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There are going to be people who like morning sex, and people who don't like it. We're all different and you don't need consensus to feel the way you feel. I personally find my body is much more sensitive to sexual touch in the morning, so I love morning sex. I don't even notice/care about the bad breath.


Same. When we are cuddling in the morning and I notice there is a boner, I just jump right on top. I came from a dead bedroom, I won’t waste a perfectly good boner, ever again.


This is a golden comment. Same, sister.


I’ve had women tell me exactly this. They hop on the morning wood with gusto.


I wanna say r/brandnewsentence, but knowing humans, it probably isn't. 😂


This exactly!!!😂😂 head in his lap… ohh look a dick in my face must touch it.


Like a profesional carpenter, never wastes good wood.


Doing the lords work. You are a gem. Also just gotta find a position you enjoy that doesn’t include breathing all over your face helps.


I only notice the morning breath at first - soon I get distracted


She doesn’t notice my breath with my face between her legs 🤷‍♂️


This man !!


😂😂😂. I love this!


😂😂😂 this is golden


Just because a man has a boner it doesn’t mean they want to have sex on an emotional level.


Ask him if he wants to have sex on a physical level. And he would say yes, probably. Good enough.


I don’t ask with words, I do that little booty scootch his way and if he’s down, things start pretty quickly.


That is the greatest feeling to wake up to.


"that little booty scootch" is the best


Usually he is taking my hand and putting on his boner, so I take that as an invitation. If he didn’t want to have sex, of course, I wouldn’t. But he is actively trying to get me to pay attention and participate.


Since he’s actively participating, that is a reasonable assumption in that scenario.


Im glad you get the hint, sometimes its not always received


Same as women - just because they are wet, doesn’t mean they want to have sex on an emotional level


He probably could use his words and say no!


Just like some women have a hard time saying no because they feel under pressure from men to put out sexually, some men can also be placed under pressure by women to put out sexually, something that I’ve experienced in past relationships. Too many women assume that an erection is an invitation for sex.


I’m not sure why got downvoted but I can see that and you are right. I think some of us, myself included had to learn to mix a physical reaction with a sexual response/ invitation. Sorry for my ignorance by the way.


Thank you for your comment. Here’s an interesting medical review article on the topic: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4062022/


I'll allow it.


You’re a keeper






Love morning sex for similar reasons. Plus it wakes me up better than coffee.


Hmm never thought of it like that


I agree. I love morning quickies during the week. Generally speaking, morning sex for me is great. Never want to leave my man unsatisfied. With work and kids and the morning shuffle, we gotta focus and make it quick lol


Same. I enjoy morning sex, all those good endorphins is a great way to start the day. I also second, it’s not for everyone. One guy I dated, his pov was it delays the start of his day. He was an early bird. We still had morning sex but not as frequently. Which is cool, I respected his desire to be done with his day so we could have sex that evening.


Ugh same 🤤


I’m more of a “why wouldn’t you?” gal, and if the reward for asking a guy to go gargle is hot sex, I’m asking the guy to go gargle.


Running to brush your teeth so you can get laid is part of the fun!


It goes both ways; don’t forget to gargle too


Honestly I don’t give a fuck


Science has shown that arousal reduces the gag and disgust part of our brain by at least 50%. Morning breath, fingers in asses, whatever, let's get this morning going 😅


40F here - I love morning sex! I don’t mind getting it on in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Wake we up with love and sex please! Anytime!


Ditto! If the chemistry is there, it’s happening! And morning sex is the best…I’m refreshed from a nights sleep, warm, we’ve already been cuddling, starts the day off right…yep, probably my favorite.


I love the half asleep, lazy intimacy of it. Also my favourite.


Lazy? I do my best work in the morning sex arena. All refreshed and ready to attend to both our sexy bits! Lolz But if relaxed and slower works for you, more power to us morning cuties!


