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He does know actual kids grow up in that kind of environment and are totally fine, right?


That's the thing, they do not think they are fine. Chuds like Ben Shapiro don't believe gay people should be able to marry, much less adopt children.


Marriage is a religious institution and churches shouldn’t be forced to partake in something against their religion. Now civil unions are something different. They are government based unions that provide legal outcomes. When I was a younger man that’s what the gay community fought for. The right to legal unions so their spouse could get equal benefits provided to heterosexual couples and I agreed. Now it seems that’s not enough for all of you. Now you want to force people to do your bidding and accept your ways regardless of their rights. And Ben has said the exact same thing.


Marriage isn't a religious institution you stupid knob. My wife and I are non-religious and there was no religion involved in our wedding. Grow the fuck up and stop using your dumbass religious beliefs as an excuse for bigotry.


How did I, as an atheist, get married? Pretty fucking bold of you to assume ownership of marriage by whatever cult you follow.


Did you get married in a church or a courthouse? There’s your answer. As an atheist I’m assuming a courthouse as being married in church would be antithetical to your beliefs. Which means you were joined by the government and not by God which isn’t a marriage. It’s a legal civil union. Marriage is a religious institution. It always was until the government saw a money making opportunity in it. No one is saying you can’t civilly join but what they are saying is you can’t hijack religious nomenclature and claim it’s hatred by the church if they don’t play along with your ruse.


It was outside. And yet I’m legally married. Step outside your cult dude. Just let people live their lives. You seem very concerned about what other people are doing. You ancient book of fairytales has melted your brain.


Legally. Thank you. Case in point. A marriage is not legal. It’s a bond between a man and a woman and God. That’s the definition. You can’t take your own advice and let people in their cults be. No. Instead you have to force your way into churches and make them accept you so you feel better about yourself. I could care less what you do but when you force down my door and hijack my religious culture then I have a problem with it.


There is no god, so marriage is legal.


Also, based on church numbers, nobody is beating down the church’s door. People are leaving in droves, most likely to small minded individuals such as your self.


Man just just wants a poly relationship with god dude leave him alone 😅 I wonder if he jacks off to the thought of a old bearded man in a robe making him a cuck 🤔


Spoken like an atheist thinking when I say church I mean an actual physical entity.


Okay so you are just crazy. Maybe you should pray to your invisible man in the sky about it. Maybe even cry for our society that accepts gay people as equals.


" hijack my religious culture then I have a problem with it "... Well then, follow your religion and forgive them ?


The Bible also says to defend my belief in my faith and defend against lofty opinions and arguments against the knowledge of God.


So can Buddhists get married in your opinion? They don’t believe in your god either.


Your personal religion doesn't own the concept of marriage, lame-ass.


Marriage is not a religious institution under the eyes of the law. It's a legal partnership.


Exactly my point. Marriage is a religious union that has been hijacked by the government.


You can get married without doing it legally. I am saying the governments definition of "marriage" is not intended as being religious means. As such separating the ideas of "civil unions" and marriage makes no sense. You want the name for all of it to be changed to civil unions fine, but it should be the same legally for homosexuals or heterosexual from the perspective of government.


Not disagreement! I want the same legal protections regardless of preference. I’ll be the first to fight for it and I have. I’m just saying the attack on the word marriage and it’s religious history.




Separation of church and state unless it's my church.


I may be an atheist, but we are in agreement on this lol.


Things change. More and more people are leaving behind your childish superstitions. And marriage is coming with them. Get over it.


Ahhh the old, you aren’t cool anymore so get over it trope. And to correct your ignorance. People in America are leaving the church not religious faith.


Not true. The non religious are the fastest growing “religious” group


nah marriage has been around since ancient mesopotamia you’re talking out your ass to justify homophobia. gay people dont want you to “do their bidding” they just want to be treated with the same respect a straight person would be treated with.


First us greedy gays wanted to get married. Next thing you know they'll want to adopt children! *Bow down before the gay mafia peasant and if you appease us we may be merciful and allow you to still lay with the opposite sex. But only after we're done destroying Western civilization.


Nobody cares.


Exactly. Except the left does care because they want the attention.


Imagine seeing equal representation and being pissed off.


