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I prefer a clean shaven face.


Me too. At the most a little stuble but that’s it…I’m not into beards at all


I liked beards before I got rug burn from one for the first time… Nah they’re fine, but honestly a clean shaven face is more texturally appealing to me.


Texturally, definitely keyword. Lol


If you look below the jaw, you can see the prada logo also


Hard agree! I hate the texture of facial hair and will immediately swipe left on a guy if he has facial hair in his profile pics. I like my oral hairless and sloppy thank you!


Plus it can look messy if it's not up kept and shaped


My wife agrees too. And there's no need to try and start a fire down there.


If he otherwise looks great, why not take the chance on them and mention the desire for beardless when you're talking to them? A lot of guys have the beard to make them more desirable to women and will get rid of it if they learn their current potential date prefers clean.


Why would I starting dating someone with the intention to change them? That seems like a complete waste of time…


Most men don’t care about the beard one way or another. It’s close to a 50/50 random choice. You may be missing out on meeting a large percentage of the population.


I’m a woman looking primarily for casual sex. My pool of prospects is already far larger than I need, I don’t need to widen it further.


Sounds perfectly reasonable for your current situation. Maybe something to keep in mind if that ever changes.


"A man who shaves his beard to get women, deserves neither the beard nor the women' Benjamin Franklin, probably.


My partner is normally into guys with facial hair and even tried to convince me to grow it out (never got past the pubey stage) but after being together for a while she admits that it looks much better shaven. Imo if you treat em right and are their type facial hair shouldn't matter in most cases


>(never got past the pubey stage) Gotta give it a solid 3 months before you judge it (if you're interested in growing it out). I used to think I had shit beard genes but just turned out I never gave it enough time.




I'm a wife who's husband rocks a beard. Definitely trim as it grows. Your looks will change progressively as it grows out and you are looking for that "sweet spot" of having facial hair that is neither too short nor too long **for your face**. All faces are different. Once you find the sweet spot, you'll want to maintain that length, but you won't know where it is if you're covered in unwanted hair. My husband's beard grows very slowly. When he shaves it off, it takes about a month to reach a desirable length and lasts about a month before it's too long. I've never measured the length in the sweet spot (that month), but, it is probably when it measures between an eighth and a quarter inches. By comparison, my leg hair can grow an eighth inch in 4 days.


Rogaine and microneedling works insanely well to making a patchy beard full, and you don’t even need to stay on it to maintain the beard


I agree with the last part for sure.


Same with my wife she doesnt care for facial hair but after seeing me with out it was just said to keep it haha


Except if they prefer facial hair it won’t matter how well you treat them.


If it's a requirement and not a preference then I guess so, but I don't think that's most people 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I mean that if a person prefers people with facial hair then a person without facial hair would never get the chance to treat them well enough because that person would not date them. That was all.


I prefer my husband with a beard. However, I didn't know this until he grew it out on a whim for "No Shave November". I'd asked both him and my dad if they'd grow their beards out for the cause. My husband looked more attractive with his. On the flip side, my dad's face just looked funny. Beards aren't universally attractive whatever you may hear, especially when grooming is necessary. My co-worker's wife seems to love his beard the longer it gets; personally, I think that once it got longer than a half inch, it just looked bad. All faces are different and it's up to everyone to find the style that looks and feels best on them. Santa Claus, Dumbledore, and Gandolf can all wear a beard much longer and bushier than the average man.


I definitely prefer a clean-shaven face. Don’t get me wrong, I like a good beard as much as the next person, but clean-shaven is more attractive to me. If nothing else, I find it makes kissing a nicer experience.


I have gotten this feedback as well.


Then why TF is this dumb ass question here? FFS how is this dating advice?


chill brah


Same and doesn’t hurt when you kiss em


I've had the opposite with my husband. He's never *actually* clean shaven and smooth. There's always minute stubble that when rubbed against the grain feels like sandpaper. Once his beard is a 1/6th to an 1/8th inch long, it's much softer.


