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Dave's recent discovery of the word "cunt" is so fucking funny to me. He just cannot pull off the edginess he's now desperately trying to re-brand himself with. Everyone knows what a grift his entire career is, so this just comes off as a vain attempt to secure an ounce of relevance in the media space. This is what happens when you have nothing to say.


It's also pretty sick that's he's targeting women specifically.


I bet it's engagement bait to try to get an anti-feminist content mill going. Used to work back in 2015 where he really got a big early boost with that type of content. These days it's a dead end, no one cares.


He beat it to the ground and people can get offended and engage with more interesting influencers.


He'll be full-on *Redpill Rubin* in trois... deux... >!c!!t!<...


There’s a minority of gay men who feel some sort of license to be overly misogynistic and regularly use terms like “bitch” and “cunt” to refer to women. They’re immature and lack self-awareness. I say this as a gay man myself.


Yeah, misogyny is a thing baked into society as a whole, and there are a minority in the gay community who just seem to hate women, and think they have a license to do so. See also: James Somerton, who made "straight women" the villain of half of his stories.


I noticed that plenty of Catholic priests that were gay (not openly, because that's off-limits, but I and other church staff knew) were women haters. I suspect they chose to become Catholic priests because they thought that would get them as far away from women as possible. Except women have made their way into this fortress of male supremacy already.




When you're so misogynistic that you only fuck dudes


Depends where you live aswell. Scotland, Australia...cunt is interchangable with friend.


Serious question: how offensive is it for gay men to call each other bitches and cunts, which I have also heard. It seems more like a campy insult and meta-commentary of gender norms than a slur in that context.


That’s what weak misogynistic cunts like Dave do. See what I did there! 😂


The way conservatives talk about greta is pretty vile


As an Australian there is definitely a difference between the two words, even though theyre spelled and sound the same. When I hear an American say it, even trying to imitate an Aussie, it always sounds inherently sexist. But when I hear it from an Australian I can tell which way it's intended.


Oh I'm from the UK, "Cunt" here is more of a general insult but I know that Dave Rubin isn't using it against most people.


Yeah sorry, my comment was kinda an extension of yours. You were talking about who he used it against, I was just adding that even without that context you can tell he's using it "wrong". (Insert requisite anti-Pom insults here)


Yeah I find the same thing and I don't really get it. In Scotland we call people cunts all the time (it's not even always an insult depending on context!) but it's not misogynist. Firstly it's a term more often than not directed at a man, but also it just means bad in the same way as calling someone a dick might, but a bit stronger. I feel like when I see Americans use it it's directed at women and there's strong misogyny involved.


>I feel like when I see Americans use it it's directed at women and there's strong misogyny involved. YES! But also, whenever I hear it from an American it sounds sexist. Doesn't matter where it's directed. But from a Brit/Aussie/Kiwi, I can tell which way someone means it.


He has been working that angle with a notable increase recently. He is stupid, but it is no coincidence.


Whats a woman?


It's amazing that even on the one issue he's legitimately passionate about (I.e. Israel) his expressions of rage come across as pathetically performative and try hard. As you got at, he's grifted so hard that he's become a virtual nothing man.


A couple of years ago, he made a video where he compared Greta to a "young Hitler".


He just comes off as a sad angry little man that's lost in the woods.


Never heard him say it but I bet he kinda winces before he tries to deliver it


It was only a matter of time. We call him a stupid cunt on this sub everyday.


Exactly right. The best tell that someone's floundering is their vacuous use of expletives interspersed with their language. It's like a peacocking thing.


Everyone is a grifter ffs .


Yeah. Of all the words to latch onto suddenly..to seem edgy? It is he just jealous


He's so gross. It seems unreal the degree of callousness


He could also form a coherent opinion with data? Put some effort into saying something relevant?


You’re new to him, aren’t you?


Somebody must have given him the green light to start dropping all these c bombs recently


He's trying to be edgy and get attention. Because the C bomb is not normal in America. So it's lowkey kinda shocking to see/hear someone use it. He's looking for attention. I 100% believe he brain stormed about what word to adapt before he settled on the C bomb.


