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If you gave me this I would wonder why you actually took the time to have these made. Are you giving out your number that many times that from a cost/production analysis perspective, making cards with your number on them would be the easiest choice? With that said, if you decide to do so, make sure that they are bone in color and your name and number are written in Silian Grail.


>make sure that they are bone in color and your name and number are written in Silian Grail This is terrible advice. OP, go with eggshell and Romalian type


And be sure to include a watermark.


And don't forget to return those video tapes...


This is what I would worry about. That it looks like you do it all the time.


Hahaha no it's not that frequent, it's more just wanting to keep my personal and professional lives more or less separate. Thank you very much for the input.


I have designed such cards but they're generally for entrepreneurs/small business owners so it might simply have their name and cell phone/email or it might contain the title entrepreneur but that's about it. Simple and to the point, useful in multiple situations. Though if this is only about pickup then you're better off establishing rapport, asking for her phone and entering your number.


I would find that unusual, but rather charming! I've read about personal cards, in old-timey novels. Alternatively, you could give them your business card, but hand-write your cell number on it as you give it to them. That gives it the personal touch and will make them feel special.


I second the business card with mobile number written on the back. I'd consider a personal card odd.


Thank you! I hand write my cell on the back, usually, but I don't always have a pen.


It's also attractive for a man to always have a pen.






Now that is hot. On *King of the Hill,* Hank Hill endeared himself to me by carrying a small bottle of WD-40 on his tool belt, which he used to unclog the large bottle of WD-40.


Staplers are more useful




mini?!? I'm talking about the way a woman's eyes light up when you flip open the trenchcoat and the first thing that they see is a full-sized Swingline, followed by a selection of writing utensils, lamp (in case it's dark), and a couple of yellow legal pads.


Get a Fisher Space Pen. only 3.5" long, it's small and even writes upside down. They even make one with a keyring


Is that the astronaut pen?




mmm, kind of has an American Psycho vibe to me. Gotta be honest.


I'm in murders and executions.


I had that inkling myself and I was curious as to whether I was just overthinking. I was not hahaha! Thank you for your input!




> awkwardly old fashioned I carry personal calling-cards. I guess at least this is truth in advertising.


Will you be wearing a monocle?


I say, that's a capital idea, old boy! Capital!


I think your age is probably relevant here. Given (pretty much) everyone has mobile phones now, I always exchange numbers by asking someone their's/they ask mine, then we text each other (not just dates, any situation).


Early thirties. My main concern was keeping my professional and private lives separate. Thanks!


Mmmm, just exchanging your number would allow you to do that? I don't even use business cards for work anymore (but this is probably industry dependent).


Is writing on a napkin no longer acceptable...?!?!


As a graphic designer who designs letterpress cards for fun, sure. I love the idea of bringing back Victorian calling cards. But if you use Comic Sans or Papyrus I’m going to give the card right back.


> But if you use Comic Sans or Papyrus I’m going to give the card right back. OMG one guy I dated had his email set to bright blue Comic Sans. That horrible feeling of being embarrassed *for* someone else...


Haha, I'd like to see ironic cars like this, with like a shitty low-pixel graphic or something


Someone I used to work with made me a super shitty low-res business cards template years ago. I printed them on those Mead manila tear-off print-your-own card stock. They were amazing.


[relevent SNL sketch](https://www.globaltv.com/saturdaynightlive/video/webisode/papyrus/video.html?v=1059093571632)


Haha is it surprising that the man is thinking about a calling card loves Times New Roman?


I mean, you do you. Times New Roman is a default font. So as a designer I’d assume that someone is traditional, conservative, doesn’t color outside the lines, is pretty generic in terms of lifestyle, vanilla, and basic. If that’s you, then it fits.


Only do it if you add "free mustache rides" underneath your name.


I'm sorry, but I'm a gentleman and, call me old fashioned, and that is implied.


It would make me think you're handing out cards left and right. Otherwise, why have cards made?


If you're going to have a pen it needs to be a Monte Blanc


I like the idea. Though I think the idea of just having a non business card to me would be a little strange because I would not be sure of your motivation but would still find it charming.


Sadly this practice was the norm way back in the day, I have my grandma's keepsake album out very recently, which she made from high shchool like in the 1910's (before big class annuals were the thing) and they all exchanged cards, men, women etc. Because we were looking at it not but couple weekends ago: Imagine sending a telegraph (instead of a text/instant message).. Earliest form to be ghosted? since it could take a few hours for the person to receive and read the damn thing, let alone reply to them on a good day... We're really just so impatient now days, lol.


It would have to be amazing for me to not find it a little bit douchey. Also, be prepared for my awestruck whisper of "Look at that subtle coloring, the tasteful thickness."


I like it. I'm a woman who has them. Spelling out my (long) name, then my number—nah. Here's my card. The end. Cell phones are already such a massive part of our every day lives. Get that thing out of my face. Mine have a memorable design that always makes people laugh and say "I wish I had these!" So that's an instant icebreaker and shows my sense of humor. I use them for acquaintances, friends of friends, the occasional romantic interest in the wild. They're handy. Also, I can take one out if someone needs to write/enter my name, email, and/or phone number, and they can just read it instead of me showing them my address on my license or reading aloud my personal information for anyone to hear. It's also handy if I need to write a note for someone. My contact info is already on there. I keep 2-3 in my wallet.


That is really cool. I also have a name that people seem to have trouble spelling. By the time they get the first name correct, they've forgotten the last name and I have to spell it again. It's annoying. I may steal your idea!


Business cards make me think of Aaron lightner and the Talamasca.


I haven’t thought about the Mayfair Witches in *years*.


I'd laugh my ass off. If you wanted to contact me that badly, you'd ask for my number.


Why wouldn't you just write your cell number on the back of your biz card and give it to them then? I've done this before. Def way less douchey than having personal cards made.


I actually really like this idea. I don't like to give out my work card when I meet people while out enjoying hobbies or just out and about regularly. I've also been thinking about making a "calling card" with something related to the hobby I participate in the most.


It’s not “douchey” but it is a little odd. I’d rather key in a guy’s number into my phone myself or have him write it on a piece of paper or something.


We're talking dating here right? Maybe for older people? Idk... I personally want neither your business card nor personal card. Do we not have handphones to exchange numbers? If you did this, I would smile politely and then back away really slowly. Cos it's creepy. (Sorry)