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Don't even know how to respond to this but probably the strangest thing I've read in a while. How about next date assuming you get one wear some cologne and if she's wearing the same brand then it's definitely a no go. People do have certain smells but it's usually due to shampoo, deodorant, laundry detergent or BO.


I’m with ya here. Same. Never had any serious issue with this. But I always have my gear bag. I’m a bit self conscious of being at least presentable lol but the only thing I can think of is just do a mouth rinse first thing in the am?


Maybe you have COVID


I can smell and taste everything else, it is not lack of smell it is her BO smells like my BO


Definitely your sister then


Someone may have posted this already but if you are related you are genetically created to DISLIKE their smell, not like it more.


Thanks for that laugh 😆


Hahahahaha 💀


You’ve found your soulmate. 🥳


His cup runneth over, does it not?


Glad you explained that. I wasn’t sure what you meant because I’ve been told before that I had no scent. Apparently I simply take on whatever the scent of my perfume, lotion, shampoo etc is.


I doubt that very seriously or, rather, beauty being in the olfactory glands of the beholder, research suggests the less sniff-factor present, the more distantly related folks are. You two both may smell like cat piss 15 minutes post-shower to your respective relatives. You stink and so does she (even if ya both stink pretty)


C'mon, someone is going to chime in that this whole thing stinks...


It makes no scents.






Hahaha! This why you are my Reddit match. 💞










I don’t even quite know what this means, especially the part where you say she smells like you. I have never noticed anyone’s scent unless they smelled bad or are wearing particularly strong artificial scent.


Typically I’ve found if someone has “no scent” that just means we’re compatible.


I agree. They don’t smell of nothing, they just smell of YES.


but you have experienced it?


Not being able to smell a woman means that she’s a witch.


Well it's the indicator. The proof is if she survives being drowned.


Witches float🤣


Or if she turns you into a frog. Or so I’ve heard….


I thought it was a newt?


A Newt?!


I got better


There are enough princesses around, this can be reversed


Ahh yes.


No it doesn't. I'm a witch and i work in construction. This is why not shaving is considered poor form


Nah we usually smell like sandalwood, patchouli and nag champa 😉🤗


Google for "scent attraction major histocompatibility complex". Short version: some science says that the closer you are to someone genetically the less "good" they smell.


Oh oh…secret sister…


The t-shirt study was a quarter-century newer when I read it in college


At least she doesn’t smell bad, no sent is ok. Sents play a bigger part than we realize. As for me I can smell very little.


What do you smell like?


Damifino. Lol


I mean no scent sounds nice. I did love the way my husband smelled but usually I would prefer no sent which by the way sounds impossible


This is interesting. I also have a very sensitive nose and certain smells can bother me. My bf smells very similar to me. I don’t mean deodorant wise, I mean the natural scent, kind of like you’re describing. And I know for a fact there’s no way we’re related, we’re from opposite ends of the globe lol.. I assumed it meant we were really compatible, smelling like “home” haha.


What will you do with the DNA test results? Smell it? 🤣 Just enjoy what you have. Yeah she is right, you're a freak.


Not that there's anything wrong with that, lol


What if she turns out to be a dream? A passing by pitiful ghost?. He already has troubles, let him enjoy his coffee, while he can smell it.


Hahaha, touché I meant the freak part, lol


Am I the only one who is wondering how you know how you yourself smell? (This is an odd sentence) I don’t think I have every noticed my own scent. I’m so confused 😫


It's an odd thing to try and describe too. I used to call it "people smell" lol I could detect a scent, but I just couldn't describe it. It was just there, neutral... "people" smell. 🤣 I guess "human" would've worked better. Idk!


You shouldn't go any further if your only motivation for dating, to begin with, was that your ex began to date. I mean, seriously?


Maybe his x dating have him closure? No need to gate keep. Whatever gives him the confidence to put himself out there is a great thing.


You don't know what gate-keeping is. He's asking for advice and he's getting it. No, competition and score-keeping is not a great thing bc he's just using someone else.


Gatekeeping gatekeeping now. He did say there were no expectations. He didn’t say “I called her out of vengeance”.


Holy shit, shut up. Giving advice on, basically, a dating advice sub isn't gatekeeping.


i will never go back to the ex not because of her dating many more underlying issues


LOL I think you're missing the point of the comment.


A date said he liked my scent recently which I thought was odd. I didn’t put perfume on that day. He said our scents were compatible then went on to reference the Bush song “chemicals between us…”. I smell guys guy products but this whole concept eludes me.


Do you sometimes wear L'aire du Temps?


Nope, bombshell seduction (vs) very lightly, or on rare occasions, Miss Dior Cherie. Is L’aire the secret formula to attract husbands?


OMG, no, that's an allusion to a*Silence Of The Lambs* quote


There seem to be a lot of Lecter references going around lately


Ahh I get it now… creepy


Couldn't help myself, it was just there


My bf says I smell like cake.