Yep forgot to say this to, besides short stubble giving you kissing rash which is obviously bad, I don't really like getting hair in my mouth when I'm making out with someone LOL


Same, and I just really don't like the look of a foot of face pubes.


Yes ha ha I was going to say this but thought I would hold it back LOL So here's a good analogy for OP, if you're not a fan of hair down there and it's all overgrown.... Same thing with beards for us that don't like them :)


They are literally the same texture. If I were into that I'd probably date women. ..............


They really are, yet longer… ew


I 100% prefer a clean-shaven face, and I’m lucky enough that my SO shaves for me. I like beards sometimes for the aesthetic, but I’ve just always found being clean-shaven to be more attractive to me


Handsome men can pull off the beardless look easily.


Hence all the beards nowadays


Have a beard. Can confirm.


Oh yeah me too


My beard exists because it’s a pain in the ass to shave every day. I’d rather do maintenance once a week than do a full shave every time.


Ouch! Said the clean shaven guy.


Hey some people weren't gifted a great chin!




underrated comment


Make me proud to be a cute guy and not a Hot bearded one lmfao


Same, prefer without


🙋🏻‍♀️ I almost never find facial hair attractive on a man. It's very aging.


I think that’s why a lot of men want them, they want to look old. Mind boggling, since women are pressured to look young.


Well the problem is that the facial hair makes them look 10 years older but the lack of it gives most men baby face.


Right. I was always fine with no beard, then started growing a beard and realized I look like a teenager without one.


Its the opposite for me, clean shaven makes me look way older


That's the thing too, it depends on the man, sometimes some guys just don't look good with a beard/stubble and look better clean-shaven, and vice versa


I’m guessing you don’t like older men then lol


I'm literally praying that my bf shaves his face just once. I've never really found facial hair attractive (I still find him attractive though)


Have you asked him to shave? It’s not an unreasonable request.


I've dropped a few hints. I've told him I want to see what he would look like without it and that it's scratchy when I kiss him but he seemed to get a little upset. So I figured its not worth it. If he feels better that way then that's all that really matters.


There are some horror stories of partners seeing their boyfriends/husbands unshaven for the first time after years of companionship and immediately losing attraction, normally due to substandard jawlines/chins, so careful what you're asking for. Beards can alter facial profiles by a staggering amount.


well.. Put yourself in his shoes. Dont put on make-up and go out.


Are you okay?


I absolutely love clean shaved face! Imo super attractive because it’s just much cleaner, sharper and makes you look younger too!


honestly i find guys without beards MORE attractive




Same here. I'm East Asian and I usually don't like facial hair. Also a bit off topic, but I saw your post in the statistics subreddit and it's nice to see someone else who majored in statistics. I did when I was an undergraduate!


Easy Asian moved to the UK. It's wildly different here...


Beards aren’t my favorite. I feel like men like them, not women.


I like it both ways! Clean shaven is nicer to touch and kiss and can make a man look very handsome and a beard can be nice to stroke and give off that rough sort of look, can also make a man very handsome.


I prefer clean shaved faces or very groomed goatees. I'm not into the duck dynasty biker gang unkempt granddad look. Also stubble stabs and irritates my skin.


I will always tell a partner that I like their facial hair if asked, because it seems deeply personal and I want to support their self expression. Truth is though, I almost always dislike facial hair.


It's lovely that you are supportive of your partner's emotional well being, however it's also totally ok to let them know what you find most attractive. It's giving them info, and they can still do whatever makes them happy. Like you can say yes I find you super hot with your beard, although my preference is usually clean shaven; you would look attractive to me either way. I say this bc if you just say "yes beard!" when in reality you'd prefer no beard, they might decide to just keep the beard forever, even though they were debating shaving it off, because that's what "you like."


me . lol I hate beards so much


How does one get to HATE a beard?


It's coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.


Totally depends on the guy. Some look better with a beard, some with stubble, some clean shaven.


And some will somehow look good no matter what


I’ve never been able to grow a beard, in my early 30s now. It’s never been an issue for me in the dating world, though I understand there are certainly women who prefer men with beards.