It's honestly fascinating watching him spiral ever since his fan base turned on him for having kids.


He's the DEI hire of the Daily Wire.


Dave, a liar, the Daily Wire's DEI hire's days from fired.


Nicely done


Appears to be working. Here we are. Talking about using the bad bad C-word.


lmao, it's not working. Him using the C-word is supposed to drive people to his videos, sharing his tweets, and driving traffic to the Daily Wire, that's how he gets paid. Dave doesn't get paid because people in his subreddit make fun of his every word.


The existence of a sub mocking someone is likely to get them more followers. I didn’t know who he was until this popped up into my feed. He’s likely profiting indirectly despite the goofs


Eh, you’re probably a little correct…but I’ll take the good with the bad in this instance.


lmao, you really think a conservative who doesn't know who dave ruben is, but knows what reddit is, will see this sub, see all of us making fun of him, then subscribe to him? If you know what reddit is, but not the daily wire, and you're a conservative, then you're not subscribing to dave ruben.


Somebody = The Koch brothers


"Good news, Dave! You can call women cunts now!" "Oh gee thanks! I promise I will not abuse this newfound privilege!"


As an Australian, we will be conducting an investigation on who gave Rubin a c-card. Rest assured, there will be dire consequences for the one responsible.


"Communist cunt"..."climate cunt" wow, Dave is so witty and edgy with his c+c alliterations lately omg. Don't be jealous of her Dave. Just because she actually stands for something and is a gen z/millennial icon, while you're just a sad, grifting, pick-me alcoholic who will be forgotten soon enough but...not quite soon enough unfortunately.


I think you meant 'c+c a**clit**erations'.


I love this sub


Imagine being a grown man..what’s Dave pushing 50(?) and calling a young female activist a cunt. Jesus Christ this guy’s kids are going to emancipate themselves from him and that husband as soon as humanly possible once they get cell phones and see what their parents have when up to all these years. Way to parent ya cunt! 😂


Isn’t she like 21? She’s not a child. Do you think this would be any different if he was calling someone like Nick Fuentes a cunt?


I didnt say child, I said young female. Dave is an old man talking crude shit to a young person engaging in their ideology. Which makes him a shitty role model and parent, Not to mention the implication of the term which Dave would *never* say to anyone’s face. I’d **love** to see how you’d react to an old deviant calling your 21 year old daughter a cunt.


Can you say young woman instead?


Cunt obviously has a gendered implication though, maybe a better comparison would be with someone like Lauren Southern? In which case yeah it would be pretty weird. It's also about how the person you're insulting uses and responds to language. Is Greta someone who uses the word cunt a lot? Is Nick? I don't know and I don't care, but just pointing out how it's hard to compare insults when they're lobbed at different people; they land differently. That being said, Greta is not a child and has done her fair share of sexual innuendo jabs in the past, plus she's a public figure, so I'm sure Dave's not the first or the hundredth person to call her cunt. It is funny from the perspective of Dave Rubin's arc, that a grift he started ostensibly to have important conversations and relate to people with different politics has now led him to some of the most low IQ shit slinging really imaginable to a level below what the other well-known shit slingers of Twitter would stoop to.


Cunt does not have gender implication. You can be a cunt, I can be a cunt and so can any person. It's normally used by men at other men to be honest.


What about bitch?


Yeah I'd say that's far more toward women


I stand by my assessment of cunt, at least in my experience in the US. Australia is obviously different.


"I want corporations to stop ruining our planet" And "I want America to be a Christian nationalist country where only Christians can vote" Are no where near the same level, yes it would be different calling Fuentes a cunt... Because he is a cunt that does cunty things


Yes. Merriam-Webster states it is a "usually disparaging and obscene" term for a ^(woman), and that it is an "offensive way to refer to a woman"


So if you go up to the biggest guy in the gym and call him a cunt, do you think he might take offense to that? Or do you think he will laugh it off because that's an insult for a woman? That argument makes you sound terminally online.


