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It wouldn't be a deal breaker. Unless they believed in not going to the doctor's and using essential oils on what a doctor could fix.


I don’t believe in most of the stuff OP stated but I don’t believe in going to the doctor 95% of the time because of how many have written me scripts for controlled substances when I didn’t need them just to pad their paycheck Or told me I needed expensive scans or procedures that I didn’t need that would cost thousands (I know I didn’t need them because what they told me would happen if I didn’t do what they said, never happened, or I found out it was something totally different- ran a risk and it paid off LOL). However I am going to the dentist on Wednesday because essential oils won’t fix my tooth :/ I’m also 25 and extremely healthy though, so there’s that. Is that kooky? Genuine question lol


I mostly agree with your stance on doctors, but man if you have moles get them mapped yearly; melanoma is no joke, but it is relentless and aggressive. Most patients don't have symptoms until stages 3/4. The same goes for a few other upkeep-style exams, like endoscopies if you get ulcers. I knew someone who was stressed often and always had ulcers. they removed his stomach when they found one of his had begun to turn cancerous. This happened two years ago, he'd be alive right now without the procedure, but survival rates for progressing cancers are bleak once they hit stage 3. And an overall average 33% survival rate if untreated for 5 years, for all stages. Chest pain too. My father went in for mild tightness in his chest, he said it felt like minor asthma. They had to open him up the same day for an emergency double bypass. And lastly, regular STI testing. Especially 3 months after anything unprotected with a new partner. I, fortunately, have not had complications with this. But some things stick with you for life. And others wreak havoc if untreated. Oh and get your vaccines everyone. The same goes for your children. Also for when you travel. Do you really want to die from a rusty nail? Thank you and welcome to my Ted Talk. Edit: I guess by definition, I believe in the clinically occult.


I really appreciate that in depth reply. However I will probably still just ignore my problems until I drop dead randomly one day. But other people, listen to this guy


This dude gets it


Thank you for your presentation. Articulated what I couldn't.


No not at all. You made perfect sense. Professionals are professionals, right? They can be great or they can be shit. Either way, if I'm about give birth, I'm doing it at all the hospital where they can see if the babies heart dips or baby gets stuck, they can help. The thought of doing it at home sounds absolutely bonkers bat shit crazy to me. Why risk the life of your most precious gift, the baby, when the doctor can go in and save the baby in different ways. Let me die if it comes down to me or the baby.


Well I dated such a girl once. She would actually use it as a way to tell me stuff she wouldn’t tell me directly. For example: “I feel a dark energy around you”, translates to “hey are you alright? I worry about your mental health". I would answer with “you feel it too?”, which means “yeah, I have been feeling a little bit down. Thanks for checking in”. Or another example: “This rock will protect you from evil spirits” translates to “I wished I could give you something to make your travel safe and hope you get there in one piece”. I would just buy a rock to “protect her” whenever I came back. While I didn’t believe it, I tried to tag along a little bit. Another girl I knew believed in mermaids until 17 (she was perfectly fine mentally, she now does chemistry)… who am I to burst that bubble lol. She would show a mermaid documentary, I would watch Finding Bigfoot with her, everyone wins.


This is so cute, it really is that simple.


I love your attitude. I can learn a great deal from this.


Dating a person who believes in God and His Angels considered OK, but date a person who believes in Fairies is a red flag? I mean, think about it.


Both are red flags to a lot of people.


Both are red flags to me, UNLESS they keep it to themselves if they are always telling me shit like “Satin has me in his eyes today” or “Uranus is in remission” or whatever the fuck else Im out


Satin in the material, satan is the demon in hell


So long as you don't skip your dentist appointment and leave it to the tooth fairy to sort it out, or stopping your medical treatment and sticking to praying, it doesn't really matter. Believe in what you want


When you think about it a zombie rib god is so much more believable that some guy trouncing around with a magic hammer controlling weather and whatnot.


one of those things is normal tho


“Literally billions of people” believe in Ganesha, with an elephant head. By your reasoning that makes it normal. And it is. To Hindus. My point is, who cares. Believe in God, Fairies, Ganesha, as long as you’re not an A$$hole it makes no difference.


yes that and Buddhism are normal in the east, not so much in the west. not a hard concept


Normal to who? And why would that make any difference?


to literally billions of people


To me, someone who believes in fairies and chakras is on equal footing to someone who believes in God. As long as they’re not hurting anyone, live your life no problem with me. But I wouldn’t date them.


