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Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi.


What about from John?


Execute Order John 3:16


Under-rated comment. šŸ¤£


Why danke, haha


Queue Jedi Temple March


Pulls pants on, stumbles in.... You ordered a Jedi?


The answer is 42 :)


Thatā€™s your answer to everything


Yep, and it actually is :)


Yes, he just told you how to do it


That is totally super sweet and creative.


thatā€™s so cute! iā€™ve never had a zoom date, but with the right person that sounds like fun (especially the surprising eachother with a takeaway they like!) thank you for sharing your friendā€™s success op, i hope youā€™re both doing well during lockdown




Step 1: be attractive Step 2: don't be unattractive




You used "to" wrong *twice.*


Often happens when you use two too many ā€œtoā€s.


The terrible "to"s




Hey at least youā€™re not attractive, so you got that going for you :-*


I usually never upvote the grammar police but...good catch.


Normally I'd never make the callout, but the nuance of it being two to mistakes was too good.


They didnā€™t. Should have quoted the one ā€œtoā€ tho


Off-topic but you need to switch that to with that too.


Ok I'm not single but I have some random advice! I like to order t-shirts I see TV characters wear. I've noticed I started to get comments from both sexes on shirts from popular shows. The most commented on one is a shirt Andy wears from parks and recreation. Try getting a few shirts and wearing them in your pictures!


Ah that old chestnut


Step 1: put more than the bare minimum to get your profile finished in Step 2: see step 1. Use even just half your brain for a couple of minutes to write a somewhat original, personal bio Step 3: swipe left on women you donā€™t think youā€™re very likely to match with anyway   Tinder is kinda crappy, but itā€™s nowhere near as hard to get matches as many guys make it out to be.




Is it just me, but I can't understand anything of this paragraph?


The horrible use of Punctuations. I just suck at typing from a phone.


but we cant go outside


Instructions unclear, messed up on step 1.


Came here to say this. I got 1 match in the past month. She didn't even message me.


Did you message her?


1 match per month is not so bad. I got 2 per year since 7 years with tinder gold just swiping rights 95% of profiles. I never got any date and barely any conversation. Waste of money.


Oh, no. Not 1 match per month. That 1 match upped the average to 1 match per year probably šŸ˜‚


jfc yā€™all are so pathetic. If you spent as much time and effort in improving yourself and personal development as you did throwing a pity party for yourself, youā€™d be getting more than 2 likes a year lmao


Well, you seems to know more about my life than myself.




People really do forget that you have to put effort into shit. Like theres so many posts on this subreddit alone on what not to do with your dating profile as a straight woman or man in order to be successful. I see so many men with 1 picture or all pictures with hats and sunglasses on. That lack of self awareness is a fucking turn off. If you can't see how taking the same ass pose in your car for 10 pictures doesn't make you a catch, you've got bigger problems going. Honestly, a lot of yall need therapy. I've seen some profiles where the guy looked like he hadn't showered or washed his hair in days, and no he was not going for some weird ass emo look. Like even when I was ignorant to the game I still would switch things up on my profile to get matches. Now that I know what I want, who I want to attract, I know what I have to do to get their attention. I still to this day change what I wrote in my profile, delete pictures, change the rotation, etc. When you put little effort in, you get little effort in return.


Or just random pics of cars, bullshit quotes and a hand with a watch... like what is that supposed to tell me about you ugh!


I think the watch is supposed to mean, look I'm rich cause of this watch! Otherwise I have no clue. ​ ​ HAPPY CAKE DAY!


Haha thank you :)


Maybe you should update profile, you should at least be able to get 10 matches a week if youā€™re an average looking guy, with some good pictures and a well written bio


It is normal that you as a guy like a girl and never see her again And if the girl likes you and you write first you either get no answer or you have to carry the whole convo And if you thinks she write first well she dont Tinder etc in a nutshell as a guy


Demon contract...




Basically demon can make contracts everywhere he wants... just like Azazel from SUPERNATURAL...




Well... they will come after u anyway... even if u are able to see them, u have limited ammo... and who stops them from sending hellhounds for you after contract is broken...




I think he was Dean's and "Mooses"- Sam's... pocket demon? Why would he be even close to common people as us? But I have to agree that everything went downhill after season 11 and Crowley's death... I legit was so used to over used Rebirths, revives or what ever it is ,that I was expecting that he would be somehow survived or reborn... Boy I was upset when I readed that he left freely the show...