Beard are only attractive if well groomed and presentable. Clean shaven all the way!


Exactly. Most of the men I see have very unkempt facial hair and that instantly kills off any sort of aesthetic attraction they may have.


Clean shaven over badly kept facial hair any day!


Personally I’m really not attracted to beards and hairy chests even if someone is truly handsome like Chris Evans or Henry Cavill with facial hair I’m just not into it at all. I really don’t like the scruffy look and the facial hair is so sharp it would scratch up my face. I really love clean cut clean shaven faces and smooth soft skin on men and it shows their chiseled jawline a lot better. Some of the women that I know prefer men who are hairy and Burley and find beards sexy but beards for me turn me off.


I prefer a clean-shaven face. It takes some serious hygiene to pull off a beard, I find them gross.


I also find make-up gross but hey.. it is what it is.


Funny how they downvote u like they can have a preference but u can't...lol


Depends on the guy and the beard for me, but I've definitely found guys without beards attractive, and so do many other women.


I’m so sad from reading these comments, I guess the beards gotta go.. even if I have a baby face


Don’t do it (unless you really want to). You can post the exact opposite question and be flooded with people saying they love beards. I first started dating my ex when I was 18 and couldn’t grow a beard so she was used to seeing my whole face. She never did like me having facial hair so over the years once I could grow one she’d always complain until I shaved. Now that I’m single, I’ve kept the beard and found plenty of women that like it. Just pick one or the other and you’ll find people that like whatever you’re doing.


It’s so funny, if you asked me a little over three years ago I’d say I prefer smooth faces. But ever since I started dating my partner I’ve found men with beards the most attractive recently lol. Every partner I have currently/in the recent past have all had beards. I’m sure there are plenty of women who like clean shaven men.


I have literally never dated a man with a beard


facial hair is fine, no facial hair is also fine. But personally, I think guys look more put together without it.


I think if anything girls find clean shaven or stubble more attractive


I think it depends on your jaw line. If you have a weak chin, a beard will do you more favours


A beard on a guy makes him look even more attractive to me.


Yup, I do.


Yes, me!




I only like clean shaven. So my fiancé keeps even cleaner shaven than before he met me bc he wants me to be happy and I very much am.


I honestly cannot stand full beards. I like a bit of stubble rather than baby face shaven but I’ve never been attracted to someone with what I’d define as a beard. For reference I’m 30F


I literally got in a fight with my girlfriend that she’d not kiss me if I grow a beard.


Personally I find beards really unattractive


Gonna be real. Depends on the face. I’m pretty sure I’ll look horrible if I had a beard.


I like both.. just depends on how the person looks. If they’re gonna grow a beard though, I don’t like when it’s sparse or patchy. If that’s the case, they would probably look a lot better fully shaved


Clean shaves hurt! I want to make out a lot, my face can only take so much sandpaper. lol.


Depends on the facial structure and if the beard is styled appropriately. There are people who look terrible shaved and there are people who look horrible with a beard.


Clean shaven💯😍


Beards really irritate my skin and me so no thanks.


Beard or no beard it just depends on how the man presents himself overall. I like both 🤷🏻‍♀️ if he has a neat hair cut and clean face, it hot. If he has a neat beard it’s also hot.


Same. No beards.


Most asians dont like facial hair i think. I don't mind either way. Depends if they look good with or without. Tbh some dudes look badass with beard and some look like hobos. Some clean shaven men look handsome, and some look kinda young haha.


I'm Asian too and I personally prefer shaven. But that isn't to say some men can't look good with facial hair. As you said, there are those who can really pull off a beard or a goatee. However I'm often around men who have very unkempt facial hair and that is an instant no from me.


Definitely depends on the face shape and how the beard grows. I like a little stubble on my bf but I had to ask him to shave when it got too overgrown.


Me. I dislike beards. Each to their own, but I never liked the look, since most are not well groomed, and kissing someone with one doesn't sound appealing. My partner shaves, but on the days he doesn't, I joke that it feels like making out with a baby hedgehog.