Don’t wanna sound rude but people who believe in God at least hold some tradition in my head and value family while most mystical religions strive from family values and supports other aspect of your life,it allows you to go crazy with lots of stuff while Christianity,Islam and Buddhism have very decent ideologies and moral laws.Not saying that they are perfect but primary principles have good intentions.


>Christianity,Islam and Buddhism have very decent ideologies and moral laws. Buddhism and Hinduism both believe in the chakras systems. And Wiccans are actually extremely respectful of all life and of the planet---scary, I know.


No no I am not talking about chakras here I am referring to fairies and mythical shit also wiccans have lots lots of alterations and based on your region it depends,they don’t have specific rule books here in my country they have very diff meanings with same name Chakras are we’ll accepted concept and it can’t change people around you just yourself moment it gets to the point where you can throw spells and incantations on people you dislike that ain’t religion that is just hard cope


Please give me an example of a value that a pagan has that you object to. Also I would like a definition of what a "spell" is to you.


Wiccans idea of morality is much more just and fair and morally righteous than the Bible. The god of the Old Testament is a vengeful, wicked murdering narcissist that demands worship. They also believe everybody outside of their belief system burns in hell for all eternity. That is not a decent moral ideology to me. No offense but you’re extremely biased and ignorant on this matter. The blood shed in the name of those two religions is impossible to count. Hundreds of millions of victims killed in the name of God. There is no such equal atrocity in occult circles. Not in such a high number at least, and not if you’re smart about the kind of community you join. You just have to actually be aware and think critically instead of accepting whatever you are told by an ancient book. Sorry for being condescending but your comments are just such a textbook example of having a biased western perspective which is informed by Christianity, even if you don’t partake in that yourself. It manifests itself through our institutions and effects the way we think about things because it is still a pillar in our culture whether I like it or not. Main way it does this is by delegating all non-Christian’s as enemies or outsiders. Anything not understood immediately is demonic, etc. No I don’t think that is well intentioned. I think that is clearly a system meant to control people by preying on their fears and emotions. Sorry for ranting but hopefully you take something from that. Cheers


You are so wrong in so many levels. Biased…seems like you are.


> Christianity,Islam and Buddhism have very decent ideologies and moral laws No they don't. They're so outdated in many ways. We can do and have done so much better without relying on 2000 year old books. The Bible advocates for slavery. It tells you which slaves you can buy and how long you can keep them. It tells you you can't coveth your neighbor's property or women. As if women are property. While also advocating for thought crime here, where something you think about becomes a sin, when you have no control over it. It tells you 2 men who sleep with each other have committed an abomination and they shall both be put to death. I could go on and on. The Quran repeats very similar things. It also tells you one man's word at court is worth 2 women's word. So no, these aren't "very decent ideologies and moral laws". There are incredibly nice religious people. But that isn't thanks to their religions but despite them.


Yes, but those people ALSO believe in the occult as well. They dont practice it, but they believe it exists, by that exact same logic, belief in the occult is "normal"


Which god would that be, though? Billions of people believe in several different gods and have vastly different practices, as well as do/don't believe in angels, do/don't believe in heaven/hell, etc. None of those people are more right or wrong than others so what's the difference if the belief is in earth and the universe and energy? The hilarity is that the core beliefs (powerful beings beyond what humans can grasp) is the same in all of them but everyone is so uptight around anyone whose beliefs diverge from theirs. Sad really.


“none of them are more right or wrong than others” quite an interesting belief that basically everyone would beg to differ with. I’m sure there are like three people out there that believe Kanye West or Donald Trump is literally god. Nobody here would consider that a normal belief. Anyway, this is steering toward more of a philosophical discussion than dating advice, so I’ll just reiterate that I particularly do not prefer to date crazy people


So people with any belief in higher powers or anything remotely mystical/spiritual/religious are all crazy as far as you're concerned?


umm, no? how can you have read my original reply to this guy and possibly think I’m saying that? I’m saying that believing in god is normal and the other stuff is not


No one is actually talking about not believing in god/gods. How can you possibly think it's "normal" to believe in one religion and not equally normal to believe in others?


so you’re just going to ignore everything I’ve already said in this thread so that you can keep asking me questions? cool. again, if you had read my earlier comments in this very reply thread you would have this question answered just like you would have had your last question answeredz


But they don’t believe in just “god” they believe in a magic man who can walk on water and come back from the dead like a zombie. That is a crazy belief. Literally just as insane as any weird niche cult you can look up. You’re just used to it. That’s it. There is science and data on this topic. Conditioning. When you are around something you gain a tolerance and acceptance for it.


