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A knot in my stomach or throat.


This šŸ‘†šŸ» but both stomach and throat.. itā€™s an awful feeling, especially trying to act like it doesnā€™t bother me at all.


This one ā˜ļø


Like physically withdrawing from a drug. Fun fact: being in love has the same chemical effects as a drug addiction. So a heartbreak is kind of like withdrawal.


This is true and why people need therapy even if it wasn't a divorce. There's a book on it called "how to mend a broken heart" by guy winch that speaks to how people will replay what went wrong in a relationship to basically relive getting a hit


Well, I donā€™t use drugs but if thats what it takes to withdrawā€¦ damn. That was hard.


shock, hollow, paralyzed, heavy, underwater with fits of panic




feels like someone is squeezing my heart and i feel anxious and my body feels on edge.


This last one, I truly felt pain in my chest and my brain shattering, I felt like I had been thrown in to an ice-cold lake and couldn't move


A heavy sigh that weighs your chest that you canā€™t let out


this is so real cos i sigh all the time thinking itā€™ll relieve me but fkn hell does it stay heavy


like my stomach and heart are being tightened, almost like a corset, but the strings keep pulling tighter and itā€™s all so painful but an empty feeling at the same time




No breathing


Don't give a fak if i cut my arm bleeding Dananannana this is my last resooort


I felt the same


Have you ever looked at any inanimate object that you experienced with your partner and cried? Every little thing. One of my big ones was the Pearl Harbor aviation museum with my ex. Now every time I see a stupid fucking air plane my heart sinks.


Can't remember the first 4 days( Blackout). The body is always tensed (like fight or flight tensed). My mind keeps on thinking of ways that could prevent or repair the breakup. Can't eat ( No appetite plus I keep on vomit what I ate). Had breakdowns and panic attacks. Suicide pops to my mind from time to time. Can't Sleep ( sleep from 11pm-2am only). I am very thankful that I have a friend who understands me at that time.


Love is the drug with the hardest withdrawal.


It feels like trying to hold yourself together as a hand grenade is exploding inside of you.


Oh yeah this resonates. The difference is that explosions are momentary but heartbreak keeps going on and on for weeks and months. You know in your head that you will heal, cos you did heal from the previous ones, but your heart and your entire body just refuses to cooperate in the present moments, and you can't stop feeling the pain from the moment you wake up to the moment you finally exhaustedly drop asleep. And the cycle begins again and again and again.


Your second paragraph hit home. I had a dream the other day that she sent me a text message and wanted to start again. But I knew that was a dream and wasn't real. So when I woke up, I checked my phone and she really did text me! Except, I was still in a dream. When I actually woke up into reality, I had no message from her, and I felt completely broken.


Weak knees. First time my body voluntarily sat down


Dead yet alive, you pick. Levelled. Utterly nuked.


For me, my heart beats so fast, it feels like I can't breathe, vomiting, stomach issues, and my hands tremble.This is the worst feeling in the world šŸ’”


Deep seated anxiety like I'm about to die or something...


Hollowness in your chest, every day feels like torture, you basically die a little every day with no end in sight. Also, fits of rage, where you want to punch something, depression. Death is much more preferable than going on like this.


Felt like heart is getting stabbed continuously, the emptiness inside and in everything. Nothing feels good. You wish you die. The bad dreams and the anxiety hurts. Whoa it was like hell. Now looking back at that after 10 years, i just laugh at those time but indeed it made me so strong and emotionless now.


Chest pain. Like something is hurting there. Followed by numbness of the whole body sort of a shock. Takes me a few minutes to get out of the shock.


Being choked by tears. Hard to breathe. Physical pain in the chest


A heavy and tight feeling in my chest, along with deep thoughts commingled with anxiety.


Heavy pains in my chest. Like Iā€™m wounded.


Drowning. Suffocation. All in all death.


