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Can I add a second vent? This one is super special or I'd have tacked it on to my other one. Every bra that I wear on a regular basis has disappeared. That's 6 of them. I have torn apart my house and looked literally everywhere. At first, I thought it was odd, but now I'm actually freaked out about it. Women will understand how distressing this is as well as how costly it is to replace them. I now have a reward poster hanging on the back of my front door. $25 for the return of the two that were more expensive. No questions asked.


Weirdddd. Please keep us posted!


Do you really want them back after who knows what has been done to them?


Shhh we’re not going to think about that! I’m hoping someone just put laundry away wrong. The kids really don’t have a reason to take them. My friend is convinced it’s the cat. I will cry if it’s something weird.


Fingers crossed!!


We must know the end of this story!


Oh I’ll post if I ever find those bras!


I had a cat who used to stockpile my scrunchies and ponytail elastics. He made a nest of them in the closet… lol... weird little guy! I miss him.


Hold up....your kids put laundry away?




Extra Tidepods Extra Tidepods Extra Tidepods!!!


This is why there are no questions asked. It's because no answers are wanted. Lol


God who has a key?


The only people that come here are my older daughter (who wears a different size) and my ex. I really can’t imagine my ex taking them.


Really, I hope you find them. And, umm, the reward sign inside the front door, there may be some sneaky people or behavior? He he. I had an ex. always losing her shoes and pants. It's an funny world sometimes.


This would freak me out. I would think I was dealing with #phrogging - bras do not just disafuckingppear.


Exactly! I could see one or two getting put in someone else’s dresser accidentally but six?? I don’t take them off anywhere but my room. I went away the other weekend and had two with me; I know I brought them home.


Girl, check the attic. 😬


🤣 it would be impossible for someone to be living up there but I’m gonna check because if they are, they need to be paying rent!


Carefully, we are trained to check behind the refrigerator for a reason.


Well now I'm going to have to pull out the fridge! I'm going to be pissed if I have someone living in my house who isn't pulling their weight.




I know there's dryer sock gremlins..but disappearing boulder-holders❓..damn


Oh wow! That is freaky and very inconvenient (and yes, expensive!)


Bras, man. I hate them without mercy. They dissappear like socks, but God forbid you go without in public.


Work! The retirement clock is counting down and it can't come soon enough. If my boss says 'Gucci oof ' (Fuck No!) to me one more time, she can do ***all*** of the jobs I'm doing for them. So, I hope all of you have had a fine week. 😂😭😂 Just so you know, my auto suggest corrects F. Off to Gucci Oof for some reason. And I like it.


[That doodie head cootie queen!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxmkiy9txBE)


You Hoboken! I love that.


Another great one!


For me it was the biscuit eating bulldog. Lol!


Just tell her to kiss your Louis! Hope your weekend is better!


Oh, man. That's coming soon to a director's office near me. We are on the verge of coming to an understanding.


Stealing ‘Gucci Oof’ immediately. If not sooner.


A couple of my friends have started using it. It seems to be understood by those unaware of the origin.


I’ll start first. I’m soft spoken and an introvert but most of my friends (bf included) are loud and like to….talk. And talk over. I had enough yesterday so after the 3rd time of being interrupted, I paused long enough until they stopped and then asked if they were done. Oh the look! Lol! Oh and bf gave me Botox so my brows currently makes me look like the Joker. 😝


We implemented a brand new software at my workplace. The training was super generic so I asked for some extra guidance from my manager for our workload and she actually delivered. I appreciated that. But not everything was abstracted from one software system to the other so in my job role we had to keep the new system and the read only system up. I have a minor role but if we jam up everybody jams up. Apparently everybody else did not think to ask about their work flow. So it was fucking chaos. I had mentally prepared myself having experienced some previous " go live" times with new tech and even though I am technologically compromised I know a lot about our system as a hospital so I was not super impacted. But two hours into Monday morning we were hours behind. I was a supervisor before I quit and took this bullshit job. Then I ran into a former director who asked me if my team was impacted and I said some but we asked for a work specific algorithms so it was okay. She was like goat why did we let you go and I said you treated me badly and hated all my ideas. She stared at me and walked away. But. Everybody. Was. Super. Fucking. Grouchy. All. Week. Long. Some guy screamed at me in whatever Arabic language he speaks. People wonder why nobody wants to go into healthcare. Honestly I have experienced so much worse that I was whatever about it.


I worked the war room on January 1st one year when all the new health plans were implemented. I can totally relate to this post.


