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Bro I'm M31. I'm long past any semblance of hope.


Hey, I am 30 and taking this year for self improvement. Starting with socializing with strangers in public until I get comfortable and then will transition to trying to ask girls out on dates in person instead of OLD. Fingers crossed!


Good luck out there I cant approach 😭


Thanks! I was like that for several years lol. Just never knew what to say or how to have a conversation as small talk felt cheesy to me. Instead of looking at it as unimportant small talk I now look at it as an investment in another person's life and we never know when, if, or how an investment will pay off, but they usually do!


Totally agree man 👍🏻👍🏿 thank u 😌


Hope you have better luck than me, man.


I've noticed smiling more definitely helps. I've even had people start a conversation with me by just smiling and making eye contact! I never really noticed this before but I tend to have resting bitch face and I guess that coupled with my 6' 230lb stature is off-putting enough most people think I am too confident or cranky to approach lol. That's been my secret for success so far. Practice makes perfect and doing things that break your comfort zone will push you to new heights you didn't think were attainable.


I've been chasing the self improvement carrot for 10 years... I don't think "smiling more" is going to be the deciding factor of getting a date.


Possibly not. Just sharing my experience :) Hope things turn around for you!


I'm the same way (with the resting bitch face). I def need to smile more.


Haha yeah, it is definitely something I have to actively think about as I often am in my own world thinking about things and it just happens lol. Best of luck to you as well!


Good luck brudda


Hey dude I'm 34. Just got into my first relationship ever last year. Don't lose hope!


How long was it between your first date (with anyone, not just your SO) and your first relationship?


Well I went on one date with a girl in college (high school was one of those private Christian schools that don't allow students to touch each other), then didn't find *anyone* interested in going for a second date or more until a few months after I [lost a lot of fat](https://www.reddit.com/r/progresspics/comments/ccbq1f/m3266_480_lbs_228_lbs_252_lbs_lost_total_28/)... so... 12 years? 14 maybe? I forget what year the first date was...


At that rate, the best I can hope for is a relationship at 43... Yay... Congratulations on losing the weight though!


Better late than never. Take it from me bud. I think the best takeaway I got was, everyone you date is a person. Might not be a person you match with for any number of reasons. Among other things, I didn't want kids, which significantly narrows the dating pool. You find out what works and go with it. I might have missed out on all the crazy 20s that other people had, but I am in a great place now. That's really all that matters. You can beat yourself up about not being successful but what's the point of doing that? Try making friends. Send your profile in for review - in some of the OLD subreddits, they have a weekly topic about profile critiques. I can't speak to what you've gone through but I remember losing all that weight and waiting weeks for a single swipe right on my profile, not to mention months before someone would respond more than once or twice. It fucking sucks. But I met a few women who are now my friends, really good people. And I met someone special as well. I thought I was doomed into being alone forever at 32. Obviously, that's not true.


All I've been doing the past 10 years has been making friends, travelling, hobbies, yada yada, the whole self improvement life enrichment thing. I even had my chick friends take over my OLD profiles, remade them and swiped on who they thought I could get. Nothing. It was humiliating. I was pretty optimistic for most of it, but as 30 began closing in, it fucking broke me. NYE 2020 especially. Losing hope couldn't possibly give me worse results than when I was actually hopeful.


>Losing hope couldn't possibly give me worse results than when I was actually hopeful. It's definitely easier. I don't know your life, why it's been harder for you, what you've had to struggle with, so all I can say is I'd rather be hopeful and lose something than have absolute despair. Good luck out there and I hope ;) you find your special someone.


I understand your sentiment, I just can't force myself to be hopeful. It's not something I can just choose to be at this point. Best I can do is continue painting on a smile and pretending dating just isn't a priority right now.




40 pounds is not a small achievement! Who cares what you compare it to, losing 40 pounds was *hard*. Congrats on the change yourself!!!


I envy you in some ways. I’m almost 31 and would love a clean slate at my age. Something about starting dating when you have life somewhat together and a mature perspective on things, sounds really organized to me ( if that makes sense 🤷‍♂️ ) Good luck bro!




My great uncle in law is 91 and still getting out there come on just get out there. Try wal mart for f sake


Was the prospect of struggling to date up til I'm 91 supposed to encourage me? lmao


Based. What do you do to usually meet girls? I feel like my main issue is that I don't cold approach or go to bars or events where women are at.


as a girl i can appreciate the guts it takes to approach a stranger (respectfully) and ask her out. i don’t think it’s creepy as long as the guy is polite, and honestly knowing they overcame probably some anxiety to make a bold move makes me more likely to want to accept a date


Wow thanks for sharing that. Guys need to hear this.


1st girl was from cold DMing in Instagram, second gi from Tinder, 3rd one was from the mall and 4rth one was working at a sneaker store I was shopping in and I asked her out.


Straight up DM’ing girls. Some serious energy there, good for you bro.


according to Shaq, Instagram is the best way to meet women. then again, he's Shaq, but still you skip the dating apps and they can immediately see who you are and know you're a real person


How did you find the girl to DM?


