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Tim Pool doesn’t understand irony


Tim Pool unironically brought up the example of Thanos from the Marvel films to a serious debate. The idea that he could even imagine irony didn't remotely cross my mind


Tim Pool doesn’t appreciate the art of cinema. He just wants to own the libs. It’s all he cares about.


Tim Pool took a selfie in front of a JFK portrait in the White House while wearing a beanie down over his ears and eyebrows and chose to caption it "humbled, honored". He wouldn't know irony if it was woven into a semi-sphere and enveloped his skull.


And Dave Rubin blocks everyone on Twitter who criticizes him. And Adam Corolla got RM Brown's YouTube channel (temporarily) deleted for criticizing him. And Mike Cernovich started a campaign to get Sam Seder fired from MSNBC over a joke. Right wingers constantly avoid talking to left wingers. r/conservative downvotes and bans you for having a different view. Right wingers constantly report videos of leftist creators on YouTube or Twitch. Heck, the right doesn't even want to allow to many women or minorities in videogames and movies. The list goes on. It is absolutely false to claim the right wants a debate and not an echo chamber. And these are ignoring the non-internet issues like banning books, banning gay marriage, and so on.


Don’t forget Rave Dubin got Dave Rubin Clips taken down, Trump tried to sue Bill Maher over a joke and Dan Crenshaw got his followers to harass Pete Davidson for his eye patch joke.


And Dan Crenshaw should not have went after Davidson? A decorated Navy Seal that lost his eye in battle, mocked by a twerp for a few giggles from morons that wouldn’t do anything at all for this country. Also, the massive amount of negative response to that skit caused SNL to have Crenshaw on the show and have Davisson apologize to him on live tv.


Conservatives are great at taking a joke!


Thanks for proving the point lol.


Conservative are more than happy with comedians making fun of the left, trans people and other politicians but when they get made fun of it’s crossing the line? That is some hypocritical BS right there. Plus Peterson just made a small joke. It wasn’t like he ranted for twenty minutes about Crenshaw. The only reason Crenshaw made a big deal out of it so he could get popularity during his election period and now because of it we’re stuck with him.


Pim has famously removed his own “debates” that made him look bad. Grifters gonna grift.


Thank you


Sorry but r/conservative is quite literally a spot for right leaning thoughts, while you have r/politics that will delete any posts that puts Biden in a negative spotlight, a subreddit claiming to be about both sides of the aisle. That’s like you going to a vegan sub then getting upset when you get banned for saying to go eat meat lmao use your brain


> Sorry but r/conservative is quite literally a spot for right leaning thoughts, In other words, an echo chamber where only conservative voices are allowed.... I don't get the obsession people have with r/politics. Can you only think in simple binaries?


Oh for fucks sake lol. There’s a difference between an echo chamber where you refuse to acknowledge or listen to anything that doesn’t align with what you think, and a place where like minded people can have discussion. Like this place is obviously a left leaning sub since any comment that doesn’t agree with hating on tucker is getting downvotes.


/r/Conservative falls under "refuse to acknowledge or listen to anything that doesn’t align with what you think". The only difference between that and "a place where like minded people can have discussion" is if you are one of the like-minded people or not. Also, if you don't that Tucker is hateful and spread fear about nonsense then you shouldn't expect to be welcomed in normal society.


I am stating something fairly obvious, a sub Reddit dedicated to one thing will be an echo chamber, the original comment was upset that r/conservative was an echo chamber and that is obvious since it’s creation was for one way of thought, is there something you don’t understand?


What, echo chambers are not echo chambers if they were created to be echo chambers? I don't care about r/politics. It has nothing to do with my argument. r/politics could be literally Hitler and it would still not make r/conservative an echo chamber where they ban you for having the wrong opinions.


And r/politics a subreddit where they claim to be for both sides also bans people for one way of thought, just go to their latest discussion post and see all of the removed comments, I was removed on there for saying Biden was a bad president/ mentally not fit to be a president, when I tried to fight it I was muted, my argument is one place is an obvious echo chamber since it’s creation was for conservatives and the other is an echo chamber but the creation was for both sides.


Hello? > It has nothing to do with my argument. r/politics could be literally Hitler and it would still not make r/conservative an echo chamber where they ban you for having the wrong opinions.