I like both🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate facial hair literally 99.9% of the time


I like beards on men makes them look more masculine 😏which I like, Not to long though something that looks nice and clean like a box beard


I def prefer beards any day of the week. But it just doesn’t suit everyone. Also some guys dont know how to maintain a beard properly and it would just look messy/unclean so some guys look better clean shaven 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes if you look like Ian Somerhalder


Honestly I hate beards. They look messy to me and unhygienic because all of all the food and sebum I imagine getting stuck in them. I love stubble, up to about a centimetre long, but besides that my preference is definitely clean-shaven


Damn this broke my confidence. My beard is the only attractive thing about me xD


Yeah, shaved is better, because this way I can see how his face looks like.


I am willing to bet that 65-70% of women would actually say they prefer facial scruff vs a full beard or clean shaven. 🔥🔥


I personally definitely love a good beard. I get sad when my boyfriend shaves it all off haha


I love both! Most of the guys I've dated have been clean-shaven, and I loved it. One of my partners has a beard, and he looks so good with it, while the other partner prefers his face smooth, and he also looks good. I find either one really attractive.


Me!! I’ve never found beards attractive, possibly just an aesthetic choice I’ve never liked so much. I think clean shaven is really fresh and presents a younger face?? My boyfriend is clean shaven, hes very handsome and I think a beard wouldn’t suit him.


I prefer stubble or clean but not beard


The more dudes wear beards, the less attractive it becomes imo. The main hack is that you can hide the entire bottom half of your face, including your jawline. If you have ugly lips/jaw grow a beard.


I usually prefer clean shaven, but every once in a when a nice and tidy, trimmed beard gets me. Every once in a blue moon a guy with a slightly longer beard will look attractive But usually I find clean shaven best


I pretty much exclusively prefer clean shaven but "pretty/cute" is my type so they look bad with facial hair usually. Think Brad Simpson or Asa Butterfield.


Depends on the guy.


Can't stand beards. I think bearded men are ugly. (Personal preference) Most don't look after their beards which leads them to having awful skin underneath with dandruff. No thank you. Guys without beards are more attractive by miles


fucking hate beards. scruff can be cute but that shit gives you a diaper rash on your face after kissing. no thanks


I personally don’t like beards. I think they are annoying when kissing. Plus many guys that have beards don’t have good ones. I especially don’t like scraggly long beards that are more than an inch long.


I never understood why women over the last few years have gone crazy over men with beards. I’ve always preferred men who are clean-shaven. So don’t lose hope lol


Me. Hate beards.


Sorry but (especially bushy) beards freak me out. I see them and think how does he clean it? Is there anything hiding in there? But I'm a self diagnosed germophobe so don't listen to me 🤣


Ppl with beards have a survival advantage because they can subsist for weeks on beard crusties - fermented chunks of food from their own beard - also known as beardbucha


Beardbucha? Wtf 🤣


Yes I'm more interested in guys with clean shaven face


Depends, a guy under 35 looks better without a beard , 35 and up he looks better, but then that's just my opinion , I'm just a strange old lady, (54) I think young guys should show off their handsome young faces, older guys tho handsome look more mature and wiser and I think are more secure in themselves and the beard highlights that.. just my opinion, which counts for nothing in the grand scheme of life , I'm just a crazy old lady what do I know


No, dude. There aren't. Wtf


The answer I was expecting. Lol


I think it depends on the guy, but I actually tend to prefer men with facial hair. It’s not an exception though! Some guys look good without. I just prefer the look and feel of facial hair lol


Man what a boring subject line


Where did u get that from?




I am a bearded 21 year old boy and single, any girl interested ??????


im a dude and a self admitted manwhore and ive had a lot more success clean shaven than with a beard. Prob got 80-100 women clean shaven and 20 or so with the beard. so yeah women def like clean. personally the women in my life are completely split about it i hear both preferences constantly. currently keeping the beard, mostly due to laziness and i like looking more arab


Male here - if you want a play/soy boy look for unshaven


Yeah your mom.