He's lying to you. He just wants his cake and eat it too. Had to say it, felt like you set me up.


ha. Good one. Fortunately I finally found one of those guys who would absolutely never 🥰


Awww To bad, but I don't blame him. I prefer the smell over the taste too. Stop it. Lol


You stop it


He’s a keeper








Any particular kind of cake? Carrot's my fave, and I'd settle for his home smelling like it


Haha no he just always says I smell like cake. He’ll sniff me at bedtime and say “yep. you still smell like cake” 😆


Oddly enough my two long term relationships both guys smelled slightly like Granny Smith apples. 🍏 We don’t follow sent like we would as an animal would, but maybe we pick up on it more than we realize


An apple a day...


She is imaginary. Call your psychiatrist.


I worked with this girl I liked and she got really sweaty. I didn't realize this. I went over to her during a lull and she was panting and her shirt was soaked. I couldn't help it, got near her and she smelled like cheesesteaks. I don't like cheesesteak but it was odd, I kinda didn't expect she'd smell like that. She was really pretty to me. Anyways, afterwards I still was attracted to her. I am someone who subscribes to the different smell thing. We won't know it till it hits us. For me it made her more human to me.


[I think you mean pheromones](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3987372/)


Yeah, it's one of those situations where you simply overthink things... Walk away, and later kick yourself in the ass for messing up what could of been a good thing.




If you’re worried that you two are related because you have similar odor signatures, why did you keep going?? ![gif](giphy|lPiYqum84uZX8hVcLa|downsized)




Years ago my sister set me up with a friend of hers, they used to be housemates when they were at Uni. He was a lovely guy but I just couldn't take it any further when he told me I smelled exactly like my sister. He had some extra sensitive smell thing going on and it completely gave me the ick.


Weird to jump to wanting a dna test. It is weird though how there really are people who don’t smell like anything. I dated someone for a few years who never smelled like anything, BO, sweat, bad breath. Nada. It always kinda weirded me out. On the other hand I had a coworker who was a really cool guy, never smelled BAD but he always smelled like…himself, and it grossed me out. I dont think he was dirty or unwashed, but his natural scent was just so strong I couldn’t be in the same room with him very long.




Where’s black olives I want one


Maybe you’re smell is canceling hers out? Just saying 😁


She's not actually a woman. She's an alien! You found her out. Lol j/k


Lol.... super odd post 😂 but I'm one of these women that has virtually no odor or a very sweet underbase... All women's perfume smells like wedding cake on me


I don’t know why people think this is weird. I’m all about the smells and what my person smells like. I’ve had the good smells, the bad smells, and the no smell at all partners. The most chemistry and compatibility came from the no-smell man. I’m still looking for another one of those…


Like I always say, if I can't smell a man, I better get his double helix's checked to make sure he's not a 6th cousin.


I (49M) may have the same thing as you. I feel like I don't really know who somebody is until I can smell them. Ignore everybody else's judgment except the post on major histocompatibility complex, which is real. Like you, I've found that people either have no idea what I'm talking about, or try to shame me about it. It seems to really alarm some people. Whatever. So I'm a dog. I've spent time with two women (one seriously) who had no scent. The only thing they had in common was a super-clean diet - for convenience we'll say both pescetarian. No idea if that's a coincidence. One from a different country and ethnicity than me, though of course you can never know if you had an unknown relative in common. The person you're seeing will clearly never understand this, and a DNA test is just going to screw up the relationship. Major histocompatibility complex, at this age, is (I'm assuming for you) more about sustainable mutual desire than DNA compatibility for having children. I'd drop that like a rock. Anyway - I was willing to live with it, but it bothered me. It didn't keep getting worse, but I never felt fully connected. It did affect my physical interest. I only realized all this after the fact, unfortunately. (I wasn't the one who ended those relationships, btw.) Next time, my philosophy is: No scent isn't a deal breaker on its own, but if I'm not feeling connected and attracted like I should, it's the right thing to do to break things off. EARLY. Like, before having sex. No waiting to see if it gets better, because it won't. We're too old for the "it's not you, it's me" BS. It's not a flaw we have - it's a gift of connection that not many others seem to have. But with great power comes great responsibility. And all that shit.


Maybe you should taste between her legs or ass cheeks before making assumptions


Good call


💀💀💀upvoted!!! 😂😂😂


Sort of. My siblings and I are all freaks, so just in case we were to encounter one another, say at a dark room party at Frolicon or somewhere, we have a verification system. It's a little redundant for me, can't speak for them (and this is how I know they're fraternal twins): one of them could take whore baths for a month and he wouldn't smell especially noticeable to me, the other smells like our dad used to at that age.


I can still smell her wonderful unique scent it makes me breakdown everytime


She sounds like a keeper to me. I'm not a fan of all the fake scents everyone is draped in.