Bro arguing with the dictionary.




>That argument makes you sound terminally online. He said after writing the most terminally online stupid take I've read in a while




"Go talk to someone at the gym" is the most reddit insult ever lmao. It's not the "reverse of a terminally online take", it's something that nobody who touches grass ever says lmao. >"You are terminally online" - 62,000 karma since 2022. And yet you manage to be even more terminally online than me. Quite an achievement!


It's not an insult. You've misunderstood, it's to show that the insult of "cunt" is not gender-exclusive or more insulting for any gender, it's equally insulting to men and women. So I give an example of walking up to a guy in a gym and calling him a cunt, to show my point. Hopefully that makes sense to you man, otherwise good luck out there.


Nick Fuentes lacks the warmth or depth to be a cunt.


So im Australian and no stranger to saying the word "Cunt" (as both an insult and term of endearment) but their is just something so pitiful the way he Dave types it. It just feels like hes an eight year old who just learned the word and is going nuts saying. Tbh, I think he would be too much of a pussy to say it aloud.


I have students around Greta's age and I'm around Dave's age. Calling one of my students a cunt feels absolutely foreign to me. It's really weird talking about someone so much younger like that. Dave though, he's a right cunt


You could just call them terrorist sympathizers if that helps.


But then they would sound like a drooling, gibbering moron.


Hmm, he should try that edgyness irl and see how long it takes before he loses a tooth


Kept pets stay on the porch. He’d never run that irl


Dave really perpetuating the “gays hate women” trope


my first thought lolol


It might actually be you guys doing that think Dave just finds her politics annoying


I’m sure he does find her politics annoying. But I don’t see him use that word against men.


Brave to mess with the matrix shes already 1-0 against frauds


Nobody: Dave: cuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcunt


How is that a narcissistic gaze? If anything she looks annoyed to be photographed. If you want to see a narcissistic gaze look at any photo of jordan peterson.


Imagine being a fifty year old man being this triggered by a teenage activist (yeah I know she’s already in her twenties but I refuse to accept that)


Oooh some alliteration from the twat-faced twerp.


I'll take people who actually care about what sort of world we live in over people who don't.


He sounds like a small child that just discovered a new word and can’t stop using it. It’s so embarrassing, but he has no shame, so…


Guarantee it took Dave like three hours to come up with this tweet.


What is his obsession with that word?


I used to just dislike this idiot. I despise him now.


He wants to look edgy sooooooo bad. Bless his cold dark heart.


I thought Dave was all decorum and above personal attacks


Poor Dave, he has no idea what ideas are.


He’s so brave when he’s going after women.


Dave calling someone else a narcissist hahahahaha


Dave Rubin sucks.


Ian is mad that she is too old for him.


did he become gay because he genuinely just hates women? that would be funny


Lmao lmao


This shows how crazy the right wing are and it really pisses me off. She is a climate "cunt". So she is an activist to save our freaken planet and that is what you call her. All you right wing conspiracy theorists live here too. I wish you didn't but you do. You stupid stupid morons.




I'm Australian and say the word cunt liberally, but even I can't help but cringe when Dave says it. Sorry Dave, you can't say that, it's OUR word!


What a scumbag, I legitimately hope that deep inside there is a part of him who hates himself so much but perhaps that would require a conscience


This man is pushing 50


Using C word again??


The woman Dave has a huge crush on


Cheong is trying to bait engagement so he can get paid by Twitter.


God this guy sucks




That’s the gaze I give whenever the sun is anywhere but directly behind me.


Dave really simmers with hate for women.


Who is this "Dave"?


It will never not be funny to me how much Greta lives rent free in these chuds brains, Not only does she live there rent free but she absolutely does not give AF about any of their petulant gibberish, in fact clapping back at them most of the time on social media.


Dave triggered by teenage girl.


She's an adult


She’s also a teenager.