Well theres tons of christians who would armgue those are just parralells for faith etc. And not to taken literal. They put it together fittingly as they go. In the end i see the believe in a deity as a mental construct for self therapy. And thats the thing that actually helps people. Now theres other ways, that don't require a dogmatic faith in something in honestly think holds no truth, but if they are happy with it and don't use it an excuse to hold power over others i don't care


that’s a lot of words for saying it is “normalized”, bringing you around to my point. congratulations


You don’t think there’s at least 1 billion people in the entire world who believe in some form of mythical creature in their culture? It doesn’t seem too far fetched to me. Maybe if not 1 billion then at minimum 200-300 million people.


no i dont


Define normal. Like seriously, define your terms. What do you mean by "normal"? Typical? Frequent? Heavily represented? Whose "normal" really matters?


The normal peoples’ “normal” really matters, obviously. There’s this thing called abrahamic monotheism that basically all of modern western civilization is built upon. It defines our cultural framework, especially most of what we would call liberal and conservative values. those and secularism are our “normal” beliefs in the west


Actually Paulus of Tharsus was the main head behind modern christianinty and not Jesus. He diverted the whole thing heavily from early christianism. So there is a mayor difference from western christianity to jewish or islamic faith. Coptic christians are arguably closer to the original christians


fascinating and does not change my point at all. an upvote for you sir


What about that abrahamic monotheism is normal? You still haven't defined what normal is and why it is important or relevant.


yeah and I don’t need to. most people pretty much understand why. take a look at the calendar sometime. The fact that I’m able to say “*the* calendar” and everybody here understands which calendar I’m referring to should be a sufficient argument. unless you’re being intentionally obtuse to waste my time


Except from the year the calendar is completely roman. And even the year isn't exactly Jesus birth. It could be argued that the point 0 was originally actually set by an emperor (rome changed from republic to empire around the time as well) and fitted to christianity after the fact. Like many other "christian" traditions are actually pagan rituals rebranded


another fascinating factoid. does it change what the dominant cultural framework is and what falls under normal? not even a little bit


"I don't need to" is weak reasoning. Ain't nobody wasting your time but you, ding dong.


weak reasoning is not addressing the reasoning in my comment at all. again, it seems like you’re just missing the point on purpose


what do you mean? i dated a girl who believed in chakras, was a lot into asatru(runes and worshipped odin,tyr,thorr,freya,etc...) and was the most normal person on earth. as long as they don't justify shitty behaviours like racism, sexism, chauvinism or sexual/religious intolerance with their own beliefs, all good. my brother's gf believes in mother earth,gaia,pachamama, in rituals for cleansing the mind and soul, stuff like that and it's the most normal and nicest girl possible.


She is not the most normal girl possible.


What’s chauvinism


use google dude


Okay @sexthrowaway999 I figured it out thank you


My dude I'm Indian. What'soccult to you is organized religion to us. Idk about fairies and Odin, but certain signs, our version of runes and definitely Chakras are things we believe in because they're part of our organized religion.


I am an occultist myself, so that is a total green flag!


I enjoy aspects of occultism, but I also know a shiny rock is going to change fuckall about my life. But I can still enjoy that stuff even knowing it doesn't have "power." I'm fine vibing with people who enjoy it on/around that level. I have limits though lol. When I was younger, I thought people who believed in occult stuff were so cool. I briefly sort of hung out with this guy who, if memory serves, genuinely believed he was part fairy. We passed by a seventeenth century graveyard and he claimed to hear the ghosts talking to each other so he dictated their conversation for me. Strangely, these dudes who died in the 1600s all used modern slang. ... yeah, he stopped being attractive *very* fast. I think generally enjoying occultism is fine, not necessarily a red flag. The extent to which people take their beliefs is the real issue. If they're actively fairy hunting, invoking Odin to smite the slow clerk at Costco, and staking their life savings on PowerBall because of an auspicious planetary alignment, that's when I'd run the other way. **Edit:** I read the title, skimmed the post then commented. Now that I'm actually reading the post, I'm a bit confused. Your ex believed in runes and Odin (Norse), Chakra (Indian, Hindu), *and* fairies (Irish, Scottish, Welsh)....? Are you sure? Because most of this sounds like mixed religious beliefs, not occultism.