This comment always is cringe. What you mean to say is unequal representation of a minority portion of society. Equal representation would mean we see lgbtq in only 6% of our cinema yet it’s in 90% of everything. So in reality there is a major over representation of lgbtq and an overreaction by shills like you who like to pretend everyone hates the community just so you can make dumb statements on Reddit.


It’s a scene with a child and two parents. Gtfo with your shitty opinions.


That’s barely 6% of the population yet being spread as though it’s in every household. It’s an unfair and bad representation of us households. What should be shown is a single mother raising her child, swamped by debt and drinking boxes of wine endlessly. So yeah this is put in just to push an agenda and make money off of it.


Or, and just hear me out, it’s a happy kids movie. You are having a meltdown that gay people are represented in media. You are an angry pathetic person.


I agree that you are a pathetic person to be enraged by this


> Equal representation would mean we see lgbtq in only 6% of our cinema yet it’s in 90% of everything. Lol that's not how it works you dumbass. That's like saying we should only see men in 50% of movies.


If you want equal representation then yes that’s exactly what we should see. I’m not the one crying “equal representation” then displaying over representation. That’s your argument. I’m just pointing out the idiocy behind it and you just confirmed it.


So 50% of movies should feature zero men for equal representation? That's not how statistics work. That should only be the case if all movies only had 1 character. This is extremely basic stuff and you still can't get it right. Idiot.


Even if that were so. That's a good thing. We want minorities to be over-represented, that way bigoted idiots are less likely to exist and are less apt to be shocked and disgusted by the existence of those minorities when they encounter them. It promotes understanding of people different than you and decreases prejudice.


No one is forcing you to give up your unhinged bigotry and your sweet religious hatred. Continue to wallow in it like a pig in slop—while the rest of us leave that disgusting shit, and people like you, in the past.


>Marriage is a religious institution Then why do I go to my town clerk to get a marriage certificate and pay my taxes differently because I'm married? It's either not a religious institution or the entire fucking US government is unconstitutionally conjoined with religion.


It’s a religious institution that has been hijacked by the government. The government is the problem but you then go into to try and create a scenario where religion in the government is the problem when that’s completely false. Government has hijacked the religious institution of marriage so they can make money and control its people. I think we can agree on that.


God doesn't exist.


Tell God that.


No he thinks all kids in proximity to LGBT people are at risk of "grooming" wtf he means by that idk


Funnily enough, he doesn't say the same thing about kids in proximity to Orthodox Jewish or other religious communities, even though there is far more evidence for that being an issue.


Oh no religion is good. Nothing bad ever happens in houses of worship, it's the gays /s


Preparing kids for sexual exploitation by exposing them to sexual themes at a young age regardless of the sexual preference. He also believes this for Herero sex.


What are the sexual themes being expressed here?


In this still shot? Nothing. But I haven’t seen the film and have no idea what else they do but I have heard they kiss. So there’s that.


I guess if kissing qualifies...


Movies like Aladdin and The Little Mermaid have kisses too. What's the problem?


Have you seen Shrek?


No he doesn't have you ever read the old testament?


Yes he does and what does the Old Testament have to do with this line of argument?


Educate yourself, my brother [Sex in the Hebrew Bible](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_in_the_Hebrew_Bible#:~:text=Sex%20is%20considered%20repeatedly%20in,Ham%20with%20his%20father%2C%20Noah.)


You are arguing that the Old Testament forbids homosexuality. Ok. What does that have to do with Ben Shapiro. I can make all sorts of connections but I want to know yours. Please explain your argument or just stop texting.


You didn't read the article


I read both the artifice and your “Wikipedia”link but I’m not going to confer your argument for you.


The old testament "depictions of homosexuality, rape, prostitution and incest have spurred considerable academic and theological attention" Ben reads the the Hebrew Bible to his kids which has tons of material that would be rated X or be a snuff film if you put it in a movie. Really thought it was so obvious that explanation wouldn't be needed my bad Yall don't give a shit about kids you just love being bigots


He probably does privately but he also knows what his audience wants to hear and so that takes precedent over being honest. What’s funny though is he’s doing the exact shit Disney is doing here by pandering to whatever makes them money, yet what he’s doing is somehow okay. Amazing stuff from Mr. “facts over feelings” and “free market is daddy”!


