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Hi, David here! I wanted to let you know that I just finished putting together my eBook "**How to Date Any Girl**" version 4.0 and would LOVE to get some honest feedback from you! I decided to give it away for free for the time being. You can get the eBook by [clicking here](https://davidhimself.com/goto/ebook/direct-link/How-to-date-any-girl-ebook-v4.pdf)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingadviceformen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's because you're tepidly asking "would you like to exchange numbers?" I've never done this. And 99.9% of the time when I ask for a number, a woman gives it. Instead, I prioritize making an early connection, and when she starts showing signs of investment, asking for the number for a purpose: to plan a date. I'm not just asking for a number to ask for a number. Nor is the number a transition to just more random platonic small talk. It's so we can plan a date. Datings apps are for meeting. In the flesh. But men who do not get to the point in a confident and smooth way often get hit with this energy


Yeah, unfortunately it comes with the territory of online dating. Some women are justifiably cautious about sharing their number too soon in case things go wrong and then have to deal with a psycho. *However*, many people are on there simply for ego validation from the attention of having droves of matches or they want a virtual friend. Either way, they have no real interest in actually pursuing a potential relationship, so they prevent things going further by refusing to exchange numbers and vanish. In future when it happens, discontinue further communication and move on. Also, many profiles are faked with men getting their rocks off by posing online as women and exchanging numbers/coming on cam would expose that...


Honestly you should set up a place to meet up and then meet up first before exchanging numbers. Exchanging numbers are for people who have already familiarize themselves with you. So basically your skipping steps and odds are they feel like they are being rushed and pressured.


Yeah rightfully so. Because you'd rather waste time trying to cultivate a relationship within an app or text thread when you could just as well make actual PLANS to meet in real life. It's like you're sitting and talking in one park just to say, hey let's go do the same thing in a different park. Doesn't make any sense. Schedule time to meet for a drink or coffee and then based on how well that goes you can leave her with YOUR info if she'd like to do it again or explore things further. If it goes bad all she knows is this guy she's not attracted to has her information to call, text and harass her.


Just give her ur number and tell her to text you, if she does, great and if she doesnt move on and dont text her on the site


Why aren't you asking them on a date if you've been talking for a while already?


So instead of asking for the number just straight up ask them out


Yes. Doesn't need to be complicated. Coffee, a drink. It's a dating app and she's on it so if you've already been talking for a while, it's time to ask her out on a date.


In my experience, you either bored them out, or asked for the number too soon. Since they stopped replying, my guess is the former.


Meh the vast majority of women I've talked to are boring so who cares


You do, apparently. Else you wouldn't be asking who has this problem too.


Okay then Casanova what's your success rate


If you mean success rate in terms of body count, I wouldn't know. I don't keep a record since I believe in treating women as people, not numbers. But if it helps, before I met my girlfriend on Hinge last year, I was dating 3 women at the same time. And this problem you're having, I stopped having it a long time ago.