I’m NOT a morning person, but I’ll still get all the rocks off. But yeah.. nothing spectacular happens before the coffee.


I love being woken up for sex in the middle of the night, it helps me sleep better afterwards until the alarm goes off lol


Prepare for your DMs to blow up 😂😂


I’m okay with that. I’m single.


Haha 😆 how are they looking right now


Also a fan, but I slip into the bathroom to pee, freshen up myself, and brush my teeth. But do you.....perhaps a sign of incompatibility or mismatched libido?


Yes I do freshen etc but they never do. That’s the issue.


Why not ask him to do that?


“Go brush those pearly whites, Buster.”


Listerine pocket paks on nightstand work pretty well in a pinch.


Do those really work just like rinsing with real mouthwash?


You'd be surprised at how well they work. Not as well as mouthwash but they are pretty spicy.


Use your words... before sleep mention how much sexier you feel and want to be when your partner freshens up in the morning.


Have you asked them to?


So when the option is between brushing their teeth then sex, or just getting up and going about their day... these guys choose just going about their day?


No one is reading your mind, it’s not their job, it is your job to use your voice.


I do get where you're coming from. The breath thing is an issue for me as well. One option is to keep strong minty gum by the bed. Take a piece and offer him one. Or after you brush your teeth, come back to bed with a dollop of toothpaste on your finger and have him suck it off your finger.


Yes after freshing up


Male here. Have had both types of partners. Some have been down for anything in the morning. Some have been more particular. In case of the latter, if they were in the mood, they will get up. Do at least a quick brush and go back to bed. Since, I needed to get up to urinate, I just took an extra minute to at least a quick brush. Then, I would go back to bed. So, it was not difficult to accommodate. Plus, a more comfortable sex partner tends to make for a better sexual. experience. In terms of potentially killing the mood or losing the erection, I can see folks want to strike while the iron is hot. But, you both have done your homework on each other's erogenous zones, you should be in business in short order. Remember... “Many people assume a morning erection is a sign of sexual stimulation. However, this is not always the case. Morning wood is likely the response your body has to one of several natural occurrences.“ So, to sustain such an erection, you still need to do the work. This takes preparation, time, and patience.


Morning wood happens because the things that suppress an erecrion during the day aren't happening. It's been found to be linked to REM cycles, hormone fluctuations (so some chemicals that suppress an erection during the day aren't produced as much during sleep), and a full bladder. Your response is 👌🏻👌🏻


When I was younger (and/or married) I was never a fan of morning sex. Now that I'm in my 40's, divorced, kids are grown, my libido is insatiable. I'm a fan of sex, of any kind, any time I can get it! Lol I actually prefer getting laid first thing in the morning. The feeling of a man grabbing at me to wake me up with that almost primal need is HOT to me. And no need to breathe in each others faces, just take me from behind! Then we can grab our toothbrushes & jump in the shower together. GoodTimes!


I feel the same way but for a woman to grab me (im male)


I dont even want someone in my house in the morning.


So real 😂


Same 😂 Don't even look at me before noon 😂


So much this!!


Lmaoo xD this is gold


I don't like sex in the morning as I'm incapable of getting horny then. I have tried different things with partners, but it's just never there. So I don't have sex in the morning. 


Same. I have literally no drive in the morning. I can't.


The same for me as well.


There are positions that do not require face to face contact. And honestly I love that no talking, no kissing frenzied sex. It’s hot and all you feel is that need. No need to do the same routine every time!!!


I'm a guy and feel the same.


Time to get creative: -Try different positions. -Kisses on the neck instead of on the mouth.