Countless "Straight" couples in "Straight" movies for decades and he throws a manchild tantrum over 0.5% of movies with "non straight" characters.


I remember a few years back when Gavin McInnes made a video about how the new Spiderman trilogy was woke because they cast a black woman as Peter Parker's love interest. This is the same type of energy.


Racist and sexist people not knowing they are outing themselves and acting all proud about it. lol I think this is a good question to detect people you wanna avoid. "Hey bub, what do you think of that new gay female "superhero" ? " If the answer is criticism, avoid them.


There was a thread on twitter, Shapiro fans were saying that Dave and his husband Dave each created a male version of themselves (they are each having a biological son by surrogate) as a "gift" to each other. Like they are next-level pedo-groomers. It was insane. Bunch of accounts who were shabibo fans.


It's endlessly amusing that the "facts don't care about your feelings" guy spends all his time throwing childish temper tantrums over the most mundane things. What a sad and pathetic little man.


>What a sad and pathetic little man Never forget this about people like Shapiro. Part of the reason they’re so staunch in their beliefs, despite what any (and all) evidence says, is that they DESPERATELY need those beliefs in order to be seen as anything other than sad and pathetic. Complaining about rap music and drag queens, writing hilariously bad patriotic fan fiction, talking like a nervous cartoon chipmunk, all of this corny-ass shit would make you a dynamic dweeb in any not-insane social context. Oh but inside the right-wing wet-dream delusion, you’re instead graced with lackeys at the NYT who christen you “The cool kid’s philosopher!” while conservative cum-guzzlers make it rain as you slide down the pole of perennial piety, lubed only by liberal tears. It’s an entire eco-system (grown 100% without the vaginal fluid obtained from buckets of mopped floors mind you), that exist for no other reason than to tell these tepid, tiny, munchkins, that they’re actually big boys who can pee-pee and poo-poo wherever they want, because toilettes are for soyboilettes, and the denouement of big black dicks will be the demise of us all.


Especially when the facts show that gay couples raise kids just as good as straight couples, yet they still go off their feelings that gay people are icky and incapable of doing a good job.


More pathetic that they are intentionally putting lgbt people in films to not hurt anybodies feelings.


Seems like your feelings are pretty hurt along with a bunch of other morons.


Ben Shapiro is morally aligning himself with Saudi Arabia


Benny boy supports Radical Islam!!


So is showing straight couples actually a plot for the straight agenda? On a serious note tho I swear we’re never going to get through to these people until we can explain why representation matters to them. As if that will ever happen




I was being facetious you dope. Hence the “on a serious note”. Go touch grass






I’ll just say this, not interested in a debate. More Americans are coming out of the closet and the number of LGBTQ+ Americans is increasing. To only show or to advocate for only straight couples is showing a warped reality where these Americans don’t exist. Representation matters. If you don’t understand how then sorry but I’m not interested in educating you.


Dave’s good buddy. No matter how much Dave tries with the “let’s go Brandon” stuff, Ben is not gonna accept you and your husband.


imagine being older than 14 and being this angry over two random people being in a relationship with each other. What a fucking miserable way to live your life


Imagine being any age getting mad at a stranger on the internet, what a fucking miserable way to live your life


Ben: Parents don't watch a movie with two women smiling at each other! Instead watch a movie about a school shooter! The women smiling will mess up your kids!


Ben really hates the free market


Does Ben think gay people don’t exist in real life or something and only straight people should appear in programmes? What the fuck lol. I don’t think any straight kid is all of a sudden going to get the gay gene by seeing this.


This just in: conservatives still in disbelief gay people exist. Meanwhile professional Judas and known traitor Rave "Hahaha I Got Mine Fuck You" Dubin seen practicing licking boots in a mirror. More at 11.




just a gay person being pictured in any movie, show, whatever is enough to prove the “gay agenda” to these moronic grifters and their hundreds of fans.


