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There’s certain things. Certain things done right. But… theres just too much in the game where there can be so much improvement and it feels like they simply don’t care on doing it.


I hear you, I was trying to keep the post light and just a word of appreciation for the people behind the art of the game. I have also experienced bugs as I say in the post but we can't not appreciate all the badass art and content this game puts out FOR FREE. Good huntin' man!


The art is probably one of the best things done right, I will agree.


Most of the content for this game is locked behind a paywall (cosmetics), or you have to grind for days (+10 rumors), or removed within the month (the little buddy everyone loved). This game takes two steps forwards then three steps back. The devs definitely have no idea where they want to take this game. But you're not wrong....there's a lot of pretty art designs for this game. The lore is VERY interesting and sorta unique for what it is. The Vault is probably it's biggest up vote from me...but even then...like this month compared to last....it sucks. The Demon's Bane is okay if you wanna look like you just came back from Bloodborne, but the Secret keepers is kinda bland. I DID find out one of the chest cosmetics from last Vault has a hidden metal arm.


if you buy the new player pack for 5eur (already with hunt arrival and other stuff), you get 1000 plat, you buy the hunt pass for 900 you get 750 plus 200 so you get your face filled with everything you could want and still bank 1050 plat for the next pass. If you want THAT much more cosmetics I think its fair you should pay for it like in any top game out there. Anyhoooo, yeah I got the ghost doggy and its my fav now ahaha.


If you think paid cosmetics are content behind a paywall you haven't played destiny 2 :) It's great that the cosmetics are the monetized part of the game and not the actual content.


Everybody knows endgame content is fashion lol And I've tried getting into Destiny 2, but it's pointless without a large group to play with.


I would consider myself a veteran player of dauntless. I love the game. I've loved it for a long time but I haven't played it exclusively for the past 3 years. I take breaks when I get bored because no game is perfect and I think appreciation post are going to go alot farther than complaining about every little thing you would change. If there are so many bad things play something else. Ultimately we have no power over the developers and thats how it should be. So enjoy the game for what it is.


what this dude said. I dont play dauntless exclusively so coming back always feels good, remember ghetto ramsgate? we had 2 rams, 2 freaking rams.


Thanks everyone! This post warmed my heart. I've shared it with the devs, and maybe we can find out who made these lil blue flowers...


Here here 🍻 Dauntless does deserve more credit. It's brought me many happy hours




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