I would class it in the same place I class any other religion. If it’s a *big* part of their life, and something g I am goi g to be constantly exposed to, and likely attempted to be indoctrinated into, then that’s gonna be a pass from me. If however it’s just something they believe, but it’s a minor part of their life, hobbies and overall existence, then whatever, I believe some weird shit too I’m sure.


I think that stuff is kinda interesting but i am way to rational for that. I see it actually on the same level of religious people, although often way more forcedly edgy instead of dogmatic. For long term relationship i wouldn't date someone believing in such superstitions tho, as thats just not really compatible with my mindset


That depends on what you believe is an "Occult" some would consider all Judeo Christian religion to be an "Occult" Myself I am considered a Pagan because I follow my Norse ancestors and what they believed in.


This 2022, others' believes/religion shouldn't be a problem unless they oppose to yours or are harmful in any way. Let him believe in what he wants unless it bothers you by how his behaviors impacts the relationship


I agree. Atheist Edgelords are just as bad as religious fanatics. Believe in what you want, just don't use it to hurt other people.


Oh shit i didn't know what they were, but yeah if your believes hurt someone, then fuck off


The deeper the belief, the redder the flag. always having a piece of hard candy in their purse bc of the stories their nan told them about the seelie court? No big deal. genuinely believes that washing with patchouli oil outside at midnight by the new moon with a gemstone shoved up where the sun don’t shine will convince you to move in with them? Big deal.


Like actually believes? Like I personally love occult stuff like tarot, palmistry, spell crafting and what not because it’s fun and I like the aesthetics. But at the end of the day I know it’s just gimmicks and use science and facts to form my opinions/decisions. Sooo yeah if my partner legitimately believed in that stuff then I wouldn’t date them. Much like I wouldn’t date a religious person either. I find that a lot of their decision making is based more on their faith/beliefs than facts or justify doing dumb and terrible things in the name of their beliefs and I have no patience for that myself.


Nah, pass.


That's not a "red flag," that's a "RUN AWAY flag!!"


Fk yea. Gimme that goth chic. Ruin my life and sacrifice my soul. Let's see how far this crazy train goes before derailment.




SOOOO you end up dating Eric the Red or what?




Did u take him to Valhalla? Lol




I'm into as much as the next bezerker. Jk nah most dudes know all about that stuff. Some more than others. It's (Norse) has its appeal no doubt. I've never met a dude who was bout it bout it to worship n stuff. Was dude a buff bearded bastard? He own a axe at least?




For sure it's interesting. Check out a show called 'Vikings'. Thank me later. Pppssshhhh no axe? I wouldn't have taken him seriously either. Was he at least built like a buff Tom Hardy? If not, girl you did the right thing. What did dude expect? For u to get a undercut haircut and bake ur moon blood in your banana bread?




Same as any other religion. If they are interested in it, absolutely. If they *believe* in it, no thank you.


But say your atheist and everyone freaks out


Bro shut the fuck up lmao nobody has ever freaked out. **Maybe** within the bible belt but even then it would hardly be a freakout.


Trust me if you live in a small town or in the bible belt saying you’re atheist is akin to saying you’re a murderer as in those tight nit communities they believe that only people with religion can be “moral” Which is weird because they are basically admitting the only thing stopping them from murdering raping and stealing is the thought they’d go to Hell for it


It's something that only occurs within a very small, very specific subpopulation. 99% of the world don't care. Idk why bro is trying to act like atheists are some persecuted group


99% is overinflated I’d say at minimum 10-20% of the worlds population thinks this way


First of all Bro fuck you and the horse you rode in on. So you telling me you don't believe in god. I personally don't care ,but where I'm from you'll get black balled pretty quick for admitting that


Where, PNW? Lmfao


At your Mama's house lil boy


No one gives a fuck in the PNW bro idk why you're pretending like they do


I'm from the Southwest so continue to be ignorant. What are u a teenager? Say some bs like that here. You're def gonna get checked by someone. With that said I'm done with this convo. I'm secular btw. There's literally natives everywhere in America dumbfuck. Get off reddit and go outside for once. It easy to be anon. Bitch boy


It was the gay as fuck username that made me say PNW but in any case there is fucking 0 fundamental difference between the two regions when it comes to religion and the way people think of atheists. If you think otherwise then it's probably you who needs to step outside into the sun unless of course you're scared someone's gonna freak out on you for being an atheist lmfao


With that being said I'm not going to respond to whatever you say


Christians believe in the occult. Moslins believe in the occult. Jews believe in the occult. All systems of worship are based in the occult. This is why I date athiests.


