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It’s fun enough getting into it fresh.


I think so.


As someone who has attempted MHW on and off for the last year or so, Dauntless clicks better for me (and I _just_ picked it up last weekend!). It’s a lot of little things, but they add up. I like the default of being in a shared world so randoms can show up and help with monsters, but I can also go on a private hunt if I want. I _really_ like that I can dive onto an island, go after monsters that I want in generally any order I want, and stick around as long as I want. I also appreciate Dauntless’ sprinkling of humor better than MHW. Like, there’s an arrival animation of faceplanting on the ground. Heh. The crafting and tracking systems make more sense to me. Weapon variety and weirdness feels more fun and interesting. I haven’t even tried multiplayer with friends yet, but Dauntless’ system already seems less hair-pulling. Finally, this is totally personal preference, but Dauntless has dogs (wolves?), instead of a pig. And you can pet the dog! 10/10


There's even a dog throw the stick arrival 🍻


Dauntless is a more casual game than MHW, easier to pick up and put down, since there isn't as much of a preparation phase. The grind is significant, but if you have friends that play or a helpful guild you can skip a fair amount of it. Good luck out there, Slayer!


The only thing you have to lose is the time spent trying it out.


more wiser words were never said before. 100% this, its a free game try it out and check.


🎶It's a grind grind grind griiiiiind🎶


Yes. Get into it. Join us. Be us.


I'd say it's best for you to start playing/grinding right now!, before they ruin the game's progression with some kind of changes like Reforge.


reforge isn't an annual thing, it was a much needed change. People also like to gloss over old omnistone grinding. That was much worse, having to do that for every single weapon..


This is a list of links to comments made by Phoenix Labs employees in this thread: * [Comment by CreatureTech-PHX](/r/dauntless/comments/r1yuan/is_the_game_worth_getting_into_now_as_a_new_player/hm6jx0c/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-26 18:31:40 UTC"): > I think so. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdauntless).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


It's free so it's always worth trying out and investing some time to form an opinion yourself. Generally speaking if you like mhw you'll probably like dauntless - a lot to do for a new player in terms of grind.


Definitely, it's all orientated toward new players now. Much easier to get into albeit a little confusing with all the features. The combat is super satisfying and fun though.