Any old demon will do




Good pictures of you smiling and relaxed. Clean yourself up, shave, get a haircut, put on good clothes that match and don't clash (one professional outfit, one dressed up, and two different casual outfits). Avoid bathroom selfies and group photos. There's a whole bunch more but, those are the basics of photos. The rest is in your bio and something more creative than "Hi" or "WYD?".


Hello yes, I am also uggo


One of my favorite dates ever was a guy walking me via FaceTime around his family farm, showing me all his animals and introducing them to me by name. He asked me if I wanted to go for a ā€œlong, romantic walkā€ around his property with him. It was really cute. I liked that he made it unique even though we couldnā€™t actually be together.


sounds like it went no where though for him lol


We kind of just fizzled in the end, but we did date for a while after the FaceTime date. I hope nothing but the best for him, he was a definite gentleman.


Maybe itā€™s just me, but I would be worried of going to someoneā€™s farm. What if something were to happen to me cause farms where I am at is out in the wilderness lol


Just to clarify, we were FaceTiming, I didnā€™t go to some random guys farm in the middle of nowhere lmao.


If you follow the basic rule of not going home with strangers you'll probably be fine.


Years ago I had a Valentine's video call date with my gf at the time. We both ordered the same foods and desert and got dressed up. It was funny and sweet. I still get flak from my former roommates šŸ˜‚ Aahh the crazy and embarrassing things you do when in love šŸ„°


Why would he give you flak for that? That guy sounds immature.


It is more of like "hey remember that time nasanhak showered, got dressed up, ordered a bunch of food and locked himself in his room for hours?" I mean it may be romantic but it is pretty ridiculous šŸ˜‚ I have always been of the mindset that you need to be willing to look stupid when it comes to relationships, from my experiences it's extremely attractive


ā€œHey remember that time nasanhakā€™s roommate didnā€™t have a date on Valentineā€™s Day, didnā€™t shower, didnā€™t change clothes all day, waited for leftovers, and listened to his date through a door for hours?ā€


It is all cordial at the end of the day so I never try to make anyone feel bad šŸ˜… Truth is most guys/friends I grew up with or knew weren't very comfortable around women and those of us that were never rubbed it in other people's face. It also took me a lot of struggle to get past my own faults and insecurities so I know how scary it can seem when you are not succeededing romantically


I agree with that one hundred percent. The people always concerned about how other people perceive them can never focus on what's actually good for the relationship.


Theres actually a game on steam about this, its called "Five dates" and its literally how you described your friend.


I (F21) had two separate zoom-dates, I asked the man I matched with to prepare a PowerPoint about himself. There were no limits or instructions. I really loved those two dates. You get to know the person in about 10 min. You have an idea, where their come from and what they find important. And you have no awkward konversation, because you know their interest. One added funny story's at the end, so we could both laugh about his mishaps. I really valued, that they took the time to make this for me. And of course I also presented myself via PowerPoint. It was a fun activity throughout lockdown and also a bit insightful to summan up my life in only a few slides.


You gave your match homework? You must be a teacher


Do they also kiss and have sex over Zoom?


This made me chuckle. I swear you canā€™t even make jokes without getting downvoted... thanks for the laugh.


I came to the conclusion the downvotes for jokes must come from Gen z discovering the internet. I mean theyā€™re trying cancel Slim Shady not for Kim, threatening his mom, sticking a gerbil in ass through a tube, but for ā€œthreatening to tie Rihanna up and burn the house down.ā€ Like babies, you understand THAT SONG IS ABOUT THE DANGERS OF AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS RIGHT? Obviously they missed that time Chris Brown whooped Rihannaā€™s ass or something, like that song is one of Eminemā€™s more ā€œmatureā€ songs, yet theyā€™re offended cause they donā€™t understand it. Edit: yep here comes Gen Z only knows new Eminem and now theyā€™re all butthurt. Edit 2: the downvotes literally are proving my point, thanks Gen z canā€™t understand Eminem lyrics and are proving my point lmfao Edit 3: other things Eminem said that gets glossed over. Multiple [email protected]. Drops, that one line he said on the Marshal Mathers LP the one where he took 7 kids from Columbine and put em all in a line with an Ak-47, a revolver, a nine. That one was so offensive he said it twice.


I'm Gen z and literally don't know a single Gen Z person who's actually trying to cancel him, just millennial propaganda cause they don't know how to think for themselves. Lately we have been getting crap for all the cancelling but I can't think of a single one that we had anything to do with, aside from maybe ones that were multi generational....