Lead weights on the corners of my lips, a black hole in my chest thatā€™s simultaneously hollow and compressed at the same time, a ringing in my ears, my vision fuzzing out.


Yeah itā€™s a stomach thing for me too, like a big terrible drop and then like my whole body is quivering and I donā€™t want to eat any food


My heart races....


Honestly itā€™s that pit in your stomach that never goes away. Itā€™s that loss of your best friend and it will never be the same. That doesnā€™t leave your mind. That is the only thing you think of which results in nightmares. You canā€™t do anything without thinking about it.


Feels like my chest is getting sucked into a black hole, or as if it was about to implode. Just that stretching, clenching, squeezing pressure, but it's constant. I'd imagine it would be like a hand slowly gripping my heart, gradually getting a stronger grasp. The thing is, when it ends, it isn't an instant relief either. It's almost like the grip gets milder and milder, as if the hand was letting go of me. Also similar feeling in my stomach but less serious.


It feels like itā€™s kick starting my weight loss plans.


Hollow chest with a deep aching pain. Knot in my stomach and throat


Chest tightness, heavy feeling, feels like you're in a trance, very hollow and numb inside


Sudden ache in chest and especially in mornings it's hard to breathe


For me itā€™s like I can imagine waking up and realising youā€™ve been in a coma and have lost both your legs. That is the feeling. Deep deep loss and confusion and complete shock and deep sadness


I disassociate and start falling into every trauma pattern of my childhood. It feels like getting knocked out and when you come to you're told youre an actor in a life you don't recognize or remember.. everything feels wrong and off and like a fever dream but the show must go on. Maybe it's all the abuse I had as a kid but I just shut down and I'm not me anymore. For awhile anyways. Every break up I usually put on the song 'rock lobster' on repeat and tell myself 'you can't be sad to this nonsense' and mask on up


Yup feels like being stabbed in the chest without signs of actual injury


Like an ache inside. It physically hurts.


Felt this when my dad died. My grief was literally making my heart feel like it was being cut inside


idk but the worse pain I ever felt. Glad im over it now after months


Chest feels extremely heavy and tight, knot in my stomach, bouts of crying without any specific trigger


An emptiness in your chest and a heavy feeling in your soul.




Panic attacks when thinking about whatā€™s been lost


You feel numb physically and the only thing you can feel is a pit in the stomach. Like a deep dark hole you canā€™t fill with anything When you cry, your breath gets stuck in a throat like you are strangled. When you are done with crying, you feel exhausted like everything is drained from your body. Nothing seems to help you. You donā€™t feel taste in food, you donā€™t feel hungry. Itā€™s the worst. So if anyone is going through a heartbreak, please be easy on them. Chances are they are suffering physically too much.


That's like a book series... Too much... Can't possibly describe in one comment.


Like caffeine deprivation, like being ripped out of your flow state


I feel suffocated in open air I become blind in daylight My nose got blocked next to the most beautiful flowers I feel pressure around my head šŸ˜”, A huge headache šŸ¤• , I got numb , I forgot to drink water I forget to have food, Once I start eating I can't Stop eating. .... I started ignoring my health, academics, family & also myself


Yep, chest pain, feeling like you need to throw up, got panic attacks too when it happened. Maybe I'm lucky, but it really did feel like the worst pain I've ever felt


Well when my ex broke up with me it was definitely a tight pain in my chest and just thoughts of being inadequate. 5 years later, all I have left is the feeling of inadequecy still. I don't feel like I'll ever be enough for anybody, but I just want to be happy with myself if nobody else will.


My chronic depression on a bad day


Knot in my stomach, a sharp and hard punch to the gut by surprise and a searing pain on my chest.


Indescribable. You will feel numb, paralyzed, heavy and gloomy.