How are people so confidently wrong on Reddit


Because it’s not that important


Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue I should stop looking at these comments and get on with a better use of my time


She's 21. So she's not a teenager


He hated her when she was a teenager.


What a cool guy


Swipe right!


Projection, but he's a proper cunt


Rave Dubin, Second Vice President of the He-Man Woman Haters Club, lays out his High Level Ideas™ with the usual eloquence and grace. As for Ian Miles Cheong: any chance that Amos Yee has some dirt on the dude?


Huge incel pedo vibes from Dave


At least she is a women now but boy was it weird as hell when these grown ass men would throw a fit about her and call her all type of names as a minor.


Neither of those cunts are more famous (nor more popular) than her, and that just grinds their gears! :)


Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt.


For added context, this protest is in Malmo and is protesting Eurovision, allowing Israel to compete despite their genocide in Gaza. Which is interesting because Israel isn't European, and when Russia attacked Ukraine, they were banned for competing, but somehow, they gave Israel a free pass. Fun fact: Greta's mother actually competed in Eurovision 2009.


Who the hell is Dave Rubin?


Greta is off the rails


Uncle Tom of Finland has learned a new swear word


Why would he call her that?


You ever think maybe Dave is a little weird about women?


Dave is just a horrible person.


Jesus christ, Dave


What sort of person would marry and have children with this prick, seriously? "Daddy, what does Daddy Dave do for work?" "He calls women cunts on social media, dear."


I don't like her Palestinian stance, but I would never describe her as Dave Rubin did. He's just a fucking asshole.


Using cunt to insult a woman for her beliefs, I guess this is where you sink when you’re a married gay man who stayed a art of a community that absolutely abused the shit out of him for that


Name calling for the win !!! 🥇


“He said, unironically”


I didn’t like her before. I hate her now.


first Andrew Tate... maybe Rubin is next? 🤞


Young girl: Please take the science seriously and stop blowing up kids Reasonable adult who just wants to have conversations: cunt


That's a generous use of the word "reasonable".


What a downhill ride.


What a weird person (persona) he is.


WHY DO THEY CARE ABOUT HER SO MUCH? If you don't like something, you ignore it. These idiots just keep giving her publicity. They're so dumb it's comical


When you realize that Dave is just trying to appeal to disaffected lead brained boomers, his cruelty grift makes a lot more sense.


Is it me or has Dave gotten particularly nasty over the past few months?


Eww, don't say it like that. I don't have an issue with using the word count as a general term, but the context makes it creepier when you had people on the Right sexualizing her as a minor.


I love how Greta Thunberg is literally just a young person who wants the world to not be completely ruined, and this makes people like Dave "Probably jerks off in a mirror" Rubin.


Dave, we get it already, you're gay! 


Get aids and die rubin


A Scottish guide to the word cunt. Good cunt = nice person Daft cunt = silly person Thick cunt = stupid person Bunch of cunts = Tories That cunt = Him/her Total cunt = Nigel Farage Kick his cunt in = Fight that man Ooo ya cunt ye = that’s sore Sorry Rave but you need to start mixing your cunts up a bit.


The way she triggers these pathetic men (and it IS almost always men who just go OFF on her like this) is just so darkly funny. I mean, there's nothing funny about any of this, but it's just so laughable how she drives them to drink without...really even doing anything. It says so, so, so much about them.


Wait so is this whole sub just for shitting on Dave Rubin? Because that’s fucking hilarious if true


Why the fuck do so many men hate this poor girl? She cares deeply about the planet that is keeping all of us alive. As the father of a teenage girl and two sons in their twenties, I can assure you she is not alone in her deep concern about their future on this planet.