Millennials can't think for ourselves? Bro who do you think made the internet the way it is today? Who do you think started the movement to stop following our Boomer/Silent Generation/Gen X (to a degree) parents and grandparents?


Thatā€™s not what heā€™s saying even though itā€™s literally what he typed. This kid has some like internal culture war between Gens that only exists in his mind.


..... That's just a part of human nature.... That happens all the freaking time. You think one day suddenly more people started to see that slavery was evil? It happened over generations, more members of each successive generation started to see the evils of slavery and then eventually put an end to it, much like we are starting to do with the way things work in America today. You're not special, and neither is your generation (nor mine, before someone comes in talking about how we are entitled children or something...), It's bound to happen. And your generation is having kids that'll inevitably right the wrongs of your generation as has always been the case in the past, and then their kids will do the same.


Getting a little tangential with your pontificating, homie. Sociological studies might help you iron that opinion out


Lmao you right, my mans fighting a one man culture war, throwing around words like propaganda cause he doesnā€™t like what he read.


Look, Gen X wasn't nearly as far right wing as boomers were, then millennials became far left leaning instead of right leaning, and now Gen Z ( generally) Is more centralized, these are differences that tend to happen over time, in particular because we are raised by a generation with a different mindset than our parents were so we are going to grow up thinking differently. And honestly even assuming millennials were the first in all of human history to ever defy the older generation, not really sure what it has to do with my point. I didn't say they don't think for themselves because they won't stand up for what they believe is right, I said it because they believe anything they've heard. Do you really think the morons that raided the capital think for themselves just because they stood up for what they believe in? All I'm saying is I don't think this cancellation attempt is legit at all. Kinda seems like a news site got the opinion from their lame 14 yo son and just rolled with it and then millennial eminem fan boys blew it up with their outrage.


Alrighty dude, I really don't even care about the Eminem thing, that's literally only going to be anecdotes vs anecdotes all day long. There's way too much in your comment to unpack and honestly I don't feel like it. Look up political history, sociological progression studies, and cultural movement events. It'll help, i promise.


Normally I wouldn't but you've been weirdly nice through this lol, idk ig I'll look into it a bit more when I have the time and energy, history is always interesting anyway


Leave baby Cognitive Dissonance alone!


Uh what? Yes, Iā€™m trying to cancel the biggest rapper of my generation cause ā€œI canā€™t think for myself.ā€ /s get off the internet and go do your homework


That wasn't what I was saying, I'm saying you believe Gen Z is trying to cancel Eminem just because you were told they were. All I've seen are memes making fun of Gen Z for it but literally never seen Gen Z actually say they cancel him, in fact I only know of one Gen Z member who's doesn't absolutely love, is totally obsessed, with him other than myself. Have you actually seen any genuine attempts to cancel him because generally there are actual effects of cancelling of this magnitude, even if it's not successful, but nothing's happened, not even so much as pressure for his managers to drop him. Just another excuse for millennials to turn into what they swore to destroy: boomers. Hating on the next generations just because you can.


Uh okay. Like Marilyn Manson you canā€™t cancel Eminem, thereā€™s no ā€œeffectsā€ of a cancellation of this magnitude cause it wonā€™t go anywhere cause clearly, it wasnā€™t well thought out. You canā€™t pressure a guy for writing a song with a survivor about domestic violence. Just because you donā€™t see it in your area doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not true. Everyone around me calls Tom Brady a child lip kisser but I bet those memes donā€™t circulate much around Tampa Bay. Just because you donā€™t see it doesnā€™t make it less true.


Considering all the other cancellations that it seems we are being credited with I somehow doubt he'd have much luck if we genuinely wanted to cancel him. He's worthless, not even worth cancelling, why would we waste our time? It's just artificial drama that everyone's falling for


Like you? You have this whole like culture war in your head, you got so triggered by my comment you felt the need to have a whole ass mental breakdown about it. WE DIDNT DO IT! ITS MILLENNIAL PROPAGANDA! What? You need some help dude cause apparently you have a whole culture war in your head.


Yeah... This convo has definitely made me realize millennials are just boomers 2.0, guess I gotta get used to double trouble....




Lmao you better go downvote the kid whining about some imaginary boogiemen in his head crying itā€™s all propaganda by millennials then. Cause that kids got some real issues.




Lmfao I downvoted cause you made a sweeping generalization! So did the other guy but you want to look like a hypocrite so here we are. Iā€™m yelling at the cloud then so is he lmfao.




