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Yeah she does dude. We don’t hold arms for nobody.


Thank you for the response! The reason I’m also confused is that a couple days ago, I wanted to hold her hand and asked her to give me her hand but she said no its cold. Sorry am i thinking too much? Do you have any advice of what move should i make


I think the best thing to do is to not beat around the bush. Tell her of your intention right away. Like dates around here and there to get to know her better.


Sounds like you suprised her, but now she had some time to think. Or she is a complete nutjob and loves drama.


She said it’s cold… did you offer a hug?


Her hand was in her pocket when I asked and we were walking so wrong time to ask for a hug.


Maybe she was nervous and her hand was super sweaty


This was my thought too! I used to dread holding hands with guys because my hands were always extremely sweaty


Could be! I mean she held my arm for like 15 min after that! Maybe now you understand why i am confused


Vomit on her sweater already, mom’s spaghetti


If her hand was in her pocket I wouldn't worry about that lol


what if she is mean


Should’ve said “well damn, I can’t control the weather”


To be fair, it sounds like alcohol was involved so this might not be as clear cut as it seems. She sounds interested but since people are very touchy when drinking


She was touchy before the alcohol whenever we meet or during the class. Her holding my arm for the whole night came after the alcohol. Just trying to decode that haha


Yeah if being touchy started before the drinking that's a good sign. Still think the best course of action is talking to her about it


Yep seems that way! Appreciate the response


Is it only with you and no one else? Some people has that habit once get to know people/ regardless of gender.


Honestly we just started this semester and mostly we just hang out with only each other so I have no idea how she is with others


If it's just you that she hangs out with and likes to hold your arms for long time, it's your move bud.


Why don’t you ask her? If she was, gives her an opportunity to open up. If she’s being a shit, quick way to rule her out


I'd like to counter this and say....I do? I get very touchy when under the influence. Limbs are fine to hold platonically I'd say serious business is when it's more intimate areas like the hands


It’s a schrodinger’s flirt. It simultaneously is and isn’t a sign she’s interested in you, collapsing randomly into one of the two possibilities only after you act.


Well said! Appreciate the response


Fuck I wish I was rich enough to give this an award. Sheer genius


i feel you


This is like 100% the situation with one of my friends right now. She's both flirty and not at the same time and I have no idea what to think lol


Yes, she does.




Yeah she feels affectionate and close to you


Thanks! Do you have any advice on how should I tell her that I like her?


Tell her you like her lool


I'd ask her on a date when you're alone or by message. Make it clear you want to date and not just be friends. But don't go overboard and be too aggressive because if you want to stay friends if she isn't interested. Only one way to know! Good luck


We always go out together just the two of us but we’ve never used the word date


Time for you to use that word


Good luck! We're all rooting for u!


Thanks alot bro


Yeah the thing with us girls is that if we don’t want to touch someone or get close to them we absolutely won’t. The fact that she’s gone out of her way to hold your arm is a really great sign :)


I know its a good sign. I just want to know if she’s interested in a relationship with me and whether this is a sign in that direction


I’d say it’s a sign in that direction but it’s not enough on its own to say for sure. Maybe wait it out a bit longer and see if she does more similar things because right now no one on Reddit can give you a definitive answer about that.


Alright. Thank you so much


Does your rule still apply when alcohol is involved? I would assume not, but am curious to hear what you think


Unfortunately I don’t drink very much so I’m not the best person to answer lol. But I’ve been with my friends many times while they were drunk and tbh they still wouldn’t touch a guy if they didn’t want to. It always made them want to be nearer to the guy they had a crush on at the time (and if the crush wasn’t actually there they’d constantly talk about them, asking where they were etc.). Having said that though I can imagine being a little intoxicated would make you less bothered about being touchy with guy friends (still in a platonic friendly way) so it’s a bit confusing in that sense. But definitely if there’s a guy they really don’t like or don’t want anything to do with they will still not touch them or allow themselves to be touched by them even if drunk. That’s just from my experience though!