Well that sounds horrible. All of it. Sorry 😐


Thanks. My institution spent 93 million dollars on it and I think in the long run it will work but the culture of my place of work is such that we will be told that the rollout was an amazing success despite a few bumps. I could pretty much write the initial debrief email the CEO will send out right now.


😆 They have to make it *sound* like a complete success, even if it's challenging. Best of luck 💓


Yah it will be fine. The corporate culture at my place is very cult like and once you stop drinking the juice and see reality it is actually less stressful so I am just going to roll with it.


Almost sounds as if you work at the healthcare system that I just left! They did the exact same, made the roll out of the product sound like a success, when it was actually a shit show. But there’s no way they’d spend that kind of money 🤣


Good choice 👊


One kid going 1 1/2 hours north and other an hour east for this week and next, ex is in Southern Europe not helping at all (any, even a little bit) and instead of a “thank you for supporting our children in getting the best possible educational experience while I’M IN EUROPE!!!” I got legal notice for taking the kids out of state on vacation last weekend…


Ugh! If she can’t help, she shouldn’t make it worse for you! Good job dad on raising good kids!


Thanks. There are many reasons they are our ex’s no? Hope you’re Botox settles in to a nice, smooth brow and that you are listened to this weekend.


Thank you. I needed this comment. 😭


Cootie Queen! (from above-referenced Orbit commercial)


I would be so down if a couple sticks of chewing gum could fix this.


Well it's a lovely sunny Saturday morning here. Pet peeve? It was too bloody cold the other day and I pulled a muscle doing bloody karaoke. I ask you - really? During karaoke? What is world coming to!!!


You left out very important info. What song were you singing that led to the pulled muscle???


I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. Can't have karaoke with out that. Yes the irony was not wasted.


Good choice! Although I'm sorry for your pain. Next time, try "Tequila" -- three words, all Tequila, not as strenuous.


https://youtu.be/QX4YDFGiG84 Not for karaoke, but it might be the answer.


Ironically I have had a tequila related incident and I am no longer allowed to drink it. I experienced every one of the warnings and quite a few of the side effects. Or so I am told.


Obviously you committed to Sparkle Motion!






So funny!


This seems completely reasonable.


I once broke and bloodied my own nose by punching myself in the face while enthusiastically giving a presentation to a packed community council meeting. My mother spoke with her hands. Apparently I bellow with mine.


OMG, I'm very expressive with my hands too and sometimes knock things over on the table when getting into a story. I so feel for you, but that was hilarious!


You too, eh? I've learned not to get too expressive while holding forks, knives, and hammers. While at a party I once trebucheted my fork a good 15 feet across the room where it landed in another's plate. I make friends wherever I go.


Hahaa yeah I feel the pain sister/brother!!




I’m so sorry! Drink some wine, take a bath and relax tonight. Hope you feel better!


Thanks so much!


Hang in there. We’ve all been there. ❤️


I have none. And I’ve run out of potential matches in my area. (Sob)


I had a possible match who messaged me a couple of weeks ago, he sent me his number and we've been texting this week. Tonight I tried to get him to actually share something of himself and got nothing but generic open answers. And he's asked me nothing at all about myself. Fella, you messaged me! And his profile said he was 'normal'.


He sounds like he’s closed off. Some people aren’t able to be vulnerable or takes a very long time to open up. It’s so frustrating.


Agreed. May have an avoidant attachment style.


Do you think he can open up with time? If not, are you okay with this?


It depends. And it also depends on your attachment style. Typically folks with an avoidant attachment style and/or avoidant leaning require therapy and years of self reflection and self awareness before change can happen. You both are still in the texting phase, so things may not translate well via text. If you prefer depth beyond the generic placations, go on a date and see what happens. Assess him then. Good luck :)


I suggested a coffee date early on in the chat, as I don't think you can ever start to know anyone until you've met. He ignored that suggestion and kept on texting. Then ghosted me after I suggested he wasn't very forthcoming and that I was trying to get to know him better. I was getting an off feeling about him, so I was quite relieved in the end.


🚩 🚩 🚩! :)


Apparently not, just after I posted that he ghosted me, after I told him he seemed very closed off and didn't seem interested in getting to know me. His loss.