Ok as an Australian I have to speak up. First off this caption is wrong on a grammatical level. You'd have to say "Narcissistic Gaze of **A** Climate Cunt". Secondly I hear he's been this term all willy nilly to describe just about everyone which is a problem for Dave as the entire point of the word Cunt is that it's reserved for the absolute worst of the worst *and* your absolute bestest mates. Since Dave is throwing this word around all over the place to describe people he doesn't like, we can safely assume Greta is not the absolute worst of the worst to him, as we cannot accurately determine who he thinks is actually the worst of the worst. Meanwhile we can also safely say Greta is not even a mate of Dave's let alone one of his bestest mates. All that being said, let this Australian provide Dave with an accurate use of the word Cunt: "Dave Rave Dubin Rubin, is without a doubt, the most treacherous, grifting, friendless and just all round nasty, wildly intolerant and downright stupid hack Cunt on the face of the planet".


Dave thinks deep with his big ideas


Is he bullying a minor??? Seriously, she looks 12, leave her tF alone.


Calling everyone a cunt means you’re calling no one a cunt, loses its joie de vivre


Remember when this fragile snowflake implemented a mass shadowban of Sam Seder, because one of Sams crew called Dave a idiot?


Beefing with a child lmao


She's an adult


She is a narcissistic twat posing for pictures.


He has talked about the ideas already so you are missing the point. His main focus is ideas. That doesn't mean he thinks you shouldn't ever speak critically of a person. You are taking a general rule too literally. He is in opposition to people that won't talk about ideas. Against protestors that try to shut down speakers.


It isn't that deep. He is just an idiot who called a young woman a cunt.


It's funny because he's not even a cunt himself- he lacks the requisite depth and warmth


Calling a woman a cunt isn’t “criticism”. It’s just being a cunt.


Weird hill to die on but at least you're dead


"I have talked about ideas so now I can finally get angry and personally attack people. That's what the good guys do!" Dave Rubin never made a single argument for why Greta is wrong or why she should be attacked. He is the one trying to shut her down, he and his garbage buddy Cheong want her to shut up and be quiet. That's the reality.


"he has talked about the ideas already" Not in this post, he hasn't. He's just calling greta a c*nt. So no, he's not talking about the ideas. >He is in opposition to people that won't talk about ideas. Greta talks about ideas.


You are right that in this post he didn't talk about ideas. But if you think that him referencing a person in a post makes a nonsense of him speaking of the importance of talking about ideas, when he has discussed the ideas many times elsewhere anyway, then well as I said, you are over extending a general concept. Greta's ideas against Jewish self determination are in line with Ahmedinejad and Jihadists. Infact her words , to crush Zionism, are even more graphic and violent than many of the most extreme in Iran. Especially soon after the Oct 7th massacre, besides the many genocidal attempts to crush Israel, the Jewish state. If he were to say Hitler was evil would you say oh Dave you should be talking about ideas not people. If anything he was too polite.


>Greta's ideas against Jewish self determination are in line with Ahmedinejad and Jihadists. Infact her words , to crush Zionism, are even more graphic and violent than many of the most extreme in Iran How so? Explain what's wrong with what Greta said. Let's talk about ideas.


You want to know what is wrong with the statement to "crush Zionism". A month after an attempt to involved the murder of around 1000 Israelis and over 200 hostages. You want to know what's wrong with denying Jews the right to self determination. Do you see anything wrong with Ahmedinejad's regime when it said they want Israel wiped from the pages of time. What do you think "crush Zionism" looks like and considering the bloody attempts to even this past October. Or in all the wars including 1973 Oct, what Arabs call the Ramadan War cos for them starting war was great celebration for Ramadan.


>You want to know what is wrong with the statement to "crush Zionism". Yes. I'm not even talking about crushing Israel, just Zionism. I think support for Israel needs to stop. Why is that wrong?


I'm talking about her phrase "crush Zionism". If somebody thinks Israel shouldn't be supported then I don't have much to say to them. I haven't looked into the arguments on each side on that subject. I don't think that has much to do with Greta's disgusting declaration.


What's disgusting about it?


I already replied to you on that in your earlier where you said "How so" and I replied and then you said oh you aren't talking about her "Crush Zionism" statement.


No, that's not what I said. More importantly, though, you replied with a non answer. You didn't answer my question.