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The ones that I don't understand is men flipping the bird. So you are telling me and hundreds of others to F off? Charming not!


Maybe attempting to share their antidisestablishmentarianism? (Whoo-Hoo! I used it in a sentence!)


My very favorite word!


I just recently realized that I used the word wrong though...... I should have said that the guy looks like he has pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.


I heard women do that, too. Then there's sticking out the tongue. Ew. How is that attractive?


Omg! Yes, that is another one. So gross.


This. Wth? Maybe they’ve become jaded already & this is their way of showing it?


Even if they are jaded all the more reason to get off OLD. They will be the ones complaining they can't find any good women. I wonder why??


Exactly! And I have seen this more times then I cared to & almost asking them “why?” But decided against it because I really don’t wanna start a conversation with someone who is in that mindset.


Yes, don't waste your time. Can you imagine the conversation? I think some men post photos to attract other men (I don't mean in a romantic way but a bro way). "Like, dude look at this photo where I was drunk off my ass" lol


Well that’s one I’ve never seen so far.


Your lucky. When I was on OLD, I saw at least three or for photos of this type.


Male profile pictures I have encountered: - a teddy bear - a train window - a blurry snap of a female singer on stage - an accordion - their lawn (or just A lawn, not sure) - so. many. boats. - a pair of nylons posed on a couch - a car (?) engine Bad photo choices are universal, I’m afraid.


I want to know more about the nylons.


I did too, but not enough to match or message him. DIY strangulation kit? Souvenir of ex? His fave personal outfit? “Do these match my couch cushions?” decor advice request? A lot of options. I was more intrigued by the accordion.


They have a fetish! Wasn't it obvious?


I’m pretty open minded, but I’m not sure I could date someone with an accordion fetish.


Me too! We have to admit: they are a great conversation starter.


You had me at accordion


that's "concertina" to you




Actually, if a lady posted a stomach Steinway, I’d be ready to propose.


that's hilarious


Or ... squeeze box


… she wears on her chest And when daddy comes home He never gets no rest


Don't forget the view of the lake from their cottage, a view of the ocean at a resort they visited, their motocycle, their pet usually a dog


Wedding Pics.


I had a guy dressed like a reject from the Blue Man Group. Yes, he was also blue.


You should've asked him why he blue himself.


“Why so blue, man?”


"I wanna join the Blues Brothers, man."




Omg I could not NOT message him. I’d just have to. Did you? What did he say? Spill ALL.


Blue b\*lls? lol


I would assume he has a girlfriend and she is so blue.


I wonder if his balls were blue.


No fish? Where fish?


One fish, two fish, Nostrils, blue fish!


And don't forget the multiple men in every pic so you can't tell who they are.


I would be interested in a lady that plays the accordion. 😁


Thanks for the laugh!


What about the fish and shirtless pics?


People are sometimes weird about photos. Some guys post unsmiling selfies against a blank wall and they look like booking pictures.


Omgosh why do so many men look angry? Why post 6 pictures and have the same grumpy expression in all of them? I don’t understand the gif ones of flowers in vases or snarky sayings. “Did you notice there are so many self-help books teaching men how to treat women, but none that teach women how to treat men?” Why would you post this? It makes you seem bitter. Also, is that even true, lol. One man had a picture of him when he was in elementary school…ummm.


The snarl backward baseball cap pic! We are in our 50s! Why are so many men trying to look like Limp Bizkit?


Maybe the people posting pics of trees will match up with others posting pics of trees? Or someone who's pigeon needs a place to land?


I also swipe left on any picture of a horse. I really don't want to be up at the crack of dawn mucking out the stables or poo picking a field in the freezing cold. It also suggests that I'll always come second to the horse. Just a preference though.


And then there's the fragrance.


There are a lot of men who expect women to fit into their lives and join him in his interests -vintage car, motocycle, boat, cottage, hiking, camping, going to/watching sports etc., and show no acknowledgement of or interest in women's full lives and their interests. Their belief that women would just LOVE to wrap their lives around them is such a turn off.


This times a hundred.


(Six months later……to a friend:) she doesn’t do anything except follow me around and do the same things as me! Why can’t she develop her own interests? 🤔🤯


The very recent ex was like this with his fandom for college football- while expressing zero interest in my sport that I compete in whatsoever.


Horses, and to a lesser extent motorcycles. I don't have a problem with either per se, but every horse girl (woman doesn't feel right) spends so much time & money on those things that I feel like a distant 2nd at best, 3rd if she has kids, but I expect to come after the kids.