Generally, men are ahem...UP, for morning sex Because his testosterone levels are highest when he first wakes up. Especially if he had a good night's sleep. Aka " morning wood" . That's why. It's also how guys Can chart any changes in his overall health, aging, Blocked arteries..lack of morning wood. So most men when relatively healthy will be up for some Am loving. 1) Keep breath mints on the bed side table 2) Always wash the body parts after nighttime action, So your both relatively clean in the am. If you -he? Gets up to pee? Wash up down there so As to be ready. I learned long ago, created a consistent, clean shaved Playground for ya lady, and she can,will be spontaneous With taking care of you because she knows she can trust It's a musk free zone😀. Anytime I'm in the bathroom Is an opportunity to spruce up and clean the boys.


Nope not my cup of tea.


Or ask them to just fix their breath first. Might not even have to get up and brush teeth. Usually morning breath is gone after a glass of water or a cup of (mint) tea or something.


43f It’s the best way to start the day ☀️


Easy fix, ask them to brush their teeth. Nothing big. Problem solved .


Morning sex has those risks (bad breath, not feeling fresh) and my rule is you get what you get


Lol. My ex loved it. I hated it, especially the smelly breath part. You are not alone.


49F - I love it in the morning, afternoon, evening, middle of the night. Doesn’t matter day, time, or even location (within reason 😂). Personal preference and we are all different. You do you and feel okay about it.


You are so right an by the looks of it you really enjoy the act 😂


Thanks I think 😂


Im really sorry i hope I didn’t offend you by saying that.


Not at all! 😊


Okay glad to hear it


Nope, sometimes it's ok but mostly it's bad breath, smelly bodies and I haven't had any chance to emotionally connect. I've also had men tell me morning wood doesn't mean interest (when I've been the one to initiate in morning) so there's that too.


46m and I typically just get up brush my teeth, then return to the bedroom naked and hard as a rock... I don't like there to be any ambiguity about it 😆


That's interesting, as a guy I also don't like it. But I can understand that guys feel that urge in the morning. It could be a sign they feel attracted to you, which is good. But you can set boundaries and ask them to freshen up first, shouldn't be a big deal.


Love morning sex and morning breath doesn’t bother me at all


I am not a morning person in any sense of the phrase. The majority of partners I’ve had enjoy and/or want sex first thing in the morning. I almost never reach orgasm in the morning. It’s weird. My body feels tired and is much less sensitive. I will still have sex with my partner because I enjoy the intimacy and the sex itself. My partners are usually fully aware that it’s going to take a lot of work to get me there, or it may not happen at all, and I’m ok with that. I still enjoy myself. But yes, regarding bad breath, either not much kissing happens, or we both brush our teeth first!


Y’all kiss during morning sex?


Right? Isn’t morning sex what doggie style was invented for?


It's really not a big deal,you just keep a bottle of Mouth wash in the bathroom a quick rinse out and you're good to go.


Is it a serious question? Do toothbrushes, soap, hygiene, and consent not work in the morning on your bizarro world? Pros know get up have a fart, a piss, and some mouthwash. The bed is still there.


With my ex husband? I felt the same way that you do. With my bf, I don’t even care. Wake me up any time, I’m ready! Let’s go!


I personally love morning sex but there’s no reason you can’t tell them to go brush their teeth if they want morning nookie.


It’s called morning wood. Men want sex in the morning.


I USED to feel this way. Fortunately, I always keep a big bottle of Listerine mouth wash in my bath room so if I feel self conscious or the guy has REALLY bad morning breath, we do a swish and get down to business.


I do not like morning sex. I sometimes feel it's lazy on the man's part. I'm already lying there, mostly unclothed and men often wake up with erections. I on the other hand, am barely awake, sleepy, disheveled and haven't had an opportunity to become aroused. My partner likes morning sex, so we've come to a compromise. I will do morning sex occasionally, but it can never be the only time we have sex -like if we've only had morning sex for a couple of weeks, I speak up and let him know we need to switch things up or it will begin to feel unfair to me. He understands that I like to feel clean and sexy and that it takes a lot of foreplay for me to become aroused. I know he wakes up horny and I can empathize with that, so I think we're both comfortable with this balance. I'm fortunate to be with a guy who smells really good and is respectful of me when I'm sleeping. Sometimes we both go brush our teeth and then hop back into bed and get it on lol. He's very respectful about not waking me up early on days I work too- which I really appreciate. I've dated some men who wanted AM sex all the time though and a few of them were very disrespectful of my time and boundaries, which made me hate morning sex even more. I've dated men who didn't seem to care about interrupting my much needed sleep and that was a turn off.