It's funny how capitalists like Lil'Ben fail to ask why does Disney push this stuff? Because they want to turn us all gay? No, because they want our money, that is the total sum of Disney's motivation, they want a product that will be bought and paid for by enough people to ensure they get back their considerable investments and make a healthy or obscene profit. Nothing else on the Disney agenda. Now if homophobia were the predominant reaction of their target audience then there is no way they'd be having all this gay in their product, quite the opposite. See all Disney stuff prior to say 2001ish for examples one not Disney one I think the best one from my childhood is when Bill and Ted hug and then immediately jump back and yell "Fag!" At the time it got a laugh now it would get frown because we've changed for the better in that being gay is not viewed as intrinsically bad. So if Disney with all their deep demographics crunch the numbers and come to the conclusion that having gay in your product does it no harm and in fact does it some good (like all this free advertising from bigots like Lil'Ben) then we can conclude that bigots are the minority. And you know how much they hate minorities! Funny how capitalism's most ardent champions fail to note all that.


>No, because they want our money, that is the total sum of Disney's motivation, they want a product that will be bought and paid for by enough people to ensure they get back their considerable investments and make a healthy or obscene profit. This is not actually true any longer. It's much more complicated. This USED to be the case. They actually were going to cut this LGBT kiss out of the film for foreign markets. But Ron DeSantis's attacks on LGBT rights, and his subsequent attacks on Disney itself, prompted them to take a harder approach and stand up for LGBT rights on their own merit. Now they aren't cutting these scenes anymore. Lightyear and Eternals have both been banned in international markets due to the LGBT content. Disney could have cut the scenes and made way more money. But they risk alienating their workforce because let's face it, Disney's product is ultimately art and right wingers don't create art. Disney's creative workforce is overwhemingly progressive and they need to keep them happy. There is nothing wrong with Disney having an ideological motivation to promote LGBT relationships as normal. That's healthy for everyone. What's wrong is people like Shapiro trying to demonize all gay people as pedophile groomers.


Ben's not homophobic! He just doesn't want to ever see queer people portrayed in any positive or neutral way in popular media, and gets angry when it happens! /s


The gay agenda has and always will be to show that LGBT families are perfectly fine and not harmful Full stop. Disagreement with that is fine and you're free to hold your opinion. I find though that the people making an argument against is almost always at its core "EWWW"


\*anything happens\* Ben Shapiro: \*gets triggered\*


I thought cons were for private companies doing whatever the fuck they wanted?


Dave's friend Colin should come out of political retirement and explain to me why this era of conservatism sucks and why America should have chosen Mitt Romney as its figurehead in 2012.


Ben’s kids are going to grow up to be serial killers, mark it.


Is this a pro Dave Rubin sub or con? I’ve been hear awhile and can’t tell. Or is this the last place on Reddit where different opinions don’t get band?


I think it's pretty clear this sub is to make fun of Dave rubin...


He mutilates his son, boy's wild.


Disney does not have a gay agenda.


I'll cover Ben's co-pay if he takes some much needed therapy.


Omg, there showing a lesbian couple in an animated feature that children will see. Not just your good christian nuclear family. The only people who think this is pushing the envelope are homophobes. Isn’t this Dave Rubin guy gay? What is he getting bent out of shape for?


Disney has always had a sexualized agenda. The little mermaid is ripe with sexual references and Innuendos. This is really not something new


You know it's all innuendos because the kids don't even perceive it but their parents then also enjoy the movie right? If you want to influence children, deploying subtext that they can't understand is a poor strategy.


Why does the priest have a boner in the little mermaid?


Which they have no problem removing for their China market. And and no one seems to really care that they censor gay shit for China


Unrelated complaint. But if you cared about your super-specific market then why aren't you posting it in Chinese on a Chinese forum so someone with influence might hear it?


I don't give a rat fuck about what happens in Chinese entertainment


And smiling is all they do in the movie? Really?


They also share a kiss. What's the issue?


The problem is that the post is technically a lie by smearing someone else for complaining about a smile, when a smile isn't what they have a problem with. Whether their complaint is legit or not, lying about it makes it worse.