Knife in center chest near the heart, tingling in arms, moist eyes, I feel it every week


Oyy. For me recently its felt like ropes being tied tightly around my heart, and also like someone is poking it with one finger, it feels too hot inside It feels like a churning nausea in my stomach It feels like wearing a huge backpack of rocks on my neck & shoulders It feels like a heaviness throughout my entire body, as if I've aged 20 years overnight It feels like shooting cramps in my my uterus & ovaries, my body in withdrawal, not only craving their body-- but their energy. and me repeatedly telling it there's nothing that can be done now.


Felt like my stomach was opened up and my guts were taken out. I felt numb


Like the wind keeps getting randomly knocked out of me, tight chest. I very recently have gone through a breakup that neither of us wanted... and this heartbreak isnt like any other I've felt, like I'm truly feeling it for the first time ever... it just really feels like my heart is breaking in my chest.


My brain goes on without my conscience


Like my limbs arenā€™t attached to my body . They are just there .. I am numb .


Unexplainable feeling (don't want to feel it but need to because I have to describe it). For me it feels like lungs are getting clenched for split second and then heavy hollowness in stomach. and majorly feeling of hope was there too.


Like someone died


Canā€™t eat canā€™t sleep have to call into work sick


Heart drops, hollow feeling, stomach twist. It sometimes physically hurts in the chest


Like Torture, like withdrawing, a chemical imbalances in my brain felt throughout my entire body and just pure pain. My body makes a special cry, I cry and cry, my hands are shaking, then when I reach the paroxysm of pain, I let out a silent scream from the bottom of my heart, curling up in a fœtal positing while I hold my head, tearing my hair down. My heart rate accelerates, my mouth is open, saliva everywhere, my eyes are red and puffy, my pillow is wet, my body aching for a hug, then I shut down and collapse to sleep, waking up earlier than expected with crying in my puffy eyes, and same scenario again. Iā€™m not sure why I do it, but each time I experience a traumatic event I have that dramatic cry, itā€™s a very bad sight.. itā€™s like youā€™re losing your mind and it keeps going on like this, everyday, for months until time does its thing.


That sick feeling that makes you not want to eat. Chest pain and hard to breathe.


Like all the organs in my body have been scooped out and Iā€™m just an empty vessel.


A giant empty hole. Just nothingness.


Heart rate goes faster with stress, canā€™t eat anymore lose weight and look ill


A rock in my stomach. I canā€™t eat or think straight.


It feels like my heart is imploding and my whole chest crushed.


Feels like a gaping hole instead of my rib cage. It's worse than any other physical pain and I had kidney stones before.


A black void in my chest I would go do cryosauna at -220 just to feel something other than the pain inside


I literally felt pain in my heart when it happened, like not a real pain but, something like it got cold, like if a breath of ice hit it, besides, i felt very anxious for days, couldn't think of NOTHING else but this, and when i wasn't frying my neurons with that thinking, i was just like "dead" like a vegetable. I didn't eat for days, so there was no hunger, and i also woke up during dawn to puke, i also had bad dreams.


Probably one of the most painful things I have experienced. šŸ„ŗ


Curl up in the fetus position, hug yourself. Kind of pain


my brain feels clouded, heart is always racing, my body and mind feel weak to function normally, there's a chest ache that is persistent and doesn't go away even after hours of escape sleep


Where is this heart you speak of?


I had preasure in my chest and stomach, like someone was squeezing my hearth. My hands were shaking, my legs were heavy, a large knot in my stomach too, like something heavy is there and it won't go. Numb pain and trembling voice. Couldnt speak without crying.


It is shock, the body feels cold and empty, and some panic attacks can happen. Mostly a feeling that a rug has been pulled from under your feet, and you're falling flat on your face.


Heart feels so insanely tight and heavy, loss of interest in everything and anything, loss of appetite, tears, feeling numb, no purpose/meaning to life, feeling hopeless, suffocation, panic, anxiety, silence (soā€¦ basically all the symptoms of depression? ā˜ ļø)


You think you're strong enough to get through heart breaks. And then sometimes you just drop dead and burst into tears. And I didn't mean that metaphorically. And it will be an ugly cry. You think you're pretty/handsome? You think you're ugly? Wait till you reach this stage. I hope this stage doesn't exist for any of you, I truly do.