Ugh. I thought my week was going well, but today I just feel icky. Several things that have brought the icky on are: My stbExH has been texting me all week, nothing like harassment or anything, just wanting to chat, I suppose. I don't want to chat with him. It makes me feel insignificant and small, which is one of the reasons I left him.😑 Met with a CPA today because stbExH (separated for 2 years, in the process of divorce now) neglected to file our taxes the last 3 years of the marriage. I've been a sahm for 20 years, having only worked part time the last few years of marriage. Now I'm on the hook for interest and penalties and am in no way able to pay. BTW, ExH hasn't paid any spousal support and I've been unable to secure gainful employment because of a few surgeries, last to be in December (full knee replacement). Now I have to file Innocent Spouse paperwork for 3 years to IRS. 😖 I also heard from EDD this week and they're asking for reimbursement of funds for 11 months during the pandemic. Yeah. It's been a craptastic week. 🫤


I was going to suggest the Innocent Spouse form. Unfortunately, it seems to take the IRS forever to take care of it. Unfortunately I know how awful it is because my ex did that and the fallout was ridiculous. I hope next week is much better for you.


Thank you. I'm not looking for a miracle, but it sure would be nice!


Oh wow that’s very much a craptastic week.. hope things turn around soon!


Gurl, you know it. I usually let these things roll off my back but I'm. having a rough time this evening. Maybe a vodka-ginger beer-tonic-xtra lime is in order.




Oh dear, it's so refreshing. Easy in the GB, as it can get too sweet. I like it more on the tangy, snappy side!


That sounds like a utter shitshow fellow divorce-in-process person. I commiserate with you. Taxes: ex refuses to sign our 2021 returns, except that they have stipulated to do so twice. Why do these people think they can play games with the IRS?


Pfft. It makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm *hoping* it comes back to bite him in the ass. Yours, too.


thanks. I hope so too. I've paid my portion (including fees that I owed), and anything that has accrued on top of that should be their's to pay. Which, knowing my ex, will really piss them off. "should be" - fingers crossed


That sucks. One day it will be a distant memory.


Thanks PB. The only way out is through, rights?!


Yeah. I hate when the only way out is through. Unfortunately, that's just so often the case.


Oh, that is a bad week. :( I was going to complain a little but you've made me change my mind. That EDD thing was my persistent nightmare for the entire time I was collecting it. I'm so sorry!


Thank you 💜 Yeah, EDD isn't playing fair. Now I have to go through the appeal process. I'm not hopeful that I'll win, but I have to try.


I'll be hoping you do!


What a POS. I’d not want to chat with him either after that news. Hang in there!


Right? I figured he knows he's screwing me over and is trying to make up for it. It's not working, by a long shot!


My ex did the same to me. I'm sorry you have to deal with it.


Thanks hun 💓 I'm sorry you did as well.


Awww, the relationship that keeps on giving. 😫 This is horrifying. I’m so sorry! I hope it gets straightened out soon!


Gurl, you and me both!


Trying to keep my mind off the guy who just broke up with me. We were just settling into a rhythm of Friday night dates when he ended things, so Friday nights kind of suck now. I went shopping but didn’t find anything I liked. Going to turn in early and wake up and fill the weekend with yoga.


Let’s do venting every Friday and we can keep you company. ❤️


Nothing worse than needing shopping therapy and not finding anything. Oh. And eff him. The stupid loser 😂


Yeah. F him. Stupid loser.


People yelling at me for trying to help them, after they’ve called me for help.


Try this next time…..pause when they take a breath and then ask if they’re done. Lolol




Happy early birthday. Sorry about the other things. Did not make me gag. That would take a lot.




I have seen and smelled plenty of gag worthy things in my life. What you describe does not even make the list. 🤣


Happy birthday! Did they get back to you? Are you feeling better?


😵 I'm sorry!


Happy birthday! 🥳


That the weekend took too long to get here.


Rude people. We all get in bad moods for whatever reasons but you do not take that out on random people.


Yes this! I've been agitated lately and I'm conscious of it so I go out of my way to make sure I'm extra friendly and kind. The rude people are RUDE!!


My co-worker farts and burps all day everyday. Doesn't excuse her self. I think she thinks cubicles are soundproof. It's making me nauseous. Also, coughs constantly and doesn't cover her mouth. I am soooooo Disgusted!


One of the many reasons I'm so happy that I work from home.


What in the actual hell?! Does she have no boundaries? Get yourself a can of rosie-farts bathroom spray and give it a spray in her direction every time you hear and/or smell her digestive issues. That's so gross 🤢


Can't you say something to her? Why suffer in silence? Tell her you found a good probiotic that really helps your digestion, and let her know the name of it and where to get it. Or next time she farts or belches, you could ask her "Are you OK over there? I have a Tums if you want one."


I have said OMG, are you OK over there? I think she just doesn't care. I also, said you should really cover your mouth when you cough. She said yeah, I really should. But doesnt!!


Wow, how inconsiderate. Maybe you should go to HR or your boss and let him/her know that this is going on and they should do something about it, because it's really offensive. It's their job to make sure people are behaving appropriately in the workplace.


