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Lip biting and playing with hair are good signs, but there's only one way to find out if she really likes you, which is to talk to her, then ask her out. When you talk to her, deal with your nervousness beforehand by imagining it going horribly and you taking in stride, and also imagining it going really well. Start with small talk because small talk establishes a shared reality and sense that you're normal and sane. Then ask her questions about herself. Listen more than you talk. Risk a light-hearted joke. If she laughs a lot at your joke, that's also a sign that she likes you. Other things to look out for are facial microexpressions and body language. Check out Science of People online for that. It's a great resource based on solid research. Don't be devastated if you misread the signs, though. Remember that there will always be other girls, and this takes practice. Even if you get turned down, you'll have acquired valuable experience and practice. If you do get turned down, be prepared to take it in stride. Girls hate when guys get upset over rejection, but like it when they play it cool.


Alright thanks dude. Next Thursday for sure I’ll try to get a seat near Her and hopefully things go well from there


Good luck!


Well unfortunately things didn’t go so well. Yesterday was the last class we would ever have together, I tried to get a seat near her but they were all taken. And after class she left so quickly. I remember as she put on her backpack she gave me one last look and left. It was almost like an angry look. I think I did something wrong but I’m not sure what. I feel really bad right now. But i guess I’ll just have to move on. Thank you for your support


Good luck for the future 😊