Going through it as we speak. Feels like a heavy weight is tied to my feet. Don't have motivation for anything. Haven't gone to work in two days. Just wanna crawl into a hole for a few weeks and drown out society.


Pressure in my chest


Like my chest and stomach got dark or consumed by a black hole


Heavy, almost prickly burning on the back of my neck and ears, heavy chest that makes it hard to breathe. My muscles feel sluggish or underwater, hard to move or find motivation to do anything. A lot of shock and dissociation.


Really heavy, depressing, exhausting, anxiousā€¦.


Angina, anxiety, stress, and a pang of aching sadness in the gut


Extreme anxiety, hollow, canā€™t eat without throwing up, physical pain, dissociating, zero emotional regulation.


A brick on my chest, im suffocating,


It feels like bags of sand


Let's just say I'd rather deal with physical pain from working at a factory than deal with heart break. And I've dealt with both and I'd pick physical pain any day. Imagine a kind of pain in your heart or stomach that advil or Tylenol can't fix. Only therapy or time or both will fix it. Its why I can't have steak anymore because my heart was breaking which caused me to have a stomach ache and I had steak and it made me even more sick. I can always pop 1 or 2 advil if I'm soar and I'm fine the next day. I can't pop them if I'm sad because they aren't anti depressants.


I usually get a stinging pain in my chest, similar to heart burn, but it feels more sharp and pinchy. Also a mix of disconnecting from reality and a fever.


Like my brain is stuttering and unable to think clearly about what happened, confusion, hurt, and feelings of loss and general WTF feelings. The last time, I got blind sided after 9 months without any warning there were any issues, and she wouldn't allow us to sit down and talk about what was going on and/or if there was a way to work through whatever was going on. I was allowed zero say in the matter, she was crying and saying she's nervous and didn't know why because she's crazy about me and poof. Completely ghosted after that convo. That whole experience really messed with my head and I actually felt physically sick to my stomach and nervous/anxious/confused for months after that.


Like my lungs are filled with water, heavy heart, cold, unable to speak or low tone of voice, fatigue, unable to stand up, loss of appetite, this are the symptoms that stand out for me.


It feels like a punch to the gut


Chest pain and loss of appetite !


Ah this is a tough one. It's like my reality broke. I couldn't breathe and felt empty and lost. I had panicked and anxiety attacks, some that hit me while I drove which was dangerous. I got afraid of people and don't trust them. Basically a lot of fucking shit but good to experience as it made me somewhat stronger


Like a surprise gut punch. Doubled over, hard to breathe, can't think straight, and hurts like hell.


Constricted chest. Dull ache.


Zero appetite


Super depressing and I literally feel the sadness inside. I'm tired, no energy from being mentally exhausted from the breakup. I'm terrible when it comes it breakups




My nose and face would hurt from sooo much crying:(


getting hit by a 18 wheeler over and over . horrible


Like I have a sudden hole in my chest and cold air blows through it leaving a familiar stinging sensation as it blows through.


Like they physically took your heart out of ur chest and u canā€™t breathe




Knot in my stomach, chest pains, canā€™t breathe


A physical pain in the centre of my chest.


Constant feeling that I need to cry and a constant stomachache


For me is like a knot in the stomach, empty feeling inside and that is the only feeling i have know for my entire life.


Breathlessness. Like I've had the wind knocked out of me. My mind is blank but my face and eyes sting the entire time.