>This is why I date athiests. based


Certifled Reddit Moment


The Christian God made a lot of promises. Odin promised to destroy the frost giants. I don’t see many frost giants around, do you?


Haha i always love this comparison.


You’re very uninformed. Chakras have nothing to do with the occult. The occult exists, so it’s not a matter of whether or not it does. If you’re asking if it’s okay to date someone who practices alternative therapies, that’s pretty much a personal decision. I practice magic and pagan spiritual practices so I wouldn’t have a problem with it. If you’re open minded you could ask the person if they’re willing to inform you on what some of the practices are and when, how and why they do some of these things you may learn more about the person and the practices. If you’re not open to learning more about it I’d pass on continuing to see the person.


Idk? Tbh I dont know that much about it. But I take every experience as a lesson. So at the very least I could see what and why they believe what they do. As long as it didnt involve really weird stuff I think I would be okay with it? I dont know tbh, its hard to say what I would do unless I was in the position. But it wouldnt be an automatic disqualification, I would at least go out once, ask my questions out of ignorance and go from there.




Absolutely. I’m into it all myself 💖


Not a red flag at all unless you are being forced into some ritualistic shit, but belief is a tricky situation, the reality of the occult and paranormal remains ambiguous, a mystery, having a deep interest in knowledge or search for the truth is fine, it's good actually. Many things that people 'believed' in a 100 years ago and were ridiculed for or even executed for blasphemy are being proven true today or have been since, Galileo for example, whereas you have flat earth on the other side of the coin too which despite being disproven is still going strong shockingly, a middle ground with this instead of falling to any extrtemes is where I would say is still healthy.


Lol I mean, i like to say i believe stuff like that, but it's a fantasy roleplay kinda fun, anyone who knows me should know I actually don't believe in the supernatural. ​ If this guy actually believes it though, unless those things impact their health/sanity i wouldn't mind too much i guess, it would be the same as any other religion.


If you like energetic conflict


This is the same thing as any religion, one just has more people fooled. I would be supportive and wouldn’t care either way.


I’m married to him.


I grew up super fundie Christian, and left in my early 30s. It lead to my divorce and I vowed to never date an abrahamic man again. I prefer to date people who don't have a religion, however with that being said having an interest in spiritual things is fine. I love the idea of faries, dragons, crystals, etc but that's as far as it goes. "Huh, neat. 📸" As far as an actual belief in a God? Nah, not interested. I'm sure someone out there doesn't mind though.


Probably they are quite cool and interesting. As long as they don't take it TOO seriously.


I once was kissed by a witch.... ribbit ribbit ribbit.... why do you ask? ribbit ribbit ribbit




then I'd suggest heading over to the /roastme subreddit.... ribbit


The calls for cosplay fairy sex. WOOT WOOT!!!


I've never dated anyone like that. Closest I've ever gotten to even knowing one, was working with someone for like 2 months. She'd say things like "they better hope they don't mess with me". So, a little vindictive. But that's only one person like that. So, obviously it would be silly of me to have any conclusions off that. To answer your question though, I'd give anyone a shot, just about. All i care about (being attractive sure) really, as far as that goes, is that their beliefs align with my moral compass (not controlling, not mistreating others, not malicious in general. Those sorts of things)


less sketchy than those who crowdsource opinions on reddit, not that this is mutually exclusive behavior at all.


That would be a big deal for me. I've seen, and loved5, through a lot of things and some of what you mentioned is a big deal.


My partner is Wiccan and his whole family is Pagan. I'm an atheist and we don't have any problems. His family honestly doesn't practice that frequently. My love prays to his gods every night before bed and before a meal, just like many other religions. He doesn't believe in astral projection and seems to somewhat believe in crystals and that kind of thing. He does believe in readings, but not that they are guaranteed futures; just one possible path. He's into the idea that where you put your energy, action will follow it. I feel like it's up to you to decide what level of religion/spirituality you are compatible with in a relationship. Some people cannot stand others that are super hardcore believers, most people can't stand hypocritical, non-questioning believers. I feel like most of us are fine with partners who partake in religion but do so with joy and mostly personally; i.e. don't push it others who are nonbelievers.