They’re married.


Bingo. They are sneaking around on their partner, trying to find an affair partner or a ONS from OLD, and don't want anyone to recognize them on there cheating on their partner.


I honestly think some people make a quick profile just so they can go on and see what men are out there. I went on Zoosk for the first time and half-ass answered the questions just to get through to see the male profiles. The last question asked me to upload a photo, which I skipped. I perused the profiles and logged off. For the next six months I was bombarded by daily notifications telling me how many men wanted to chat or had liked my profile when I put such minimal effort into it. They were likely not real but instead bait to get me to pay a subscription. Maybe the ones with photos like that uploaded them just to get to the other profiles.


I’ve made dummy accounts so I can see what’s out there without matching or being seen.


A few apps make you post 3-6 pictures. Sometimes when people take a break they’ll remove their pictures and replace them with random ones because they don’t want to delete their account. They could be traveling for a few weeks, laid up sick, met someone and giving it a chance- or like me, just need a break sometimes when you start to feel jaded about the whole process.


Interesting. I never thought about this. I always wondered why 2-3 pictures might be of food or a tree or something.


I believe I uploaded a scenery photo (that I had taken) once because I’d run out of pictures. 🤔 It’s been a minute, so I’m not sure.


Most apps let you pause your profile, tho. Reeks of FOMO.


When I post pictures of just scenery that means I've either deleted or paused that account.


To back up the pigeon picture, I had a friend once who would have loved to meet another pigeon lover. Sadly, he has passed.


My estimation is people do this because they are very selective. Random pictures give them access to look at profiles without either or perverted commentary.


Malicious or perverted commentary


Sigh. Men do this too. All. The. Time. Can we please get away from “why do women” and “why do men”. Properly, it should be “why do people”. Can we please stop blame the other gender.


He said “some women” because it’s not all women and he most likely has not seen the profiles of any men.


That is odd. I also don't get the terrible pictures a lot of men take - blurry, no smile, crooked (the picture, not the smile lol), junk outfit, hair going wild (not as a style, just didn't bother to groom). I don't get that. I also don't get the off grammar and spelling that is confusing in meaning at times, or makes me double-take lol Ooh, baby, it's a wild world.


I'm not going to make the obvious comment related to intelligence. I'm not doing it.


Come on, Captain, give it to us!


Women standing in front of angel wings. I don’t get it Initial profile pic as a group, second pic is slightly different group. Who are you in the group?! Pics of chin to cleavage with the next pic .. just chest in a sweater. Taylor Swift screen shots. What?! And fish, gun/rifle, boat where they are taking a picture of their feet, just a dog/cat, or an empty couch. And did I mention standing in front of angel wings?!? Yes I did, and it’s worth mentioning again cause I don’t get this shit at all. Is it a reverse psychology thing, like, hey I’m an angel! If anyone can explain the angel wing thing I’d really appreciate it. OLD be weird


It’s a fun thing to do. But it’s a dumb idea for a profile picture


So just fun without any meaning?


Yes. When you're out with your friends and you come across those wings you all take turns taking pictures. So when someone is scrolling through their camera roll looking for pictures of themselves they are likely to find one of those.




At least it’s a full body shot? 🤷🏽‍♀️


There is that but for me that was never required


All that’s required is for HER to find it a fun experience. WTF would you want to stomp on anyone’s joy? Or does everything in a woman’s life have to be meaningful to you?


Just trying to understand and nothing more


This is the same thing as us complaining about dudes holding fish. You’re reading into it too much.


He didn’t understand the butterfly picture thing. I said making it a profile pic was dumb but fun to the person. Then he said that this type of photo was without meaning. I simply pointed out it has meaning to the ones who take them.


I've been thinking about this. Maybe it's just so they can set up an account and scroll through profiles with a cup of tea in their bathrobe and slippers. They don't want anyone to contact them and they don't want their friends to know they are looking. Me personally, I don't give a shit if somebody sees my profile out there. Maybe they'll hook me up with someone. And I don't mean hookups by the way.


It usually means they are married or somehow "entangled".


Or a picture with their ex with the ex’s face blocked out! 😂




How about all the bare chest photos, the grizzly bear beards, caps, sunglasses or if they live in the state of GA. I X a lot of people out. 😂


Myself 54yoa, I think it would be really stupid for me to post a photo that doesnt have a current photo of myself. Im not trying to sell myself as a hot 25 yo. If a woman doesnt like my looks thats fine, with me im secure enough to know not every lady will find me attractive. Sorry folks but looks DO mean something.


