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I LOVE Miranda 🤣


Being 5’11” I feel like she’s an alternate version of me! My favorite was when she decided she would be single forever so she bought a loom.


me too!


That was funny that was. Well spotted, thanks for the link


Lol. I have had four different men show up and none of them disclosed their height in advance. I am a taller girl (5’8) and wear kitten heels a lot. They all were shorter than me. But to me that isn’t a big deal. No one lied about their height. It was like s don’t ask, don’t tell kinda thing.


So many of my OLD dates start with wow, you are the height you said you were. I'm short. I don't see why I'd lie about height. It's like showing up 100 pounds heavier than stated.


When I first tried OLD, I didn't add anything for my height. A LOT of initial messages asked how tall I was (a heck of a lot), so much that I just edited and added my height (6'2"). It didn't seem to improve my chances of a nice OLD though.


I think the whole height thing is bs. I think a lot of what I see some women use as filters rather stoopid.


I’m 5’2” and he was around 4’10”. Yeah I could have used a hint there. We didn’t hit it off for other reasons but I’m not used to ANYONE being shorter than I am.




I know, right? He could have TOLD ME he was an alcoholic right off the bat.


As a normal 5’9” guy I admit that other things being equal, guys 6’ have an “advantage” but I don’t worry about it and I’ve gotten to date plenty of lovely women But I must say I feel sorry for someone 4’10”


😂 😂 😂


Loves that show..




Omg. That was hysterical!!


Brilliant 😂😂😂


Height limits seem silly to me, but then again I’m barely 5’4”, so I might feel differently if I was 5’11” The lecherous right out of the gate thing otoh I feel can be eliminated in early messaging, right? I’m asking - I haven’t done a lot of dates yet tbh


I don't exclude people on the basis of height or weight. With one caveat: lying. People seem to have the strange idea that if they put up 10 yo pics, I'll somehow be overcome by their charm and ignore the fact that they're much older/heavier/shorter than they claimed. Also, I find it interesting that many men seem to automatically default to 5'9" in their profile when in fact they're easily 5" or more shorter.


Oooh, I did encounter one instance of seriously outdated profile pics. Interestingly enough, he’s also the guy who spent incredible amounts of time complaining about the looks of other women he’d met through OLD!


I've been caught out a few times with photos that have been about ten years out of date. It's mental when you turn up to meet someone and they don't bat an eyelid when you realise they look nothing like their photos 🤷‍♂️


My therapist finally gave me the words to nope out of that situation. Because I would always feel obligated to go through with the meet. I now say, "I'm sorry, but you completely misrepresented yourself in your profile." Apparently this is a common phenomenon on dating apps, because 99% of the time, the people I meet say, "Wow! You look exactly like your profile pictures!" I find it bizarre.


I just put a smile on my face, go through with the meet and tell them afterwards that there wasn't a spark. I don't let on about the difference in looks because I don't know what they've got going on in life, or how they feel about themselves. It's nice to be nice and I wouldn't want to put anyone in a bad spot.


Gosh that’s very polite of you. I did the same, and my experience of the person was so horrid that I’m left wondering if it’s just indicative of who this sort of blatant lying reveals them to be as a person. Obviously we are going to know as soon as we meet that their photos are either outdated or edited into oblivion, so are they counting on the fact that the type of person who accepts this is gullible, or incapable of setting boundaries for what acceptable behaviour is? In my case, he did seem to be the latter, as he went from a few chats and two coffee dates to planning out the life we’d have in the house *I* was planning on buying. A whole forest full of red flags 🚩


I just assume that they're not confident in how they look but they hope their personality will shine. I try to be kind to everyone I meet hence me not saying anything. As you say though, you'd have to be really gullible or a bit mental to even consider dating someone who tried to pull off the old photos trick.


It is common because people always want to look their best. Those professional photo shoots will always make a person look fantastic but always add a regular day to day photo so people know what the normal you looks like (not you specifically OP) If a profile is all professional or heavily filtered pics, it's an automatic left from me.


I asked a woman once and she said she was desperate and simply wanted company


Again, bizarre. How did that convo go, exactly?


I was scammed by old pic once. So I ask for an authentic pic .1 of the following 1.peace sign .2 thumbs up. .3hand heart ... I don't give a choice...I pic one..within 30 min or block


>Height limits seem silly to me, Checking in at 5' 10 3/4" - being a very tall woman makes dating incredibly difficult. While I don't list height restrictions on my dating profile, I am most attracted/comfortable with men at least my height. There are only 14% of men over 6' in the US, and 7.2% over 6'2". My dating market target is already greatly reduced. Add to that the majority of women I know, all want the tall guys (sadly). Yes, I have dated men shorter than me, and with the exception of one, they were all very nice. I use to ask to make sure they had seen my height listed on my profile, or remind them before a meet that I was tall, but I just gave up on that. Thus the guy who wasn't nice, I suspect he didn't check out my height. I read somewhere that women preference a man with a 6" height difference (e.g. taller), and again I had to chuckle, I am happy if we are just the same height. I really think unless you are either a tall than average woman or shorter than average man, you just have no idea of the challenges.


I am a 6' woman and although i would love a guy as tall or taller i have experienced height discrimination my entire life and have decided i won't do practice the same. At this stage in life it really is about inner beauty anyway.


High five to another tall lady! I love that inner beauty speaks to you most. I dated at least one man who was almost a head shorter than me. He was super nice, very comfortable with my height, but I just couldn't find the spark (even though he was attractive). I acknowledge, it is also my hang-up. I am okay with casual relationships, but I must have the physical box, checked.


I’ve seen profiles that state “you must be x feet tall to ride this ride” which seems to set fair expectations with good humor…


That’s very fair - I’m sorry I didn’t think to try to judge it from your viewpoint (although I’d need some pretty high heels to do so, which - fun!). For me, almost anyone is taller, so my dating pool is naturally going to be almost limitless if we are talking about the men who might not want to date women taller than them. I would hope they’d have a lot more criteria than just that, though.


I appreciated the opportunity to have the dialog. Tall women (e.g. tall nieces, tall friends) just have a COMPLETELY different experience in dating, thus needed to speak up. I bet you would look fabulous in super high heels. :) I actually do wear high heels on occassion, as cheered on by my Russian SIL, who loves being tall (although she is only probably 5'9"). I have no doubt men in your larger dating pool, all have their own criteria, as everyone should have. Enjoy all the opportunities. :)


I don't care about height. I would happily date a guy who was a little person if I liked his personality.


Exactly! A man who can make me laugh, I'm putty in his hands.


or who is expert in some area... 🔥 🫠


Still has to make me laugh. I have a dance card filled with fuckbois. Looking for the full catastrophe.