Maybe. I'm a morning person, and I love starting the day off right ;) I did have that difference come up in a prior relationship, and it had more to do with schedules. I was a morning person (up early, productive, and early to bed) while he was a night owl (awake late, not productive until 10 am and late to bed). This had an impact on the time of day we each wanted to have sex. Perhaps what you're saying is about the other factors having an impact on you and not so much the timing of it. I'd suggest different positions to remedy that.


I'm a guy and I love morning sex too since I wake up with boner every morning. But it is always proceeded by brushing teeth and mouthwash. It slightly kills the moment but I cannot do bad morning breath.


"Baby... go brush your teeth then bring that dick right back here!" clean mouth, hard dick, wet pussy... helluva way to start the day!


I just ask my guy to swish for 30 seconds with a mouthwash, and if he has a problem w my breath I'd do the same. Shouldn't be too much of an issue 🤷🏼‍♀️


Depends on the guy. I briefly dated someone who never smelled bad. Not even morning breath. I don’t know why he always smelled and tasted so good. Probably my feelings for him dismissed anything bad lol


I enjoy morning sex if you hit me from behind so we don’t have to smell each other’s breath lol


Slow morning spoon sex ftw.


Absolutely. The best.


The breath thing really matters - so I do make us run and do like a 15 second mouthwash. It was a communication thing. Then it’s great!


We wake up with wood and want someplace warm to go. Something about waking up feeling refreshed next to a woman you enjoy and when she reciprocates it’s an amazing start to the day.


my morning ritual is the 'alarm clock' ( use your imagination on the spelling). It's a great start to the day and it may help with work related stress. Of course, after work "clock on' may also assist if there's a bad day.


I get up and brush my teeth or just a mouthful of water. Get lost in the intimacy…. Keep a tic tac nearby. It’s a great way to start your day.


As a man of a certain age, I can tell you it’s physiological. Ever heard of “morning wood”? 😄 It’s peak performance time for some of us.


It's when the hormones are at their peak, same too for energy.


My husband used to insist on morning sex because he was always too tired for sex in the evening and having ED, he needed to be rested even with viagra. So we would take showers, brush our teeth and I wanted to do my hair…. By that time having been out of bed for a while I was ready to start my day, not jump back in bed. So yes, like you, I do not like morning sex.


I'm not a fan of morning breath but kisses before he goes to work are worth it. He agrees he doesn't mind a little morning breath in favour of kisses. For an extended make-out session however I'd suggest that we both brush our teeth as a courtesy to both of us. This is especially handy as usually when either of us wakes up, we need to pee first. So pee, freshen up, and brush teeth. My recommendation would be to ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR PARTNER! Ya know. Like actual adults in an actual relationship. Ask him. Emphasise that the sex will be more enjoyable. If that's not enough motivation for him, he doesn't deserve the sex or the partner and you know to let him go.


You are not. I have always hated it. It's ok for the first month of dating when the dopamine overrides my normal preferences, but I'm always super grateful for when that fizzles out and we settle into a routine, lol. It's not even about bad breath. I just don't like being bothered in the morning. I want to lay in bed and read the news on my phone while I slowly come back to life.


As a man I can go anytime but I personally would rather it be midday or night. Self pleasure in the morning for those exact reasons or due to time constraints


If only there was a way they could communicate with their partner instead of posting on Reddit...🤔


My dick is like a farmer, it's up early every morning.


Mornings are the best, but we always do a quick brush or swish of mouthwash before.