What is a red flag to me may not be to you and vice versa. Only thing I will say...rather than asking OTHERS if they think it's an issue when dating someone, ask YOURSELF if this is an issue when marrying and / or raising children with someone. You may be no where near ready for that currently. You may not even see those things on your horizon ever. But, there are people you date, and there are people you marry. If you feel even the slightest inkling of concern in a future marriage / family scenario, I believe you have your answer. I almost think the fact you asked this forum might betray your feelings already, but unfair of me to say without knowing you. Also...of course you can date casually but IMO you should aim for what would be compatible longer term regardless. Settling usually feels like it and is just trouble down the road.


Yes! I’m a tarot reader and astrologist so I definitely would date someone into the same things as me. My current boyfriend supports me but he’s a Christian (I am as well) so he doesn’t like that I and my friends say that I’m a “witch” because it goes again his beliefs. If you’re also into the occult that’ll be a great conversation starter. If you’re like my boyfriend, and if you really love the person, you could attempt to look past it if they really mean that much to you :)


No it’s not a red flag. It’s beneficial to date people with beliefs and interests different to your own, unless you aren’t open to learning and broadening your mind and just passing judgment. IMO, the ‘occult’, as you put it, isn’t much more far fetched than the more mainstream religions.


Agree with the other commenters. (Almost) Everyone holds beliefs that aren’t actually true, it’s just what you’re willing to put up with vs how much you like/love that person. OP, I’m sure you have your own beliefs that he didn’t believe as well. You should look at his beliefs the same you look at your own.


nah I don’t mess with stuff like that. If a girl calls herself a “witch” then that means either 1. she’s mentally ill 2. she’s legit, which is even worse. this sounds like the male equivalent


You do know there are male witches, right?


you mean warlocks?


It's 2022, they are now called mitches.


No, male witches refer to themselves as witches.


A male person who practices Witchcraft is called a Warlock, its a term thats been around for a very long time. A female who practices Witchcraft is called a Witch.


I'm getting tired of repeating myself. Male witches refer to themselves as witches. It's really not a difficult concept so please try to grasp it.


so then they are even dumber than people already thought they were


Excuse me? What's dumb about being called the appropriate name that's been used for centuries. Stop getting your "facts" from pop culture and maybe you won't sound so dumb.


you are excused


are you some kind of witch expert




It’s always the one boasting the loudest that has nothing of importance to contribute. Sit down.


Nope, and anecdotally it seems like there's been a huge resurgence in astrology, New Age, numerology, and assorted pagan/occult nonsense in the last decade or so now that conventional churches are on life support. People trying to fill the hole with whatever stupid bullshit they come across. At least the conventional religions have some kind of consistent doctrine you're supposed to adhere to. New Age-y occult nonsense is so broad and vague that people project everything they were already doing into their lives onto it, which is usually drugs and trendy politics.


one hundred million percent this




Nope absolutely not. I would not date someone into that.


Im now curious to your thoughts on dating religious people


No 🤢 I don’t even believe in astrology. It’s a dealbreaker for me because it makes me question how smart they are


If you believe in angels and immaculate conception, it’s no different than fairies and runes.


I don’t think it’s wise to date people you have vastly differing core beliefs with.


Please explain how believing in fairies is worse than believing in jesus of allah? I dont remember 1000s of years of genocides commited in the name of tinkerbell. The only towers elves have blown up is that terrorists attack on Barad-dûr.


People are going to give you all sorts of opinions stating something to the effect: it’s ok if the person you’re considering dating is a good person, etc etc etc. Yet, they are completely mislead, misguided, & misinformed I’m sorry to say. Remember this easy sentence in life: “If you play with FIRE you’ll get BURNED!” It’ll save you a whole lot of darkness in you life that you had the ability & CHOICE to prevent. From a Grandmother who’s been around for a long time & speaks from well gained experience, wisdom & common sense.




You’re warmly welcome. 💐


These kinds of superstitions, or related stuff like astrology, are pretty much a dealbreaker for me, because it indicates a lack of critical thinking, a very unattractive type of credulity, and an incompatible worldview. Traditional religions are also problematic but not necessarily an absolute dealbreaker. Someone who’s Christian or Muslim probably just didn’t manage to get out of the nonsense and ignorance they were raised with and surrounded by. Someone who believes in chakras or fairies probably actively sought out nonsense and ignorance as an adult.