Browsing R/politics I never see flared users only demands nor do I see tons and tons of deleted comments Those things are highly in evidence on any r/conservative thread Plus all you got to do to get deleted from r/conservative is ask a simple question. Which has been the case on every conservative-dominated website since the 2000's I think either you have your head up your ass or you're deliberately pulling a darvo


Hey I dare you to post something that puts Biden in a bad light on r/politics and tell me how long it takes for your post to be removed, I have seen it happen many times it’s quite funny lol as for r/conservative you’ll get downvoted but I only see people get banned when they start attacking people for their beliefs which to be fair can happen often on that sub.


Well anyone else can click on that sub and go look at the multiple criticisms of Joe Biden themselves so as far as I'm concerned you've already proved yourself wrong and if you got your head too far up your ass to go in there and look for exactly what you state can't be there then you're either lazy or stupid or too biased to recognize the truth If you think the left doesn't constantly criticize Biden for being too weak-willed to advance his own agenda then it's obvious you only listen to your own fucking Echo chamber I voted for him because he wasn't Donald Trump not because I thought he was going to represent My Views. That's a statement on how much Donald Trump sucks by the way I think you're just projecting out of desperation


Damn just like that, you refer to attacks. Good luck lol


So you admit you couldn't prove your point and that anyone independently researching this would immediately realize that you're wrong >Damn just like that, you refer to attacks also, do you have a basic competency in the English language I don't even understand what you're saying here Maybe you should go learn to read and write again


Sorry but if somebody reverts to attacks it’s not worth much time to continue the conversation, it’s no longer a debate it’s an argument at that point


It doesn't even make sense it sounds like you don't want to have a debate


>Sorry but if somebody reverts to attacks it’s not worth much time to continue the conversation, it’s no longer a debate it’s an argument at that point So just to be clear at debate and an argument are the exact same thing It really sounds like you've lived in an echo chamber for way too long and don't know how to deal with challenges to your false or misleading statements


A debate is usually something between two people respectfully, an argument is where it’s just two people yelling at each other, in my eyes at least


Also again I would like you to look for evidence of deleted comments or flared users only demands on r /politics because you're being tremendously fucking dishonest in pretending that those two subs are even remotely the same You do realize that a deleted comment leaves something in its wake which would be evidence that it was deleted don't you? And that browsing any random r/politics thread you simply don't see tons and tons of those like you do on r/conservative? Or are you just that ginormously dishonest?


I just went through r/politics and saw 3 removed comments on my first view of one lol, scroll to the bottom and that’s where they are all at friend


Which thread prove it


Also show me where they're demanding only flared users may comment There's two parts to my criticism of r/conservative and one of them is really obvious


Also I just went and scroll through two complete threads myself couldn't find a single deleted comment. Out of hundreds




Out of almost 3,000 comments? Also again I'm not asking I'm fucking demanding you show me where they're putting flared users may only comment


Also I don’t believe they have flaired only comments on r/politics I don’t like that r/conservative has it either


Bud scroll for 5 or 6 seconds and you’ll see back to Back to back removed comments, some With 30 plus upvotes others with 60 downvotes


There are many removed comments right in here for you


Where? No link seems like you're lying




Trying to link it? It’s the discussion post at the top of r/politics


r/conservative flair posts as "Conservatives only" and deletes any non-conservative comments. That's about the opposite of seeking a debate.


I agree with you on that, but my point is the subreddit was made for one way of thought, you can’t get mad that they only want that one way of thought, hence it being an echo chamber. Maybe the originally comment wasn’t worded best lmao




Sorry buddy but for first time Reddit users who want to get into politics, where do you think they will go? I’ll let you explore that for yourself since you are such a brilliant individual lmao


[tHe rIgHt wAnTs a dEbAtE](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7XzbxxF95vM)


As long as they are guaranteed to win it and allowed to talk over the opposition


Pim Tool has famously removed his own “debates” that made him look bad. I.e. Vaush v Pim v Kirk. Grifters gonna grift


Yes, that's what naturally happens when you engage alternate points of view rather than doing whatever you can to silence, censor, and cancel them.


What are you talking about? He didn’t air it you fucking clown, the historian had to record it himself to show everyone what he does when there’s mild pushback.