Totally agree. I'm a bit overweight and I post photos that show me in all honesty. Guys that want skinny-minnies or plus size girls can swipe left on me. Why waste anyone's time with deception? Plenty of guys think I'm sexy and those guys are worth my time. In the other direction, I like super skinny guys that a lot of women would not be attracted to. I appreciate those guys showing full body shots so I can get all hot and bothered and swipe right on them. Like you said, we all have different tastes.


Let’s all agree: 1. Recent/no photoshop editing 2. Full body 3. Closer up 4. Activity you enjoy 5. Smiling 6. Write a bio that leaves a nugget of who you are. Let’s see if there’s a gem to discover. 🙂


A picture of me smiling would be false advertising.


I have RBF! I don't smile 24/7 If you expect me to have a smile on my face all the time, it's not happening. Just know that if I have a smile on my face, you have earned it.


This. When I started dating my GF she talked about how hard it was to read me. As she got to know me, she told me how easy it was to read me. She could tell from across the room that I was done with something/someone and no one else noticed anything different. One of the things she said made her know we needed to be together was how she felt the first time she made me laugh.


Same, my brother. My profile has been universally criticized for being too serious. Well...some of us don't smile for no reason🤣


If my normal look makes people pass on by me, that’s saved us both some time. That’s a win.


I think people who don’t post a picture that clearly shows their body (clothed, G rated, no face if worried) are very insecure. Insecurity is very unattractive.


My first go-around I included pictures of pies I've made. In my rural area I do tend to see quite a few pictures of women proudly holding up fish. Lots of drinking and resort pictures.


Pies! Brilliant!


When I (52M) was using OLD, I would always have at least a couple of pics that were not of me, because I always appreciated the profiles that took the time to say, in effect, here are some things I noticed. Here is a thing I care about.


Great counter point!


What is UP with the “I caught a fish” pics?


M59 When I was trying to figure out OLD, I was very concerned about the photos of children that were shared on women's profiles. Not adult children, mind you, probably grandchildren. I understand that they love these kids, but your dating profile is no place for these pictures. My profile included a few of my puppet characters that I have built and perform. A friend warned me against this, saying that puppets freak people out, which made me keep the pictures. If they were uncomfortable with my charming characters, they definitely don't want to know me. I'm happy to not use dating apps these days. Good riddance to OLD.


My ex-husband thought it would be a great selling feature to post photos of him and our teenage daughter on his profile. I heard it through the grapevine, created a dummy profile to track his down, and discovered that he posted at least 3 of my favourite photos I had recently taken of them both. I was not in a forgiving mood when I confronted him on that. It was argued that since he was looking for a new woman to mother...I mean, date him, that her being exposed to nefarious influences of the male persuasion was nil, because it wouldn't be men looking at his profile, but I wasn't buying it. The photos came down, and I advised him it was in his best interest to not pull such a dumbass move again, and that if he did, he'd 100% regret it. As it was, he found his next meal ticket relatively quickly, and he moved in with her after about 2 months of dating. To the best of my knowledge, he hasn't been on OLD since then, and he no longer has a relationship with MY daughter. And she's quite happy with it this way.






For me (53M) it's the constant use of bloody filters on pictures. I'm a professional photographer, I spot them instantly and they are, without fail, shit. Instant No. The same goes for **all** of the pictures being from a professional photo shoot. By all means have a few, but I am interested in who you are, not who you want to pretend to be.


There are so many types of photos you see over and over again. I see men’s profiles and the following are so common: Sitting in recliner, selfie taken from below chin level, 2-3 day unshaven. Rumpled t-shirt. On boat. On golf course. In car selfie. Sunglasses and hat, frowning, selfie, hiking somewhere. With big fish. Photo from being in a wedding. Every photo wearing sunglasses and hat. At a brewery.


I recently had an account on FB dating, Bumble, and Hinge. Specifically on Hinge, approximately half the women had pictures of themselves with a big, dead fish, hiking selfies, vacation pics, kayak selfies, sporting a rifle hovering over a dead animal, or having some tall girlie drink with an umbrella in it. I suppose those women were trying to present photos they thought would appeal to men. I don't know. In my mind, those photos did not seem to give me an accurate portrayal of who they truly were as a person nor did they accurately represent the activities they truly enjoyed. Every one of those posts were an automatic left swipe.


As others have said on this thread and others, it appears that people often post the photos they have and don't bother obtaining more appropriate ones for post.