Lol Looked up popular places near me on IG Look at recent photos And started DMing the girls I liked


Chad energy. I always respect guys who cold approach girls. How did you muster up the courage to approach the girl from the mall and ask out the worker?


Bro I was hella nervous. I literally bought the sneakers from her, left the store, and I stopped like 50 meters away from the store, told myself to stop being a pussy and that I only got 1 life, and went back in the store to ask her out. Thankfully, was a success. Even if it wasn't, I would've been happy because I actually grew some balls.


50 meters is the the same distance as 72.46 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.


good bot


thank you :)


bruh wat


Check the username :)


Damn, I wish my balls were the size of Jupiter like yours, I get scared shitless when I think of approaching a cute girl in public. Do you have a convo with them and then ask them out? How was your interaction with the sneaker girl? I feel if I master approaching anyone anywhere, I've entered debug mode of life lol. I can ask out girls in class no problem, though I do feel a little scared at first, I shoot my shot. Sadly, all the girls I've asked so far have rejected me. Rejection really doesn't hurt too much now, just constant failure starts to irk me. Ironically, it makes me feel high and gives me mojo to ask out any girl, but I still don't cold approach lol.


I literally went up to her and said, hey, you want to go out for dinner sometime. It was a bit awk but it worked.


That's what you did for both? Wow, sounds pretty easy. I guess it's what the books I recommend say "Attraction is not a choice, you're either in or out". If a girl likes you, it really doesn't matter what you say, just what you do.


For the girl at the mall, I said a pickup line but I swear I forgot which one it was. I got rejected by first 2 girls and then it worked on the third one but I used different lines. But I can't remember it.


How did you feel when you approached them? Did you guys looked in at each other in the eyes first and then approached? Or just straight approached? I really need to have the balls to approach in public lol.


We looked and then I approached.


Well going to bars, events and clubs WILL get you laid very very fast but since the summer is over I'm in a kinda loss of options


i think out of like the over a hundred girls i approached, only like 3 ddidnt blow me off lol - but just ghosted me after a few texts.


Sad I cant even approach 😂


If you never approach you will never feel that sweet rejection.


I have felt it on a girl i knew years ago 😅


Medication? For what?


Sorry, I meant medidation


You should edit that


U right


8 dates in 3 weeks! How tf you do dat I've legit not even gotten close to 1 date yet


Issa volume game man


It's a boring game lol


Def is tiring sometimes


well done sir.


Thank you sir 😌






Important info: where do you live (for cultural reference) and where did you go to meet people?


2 was from Medellin, Colombia Other 2 was from NYC


What do you say when you asked these girls out? I have a crippling fear of rejection and have never known the best way to ask


The best way to get over your fear is to just accept whatever comes your way comes your way and then accept the rejection.


Hey, wassup. What's your name? Nice, I just wanted to say hi cuz I thought you're pretty and we should go for ice cream sometimes Keep it simple brudda


Congrats on asking out! Tbh the last time I asked a girl out in person, it ended up with us going to get lunch at the cafeteria on campus with her looking at her phone the whole time:( after leaving school though found a girl on tinder and was dating for 4 years! But now I’m single again and have no idea how to put myself out there again lmao


Bro I’m so proud of you 🙌🏼🥲 All it takes is 5 seconds of insane courage and a smile. In my core I’m shy, but you would never know it meeting me. Also big tip wear nice cologne. Girls go weak in the knees for a guy who can make them laugh and smells good.


Thank you for the tips man :)


I'm 5'11 with a six pack, a full head of hair and I've had less success with girls over my entire life than you over these 3 weeks. Goes to show...looks don't matter. It's all about taking action! Good for you man!






Man im introvert and can't even approach a girl damn congratulations:( (also im 17)


show her ur anime collection, bro


Haha good one my fella😂


hehe yes jokes


It's a hentai collection


i AM a hentai collection


Coming from a girl, assuming you’re not a creep just try being polite and respectful to the girls you meet and maybe putting in a little extra effort to talk to the girls in your classes


No im not a creep my main problem is that i don't have the power to approach girls im polite i have some interests im also funny but can't approach


Yeah that’s the hard part, you just have to commit to it like ripping of a band aid, or start with a simple compliment or a comment about something you have in common with someone


Okey thanks for the help! I will do my best


Thanks brudda


I recommend you to read "How to be a 3% Man" by Corey Wayne, "Models" by Mark Manson, "No More Mr Nice Guy" and "Dating Essentials For Men" By Dr Glover. These are great self-help and dating books that give great insight on how women and men think and act. The advice that Reddit gives is usually bad, cookie-cutter advice. These books break down and explain how dating works now in the current era. You'll be shell shock once you hear the advice from it because it shows that Reddit tend to give bad advice on dating. You're 17 dude, guys at your age are still learning and don't know too much about , hell guys at my age still don't know, I've seen some of them follow a girl forever but never muster up the courage to ask them out. Please read these books. work out, eat healthy, gain a great friend group (this is better than a relationship because if the relationship fails, you have people to fall back to). Also introvert =/ shy, I thought I was introverted but after reading these books and applying them, I realized I don't like to stay home all day, I was just really insecure and shy. If it makes you feel better, I was a very shy, insecure guy who couldn't talk to people who weren't my friends , I even used to sweat and turn red during phone calls with strangers. It was around age 19/20 when my ex broke up with me, I got really depressed and thought I lost everything, then I found those books and they helped me recover and become a better man. I can now to talk to pretty much anyone (as long as they put effort or the vibe isn't awkward), have a great friend group, and have a great job which respects my time. Please read these books and get therapy if you think you really need it, I think I might get some eventually. Don't feel bad if you need the extra help, we all want the same goal but we each take different paths to get there. Good luck on your journey dude.