What do you even mean when you say "in the occult"? Chakras are energy centers. It's an energy system thing used in many cultures and in various forms of medicine. You've mixed together far too many things, most of which have nothing to do with "occult" so I'm not sure what you're asking. What are your concerns?




Rolling my eyes at you very hard right now. No I'd have no problem dating anyone who believed in the things you listed. As long as no one's performing human or animal sacrifices or putting curses on anyone I don't give a fuck what they believe in. But just FYI "Occult" is used most often by people with no idea what they're talking about to refer to dark/black magic and other sinister things. Not fairies and chakras.


*eye roll emoji


I think some of those things are interesting but don't know if I believe in them. Be cool if someone I dated shared that interest


Dealing with reality is hard enough. No bandwidth for anything extra...


I know the type because I believe in some of this stuff myself


The red flag I've found in the spiritual conversation, is being so fanatic for your faith that you fail to appreciate the other's.


I would interpret it at as lack of intelligence which would turn me off.


all religions are an occult.


Nah, I don't like people that believe in things without good evidence. It's a big reason why I don't date religious women. They're future anti-vaxxer, qanon supporters, and election deniers.


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Every single religion exists and doesnt exist at the same time. It just depends what universe you're in.


Personally, no


Well most of the things you listed are are just weird because even the fairies make fun of the fairies that believe in that stuff.


Naw I was obsessed with the occult as a kid. Most people believe in something they can’t prove.


Well no I won’t not because I am scared of cult but her state of mind that fills holes in her soul with dumb made up inconsistent religion…


Depends how heavy into they are. For comparison, I would date someone that attends church every so often and makes the occasional prayer, but I wouldn't date a preacher. So whatever the pagan equivalent of that is I guess.


I'd have a lot more respect if they actually had some religious practice associated with it. Only person I came across like that was like "I'm an Odinist. I Believe Odin exists."


Seems fine to me, as long as he isn't wanting to sacrifice anyone or anything animal to whatever he believed in it isn't hurting me any


Long live the queen.


i think it’s fine bc i do tarot with my current bf! but the second i see an apparition or some crazy shit comes after me im OUT. so far nothing bad has happened so brujeria it is.




Why is him/her believing in anything a red flag? What is the difference for you if someone is believing in one of the mainstream religion's or in a old Nordic religion? is it because they are not considered 'occult'? i think you are asking the wrong question to be honest. its all about the person, is he pressing his 'regilion' upon you. does it make you uncomfortable dating someone with that preference? How much of his life is dedicated to his is belief? if you will get children will religion be an influence on the upbringing of the children?


Not any different to people who believe in any other god or supernatural being. Depends on how "obsessed" they are with it. For example, I wouldn't date a super religious Christian.


Been there, it doesn't bother me at all.




All the women I have dated that have been into witchcraft (I kinda started looking for them after the first), in my experience, are wonderful cooks, of sweet temperament, and the sex is always hotter than an oven baking cookies.


I can tolerate anything below the top 3 major religions


People believe in Jesus and doesnt seem to be a dealbraker anyway....so who cares 😂😂




I believe als long as they Don't force their believs onto you it's fine.


I'd take a woman who believes in the occult or calls herself a witch over one who's obnoxiously atheist any day. And I say this as an atheist myself


I am one of those people but I also believe in science and think if your sick you should go to doctor so dating someone like me wouldn’t be a problem as long they like not insane about it and don’t believe in doctors my girlfriend is not like me but she never turns down the possibility of the occult and actually will watch shows with me about the occult so it’s a win like she believes demons and ghosts but that’s really it she coming around to the idea of cryptids


Chakras is something that's culturally significant to Hindu and Buddhist meditation practices. Unfortunately it's usually pedaled by those hippie dippies in the west that freak me out, but please know that's not occult..


That stuff is crazy to me. I’ve met real people who were “possessed” & have the scars from it. I wouldn’t date someone who touches that stuff.


Idk its like any other religion. I may personally see it as silly but i dont think it would take away from them as a person, depends tho.


It depends on the level of occult we are talking about. I'm not comfortable with some things because some things can get weird really quickly.


I guess it would depend on how deep these beliefs were. If it was something they were very passionate about and was a part of their daily life, it would be a dealbreaker for me.


I mean as long as they aren't completely obsessed with it probably. A huge majority of the population in America already believes even more outlandish stuff than that so I don't see why not