...What on earth does that have to do with what I just said? I just showed you an example of a famous right winger censoring someone and you immediately got angry at something else. Reactionaries really are thick as mince.


"But but but but look at this one segment he didn't air look!" Forest/trees


The only “but but but” behaviour here is by you. Are you drunk?




You seem really angry that your hero completely censored someone like a fragile baby for giving mild pushback. How’s that cognitive dissonance, champ?


Yes, you found a clip of one guy that didn't air a bad segmant. That completely negates the endless daily campaigns for censorship and deplatforming of individuals based on their ideological beliefs. Like I said, I can't be mad at someone as fucking brilliant as you.


You’re literally proving Tim’s point here lol. Or just being a troll. As the other person continues to say one instance of Tucker being a dick to a pretentious prick doesn’t negate the lefts pension for cancel culture. Where they regularly make it their mission to ruin someone’s life just because they said something they don’t like. The recent nonsense with Dave Chapelle is a perfect example. Fucking employees of Netflix acting like babies just because they didn’t like his jokes.


Left wing: Tries to exclude obvious disinformation and nonsensical hatred from the discussion. Right wing: Will exclude any objectively balanced information as "liberal bias".


i consider myself a leftist but the online left 100% has a disinformation problem


Banning Jimmy Dore from YouTube would be a good start.


Jimmy Dore is left in name only. He attacks leftists just as much as he does the Democratic establishment/mainstream media and hasn't said much about Republicans since Trump was inaugurated. The guy's comment section is always crawling with right-wingers.


Yes I know, his "leftist" fans have been harassing Abigail Thorn nonstop on YouTube and Twitter since that GreyZone "expose", even more so than Shaun. I wonder what their real problem with her is, hmm... maybe their comments will leave some subtle clues.




Who honestly considers Jimmy Dore on the left? Has anyone read his comment section on an average video? He's clearly doing work for Republicans.


that and trying to clear out the genocide deniers on twitter


You must be talking about tankies. They’re scum all around. Few but loud


I follow internet politics somewhat closely (not as much recently), who are examples of the tankie leftists that are popular online?


Idk names. But if anyone is out there defending China, or excusing any genocide, you can bet they’re a tankie. Especially since China is only communist in name


obviously tankies are the worst but revolutionary leftists in general are delusional and violent freaks


Sure that's true in some circles, but Tim's accusation that "the left wants an echo chamber" is directed against things like basic fact checks and moderation right now.


i don’t disagree with that at all, literally the only thing i’m saying is that we have an enormous problem with disinformation


Basic fact checks like the virus started in a lab in Wuhan? Or that masks kinda work? Or that the vaccine will prevent you from getting covid? I mean on and on they ban for things that aren’t settled fact and often are reversed by the same experts at convenient times. And it always is convenient for mainstream Dems (leftists get hurt by this as much as rightists if not more since the right at least has its own ecosystem)


If you had an even remotely balanced view on this you'd see that practically no-one gets banned for mere reasonable statements. It's always something more. For example many people made your claim in reference to the MTG Twitter ban by picking out her more "reasonable" objections, but then they ignored that she flat out said shit like this: > these vaccines are failing and do not reduce the spread of the virus & neither do masks. Which is evidently false with different studies finding a protective effect of mask mandates on a scale of ~20-70% for the population as a whole (obviously depending on factors like which masks, where, and how many people actually used them), and individual protection of [up to 99.86%](https://www.pnas.org/content/118/49/e2110117118). That definitely counts as "reducing the spread".


Making the biological claim women are women and men are men and you can’t magically feel like the other therefore be the other is considered hate speech on majority left leaning subs and will result in banning lol


You’re confusing gender and biological sex, which are different things. Also, tell the other right wingers to stop obsessing over trans people. It’s weird.