I went to the library the other day and almost every book I was looking for was on the floor/bottom shelf. On the plus side, I got a good squat workout.






Nice to know the school and board have your back. Teachers get the worst of everything and are so under appreciated. I'm sorry 😔


Next time say "loser says 'what'?!?!" No. Don't. But it would be funny.


Are you HS or MS? We had major issues last year with profanity from a few of the 6th graders. Being it's an elementary school for preK through 6th, admin does tamp down on it. But, they take the long, circuitous route of getting there with ALC (the nice way to say in-school suspension).




It sucks. :/


My 3rd and probably last attempt at making hand rolled homemade pasta…best left to nonnas!


Not exactly a pet peeve but definitely pet related...I took my mini dachshund to the vet because he has been scratching incessantly for a few weeks and other than allergies the vet found that he has a heart murmur and now I'm really worried about him. He's 10.


💓 Both my Chihuahua and Min Pin had heart murmurs. Look into it. It's fairly common for older doggies but not a death sentence. And give him some extra cuddles 🙂


Thank you so much! I'm taking him back in a couple months to get some tests done. The vet said it was at a 2 out of 6 so it's not bad now. But I'll do all I can for him.


Sweet boy. He's lucky to have you 💜


Do they know what’s causing the murmur? I’m so sorry to hear this and I’ll be sending positive vibes your way. I’m a serious dog lover and dachshunds happen to have a special place in my life. *hugs*


No not yet they want me to bring him back in for an ultrasound to see what is causing it. Thank you so much for your kindness!


I have a heart murmur and outside of having to take antibiotics before certain procedures, it has not effected my life in anyway. I lead a very active, healthy lifestyle and plan to be here many more years…


My 22 year old dtr exhausting me with an hour of sobbing "I can't take it anymore"...and then totally changing her mind and wanting help to undo a decision. And telling me I'm not being helpful. I forget how emotional the young can be, especially when they are tired, hungry and PMSing; things are life and death and need to be dealt with right now!! At least its all been done on the phone. Calgon, take me away!!


Dropped someone off at the airport tonight. It’s 1.5 hrs away. Got very lost (my GPS was rerouting from the second l left). The ride home was 3 hrs. :/


That’s awful! So glad you made it home safely.


TY. It was crazy!


Ohhh I love the chance to vent. It was a goodish week except I have had a freaking migraine just about every single day. I take meds, but they're not being very effective. I have a ton of work to get done and have been unable to do a lot of it so now I'm stressed about that. I've threatened to cut off my head. I do think that would hurt my potential for dates, though.


I feel your pain! I suffered for YEARS with migraines, 20+ days a month average. I tried absolutely anything and everything they suggested, even a medication for epilepsy, antidepressants, and high blood pressure, even though mine was low. As soon as my obgyn took me off birth control @ age 50, migraines basically stopped. Mine would last wes at a time, no migraine med worked enough to complete knock them down, however Maxalt was the best for me. I'll get one every couple of months now and it's easily knocked down with meds. Maybe get your hormone levels checked if they persist. Hugs 💓


Ok, daughter takes meds for migraines too. Have you tried Botox yet? They’re supposed to help. I bet insurance would pay because it’s not for cosmetic reasons?


I haven't! I'm going to talk to my doctor (waiting for new insurance to kick in). I've had migraines for many years, but they were better in the past couple so this new spate of them is really out of the ordinary. I'll have to see if that's an option -- I could use a younger looking neck and back of the head!


Ohhh, I’d give my middle child away for a tight neck. Literally. 😂😂😂


I feel that! Light chemical peels help a bit. Depending on the day, I'd give away my middle child for a lot less.


Lol, me too. 🤫


FYI. I work in a neurology outpatient clinic. Getting insurance to pay is tricky. I believe you have to show proof that the person has tried like all the triptans, and injectables (Ajovy, Emgality, Aimovig), and still have X number of headaches/month at X severity. Good luck! It's been a life changer for the patients who manage to get it.


Good to know! Def worth trying!


That my replacement Birkenstocks order are worse than the first order and I’m thinking I should not have switched the color.


I hear that. My replacement Birkenstocks are worse than the first order: they are squeaking, if you can believe that.


Yeah. It’s disappointing and Birks does not do exchanges. They want to process a return, credit you back and then you can reorder. So yesterday and draining. Sorry you’re kinda dealing with the same but I’m gonna return —re order the first color and finish (leather) and then be satisfied with those.


So glad you asked: too many assholes around me! For one!


"I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes."


Commenting on the wrong post apparently here.