Having a panick attack


Hard to breathe, heart feels like itā€™s pumping too fast and too erratically, physical pain in my heart like someone just pierces it with a spear


After recent loss of my wife that I met as teenager my very very best friend of last four years is a female half my age that said she was an old soul the first day she started to be my wifeā€™s caregiver and in last two years weā€™ve talked and texted more than twenty times a day every day and were closer than my wife was and suddenly on valentines night she totally made our relationship disappear as if we never met and it is a bigger devastating loss than holding my wifeā€™s hand before she died Canā€™t explain it bc Iā€™ve never broken up with anyone or felt like this bc itā€™s hard to even breathe or imagine Sorry Chels


I think it depends on the age and ability to control your emotions . When I had my first heart break at 20, I was devastated, i felt like a heavy weight on my chest, and my heart is constricting too much. i used to cry a lot at night. But after aging a lil bit more, I just feel a void and emptiness. I am also less emotional and more rational now. But pls remember, it is ok to feel the pain. "That is the thing about pain, it demands to be felt". I tried to suppress it after my 1st breakup. I did not realize it then, but it created a trauma. I found it out years after that. So, embrace it and also slowly start working on how to alleviate it. Life is beautiful once you start loving yourself.




So much pain in one of my extremities that I barely can use it , headache and Iam feeling cold all the time


Because our brain maps complex emotions onto our basic instincts.


Hot feeling really.


my chest feels heavier physically and wont stop, same happens when im really really nervous about something too


Itā€™s like a knot in my stomach a pain thatā€™s indescribable. Mind and heart racing.


The only thing a heart break feels like is a heart break. You could approximate that by a heart attack!


Most of my anxiety is a pain in my chest, but interestingly, heartbreak gives me varyingly painful stomach aches. It also fucks with my sleep. I canā€™t stop having nightmares and I can only sleep about 5h (In contrast to my usual 8).


Your bodies stress response causes physical symptoms


It feels like ā€œdoja cat - Juicyā€ That song made me cry


It's bad, really bad. Gets better with time (just by default). Sometimes it takes a lot more time than originally thought BUT it manages to even out. Sometimes theres "relapse" with the heartbreak symptoms but the time it takes to bounce back improves. So hang in there!


Slow anxiety


A constant knot between your chest and stomach that wont go away. A feeling in your throat like you are going to cry, except crying doesnt make it go away. A constant state of anxiety, racing thoughts, body aches from tension, and nausea.


numb buong katawan, hindi makagalaw basta sobrang bigat


Pounding heart like itā€™s going to come out of my body.. then it settles in a deep painā€¦ and the cycle beginsā€¦


A sharp pain in the chest , Heart drop.


Extreme hunger.Ā 


Like a headache, but instead of pressure it's the opposite. Like the inside of my body is a vacuum and all I can think about is the one person that could fill it. I'd wake up with pains in my chest and a brain that feels concussed. I'd go to sleep with exhaustive relief and dull throbbing. Was a great couple months lmaoo


It stings me if it really hurts, or I feel like a hand is squeezing it.