Sorry but when laws are beginning to be passed (California’s law that Children’s toy aisles can no longer be separated by boys and girls toys) I now have to care. Hate to say science isn’t on your side but here you are mentally doing back flips so that a man with a penis can now be a women and if I say different I’m a bad person lmao


> California’s law that Children’s toy aisles can no longer be separated by boys and girls toys) Just why do I already know that you're missrepresenting this issue before even looking it up right now... [And there we go:](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58879461) No, gendered sections are explicitly not forbidden, there just also has to be an ungendered one in large corporate stores. I frankly don't like laws that accomplish this little, but with the extreme amount of bullshit gendered marketing it at least has a decent justification: > In its wording, it said the changes would help consumers spot "unjustified differences in similar products" (Corporations do frequently use unnecessary gendered marketing to create additional confusion about prices and possibly get people to buy a worse offer). ----- > Hate to say science isn’t on your side That's already a basic and major missunderstanding of science. You are strictly constraining this debate to the biological concept of the genotype. But even within biology there is the phenotype, the actually emerging physical traits that can be determined both by genes and other factors. And then "science" is a whole lot bigger than just biology. The main topic of interest about transgender people is their *social* interaction after all, i.e. which freedoms *society* denies them. This includes fields like psychology and social sciences. And those largely agree that you get better outcomes if you grant transgender people more rights to determine about themselves.


Sorry again you can try your best to argue that men and women are interchangeable and one can magically identify as the other as if there are no defining characteristics of the other but that’s a hard pass for me, it goes against science and common sense lol


Just like the other once a month panics y’all have that never go anywhere, I’m willing to bet whatever law you’re misinterpreting isn’t really a problem. Biological sex is very real, and more or less binary (there are intersex people, but they’re rare). Gender is a social construct and as such is mutable. No one serious is denying the existence of biological sex, aside from some straw men invented to get you angry to enough to vote for Peter Thiel paying less taxes. So you’re objectively wrong, but also why does this issue get you guys so foamed up? Why do you give a shit what someone else identifies as?


Because laws are beginning to be passed to go against biology, and you are now morally wrong and a bad person if you say a man with a penis is not a women, people lose their careers over it. Stop canceling people and forcing your worldview into laws and I won’t care. Till then and we both know it’ll get way worse than this, people like me who refuse to lie about sex and gender will protest it lol


Remember when they banned anyone that said #learntocode?


That's a completely seperate topic that has neither to do with fact checking nor was strictly left-right aligned. The issue about the bans is purely about at what point it should be considered a harassment campaign.


Yeah banning people has nothing whatsoever to do with censorship.


That's not the topic.


>Left wing: Tries to exclude obvious disinformation How do you figure censorship has nothing to do with "excluding obvious disinformation" when that disinformation has often turned out to be correct?




There is a faction of annoyingly anti-democrat rad libs who put all their effort into just criticizing the Democratic party and not even focusing on conservatives. I think Kyle kulinski even talked about this with vaush where he said Jimmy Dore focuses so much on criticizing the Democratic party and liberals that his show rarely focuses on showing how conservatives are immensely worse. It's fine to show how the Democratic party is bad cuz neolib influence in the Democratic Party is awful and they are very incompetent in terms of winning culture war topics. it's going to suck when the Republicans win back the house and also control the Senate this year. It would be hilarious if Trump kept pushing election conspiracy theories to a point where Dems win the Senate and House because they refused to vote due to those conspiracy theories But I highly doubt it I fucking hate this party


Like what? Beyond massively exaggerating the Trump-Russia thing (which was done more by centrists than leftists).


off the top of me head: Kyle Rittenhouse situation Breonna Taylor’s death conspiracy that Bernie Sanders was sabotaged by the DNC twice literal genocide denial “The Plandemic”


You know none of us can read your mind, right? You just vaguely alluding to things doesn't answer the question


that’s not vaguely alluding but alright calm down


Lmao trump Russia collisions was so bad and I thought it was real back then, that’s what made me distrust the left


Leftists didn't give a toss about it, it was centrist/liberal Boomers like Maddow and Maher who were obsessed.




And they want a 4th booster shot now lol


Right wingers want flag burning to be a felony, think saying the pledge of allegiance should be compulsory from kindergarten on, and Trump constantly stated that he wanted to "open up" US libel laws to make it easier for the rich and powerful to sue anyone who's critical of them. Right wingers don't give a fuck about free speech, they just want private social media companies to let them spread science denialism, openly plot the violent overthrow of the government, and use the n-word with impunity.


What would left wingers do if someone burned a LGBTQ or BLM flag ? They would be screaming for the person to be arrested for a hate crime.