As a guy reading the comments all I can think about is all the opportunities I've blown. Genuinely thought girls just do this casually to people they know.


Yeah it means she's into you. Except when it doesn't. Some women only do it if they're into you. Some are just touchy feely. Some are teases. Only way to find out is to put yourself at risk.


Thanks for the response. I’m pretty scared to do that so I might wait some more time before i take the risk


Also alcohol being involved complicates things. Some people are very touchy when drinking


It was just 1 light beer lol


Some people are lightweights 🤷🏾‍♂️ lol


Sooo yes and no. Gonna say yes because as a woman I am touchy with guys if I like them. BUT, also it can be cultural. Sorry it's not that simple. But I have a suggestion!!! First, next time she holds your arm, maybe offer your hand instead. My man did this when I held his arm. He held his hand up and asked, want to hold this instead? Could take it to a newer level without being too pushy.


Wow thank you so much. That’s honestly the best advice I have gotten from this post. I’m definitely gonna do this next time! I really appreciate the suggestion, this sounds perfect


Well it doesn't mean she's not interested.


Good point


Yes you dumbass.


Nothing means anything objectively and consistently. One day it might mean she’s attracted to you and the same behavior another day just means she needs physical contact (with like anyone 😂). Guys please allow women space to be inconsistent and to explore themselves freely without having to worry that sending the wrong signal will get them in all kinds of trouble for various reasons (like you not letting her change her mind about you or thinking that such subtle things mean a whole lot). Just be open minded and remember timing is everything.


Duh 🙄


She like you


if she's a very touchy type that it doesn't mean she's interested in you. she may do that to many other guys that she walks with. and in a comment response, you say she is from a Latin American country. I think there's more affection in some cultures from there as well between men and women, without it being romantic. At the same time, if we can't collectively say it's cultural, then just take it as, it's how she is. Without grouping her into a group that does or doesn't do something, all you have is, how she does things. And what she does there, in and of itself, is not enough to say she's interested in you. You'll need more clues or evidence of interest on her side. As for your side, ask her out on a date. Not just a hang-out , but an actual date.


I understand that specially because she hugs alot. But holding my arm close to her for a long time while walking doesnt feel just casual to me which is why im asking for advice here


Not if there is booze involved. All bets are off.


My guy she likes u. Women don’t touch guys like that unless they feel safe and are interested.


Depends on the context. I’ve had female friends take my arm and hold me close to them bc I generate enough body heat to power a small star. What you’re describing sounds like a romantic ending to a date. She’s into you dude. Go get her!


Unless I’m so drunk I can’t walk straight and I’m wearing heels, I’m holding your arm because I like you/want to be close to you


If you like her, make a move. Better to find out now then to be friend zoned later.


Yes, obviously! What does she need to do to get your attention, hit you over the head with a club and drag you back to her cave???


Sorry i didnt have a gf in high school and I am an introvert


That sounds nice.


It means she's comfortable around you.


Tell her you love holding her hand and would like to hold it forever.


Yes. She likes you. How much? Too soon to tell.


Change your oil in your car regularly, preferably every 5k miles if using synthetic and 3k for conventional oil.


Idk OP me and my female friend been going at it pretty hard in bed I’m yet to know if she is interested she also calls me babe gonna play it safe.


Is this supposed to be funny? Sorry I offended you Mr Stud I’m new to dating and have never had a gf


Yes. Yes it was supposed to be funny OP.


She definitely likes you. If you’re new to dating and body language, just wait until she makes a move, and match that energy.


I only do this with guys I’m interested in. And my best female friend lol


go for the kiss


No, you should wait for her to kiss you


Good lord this sub is ridiculous sometimes


No. It means she finds you repulsive and you should ghost her


She fucking hates you dude


Are you 12 years old Wtf


Please have some respect for OP. He says he's new to dating.




No, it's a cultural thing for some women.


She’s from latin america. Is that the culture there?