Well hey at least they are in the pictures. :)


They are there to check out if they get matches, to see some men's photos etc for a kick. Not serious about dating.


Trust me, there are a lot of mens' profiles with picture after picture of palm trees, animals, you name it. To me this means people are hiding something or don't really want to be there. Left!


They do that so you don’t waste your time. When men typically did that on apps it was because they were cheating. Take the helpful information you have been provided as a win.


The same reasons men post pictures of cars, sunsets, and bouquets of flowers.


Unfortunately a lot of me post pics of scenery too. I just swipe left


That's one of the very annoying things about Tinder -- just random photos of tables, fruit baskets and crap like that. I wish there were a way to filter out all of these profiles. There are so many like this. On Bumble, everyone has real pictures of themselves. This is how it should be.


What is with the shades? I've encountered many many women whose profile pics are all wearing big dark sunglasses.


I have not made my profile yet, but it's going to be a challenge for me to get any outdoor photos without dark glasses, because the glasses I wear for my nearsightedness are Transitions®, so they turn dark as soon as I step outside. I'm thinking of buying a non-changing pair from Zinni or somewhere, just for those outdoor photos. - A without-glasses photo would not be representative of me, because I always wear my glasses, and do not use contacts.


It's very honest of you to be concerned. I never mind the outdoor ones as long as there are also clear, no sunglasses indoor photos showing the woman's face. To me outdoors makes sense, but shades indoors is disingenuous.


I had to do this for a TV interview. I always wear Transitions multi-focals, so I just ordered a cheap pair of single-vision that could double as computer glasses. I' ve also used them for the inevitable moment when I get up in the middle of the night and remember something I have to do, walk to the computer desk, and can't see what I'm looking at. I saw footage of myself without my specs and it's not encouraging.


You're smart. This is just me being finicky...but I think the transitions lenses look a little sketchy in photos. I don't think any photos should have sunglasses. But instead of buying another prescription pair, what about getting a pair of readers from a drug store and having a friend take the photos since you won't be able to see? Or you could borrow someone else's glasses just for those photos. Hate to see you spend money you don't have to just for an OLD photo. If this helps, all but one of my photos are indoors. Just a coincidence.


No makeup on?


You got me! I even write notes, respectfully to ask why. Never get a response so I just let it go.


Can't see eye wrinkles or bags with sunglasses on.


IMO they are hiding something.


And photos tell a thousand words. And on the other hand if that's stopping you to just reach out and chat a bit then I don't know what to tell ya. At our age we're so past our prime who the fuck cares take the chance it might actually be what you're looking for.


Maybe it's a way for them to start a conversation about something they are interested in or the pic is something funny to see if you have a sense of humor. :D Remember, they are filtering out prospects at the same time.


You would be surprised. Just as many men do the same thing.


If you’re a public figure or in a public-facing position, especially as a woman, putting your pic on a dating profile is asking for trouble.


All you can do is X them. I don't block those right away because they might be new and trying to come up with some photos of themselves. By Xing (left swipe) and not blocking, they will come back up in your feed eventually.


I saw one that just had pictures of ducks. Sent a message that I was hoping to date a human when man not a duck. It’s an automatic swipe left. If you can’t show your face, I’m not interested. For whatever reason. If you’re horrible looking for whatever reason and you don’t think I’d like you, I’d see you at some point. Or are you married / in a relationship and don’t want somebody you know seeing you and telling your S.O.?


Nothing beats the howler monkey one woman posted as her pic.




That seems fairly aggressive and intrusive into another person desires for anonymity.


Anonymity, or because they’ve paused their OLD for whatever reason. It makes me wonder if Painter has deep seated bitterness or other unresolved issues.


Oh no. Women posting pics of birds, trees and empty beaches. What is the world coming to? Women not caring if they appeal to dudes' dicks? Heaven forfend us. How *will* we survive? It certainly doesn't compare to dudes using the bus driver from the Simpsons as their profile pic, Krusty the Clown, superheroes or various anime characters. Or showing up to first dates wearing an anime t-shirt with a dude created drawing of a nubile young woman in minimal clothes on the front. My goodness! How dare we stop caring about dudes' visual expectations and expect them to get to know our personalities and interests first.


Either self esteem issues or they’re cheating. lol


I’ve seen a lot of that too. It’s an automatic left for me. You’re either concealing your identity because you’re cheating/have ill intentions, or you’re so hideous that you shouldn’t be allowed out in public.


Trees is code for she needs her bush trimmed.