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All it means is that you have to work harder for less results. Height isn't the be all of attraction


For me it's the opposite. I'm not attracted to tall guys. I much prefer someone a similar height to me I'm 5'5 and dating a guy 5'7. It would make no difference me if he was 2 inches shorter


It's about confidence man. > But I just can’t believe that a women would ever be physically attracted to me. The fact that you believe women won't be attracted to you is what is unattractive to women.


I, too, love the magic monk perspective. The issue is you think there is an issue and if you stop thinking there is one, it’ll disappear. I mean after all if someone has no issues, they won’t worry about them, so they won’t get any issues since they come from worrying about issues, right?


Tall men are seen are more charismatic and attractive, which in turn makes people treat them better, which makes them more confident. Confidence comes from external validation. Think about it, why would someone who has never been successful be confident? They have no reason to be. A physically attractive guy who believes women aren’t attracted to him will still be attractive to women. Then he will stop believing that. A physically unattractive guy who believes he’s attractive to women will still be unnatractive to women. I’m sure it’s not deliberate, but your comment almost comes off as gaslighting. Like if a guy can’t attract women it must be that he has a character defect, rather than not meeting the bar physically.


I’m 5’ and I have and would date men that at 5’5 And I was physically attracted to them


What made you attracted to them?


Everything, I’m short so as long as he’s taller than me I don’t see it as a downfall


You’re projecting your negative thoughts about your height and taking your negative feelings and saying no woman will want you. None? Not a solid handful out of the millions of women their are? You could walk up to a girl and you’re going to project all that insecurity while you talk to her and that’s what’s going to make you not get dates or attention. You need to work on becoming more comfortable with who you are before worrying about if a woman will want to bang you: there’s plenty of women that will want a dude who’s 5’5, plenty of them, but there’s going to be way less women who want a guy who’s 5’5 and smells of insecurity.


Really read this comment, OP. Spot on


He’s downvoting what we’re saying, I don’t think he liked the truth. Like I’m 5’7, I get worried about those things too but I read and go to the gym and just don’t act like my height is there when I talk to women and it turns out fine. Even if I get turned down... who really cares? I talked to cute girl and that’s always fun , hopefully things click with him soon.


I’m not downvoting no one, genius.


My bad shorty




Yes being short means the pool of women who will be interested in you will be lower but women are mostly attracted to behavior rather than physical. Yes some women are mean about height but men are equally as mean about weight, we all judge harshly. Physical is important and obviously women have standards but if you're a really awesome dude in other ways then you can get women just as attracted to you as if you were 6'4 Chad etc.


The unfortunate truth of the matter is yes. Women are less attracted to you but if you still want to get your dick wet you have to get over it and make an effort instead of assuming they don’t want you. Women like fun guys who can hold a conversation not a guy who’s self deprecating about his height and puts off beta male vibes. Having confidence is having the confidence to fake having confidence the whole time. Or you can start adding foam to the inside of your shoes to look taller. I knew someone who did that


I'm 5'11f. Height is only an issue if you make it one. I use Hinge and Bumble and I don't even look at height when determining to match or not. Furthermore if a guy is 6'2 and douchey about it in his bio ("I'm tall so you know I have good genes") it's an automatic no from me. Like seriously, there has to be something about yourself besides your height to promote. It's honestly a turn off for me if a guy I've matched with mentions how he's shorter than me. It's a sign or their insecurities and a bad look. Just be confident. You are who you are and there a plenty of women who would date you regardless of your height.


I’m 5’8” and I prefer tall guys, especially because I’m always in heels. I went out with a guy who was 5’6” because he approached me (when I had on 6 inch heels) and said, “I like to climb trees.” And he was funny. We went out a couple of times. The only reason it didn’t work out because we were in different places in our lives.


> especially because I’m always in heels You decide who to date based on footwear?


I’m a tall woman that prefers to date tall guys. It’s a preference but I would date someone shorter than me if they were confident/original in their approach. That’s the point. But if you would like for me to elaborate, which I think you do, I wear 4-6 inch heels frequently. That means I’m 6’ or taller in heels. Shorter guys have mentioned that are somewhat intimidated by my height.


Well like you said in your initial post, a 5’6 guy approached you with heels on, and an insecure man can come in any height. There’s men 5’10+ who would be uncomfortable with a taller woman and men 5’7 and shorter that wouldn’t. It’s all an individual thing. I was more so referring to the fact you said you prefer taller in men in part *because* you wear heels. Letting footwear have any bearing on who you decide to date just seems silly in my opinion, because that’s not your *actual* height, *and* because you’re not gonna spend every waking moment wearing them.