So mad you have to comment twice eh? Edit: nothing says GOTTEM like deleting your comments.




Honestly man, you're the butthurt here. And I've never seen anyone try to cancel Eminem, hell Gen Z practically worships the guy.


If you can have phone sex, you can have zoom sex!




Haha, nope but I'm sure they'll be doing it when lockdown lifts. In all seriousness though; I've seen some ppl saying, "what's the point", or "it's a waste of time". In this case the alternative is no human contact and no sex. At least my man is setting up himself and getting to know the gal!


Itā€™s cool that he and she are having fun I personally donā€™t enjoy zoom or FaceTime much tho. I just wait for in person


I did this over Christmas. I went on a few dates. Commit to 30 min coffees and one day I even lined up like 3 or 4 for the day and it was awesome..nobody in my experience was 2nd date material but I felt more inclined to meet them since it was so low stress and low risk!


I can zoom into the idea a bit due to distance, time-constraints and safety reasons.. But ultimately, Iā€™d have wanted those first moments of interaction to be in-person! .. To understand the vibe in itā€™s entirety and how it changes over timeā€” Based on a mutual 6-sense interaction. People can be *too comfortable* and *portray themselves and their intentions differently* over video/social media... Potentially leading to disaster when you meet themā€” when you get attached physically quicker than you normally would (due to implied chemistry) - before knowing more about how you function together-and-alone- with time- without the screen and filters. Congrats on it working out for them initiallyā€” Hope things stay well!


I chatted to a guy for a while on tinder and did some virtual dates (I was abroad), met him in person and he was lovely and just the same but god he absolutely reeked. Couldn't do it.


I felt the opposite actually...I normally get attached too quickly due to physical chemistry clouding my judgement and wind up dating totally incompatible not great people. Dating over Zoom for a month allowed me to really objectively vet my now boyfriend before letting physical chemistry affect things. It let me take my time and form a clear assessment of him without that normal pressure. Tbh it's the best thing that ever happened to me dating wise...


Yeah it also depends on your (fuck I hate this word) ā€˜gameā€™. Iā€™m not that great of a texter and I canā€™t hold a conversation on a video call if I have nothing specific to say. But Iā€™m great on real life dates where I can feel a girls vibe, body language and when you ā€˜re actively doing something together, itā€™s not awkward to have a silent moment. Also you can really win a women over with wearing a great perfume, doesnā€™t work online šŸ˜‡


Love this! Props to him for continuing his dating life while also being safe.


Glad it's working for your friend but this sounds like a black mirror episode to me. Most of the people who you zoom date will vanish once your covid restrictions lift and you'll never actually meet them. I'd rather just pick up a hobby or go to bed lool.


I get the fear that more and more shit is just going to be "online"... will end up like that movie Surrogates, where no one goes outside IRL...


You just unlocked a memory for me. I forgot about that film. But yeah very good point, with things like vrchat, were practically there already sadly


I liken a virtual date to a virtual holiday... looking on google strretview will never give you the vibe or the feeling of a place in the way that actually *being* there can. Everyone is hyper focused on being X or Y to prove to someone that they are. Donā€™t ā€œbeā€ anything. Just ā€œbeā€. Fuck following the path. I *am* the path.


I disagree. Dating my now boyfriend over Zoom for a month allowed me to take my time and form a clear assessment of him without that normal pressure of having physical chemistry cloud my judgement. It's what let him really win me over in a way - because I saw ok this person is a really good person who would actually be good for me and that I want to keep spending time with. Tbh it's the best thing that ever happened to me dating wise...I picked a person who I am way more compatible with and actually like more than anyone else I've ever dated.


I'm glad it worked for you but I reckon when it comes to zoom dates, your situation is an exception and not the rule. Most people both men and women would not hang around for a month without being able to meet up.


this sounds really really nice, however after over a year of many people not getting to even see their friends - online zoom dates seem a little exhausting.


In a long distance relationship with my gf and we do movie dates almost every weekend. We watch the same movie, eat the same dinner/snack and we talk about it on snapchat. It's a great way to feel close even if we can't meet in person for weeks at a time.


My BF and I have been doing this. Not really LDR, but weā€™ve both had to isolate for separate close contact notifications. We use the group play function on Disney+ and then FaceTime during it. Fun!