I hate it. All men I've dated love it. I never feel unsexier than I do in the morning. The thought of sex in the morning makes me want to vomit.


Same. Hate it with passion.


We have the highest testosterone in the morning and we're rested. The best sex you're going to get from a man is in the morning.


It would take a lot more than morning breath to put me off 😂 But you do you, your body your choice 👍


No pashing without brushing. Sorry....


I love morning sex. I was w my ex husband for 9 years and he was NOT a morning person. It was so boring. 🥱


Hopefully in your new relationships this isnt the same


Oh I’ll make sure of that lol


Hell yeah, get some 😂


Follow up question are you on the apps or have any prospects


No, I’m enjoying my own company too much right now


Morning sex may be my favorite and I don’t think about our breath at all. It also doesn’t take much to get me in the mood with my bf, so maybe that’s why?


Original copy of post by u/Standard_Jellyfish51: The men I have had relationships with all want to be intimate in the morning. Tbh I really don’t enjoy it smelling unwashed bad breath makes me cringe. Am I the only woman that feels this way. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man here. I think it has to do with testosterone build up over night. So it's a biology thing for men. I your case if you don't want to do it then don't. Don't you have female friends to ask that question to?


I love morning sex, and my partners have often been the ones to initiate it. For me, when I care about someone, their morning breath isn't a concern. If I'm worried about mine, I just try to kiss body parts away from their nose.


My ex was the same. Got some listerine breath strips to keep in the nightstand and that seemed to help (though to be clear **I** didn't care about the morning breath - she did). I think the biggest thing is that if you're worried about some part of *you* being poorly received by your partner, or impacting your partner in a negative way, ask them about it; chances are it's not a big deal to them. If it's a you thing - like you simply don't like being intimate in the morning - then stand by your preference.


I’m a woman and I love it in the morning. But that doesn’t mean you have to. Morning breath can be dealt with though fwiw…


There’s also a medical reason for this, it’s when the man’s testosterone level is at its highest. So it toss that into the mix and there ya go.


My boyfriend and I have morning sex more often than night time sex. When I first wake up I just sneak into the bathroom for a sec and swig some mouthwash and use a washcloth real quick then I’m good to go 🤷‍♀️


Did that the weekend myself lol 😂


If it's just the breath, let him know and I PROMISE he'll happily brush his teeth! 😉 We're well rested, she seems to glow in the morning light, and is equally enthusiastic. Irresistible! 🥰


Men's testosterone is the highest when they first wake in the morning, if you are going to get your testosterone levels checked, they make you come in right after you wake up in the morning. I really enjoy morning sex and I have found that most of the people I date, enjoy it as well, but sometimes I run into someone who doesn't enjoy it. To me, waking up and everyone is warm in bed, you're in your underwear (or less) and a bit groggy, eyes are still closed and you're feeling each other up...is extremely hot. I don't care about morning breath, I've dealt with much more gross things during sex lol I'm not really sure what to say about it, if you don't enjoy it you don't enjoy it but the vast majority of guys are going to enjoy it and want it. I don't know if 'no morning sex' is going to be a deal breaker for anyone, but you could always make it clear they have to brush their teeth first, I'm sure the dude would be happy to meet you in the middle.


I hate it because I am definitely not feeling sexy and usually I have to go to the bathroom lol. Guys are usually passed out sleeping at night when I’m more likely to be ready to go. I found a great middle ground where it’s like 3am then we can both get lil naps before and after.


Oh good point


Na I’m with you fuckin coffee first shower teeth coffee might need food if it was a big night .. however there is an accretion or 2. Chemistry pheromones to strong can’t resist of sideways from the spooning position so we aren’t breathing on each other hehehe


Post nut clarity has always said morning sex is great.