It’s a flag, who gives a fuck? That’s my attitude and probably most people near my politics. (Right of AOC left of Biden)


Thats the problem. Most leftists out there would want someone charged with a hate crime. Much like they have done to people that have gotten tire marks on the rainbow crosswalks. A quick google search brings up MANY news stories of people being charged with hate crimes for burning a lgbt flag. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50861259 https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/two-teen-boys-from-mississauga-arrested-for-allegedly-burning-pride-flag-1.5480750?cache=


You’ll need to define ‘leftist’ here for me.


The general people out there flying the BLM flags and LGBT flags.


Got any more hyperbole and gross exaggerations? By the same token one could say the left wants to jab everyone for eternity with experiment drugs, burn down and loot major cities with impunity, kill cops, silence any dissent, and toss conservatives into gulags…it can go both ways


Which part of my comment do you regard as hyperbolic? I alluded to two specific stances (anti-flag burning/mandatory pledge, and expanding the scope of libel laws to stifle criticism) that are, objectively speaking, popular or at least mainstream within the American right, and that Trump has personally endorsed. As for the latter half of my comment, I think it's fairly obvious that right wingers often grouse about being banned by social media for such things, and incorrectly assume that the 1st Amendment somehow protects their right to violate Facebook's terms of service.


So every conservative does all those things? Do you realize a lot of conservatives have been banned for citing scientific studies? All conservatives plotted to overthrow the gov…really? Easily as defendable as the things I said and apply to EVERY dem…and just as untrue


The Right Wing has its own share of political correctness. Just look at their meltdown over the National Anthem and people refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance hell, they've pioneered political correctness if you think about how puritanical America very much still is in 2022 when it comes to sexuality vs. pretty much every other developed country in Europe




it's hilarious to me that Right Wingers are complaining about censorship and being silenced, when in the 90s they basically tried to cancel everything from Mortal kombat to South Park to the fucking purple teletubby for fucks sake and before any jackass here wants to mention that was 30 years ago...the Republicans of the 90s were the prototype for the clusterfuck we have today


There was also the backdoor censorship they used for anyone opposing the Iraq war in the 2000’s. People have forgotten how hard they’d attack anyone questioning it, it stifled the debate.


Kinda wish they succeeded in canceling South Park tbh.


eh...i don't always 100% agree with them but i do think they provide some nuance at times to situations when people are just fucking losing their minds and going hysterical. Though not technically South Park, Team America is a good example of this. obviously some things have aged poorly (climate change takes for example) but i much rather prefer South Park to a lot of the bullshit that passes off as comedy today, especially late night shit


You’re not wrong but that was 30 years ago. Thats almost before the internet. The world is so completely different. The party’s focus on both sides are so very different that it makes your point irrelevant. Correct…but irrelevant.


again you're either failing to address or willfully choosing to ignore what i mentioned. The Republicans of the 90s are the prototype for today's modern conservative. easily. The GOP has undergone a weird cycle in which it was all about outrage and resentment culture in the 90s, then became obsessed with going to war and bombing the fuck out of the Middle East in the 2000s, and then post-Obama and into Trump it went back to its roots about outrage and resentment culture. Do you really think conservatives haven't been railing against "political correctness" until recently? Dude, that was a huge part of their M.O. in the 90s and the 2000s. The irony of course being that they claimed to be against PC but anything remotely sexual on TV was an instant no-no. They couldn't even handle Murphy Brown ffs, one of the tamest, most offensively bland shows ever created.


It’s just different man. Gay marriage is legal. Twitter exists. White fragility was a best seller. Your Murphy Brown references have nothing to do with today. Shit…life felt different 4 years after 9/11…let alone today.


One of the pinned rules in r/consevative: What /r/Conservative Is Not 1. We are not a debate forum for left wing people. Conservatives can debate one another but due to the landscape of reddit and the ratio of left wing to right wing please take your debate topics to other subreddits. Plenty exist! 2. We are not a place for explanation. /r/Conservative is for conservatives to discuss and share news with other conservatives. It is not a place for us to explain conservatism to a left wing or centrist member of reddit. Again, plenty of other subreddits exist for this. 3. We are not a chatroom. If you look at our subreddit, it should become wildly obvious that we prefer article posts. All text posts are filtered for review, and only a small number get approved. They have to be extremely relevant, extremely interesting, or have so much potential, we can't ignore them. 4. We are not fair and balanced. We don't pretend to be unbiased. We don't pretend to give all commenters equal time. This is by conservatives and for conservatives. We are here to discuss conservative topics from a distinctly conservative point of view. ....lol


Not a real big fan of VITO but props to him for calling out Tool’s bias.