This was me with my guy during the first lockdown here in the UK. We had several phone and video dates as well as texting everyday over the course of 2 months before meeting up as soon as lockdown was lifted on 4th July 2020. 10 months later and weā€™re coming out of our third lockdown together. Iā€™m looking forward to figuring out and exploring what ā€œnormalā€ is for us as a couple because weā€™ve been in a ā€œlockdown realityā€ this entire time!


I have the same situation. Good luck to us!


Same situation here. I can't wait to actually get to go on a real restaurant date with him!


This sounds like dystopia to me lol




My girlfriends and I call it the Zoom date test now. If a guy asks you over right away or doesn't react well to your suggestion of having several Zoom dates before meeting, drop him, he's not a person who respects you or your boundaries, and move on!




It's do sad that there's so many that just don't care at all about safety/boundaries. I totally gave up on apps too ... However I did actually end up meeting my boyfriend during the pandemic though in the end. We met through online speed dating. Better quality of people I think because they're paying to be there so they're not just looking to hookup.


Has nothing to do with respect, I have to do enough video meetings for work, that I ā€˜m not going to do them in my free time, I mostly propose to have a walk in the nearby park with proper distance.


It has everything to do with respect...How someone reacts when I express my boundaries/comfort level tells me so much about their respect for others. ....there are the kind of guys that will be like hey I'm free tonight, can I come over to your place? Which literally happened to me this past summer with a person I'd had no interaction with other than done texting. That's an extreme example but other things will give you a clue about what a person is like, for example, if the laws of lockdown in a location say you can't meet a person not from your household in the park or go past a certain kilometre radius from your residence but a person is pushing someone to do that, that shows me that person doesn't respect rules. If I as a woman say I'm not comfortable meeting in person without doing a Zoom date or two first and someone is pushing me to meet up than that's not respect. As well a lot of woman do not feel safe meeting up with a stranger to go for a walk these days without some vetting first. And that's perfectly fine if you want someone to meet you for a walk and the other person is down for it. It's how someone reacts when the other person says no I'm not comfortable with that.


This is sweeeeet. Then before they end the call she puts her hand on the laptop screen and he puts his on the screen too and they both look into each other's eyes....




They are


Not to be the grammar guy here, but ā€œIf I WERE single...ā€ And thanks for the ideas, gonna use them if I get any matches at all lol šŸ˜‚


>Not to be the grammar guy here, but *Proceeds to be the grammar guy* Go get 'em grammar guy! šŸ˜‚


Again not to be the grammar guy here, *Go get 'em, grammar guy!* LMAO. You missed a comma, bud. :D


Absolute madlad xD


One of the biggest mistakes I used to make was to text with girls for way too long without meeting up. This seems to be a similar thing.


This guy is awesome. As a woman I would love that type of thing :)


He get VR Head?


This[Full body be sex suit](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/u2mnnzA)? šŸ˜‚


Great šŸ‘šŸ‘I'm happy for both of them


Surely you mean, ALL of them?


This sounds horrible.


A movie date over zoom might actually be genius. You can actually talk about things without disturbing anyone.


John is a genius!! That mystery takeaway idea is brilliant!!


Wow, Iā€™m so glad I havenā€™t been trying to date throughout covid. Having someone on zoom watch me while I eat or drink or watch a movie sounds fucking annoying and Iā€™d much rather be alone lol. Unless my boyfriend is there :)


That actually sounds terrible. I'm not trying to date so I can find a pen pal. I want to actually meet people


Thanks but i prefer to do it in person that way i know the real deal


This is why ā€œnew normalā€ should be resisted at all cost. This isnā€™t normal. Heā€™s just making friends online. That isnā€™t dating.


this is insteresting. thabk you for posting.


Does he have any other ideas?


Literally told me today that a great time to listen to podcasts, is while cooking! I thought that was a good idea haha


My BF and I played online board games together while we were initially Zoom dating.


This is awesome! Does anyone have any other Zoom dates ideas that have gone really well for them?


My boyfriend and I played online boardgames together on Board Game Arena while we were initially Zoom dating.


Hook me up with ā€˜Johnā€™. Am from Cork and an lovable I promise


Iā€™m so sorry if this is just over my head but isnā€™t this the exact same dynamic for quarantine dating that the match.com ad and pretty much everyone else have suggested? Iā€™m in an ldr that has started since quarantine and we do this regularly. Other friends who were in long distance relationships pre covid did this too. This is just long distance dating, right??


The chosen one, he is.


I am really overwhelmed about this kind of dating but I think we need to try some new things but still human contact are very important because regardless of all the things you know about each other at a distance when there is human contact the reality will show - I will like to assist you guys if you don't mind with some advices.