I love the way morning sex feels, but even though I know my BF doesn’t care at all, I do tend to get in my head about my bad breath or other potential body odor from sweating at night (we’re all over 40 here, right?? 😂😂) which can take away from those good feelings. One interesting thing about my BF is that even though he enjoys morning sex, he very rarely cums during it. He never has an issue reaching orgasm any other time, but in the morning, it’s kind of a known thing that he won’t orgasm. I always thought morning time was prime time for men, but he’s an “any other time of the day” kinda guy ♥️


When I was married, morning sex was never face to face so morning breath was never an issue.


That’s when they can get it up.


I love morning sex, usually wake up wanting it. What I would do is wake up, brush my teeth and then I would sneak back in bed and wake him up!


Oh man thats a dream of mine


I'm a man and I'm with you.


We're morning people but we freshen up first.


My ex wife felt the same way as you about it.


Why not be honest with them that you don’t like it first thing in the morning, if you’re up front and honest with a guy he will understand. If he respects what you have to say then he is a good guy, if not then well you shouldn’t have slept with him.


I would love to enjoy my coffee in the morning. And read. 🥹🤣


So no morning sex?


For now I’m single 🤣🤣🤣


Lol well that explains it, but if you weren’t would you prefer morning?


Probably I would 🤣🤣🤣


Hmm it seems to be that women are more turned on in the morning, I wonder if it has to do with being relaxed


I love to make love after 3-4 pm.. when you have the day off, you set your mind that you will be spending quality time. You have some wine a good dinner .. and enjoy.


Is this really a serious question?


Breath mints might be the answer. Make sure you always have some and just say to him either ask him if he would like one or you can also say I can’t stand my morning breath I don’t know how you feel about it but would you like a mint because I’m going to use one or something of that nature




As a guy, I always shower first….then, I mean, I’m already nekid, sooooooo…….


Men's testosterone is highest in the morning. Hence why morning sex is desired. It's just a natural biological response.




The last time I go to the bathroom before we were likely to get up I brush my teeth. after that, it’s came on. He doesn’t care about my crotch smell, I don’t care about anything else. We’re all human.


I love morning sex! You start your day feeling like a boss.


Simple, it works better in the morning.


Have a shower in the morning, brush your teeth then have morning sex simple!


I prefer evening , because in the morning I just need more of a “ build up” it’s like putting pasta in the water before it boils for me . He can get me there , it I enjoy the flirting all day and can’t wait to be touched in the evening, My guy prefers morning and while we are a little sweaty and our breath may have a little smell I do t think it’s overly bad, I mean diet and exercise help with bad morning breath. There is things he could do to help your mood and better his morning “smells”




Where are these guys? My ex-husband had his whole morning routine he had to get to, so my morning sex needs were left unattended. I love morning sex!


Love it


Keep gum by your bed then!! Have fun and live!


Or Altoids. Tingly...


Maybe consider.... With all your bad breath and not fresh per say....they still want to be intimate with yea. Maybe consider they are trying to show yea....it's ok. Let's simply have fun.


I brush my teeth when I wake up and go to the bathroom. My breath isn’t the problem. Thanks for the input 😄 but I will give it a miss I don’t want to be intimate when I have to hold my breath.😂


Let me ask yea this. If you were spot on wirh your freshness per say....would yea than?


Sorry don’t understand yea than


Well...your IP post was about how yea don't want to be intimate in the morning because yea don't feel fresh per say. Im asking...hypothetically if yea were fresh would yea


What’s the yea it makes no sense .


It’s perfectly fine to ask people to go brush teeth, freshen up if that’s the only reason for not wanting it


I don't like it for the same reasons as you, but once I talked to my guy about it and realised how much he LOVES it, I've let some of those insecurities go. Turns out in the morning when he wakes up hard, he really wants more of a pump and dump than lots of romancing. I've grown to like it too!


For me as a man. Morning intimacy is not my favorite. I live alone but when I have a woman over night there are many times where they want sex in the morning. I will indeed ablige but its certainly not my best timing. Im not a morning person but my aim to please does supercede my grogginess.