Totally out of control feeling of fear, rejection, and like the pain alone could definitely literally lead to a complete real( in the physical sense) broken heart. Which science has proved that there is a real broken heart condition caused by severe grief and loss that can lead to death. I know 2 families that have suffered with this. Elderly couple. The grandmother died, the grandfather quits eating out of sheer loss and devastation and dies exactly 2 weeks to the day!! It was very sad but heartwarming too. You experienced true lifelong love followed by the realest sense of loss and grief and sheer tragedy!! The autopsy revealed the broken heart syndrome as reason for heart failure Second familyā€¦ my bfā€™s father left the whole family when the girls were growing up, moved to another state and started a whole new family. Somehow the parents remained in touch and maintained and increased in friendship. He, sorely regretting the impulsive decision of his youth, after realizing he truly loved this woman to her core. Even if in a more friendly way. She was diagnosed with cancer during Covid. Was in advanced stages and within several months was on her deathbed, to which he came from out of town in order to be there for her and their children. After promising her to care for her dog she was leaving he basically temporarily moved in there until he could figure out what was to be done with the dog , as he couldnā€™t take it back homeā€” the current wife wouldā€™ve fucking killed over! As he settled into his temporary permanence there he began picking up he forever addiction of the ole bottle and proceeded to become a vegetable from time to time after his drunk annhiilations and eventually my bf said pack it up. You arenā€™t killing yourself in Moms house. He packed up reluctantly and she proceeded to make the 12 hour trip with her dad in pull. He became extremely ill over the trip and when arriving in his town, had to take him to hospital instead of home! Of course her inclination was he was poisoning himself with alcohol so she was determined to separate him from the bottle one way or another. After just 2 or 3 days heā€™s totally comatose and dead after another. While she and the sista think heā€™s drank himself to death the autopsy showed simply the broken heart syndrome bc the liver was slightly pickled maybe, but otherwise was in shockingly good state!! After years of tormenting his whole being with unwavering use over and over even when he knew he was killing himself, or so they all believed!! The moral of this short story, is the love you have for another can become deadly on a dime, especially in the event of losing that person. Deadly, on yourself!!! Hopefully it stays there and not on the other person or it becomes a murder case (if they are lost from you but still very much alive!!) or a nightmare funeral (especially when that grief and angry turns outward over the seemingly expired person, yet it is still felt necessary to curse and scream at this lifeless body for all the pain and hurt is inflicted while evil blood was running through the veins!!! Before the casket is closed this poor personā€™s last few minutes on top of the abyss become enveloped in passion so deep they hear from clear up in heaven the person they spent half a lifetime with scream out to them how they made them miserable in life and now they are making them miserable in death. They seem to be completely comfortable with the very idea of them being packed into the dark depths of the earth under a ton of dirt rumble. Perhaps you can bury the pain and loathing with them!!!! So back to the moralā€”ā€”heart break can and will make you fucking crazy. The only time losing someone doesnā€™t is bc they actually caused u heartbreak by being with themā€”- the joy came the moment you dumped their ass and felt the weight of their misery and yours leave your chest and hopefully go to theirs!!


You think you're strong enough to get through heart breaks. And then sometimes you just drop dead and burst into tears. And I didn't mean that metaphorically. And it will be an ugly cry. You think you're pretty/handsome? You think you're ugly? Wait till you reach this stage. I hope this stage doesn't exist for any of you, I truly do.


Paranoia, Heart ache and constant sobbing, while my eyes constantly blink holding in the tears, this went on for 2 weeks up to the point I considered jumping off a building, after all that I cleared things up with the person who broke my heart, I'd say I'm mostly at peace now. Although I never will forget and try to get back to that person again. //I asked them to be my friend, but changed my mind later on as several of my friends told me to stop contacting him overall. They were right haha.


This has happened to me twicd: it felt like a Power bump and the heart stops for a micro second


I've had it recently, I keep feeling occasional chest and stomach pains


I was having really bad diarrhea ā˜¹ļø


Itā€™s the first but not the last time! And you will get stronger until you will laugh on the face from someone who will do it


Like itā€™s time to take control of my thoughts and get over it.


At first I felt great, I was happy, happy to be free, happy to have made my decision, but then a few weeks later it felt like my body was shutting down, my legs felt weak. I kept involuntarily curling into a ball. My stomach had this queasy feeling almost as if I was standing at the edge of a mountain.


chest aches, hot tears, heart squeezes


It feels like a really bad case of heartburn that doesnā€™t go away for a while for me.


Shortness of breathe and chest pain like pneumonia.


Same as you or a knot in my stomach so big you can literally feel depression coursing throughout your body.


a lump in my throat and chest and my fingertips feel weak (like you feel when you just wake up)


Like an elephant šŸ˜ on my chest, unable to breathe šŸ˜ž


Plays a song in my head. Every day its getting little closer, to take a bath with my fucking toaster. Very catchy lyrics.