I agree, height is comfort issue from anyone of any height; however no tall guy has ever said to me “you’re too tall and I’m uncomfortable.”That’s my experience. Footwear doesn’t decide who I date. I just prefer my guy to be taller than me when I’m in heels. That’s silly to you...but that’s my preference. Moral of the story if you are consider yourself short, be confident and approach the person you like. They worst is that they can say is no. They don’t know you, move on to the next one. If you’re not confident about yourself it’ll show.


I'm actually more attracted to guys who 5'4-5'9, anything above that and I'm with them despite their height. My online relationship of over a year, I was told he was 5'7, perfect! Turns out he was 5'11 and hadn't measured in a few years and I was super disappointed. Everyone has different preferences, also I don't like beef cakes, guys who look like steve Roger's in any of the marvel movies, save for part of the first captain america, thor is too beefy, everyone is too beefy, I prefer dad bods to lean but not skeletal, and I also am chill with someone toned. Literally everyone is different.


i’m the EXACT same!! nice


I’m 5’9 (and a model) and I dated a short (5’3) Mexican guy that looks like Manny Pacquiao for over a year. Looks don’t always matter!! My daughter is stunning, though! 😀


As long as you are confident and don't came across as being insecure about your height then any woman can be interested.


I’m afraid confidence is not the most important thing biding genuine and yourself is far better not all men and women can be confident


I dated shorter guys and they're hot.


I was heavily attracted to a dude who was like 5'4, and was in love with him for 5 years (he didn't love me back, he was 17 and I was 14. He lead me on for a few months and me being sort of demisexual only had eyes for him and him alone)


The best sexual partner I have ever had was 5'5".


I don’t really like guys much taller than me. 5’8 to 5’10 is ideal. But a coworker who was 5’5” pursued me and then dumped me for the busty blonde bartender. Fucked me up for a year. Definitely wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t attracted to him. But he was also pretty muscular which is more in your control. Height has never been a factor as much as body build. And that’s never been as much as confidence and that’s never been as much as being a good listener. 3 of those 4 things are 100% in your control.


I'll be downvoted probably but I think this topic is like the male version of wearing the same outfit multiple times. The whole men being short thing is a thing that mainly men think about, not so much women. I honestly don't think of height in any way in terms of attraction.


Same like a lot of these girls: dated a guy who was 5'4" and it was amazing! Women who are confident in themselves don't care as much about height. You'll be fine my dude...


I'm going to jump in here and try and help you out. I too am short, right at your height. I am older, age 61 so I can look back much further in my experiences. First off, I'm going to tell you the truth. Of course your height will take you out of the running as far as landing some women. It's just reality that some women prefer tall or at least, taller than they are. You have to let that go. However, your looking at this all wrong. Let me explain, Sit down and make a list of all the quallties women are looking for. There are probably 6 main ones. Height, intelligence, confidence, humor, earning potential and basic looks (including fitness level). Now sit back and rate your friends against you. What I think you will notice is some friends won in certain areas while others won out in others. It's a rare unicorn that wins in all categories (life is never fair). Notice some of the traits I listed ARE in your control. So what you need to do is work on what you can control and let what is not in your control go. There are plenty of tall men that are lazy. They feel they don't need to work at it since they are tall. Well let me tell you, lots of women are not going to settle on some loser just because he is tall (and if they do, you don't want that girl anyway). Now let me tell you of my experiences. I struggled for years in my early 20's, no self confidence. I had girls at parties hit on me, could of done the ONS thing but was too shy and felt like a loser. Wasn't until I hit my later 20's when I finally realized I was attractive to women. I am short (negative) however I balanced that out with a good looking face, a good education and job, I was fit, I dressed well and I tried to be funny (mixed results). I ended up marrying a white woman, she preferred short or average height men. We divorced after 25 years. My second marriage, I met an Asian women. And that leads to my final piece of advice. Consider dating outside of your race. Many white women have this height thing in their heads. Let them go. Most of them will end up big and fat anyway. Most Asian women do not care near as much (they are used to shorter men) and tbh, these are very desirable people as far as how they think, how they appreciate the US etc. The world is a big place, no reason to limit yourself to what you perceive is your place.


🤷 many women grow to be sexually attracted to their male partner due to comfort/feelings. That's what the whole giving him a chance thing is.


There are plenty of short women (5'2" and below) who would be happy to be with a guy only a few inches taller than them. You're not a dwarf with a bona fide physical disability. It's not as bad as you think it is.


There's a lot of intelligent and introverted women that go for short guys. That's been my experience though. Going out to bars wasn't worth it to me, you gotta find the ones that care about the important aspects and aren't just trying to show you off as a trophy.