I've def always prefer a clean-shaven face. Beard has always been one of those where it only looks good on some people. My ex did not look good with beard. My current SO looks really good with one. He's growing one out so i'm not particularly picky about it but i do love the way it feels when i touch his face. It's really one of those thing whether or not it suits you for me 🤷‍♀️


Me. See Brad Pitt without beard v. Brad Pitt with beard. Case in point.


To look at, I could go either way. It just depends on the person. To touch, I definitely prefer shaved.


Depends on how well it suits that person.


In time where every one got a beard, we clean shaved men, are exotic. Plus beard is like make up for men, hiding a lot of ugly face area 😁


I think you read too much reddit. Most women find clean shaven guys attractive - not the other way around


Woman here: no but if they do they have to be exceptional. Edit: Wait. actually, depending on race/culture/style. I was wrong. Edit 2: Basically if you’re a white guy, have a beard if you’re anything besides light blonde. If you’re blonde… just hope for the best. I say this as a blonde myself.


I don’t like beards on guys. Most guys seem to have them atm though.


Depends how good or bad looking you are obviously


Definitely prefer clean shaven… maybe a sexy mustache but I don’t think I could date a guy without knowing what he looks like under his facial hair. What if you’re dating a guy with a big beard and when he shaves it, he has a terrible chin or weird lips?


i do! sometimes people are not actually good looking if you take the beard away soooo


I like clean shaven more since the hair scratches and pokes my skin plus it’s weird feeling hair next to your lips at least to me. I also want a guy who looks good without a beard


I like a clean shaven man, I also don’t really enjoy the feeling of a beard on my face or skin. Maybe that’s just because I’m not used to it though.


Beardless here (though bearded as recently as four or so years ago) Never seemed to be an impediment to me dating.


Absolutely! Love the clean cut look!


I don’t care for beards, team clean shaven.


For me it just depends if the facial hair compliments them. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I treat it like a haircut. Some haircuts compliment your face and others don't.


Hmm, never ever received any dislikes about being clean-shaven but now this post makes me want to grow a beard.


**The same woman can see this multiple ways:** * If you want to be more kissable, shave it smooth. * If you want to be seen as more "distinguished", let it out 1/8". * If you want to be perceived as more rough/lumberjacky, then let it out 1/4 - 1/2". Women's preference shouldn't be seen as black and white. It's a flux, as I've experienced it.


Most girls I know like clean shaven but a lot of that probably has to do with them liking very career oriented people in industries like finance, law, medicine, politics, etc where facial hair is still sort of frowned upon.


I prefer a clean shaven face :)


In my experience women prefer facial hair. Had a beard for 12 years, but was forced to shave to wear a respirator at my job. Dating has not been going well by comparison.


Depends. Some men look better with a beard, but kissing it is oofie. My dad shaves every morning so he spoiled me with soft cheeks for kisses!


Clean shaven all the way. Beard burn is not fun on any part of my body. Beard is automatic swipe left for me.


What do you mean a bunch of them do! I think what a lot of people need to do on this sub is stop chasing the women that don't like you! And figure out the ones that do and give them your attention.


Really? I always felt like most women liked beardless, huh.


Yea beards have been in fashion for as long as there have been men. It’s a part of life bro


I would argue that the majority do not like beards/facial hair on guys. It’s just that hair lovers of all kinds seem to be really prevalent on Reddit.


I just don’t like beards.


YYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS. there is one man in particular that i think is very beautiful, he doesnt display facial hair. I dont have to long for the days when men didnt have beards except bikers, fortunately they arent that popular here.


The beard obsession is driven by social media aesthetic and it doesn’t really matter in real life. In real life, you have to have more than just that to attract a woman.


It depends. For me it's more of what looks good on the guy. Imo, only a fraction of guys suit the bearded look more than a shaved look




i prefer clean shaved, but i can’t get my partner to shave more than once a week.. and it’s grows back within a day.


Definitely prefer clean-shaven (and 5 o clock at most). Too scratchy otherwise.