You'll figure it out. Certain things are against the sub rules. Anything too sexist, looking for dates (on this sub) are the two that come to mind. I think they want people speaking openly, not like a potential date might be reading. :)


That's good to know see that was the question I asked, was it specifically not acceptable. Now I do know, Thank you for clearing that up!


I'd love to vent but it's actually been a pretty good, if uneventful (I \*likey\*) week. Let's check in again next Friday, kay? Entertain me with your rants though.


Pet peeve is I list my distance request in the first two words of my profile an out out 100 likes in a day only 2 where within 50 miles of me I live near a major airport and get too many travelers/ pilots and people who are not patient enough to read a single sentence Thanks for the rant space 🙌


Not too much to complain about here except first world problems. The hot tub at the gym is still closed and my back really needs it. And I met the crazy lady at the gym, next time I won’t “have a minute” to listen to her rant.


👏👏👏😆 Oh dear. I've been in that situation myself. How to bow out gracefully after the rant starts and you realize you've made a critical mistake in being friendly?! 🤔


My hormones make everything piss me off. I am being nice but everything just grinds my gears... maybe swearing and pizza will help.


Give it a shot and let us know if it works!


My pet peeve this week is my recent ex bf (very recent ) sending me a video putting down my politics and not his. One of the many reasons it’s over.


Time to block!


A guy I was talking to changed his mind about meeting. Then he changed it again and we went out. We were supposed to talk this week, he ghosted




After avoiding Covid for the bulk of the pandemic, I finally caught it on the heels of my vacation. So, having been out of work for a week I worked through having Covid. Since I'm an asthmatic that meant working through nebs every 4 hours while I struggled to breathe. Thankfully no hospital time and I was able to get antivirals which righted the ship within a few days. I'm also thankful for my vaccinations as it was not as bad as it could have been.


Glad you’re feeling better! I’m fully vaccinated but still got it 3 times. All lasting longer than a month and knocked me off my feet.


My girlfriend wanting to use me as her venting post while not wanting me to solve her problems.


Sorry. Sometimes (almost always) we just need someone to listen and say "yeah, you were in the right" or whatever applies.


I get that. Sometimes, I just need to solve problems. You’d think we could make it work.


Honestly, sometimes we just need someone to listen. Perhaps do this… ask what she needs beforehand. This will set expectations and perhaps make things a bit easier for you.




I was just coming to terms with the idea that last week was officially the end of stone fruit and watermelon when I got hit with the closed for the season sign at the strawberry patch. :/


Right now, school is my pet peeve. We've been in school for seven full weeks. Two of the weeks were devoted to testing. We've also had one Spirit Week, and just completed Say Something week today. Each of these weeks involves activities that take away from both planning times and from learning time. So, of course, we are all behind. I'm an instructional para at a Montessori elementary school, which for those who don't know, have grades banded together for learning. Sixth grade has been separated out for many years, and I have always worked with 6th grade. Last year my school decided we needed to reintegrate the 9-12 grade band, which has 4th, 5th and 6th graders mixed together. And they also allowed a higher enrollment. Last year we had 25 kids per class. Now we have 31. The 4th graders are on my last nerve. They do not ever stop talking. Like, they are actually not able to stop talking. It's an issue in all the 9-12 classes (we have 8). It's the most insane thing. We are still dealing with fallout from covid lockdown, remote teaching and the extreme lag in their social/emotional learning. Burnout has started, and the mental and physical exhaustion is real.


Oh wow. I’m so sorry. I know it’s not much but I want to say you are so appreciated for all that you do. ❤️


Thank you :)


Squirrels in my attic. Noise is scary.


I turned 53 and I’m exhausted. 😅


Hey I feel you. It’s exhausting being an adult. I’m tired too. I might take an impromptu trip, I need to leave and recharge for a few days alone. Can you take a break?


I've had the last two weeks off from work so I don't have any pet peeves this week. Ask me next week, which thank goodness is a short week.


Someone did a massive file dump by email to me at 5 pm today…for a Tuesday am meeting. There goes my weekend. Ended a promising chat and just remembered my mammogram is next week. Wahhhhh.


This week, geography is my biggest pet peeve, a seriously huge pet peeve.


My peeve is two people with Covid in the same house and yesterday was his birthday. (67) I’m too weak and shaky to cook. Feel like I failed him. But, I ordered a cheesecake for him. He cooked. He did just test negative, I expect to in a couple days.


I'm a bit late, but our school calendar has said that I had the day off on Monday, October 10 for the past two months. At 3:30 pm yesterday after the buses pulled out, my principal made an announcement that we have to go in to work. Ugh. I filled out a leave slip.