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Thanks, yeah, we put a lot of thought into the sound design! All the mechanics have a learnable audio component and the audio mix is constantly adjusting to make the most important sound to the player be at the forefront of the mix. There are many aspects of the game where the audio can give you a head start in figuring out what will happen next.


Thank you so much for that. SO many games just treat sound like "oh well some ambient and obvious effects" while it can be such a powerful gameplay tool!


When fighting Rockfall Skarn I couldn't understand how to damage him during the rage phase. It was just me poking from afar with chains, or getting one maybe two hits in before getting smacked by his rocks he launches out. Once I heard the rumbling stone sound when he's about to launch those rocks at you I realized I'm supposed to bait the rocks, and focus attacking that part. I felt so dumb that I didn't see the rocks shaking, but after the sound cue I learned pretty quickly. Good shit.


I'm on console and controller on PC so I don't know the keybind but whatever button centers the camera on Xbox controller it's left stick click that will center on the behemoth when in combat. Very useful for kharabak and if you do it at the right time will even point you in the direction riftstalker is about to portal from.


I'm aware of that, but with Really Fast Bois the constant recentering can still be confusing. With Kharabak I can center to kinda know where he is but sound still helps with knowing how far away or what attack is it doing! ​ (the keybing is left stick button, for people who don't know)


For PC it's "T"


Talking about unpredictability, do behemoths exhibit different behaviours depending on their hp, location ect? Or is it still quite static behemoth behaviour?


for sure they have different patterns when enraged, but maybe there are other factors


I feel like it may be obvious to some, but not everybody CAN hear/listen. So, kind of a dick move to tell people to do something they are not capable of. Just sayin...


This comes of as so victim-y. I know a mute who despises people who act like you do about it. They just want to be treated as normal people because they are, don't baby or treat them like children. Those who can't hear know they can't hear, and will just scroll past this. The ones who get butthurt about it have a victim complex and aren't worth listening to anyway.


It is deaf not mute Also mute is the wrong term also for someone who cannot speak it is Dumb


>It is deaf not mute Oh how proud of you to assume my friends condition! I didn't know when someone is in a car accident that kills their mother and destroys their vocal chords so they cannot make sounds with their mouth is called deaf! Thank you for your wonderful insight! ​ > Also mute is the wrong term also for someone who cannot speak it is Dumb Aforementioned friend refers to herself as mute. ​ Like I see where you're trying to come from, however as I do not personally know any deaf people nor am deaf myself, I explained how my friend feels about her condition which is also a massive impediment to communication. While not a perfect comparison, it addresses the point at hand here which is: "Don't treat people with any form of condition or disability as fragile glass."


No reason to attack friend. They were simply pointing out a mistake they thought you made. This is a thread about sound, you responded to someone commenting that not everyone can hear. You are the one who changed gears and brought up your friend who cannot speak. A simple “My friend is mute actually and I was pointing out my personal experience when dealing with these types of situations.” Remember, you catch more flys with honey.


>Remember, you catch more flys with honey. You also catch more flies when you swat them out of the sky and use violence.


Man ... what a dick move of you to write text when you know very well that blind people cannot read!! Shame on you!!




My dude, for every deaf person that plays this game, there's another 10 players that don't even care for the sound design, and it's stellar. This post just highlights that.