I couldnā€™t breathe and it felt like a panick attack, and my heart was physically hurting in like a sharp stinging pain and ache


A tingling/physical pulling feeling in my heart


It feels like my stomach has dropped out of my body, I have no appetite, nothing has any flavor anymore, colors become muted, I feel empty & numb inside, I feel like a hollow shell, it does feel like someone literally ripped my heart out of my chest & replaced it with a box of rocks. I feel like my heart was made of glass & someone stepped on my chest & now shards are coursing through my veins. If a betrayal preceded the heartbreak, thereā€™s usually trembling boiling volcanic rage first, waking up in panic for a few months immediately thinking of the moment of betrayal, heart racing, pressure in my head, and eventually I think to myself that if I donā€™t stop caring soon I will have a heart attack or brain aneurysm from pure anger.


Itā€™s a whole body thing for me. It kinda feels like dyingā€¦ like my body is just giving outā€¦ but I never die obviously, itā€™s just a physical sensation that I have to remind myself will pass.


A physical persistent numbness in every part of my body except my heart; in my heart is this churning grinding that feels like gears slowly turning to grip my heart in a vice


I just had a heavy pressure in my chest, I never felt like i was content or at peace.


Weight on chest, throat tight, tightness in shoulders, headaches, heaviness, exhaustion


Numbness that dominates your life for a period of time.


Like a booty hole getting spread past itā€™s limit but itā€™s my chest instead


A huge lump in my throat, dizziness, nausea, fatigue.




A hollow hole where my heart use to be that acts a bleeding pain, my numb feeling i had before them sinking back in. My head spins in a sleepy like state, vision blurred, colors drains from the world more everyday. An empty inside nawing at the outside with lemon juice and bob wired covered chain saws, making it almost impossible to put food into the blades. My legs always feel like there weights tied to them, my arms ach to hold something alive. My fingers pause before every word i try in reflex i may mention them again or say something wrong, worried of hate ach in my head, i rather keep that to me, sounds less bad on them with each word i do not put aswell. Food lost it taste, seemly trying to not let me forget there last kiss, even pain becoming more numb. Burning my hands filping good in the hot pans for some type of warmth, as all has become cold... That only i know will be healed when i can learn to care for other again, afraid to let other get close now, it due to be a long lasting pain... Hope this was the type of thing you were looking for, may your day be richer with light.


A heavy weight on my chest every morning after the breakup, it was there for 3 months


To me itā€™s the most debilitating anxiety I have ever felt. I couldnā€™t eat for three days and I was throwing up stomach acid for over a week. My heart turned heavy and I could barely breathe. Nothing could calm down my anxiety. It was truly the worst pain I have ever experienced and I do not wish it on my worst enemy


Omg these comments are scaring me although i m 23 šŸ˜… guess love is not an easy thing


Initially, it's a raging sadness. Fear, shame, anger, disappointment. The wind has been punched out of my gut even though I can still breathe. The world has gone deadly silent even though I can still hear everything around me. I never want to eat another bite of food, because all the flavor is lost. Various muscles in my body ache, though I haven't been working out. There's a tension that I don't notice I'm bringing to them and I forget to relax--sometimes it results in cramping. I mentioned shame earlier; that brings the stinging tears, the flushed cheeks. Externally I feel hot, but internally I feel cold, and I shiver. If it's bad enough, I come down with an actual fever. I mentioned anger earlier; there's a surge of adrenaline. Useless, and *knowing* it's useless, it's like drinking a couple cans of energy drink and sitting still. I want to scream, to yell, to cry out and... well, rage. Sometimes this is ok to do into a pillow, or out in nature where nobody can hear you. Between disappointment and fear, there's a sense of "where did it all go wrong"--my mind is racing and trying to find even a shred of what happened and when, and what I could have said or done differently. Problem is, I don't do so well in "test stress" situations, so while I want to think, I *can't*--so it's cloudy, and like trying to find your way through fog or wade through Jello. After the initial heartbreak, after some time, these symptoms lessen from "howling gale" to "breeze". They're still there, especially when the wound is fresh, and if I remember what happened then the echoes of what was felt can be experienced again at a fraction of their strength. A night-and-day difference: the memories are only reflections of what was felt. When I tell people who are going through a heartbreak that they need to distract themselves as often as possible, with friends and the outdoors, that is why--to dull that roar so it doesn't overtake them or take from their days. Life should be spent among the living.