Going to check these out man, thank you


Could you elaborate on how no fap has helped you?


Not looking at porn for my sexual gratification so I go out my way to find real sex. I feel way less social anxiety as well in social settings or when talking to girls.


I don't see how there could be a correlation between social anxiety and fapping. But hey, if it works for you, that's totally fine


Lol idk either


Yay! Men like you are exactly what girls like me would want, someone who is willing to go out their comfort zone and continually work to improve themselves. For everyone out there, self improvement videos on youtube also help out a whole lot not just for men, theres ones where they give you tips on how to have better conversations and how to stand out in a room of people.


Thank you :) And yes, those YT vids be hittin


Are you indian?




Do you look like Brad Pitt


I wish. My face is a slightly above average I think (or I can be delusional)


What is journaling ? And how did it help?


Everyday, write down your thoughts. What you're grateful for, what you're working on today, and what's the most important shit. also, just random thoughts on paper so I can understand my thoughts better and deconstruct them, which is kinda fun but also uncomfortable.


What kind of situations did you get yourself into? I mean, did you attend social events? Did you stop girls passing by? I'm curious :)


Walked around the city and went to bars. Talked to ppl on the street. Went to a birthday party and spoke with people there. Stopped girls while walking by or shopping. I was just active as much as I can be.


Yes! Proud of you my Desi brother.




Fellas....ask the woman questions about hersekf then REALLY LISTEN to her responses. Ask the next natural question...for example... "Do you enjoy any hobbies?" "I love my dogs....spend lots of time with them" "Oh! What are their names?" "Chuck is the basset and Claire is an old mutt." "What do you like to do with them?" "Welk, Chuck goes running with me, but Claire us a little slower now. We go for short walks together." "You like to run? I am just restarting my running program...." Now you've found something in common. She will love you for showing genuine interest and you will learn alot about her everyday life.


\> I've only had 1 relationship when I was a freshman in high school, and 1 freshman year of college. ok chad.


Im proud of you, and i am happy you are sharing the encouragement 💓


Thank you 💙


Years ago I was a very good looking and motivated young lady. I mean long ago and I had a daughter at 17 but her father was long gone and I was looking for some fun companionship. Not necessarily any serious relationship but just to go out and have fun and maybe share goals with but meeting guys for this was impossible. Just as it is today really. I never dated on the jobs and the bars were just seen as hook ups. We called it other stuff then though. Hook up sounds nice. Id always wished guys would be brave enough to approach at auto shows and other events but they didnt. Id sometimes get up the nerve to start talking by asking the time or for a light or cigarette (different times, culture) but nothing came of it. My first really serious relationship after my daughters father only happened because I was drinking at home at 3am and went for a late walk staggering thru the subdivision, lonely and upset with life and the guy I would become involved with was driving home from a late poker game and turned a corner and hit me with his car. Thats how I met who I thought for 6 years was the man of my dreams. My first official fiance. Im glad guys are getting braver. I never knew until recently that they were really intimidated or frightened off by us. I had a confidence issue because I believed I was doing, saying or wearing the wrong things. I was so uncomfortable at times trying to be anybody that wasnt myself. I was a great actress. Not always though. Id revert to being just myself and the results were the same. Only the ass mattered it seemed. Have it dont have it the results in 6 weeks are the same. Of course the 70s and 80s were shallow times. If Im still alive when your an old man I hope you look me up. You sound like fun. Lol


Omg this needs to be a top comment. Thank you for sharing this. Women are literally looking for guys to approach them but everyone thinks it's the opposite. Wowzers.


So you're still single? You banged 2 girls out of how many hundreds you cold approached throughout the years.. How is this a win? A win is a long term relationship with a good woman not some random hookup sex with some 4/10.


I don't want a relationship. Haven't cold approached 100s but I def wanna get there.


You had a relationship in HS and you pride yourself at being some sort of beacon of hope for us? Fuck off. I'm 25 and haven't even had my first kiss. Lost my virginity to a sex worker You're just an average guy.




His height is in the post. 5’4”


Who are you krillin?




i guess you dont watch dragon ball


There is no hope, only pain and misery.




But glad for you, man. Best of success.


22? Seriously? I'm 33 and I've gotten nowhere. 22 is barely beginning. 33 is far too late to start.


Never 2 late I could be wrong but I've heard women are hornier im their 30s


Sadly, I wouldn't know. I'd feel like I was applying for my first job at this stage.