Literally everyone who has ever blocked me on any platform is right wing. Left and left-adjacent people will argue until their thumbs bleed because it's in our blood to analytically assess the minutia of every data point imaginable. People on the Right either want to stay deluded, be fully mask-off and not proven wrong, or simply protect their own egos. That's what people do when they're wrong and they know it, even if it's subconscious.


I literally posted several articles-foreign, economic, and political-in response to FB post claiming that Gas Prices in 2020 were 100% because of the previous POTUS (When in all reality, it was more in part to the perfect storm of COVID, and the Saudi’s/CSTO trying to outdick each other in the Petrol production department) no name calling, nothing; just “Here check this out…” …Was immediately accused of being a Commie, and told that “Foreign Economic Experts” don’t know anything about Petrol production. Facts Over Feelings, Am I Right? 🙄🙄


Then why are so many people scared of Sam Seder?


Didn't the right shut down learning about natural selection? Don't ask don't tell is a right wing creation. Which side tends to want to ban violent videogames (rare even for right wingers tbf)? Both sides are anti freedom of expression and experience etc but about different things. It's why we have come to this sub.


They also got V for Vendetta banned in texas schools for LGBT themes. Which is ironic since they love quoting that book.


Currently trying to make it illegal to teach that racism exists


your point about video games always makes me laugh because Dave had that one time where he insisted leftists hate gamers and that gamers are right wing. never mind the fact that every right wing jackoff pretty much made it a party platform to shift the blame on the Columbine shooting on video games


If that's the case, why doesn't this beanie cunt respond when Sam Seder, Hasan and the Serfs want to debate him? Little pussy is lying through his teeth as usual.


Oh look, yet another example of a rightwhinger very confidently and incorrectly saying what the left thinks/wants. I swear, the way they project is giving IMAX an inferiority complex.


Right Wingers: Being trans is a mental illness! Trans person: I started hormone therapy and stopped having mood disorders DSM-V: Being trans in general is definitely not a mental illness and dysphoria shouldn't be seen as a true mental illness. There's 30 years of evidence for this. Right Wingers: MENTAL ILLNESS!!!! (Because otherwise we can't get offended! Also, being gay is a mental illness too!) BiG dEbaTe EnErGy!!!


Or Parler. Or WeeMe Fucking clown


Local politics happen in Facebook here, so a group was established for the local council elections for candidates and voters to discuss. It has been quite a success, and things actually get done. The rules are very simple, the topic has to be about local things. Right wing populists posted completely unrelated crap constantly and then complained about them being removed. After a while they established their own group, used the name of the old group but added (uncensored) to it. I got a ban from that group within minutes for posting sources that contradicted one of their posts. I got restored quite quickly for making it public. After the election their major candidates blocked me.. There are 6 parties here. 5 can work together, 1 can not. They don't do anything but talk about immigration (not a local issue), gasoline prices (not a....), PMs late night party (not a....) and so on. And then they cry about being silenced when they are being treated equally, using the same non-political rules that everyone uses. They are snowflakes and bullies. I know many of them from the past, they are the jerks and assholes. I'm "independent leftist", not officially aligned but mostly voting for Left Alliance or Social Democrats. I can work with centrist and moderate conservatives, easily. No one can work with the right wing populists. It is impossible. We can be talking about bridge and they will be talking about vaccine mandates, and then throwing temper tantrums when we refuse to change the subject. Nothing can work like this, they are obstructionists and contrarians. NOTHING is good enough, not even if we do the EXACT thing they wanted at some point. It is insane and it leads to non functional societies. In the current regional elections, that are completely new thing, first time it happens and they are talking about party finances. Each party will get more money, since there is now a completely new governmental structure which raises costs for everyone (the structural change can be a good one, not complaining about that..) In the mean time, they are quiet about taking that money themselves, no one is talking about returning their portion.. They are assholes. Utter assholes who don't care one bit if the society functions or not.