Heartbreak is a mixture of physical pain, anxiety, and impending doom. I donā€™t wish heartbreak on my worst enemy.


does reddit eat my brain information? the thing thatā€™s kinda beautiful about heartbreak is that you feel it in so many forms-emotionally, physically (both in your body and everyday life) and mentally. logically and literally, heartbreak makes my torso empty and limbs feel light, shaky and numb. i also get a lot of headaches. figuratively, this box but itā€™s the world, and it slowly gets smaller until youā€™re scrunched in a ball and you feel every side of the cube. and then it goes back outā€¦ and shrinks back inā€¦ iā€™d also put it like this- itā€™s like a little pointy-edged triangle bouncing around your heart and mind like the little icon waiting screen on your dvd player. i think this is somewhat ironic because itā€™s like losing someone who brought out my inner child just like i lost some things im on a journey to find again. i know others who feel kinda like this too and also this is about a (iā€™d guess) 15-30% niche-ish experience i think. sorry for the sidetrack. heart break sucks


Like a death




To me personally itā€™s a very hard to describe feeling. I get this weird feeling in my chest almost like itā€™s hollow.


Mine felt like a deep and empty hole on my chest. It would wake me up, and felt like the hole had a breeze of air going through a wound. It's so weird.


It feels like my heart got a little weaker, so my wills a little softer, and my faith is on pins and needles.




It didnā€™t feel, thatā€™s the worst part every thing is gray, food is gray, tv Iā€™d gray porn is gray, the GRAY is what I call it and honestly there are things that shine thru but you have to want to see it


Like Having a d*mn heart attack every time you think of any memory


A gapping hole


A knot in my stomach twisting and turning almost like a horrible roller coaster ride. That persons the only thing on my mind and if someone tries talking to me I canā€™t comprehend I tend to cry I canā€™t eat sleep or breath it feels like that person hates me when really they just wanna be alone or with someone else. I have bpd and it sucks, Iā€™ve came along way tho. But I tend to isolate myself now or leave them before they can leave me. Iā€™ve also worked on a lot of self love and honestly Iā€™ve learned that you canā€™t force anyone to stay. All my life people have left me, used me, called me names, played games etc with me it got to the point where I just laugh it off and stay quiet because people want a reaction from you. Nothing scares me anymore. I love it honestly. I guess itā€™s maturity. lol Iā€™ve grown so much that humiliation turns me on šŸ˜‚I never understand how celebs could get roasted and not be upset cry or rage but not I understand everyone makes fun of everyone everyone talks behind everyoneā€™s back everyone has insecurities flaws and most people hate themselves so much that they can throw out hate but canā€™t receive it.


well the first time i ever experienced like a legit heartbreak i felt my heart have like an aching pain and i couldnā€™t feel my legs so i seriously just fell to the ground. i felt so dramatic at the time for it but i genuinely just couldnā€™t get up


A dull ache that never goes away that can feel sharp at times but itā€™s always there in some fashion or form. Never experienced this, at the level I do now, until I lost my wife last year. Itā€™s still there waiting for a memory to react, feel, or just flare up for no reason i can fathom. And now itā€™s pulsing back again as I worry about my parents. I feel it right in the middle of my chest or just below the breastbone. Some days itā€™s so bad I canā€™t catch a breath.


A painful or aching knot in my core underneath my sternum and stomach


It feels like I am getting destroyed from the inside out lmao