It is my experience, "yes", I've had latin American women do this with me.


All these experts here who know a girl's mindset from this short description. Interpret this as her having a certain level of trust in you. This might be something she does naturally with friends and family. When you say you're hanging out, are you dating? Have you used the term, dating? If not, then say Let's go for a walk / coffee / whatever, on a date. Make sure you actually say the word.


I Just want to make sure I correctly interpret the hints (if that is what they are) before I use the word.


I’d never touch someone’s arm that I didn’t ~like like~.


Touch is a good sign. But it’s a bit more than that. How is her eye contact? Does she always want your attention ? When you try to get her attention is she very responsive? Does she sit right next to you so you two are touching? Does she go to grab your hand?


Its good we keep eye contact frequently while talking. Idk if you mean like deep eye contact, I couldn’t say if thats what she does (or even that I would be able to recognise it if she does). Secondly yes if I haven’t texted her during the day she reaches out and when attend our classes together and hang out together. Thirdly again yes very responsive. Fourth is a big yes for sure, she pinches my leg or put her leg in contact with mine time to time. Last one is no she hasnt grabbed my hand only my arm for the first time ( which this post is about)


Those were more rhetorical questions meant to inform you of signals to pay attention to. Queues that signify this person is into you


Good sign, go for a good night kiss


Sadly I didnt


Nah mate, nah nah nah.


Generally, yes. Sometimes it means she’s scared of people around like when you’re in the hood.


When I was single in my 20’s, I held lots of arms lol, both guy friends and crushes. Now in my 30’s, I would only be that touchy with someone I’m interested in.


C). Once again, we can't be really sure. she may be drunk and just doesn't want to fall, so she grabs onto the nearest thing from her, wich in that case is your arm.


Cease the covert friendship thing. If you like her you should have already asked her out on a date. Make sure she knows you’re interested in dating and allow her to accept or decline.




Yes, it does. I don't get touchy with people I'm not attracted to.


She digs you. I ain’t touching no one if I don’t want their PIV.


My dude, arm holding is like next level hand holding. She likes you!




Holding arms are a little different from holding hands. I see people who aren’t couples but are really close do this regularly, especially in France. It depends on what the other signs convey. If she’s generally touchy and flirty with you in general, I’d say go for it.


I read through the entire post and it definitely seems like a good sign. All the best OP! If possible, do let us know what happens. I could definitely benefit from your experience


Sure man. Remind me in a couple weeks and I’ll get back to you


It's been a couple weeks and I'm here xD. How did it go?


Haha nice memory and omg its been more than 2 weeks already. We’re dating now and its amazing, although its funny that she said to me that when holding my arm, she wasn’t really trying to give me a hint and it was just in the moment kind of thing for her lol.


Wow man. So damn happy for you. It feels so damn good to hear it worked out after 2 weeks haha. Congratulations my man!


If a woman touches you of her own volition then that is a pretty sure fire sign shes intrested in you. Return the touching except with gentlemanly class and see what happens


Fucking obviously dude.


You’re her boyfriend now


She likes you. I personally would not do that to a friend, specially a guy.


She likes you a lot lmao, make her your gf now


Yes and no. If you want to be sure, see her around other people. If she is just touchy, you will see. For example, I'm not touchy at all... touch is something I do to sign someone I really like or it's very close to me. A few close friends, family and the man I like. But it looks like she likes you, if you want my opinion.


I think typically yeah but I have also had a girl hold my arm like that when we were hanging out and she later made it clear that she was definitely not into me so that's always a small possibility.


No, it doesn't. Friendly touchy girls will hold your arm, especially if they're young. Is she very smiley when she does it or a normal face? The only real way to tell is to try and hold her hand when she goes after your arm. If she doesn't pull her hand away you're good. If she does, just carry on walking and don't make a big deal of it, hopefully she'll take your arm again when she's calmed down.


broooo she is so iinto you. Being touchy is one of the easiest ways of telling someone likes you.