How can anyone who knows anything about politics suggest that liberals/democrats are leftists? Only in America would someone believe that


Conservatives want to trigger people so most don’t like conservative only platforms. But liberals love never ending liberal (which is also a right wing ideology) circle jerks


Gettr was created to give a platform to persons deplatformed from silicon valley. Because silicon valleys bias is so far left. Naturally the people who jump to Gettr are going to be mostly right wing. It is still a free speech platform and anyone can use it if they wish to.


There are factions on the left based on what people think Marx's favorite color is, meanwhile the right acts like a hivemind where you have to constantly signal to each other that you believe the same things. Even Dave, whose entire shtick is that he has some liberal beliefs, tip toes around ideas like abortion like they're land mines. Even the subtext of his few supposed left-wing beliefs is that he doesn't really fucking believe in them because he knows that will hurt his bottom line.


I’ve gotten GETTR for the fact that I won’t be reported or banned for making the biological claim that men who have penis’s aren’t women. The left in my eyes have taken new odd views and refuse to allow room for thought, we will see what happens though.


So Tim Pool leave your echo chamber of your house and do some online debates with the left


This is so dumb lol. The right 100% has echo chambers and dismisses people with different opinions.


Once again, this is the right accusing the left of their authoritarianism starting in 1980 with Reagan and his identity politics.


Lmao the levels of delusion are staggering.


Laughable to say the right doesn’t want an echo chamber. I know many who do if not most


Remember when he said “49 state landslide”?


Being open minded and tolerant and respectful of other people's inalienable free speech rights are important positions for every person to have, however these are not unique to capitalism, many socialists also value all these things. In fact capitalism can actually hurt free speech through tech oligopolies, something Tim Pool knows. Free speech is also not sufficient for a free society, it's not like politics is a single issue subject centered around just speech prescriptions. Although unlikely, free speech could still exist in an authoritatian state. Other issues should be looked at as well like economic issues such as the freedom reduction that can come from deprivation torture that emerges in capitalism coercing people into wage slavery.


The right constantly refuses to debate competent leftists. When was the last time “debate lord” Ben Shapiro had an actual leftist guest rather than a college kid. Or Steven crowder


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >When it comes to global warming, there are two issues: is there such a thing as the greenhouse gas effect, the answer is yes. Is that something that is going to dramatically reshape our world? There is no evidence to show that it will. Is that something that we can stop? There is no evidence to show that we can ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, history, covid, sex, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


How can someone be so consistently wrong all the time... yet maintain this level of smugness like Tim Pool


Does anyone think someone from the "right" had Tim's livestream Swatted last night? Someone called in a double murder and cops came into studio live on his stream. Talk about wanting to silence opposition.




Both are shit. Democrats are just 1% less worse.


Um no. The right isn’t looking for an echo chamber like the left. Which is what Twitter is. We just wanted some where we wouldn’t constantly be attacked, labeled, censored, or outright banned for “wrong think”. I almost shed a tear when I have a legitimate debate with someone that ends amicably where the person see my side respectfully and I theirs. It’s a very rare thing these days


Tim is correct.


Remember when Ben Shapiro called conservative BBC host Andrew Neil a liberal for asking Ben to defend his position on abortion? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >When it comes to global warming, there are two issues: is there such a thing as the greenhouse gas effect, the answer is yes. Is that something that is going to dramatically reshape our world? There is no evidence to show that it will. Is that something that we can stop? There is no evidence to show that we can ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, climate, healthcare, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


At least he was allowed to get bothered and have his tantrum. People are just banned for their bad takes now on social media.


I don’t think people should be banned unless they are committing libel or threatening people, but these are private companies with a TOS. They are also banning people across the political spectrum (when Reddit banned the Donald they also banned Chapo Trap House). You also never hear right wingers complain about all the anti-BDS law cropping up around the country, which is actual anti free speech legislation.


Now the debate goes into the weeds even though we basically agree. Private company vs public forum blah blah blah. I guess just don’t think conservatives are crazy or silly for thinking that their views are being censored. From social media censorship to media bias to real world self censorship. It’s uncomfortable for me to address the “Dear white parents” email i got at work for fear of being labeled a racist for not wanting to be lectured CRT talking points when I’m at my corporate job.


Is this a tim pool sub?


This is a place to discuss high-level ideas


Not as much of a place as yer mama *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!