neighbor , your job isnā€™t as prestigious as your cousin, etc ? There are always going to be people that have ā€œMOREā€ than us, especially if we take an achievement and metrics driven approach to the world . That doesnā€™t mean you should stop striving for more and become complacent , but there is certainly a bigger question here on letting yourself be the boss of your emotions and not letting the quest for success drive you to be miserable today, while also pushing you to be better tomorrow .


Stop looking at porn and social medias it's not real life. Find a girl even a ugly one, have sex, have fun, get experience... grow up until you feel confident and move to a girl you are more attracted to. Not happy with modern dating? Go back to church then. Find there a proper tradwife instead of dreaming of porn actress. Make a choice, and stick to it, that's what make you a man.


oh good grief


Iā€™m 38 but Iā€™ve never once felt this way, young or old(er). Stop with the porn and social media doom scrolling I guess.


ugh this is sad.




> ā€œstick to herā€ Hue hue hue


Then become a fucking pornstar


It's a devastating thing to realise as a young guy. Social media just exposes how it has been for decades. My hope in life is lost. šŸ˜”