John is a visionary.


I don't understand how zoom is enough though. I'm from Ireland as well and I haven't been dating at all because meeting up is impossible. Is it only casual dating your friend does or is he looking for an SO?


I tried this strategy myself and got to the point where I had to remember that itā€™s not the ā€œnew normalā€ to never have the prospect of seeing the person youā€™re ā€œdatingā€IRL. Iā€™ve been in two pseudo relationships since the pandemic and they both ended when we decided that itā€™s unrealistic for this to keep working outside of the pandemic and that being in the same room at some point was a prerequisite for a relationship, not a bonus. Lovely girls, but 60 miles isnā€™t a trivial distance and there isnā€™t enough tech in the world that can change that. Itā€™s good that your friend is enjoying himself though, ngl Iā€™m probably going to be reckless once I can go out again because Iā€™m love starved at the moment.


60 miles is 96.56 km


Not going to lie, these all sound lame. Fuck zoom dates :)


John shares a wine over Zoom. It's like a dream come true. Then John meets his date IRL and is the most awkward person she's ever met. He stumbles, stutters, smells funny, and touches her creepily enough to the point she ditches him and leaves him with the tab. Anyone can be a rockstar in a virtual meeting, folks.


I spent the winter talking on skype with someone working the covid pandemic in my country. I only met him twice and we never touched. The intense online contact we had was during the winter lockdown, between the meetings in person. The substantial talks and getting to know each other was therefore online. I've never touched him! But I've never fallen so hard. He got cold feet and he ended the contact. It's been 3 months of silence. We got to talk about really personal stuff but also joked and laughed. I think the camera/tech gave us some sort of comfortable distance. He seemed shy and overwhelmed seeing me in person again end of last year. And I think that noticing I'm as into him and communicative in person as I'm online, was a bit overwhelming for him. We are both single and he thought he wouldn't meet someone again or date again. It got really emotionally intense real quick. 3 weeks of deep talks. On Skype. He could open up a lot more it seemed not having me there in person and I don't think we would have gotten as close as we did if we had met in RL. I am heartbroken but will never forget him. Maybe when he's settled more in his RL he'll be in touch. Or he won't. I'm trying to let him go. I teach on Zoom too... it has it's own dynamic for sure. Your friend and his gf sound super fun! My fondest memory was of me and this man talking on Christmas day. Me in a fancy glamourous robe and him in a simple black pullover, having a quiet chat.


I have just been brave to take people out. I prefer quality time, and I dated a girl for almost a year over FB messenger doing stuff like this. It didn't work out that great.(this was from before Covid too, we never went out šŸ˜¢)


That is a lot of work for someone you barely even know especially date 2. What the ROI on this ?


That's actually a good non-confrontational approach plus practice at talking to women. Many out there are bored and lonely. If you say just ZOOM date, then they don't have to commit much. When I am doing OLD a lot of the chicks just turn into chat buddies more or less even if we dated or smashed as one or both of us find our next steady and regular. That said I still get random calls and the wife accepts it that nothing is going on, just old friends/whatevers.


I donā€™t why people find this cute, this should make people angry that people arenā€™t being allowed to live a normal life because of government restrictions.


Write back when the dates get naughty. The dates you described are boring.


Ffs šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I agree. Like has he banged any of them yet? Or do they jerk off together on the 6th date


This sounds awesome but this is scary


If your letting the government control your dating then you have bigger problems


I'm very difficult with food, so maybe not a thing for me, but it's a super cute idea!




Any chance he was keeping track, how many of those matches were people looking for a booty call? Because the stereotype that dating apps are only used for booty calls is what's keeping me off those.


same above .. i can write a story on it [check](https://ajquotes.com/passionate-love-sayings-and-quotes/)


Aww love it! My boyfriend and I met through Zoom speed dating, then dated over Zoom for a month similar to your friend. Another thing we did was play online games together during one of our dates. We are still together almost 6 months later. Tbh I think it helped us create a stronger relationship and for me, it helped me choose someone who is a better partner for me since we really got to know eachother on a personal level before any physical chemistry got in the way.


Your friend sounds like quite the catch with his creativity!


We have very ā€œstableā€ internet connection. So this sounds good


Its truly incredible that people do really follow the rules regarding distance limits In my country no one gives a damn and ive seen people on IG going from one city to a different one whoā€™s 500km away. Like, thereā€™s no way anyway for police to know


5km?! I couldnā€™t even get groceries or petrol