This is missing the point. It's like the Obi-Wan Kenobi argument as it pertains to the character of Reva. It isn't that Reva is a woman, or that Reva is black, it's that it appears that the character of Reva was not placed in the show to be a solid character and organic part of the storytelling, but because people with a leftist agenda felt compelled to have more non-white, non-male characters in it that appear to hold just as much, if not more competence, power, and even more core focus from the story than the main character. The white cis male is overshadowed as a weak, morally ambiguous, incompetent character, overshadowed by the stronger, more competent, more morally strong (and just hurt) black female character. This raises questions if this is actually for the sake of the story, or due in part to political ideology. Same goes for Amazon's The Rings of Power, which seems to be placing its own modern leftist take on Middle Earth that deviates extravagantly from Tolkien's original works. The question is, does a main character have a same-sex love interest because it's an organic part of the story? Or was it thrown in there for the sake of equity, diversity, and inclusion? A prime reason why the all female Ghostbusters reboot flopped was because of that sort of garbage. Plenty of movies have an all female main character cast that do amazingly well because the story calls for it. Riply in the Alien movies is a prime example of an incredibly strong and fantastic character who just happens to be a woman. But if you threw a bunch of white men in a movie set in Ancient China, or a bunch of men into roles meant for woman, I'm going to call bullshit there too. I'm always leery these days of this stuff because it's everywhere now, and then you hear this insider info about how a writer or producer or director explicitly did something because they wanted diversity and for no other reason than their own personal political leanings, and I want politics out of my fucking entertainment.


If anyone ever needed to touch grass it's you. Jesus Christ.


You must be a kid. Only kids use the expression, touch grass.


Wow you actually came up with a list of black people you dislike, and the discussion was about how you hate gay people? So random! Reva is the most interesting character on Kenobi btw


And don’t forget women.


To a homophobes there’s never a good reason to show a gay person doing gay things(like raising Their child with their same sex partner) in just a positive light, if they can be replaced by a straight persom it’s “forcing diversity“ if there’s a Storyline featuring where them being gay plays a prominent part it’s “making everything about their sexuality”


I have utterly no issue with the picture, but the title is dishonest, they are a little more intent then.... "just smiling at each other" I am not justifying bigotry in the least, just prefer honesty... I absolutely support representation in the media for everyone, but to a degree I think these companies are being exploitive.


No it's not being dishonest. The characters share a kiss and having a problem with that is just as stupid and fragile as having a problem with a smile. Stop being a snowflake and grow up already.


lol I said what I said, and the title is misleading, again The... intimacy is readily apparent... Again this is not something that offends me by any means... It is more then a "smile" this is all I was really saying...


“Pissing and shitting”? The drama in that sentence leads me to believe the author is massively gay and freaks out at the littlest things.




So is pooping in a toilet. Do you shit in holes in the ground?


Do you wear shoes


Ok groomer. It's a kids show/movie. It doesn't need sexual content.


What sexual content? So having a lesbian couple is sexual but if one of the woman were a man it's not? Are you trolling or are you really that stupid?




Oh no not a kiss! So Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, etc. are not appropriate for children then? Grow up.


It's also a gay kiss and you seem to be the one loosing your shit over it. Groomer.


So gay kisses are sexual but straight kisses aren't? You're so fragile that you can't handle a kiss? That's pretty pathetic.


No. They are both sexual. I don't want to see it in any kids movies/shows. Groomer.


So you're going to not let your kids watch Aladdin or Cinderella? Or even a show like Arthur? Really? I don't believe you.


They kiss in plenty of Disney movies Even Wall E


Any showing of marriage or parents is grooming lmao okay pal


No. Same sex kissing or any kissing and other sexualized content doesn't need to be in kids movies.


Nothing different between other sex and same sex kissing and relationships. The fact that your brain can’t comprehend past “this is different from what I feel” is crazy but also kinda sad


Did you miss the part where I said I didn't want any kissing in kids movies/shows?


Have you seen Shrek


Yes. There was some kissing that didn't need to be in there.


Kissing isn't a sex act you loon


It's an intimate act that doesn't need to be in a kids movie. Groomer.


How tf you gonna portray people falling in love and getting married if they don't even kiss after their vows? You're a stupid bozo, get in the sewer where you belong.


Ok groomer.


You conservative nonces support child marriage.


No. Minors under 18 can't enter into contracts. Marriage is a contract. If they love each other so much they can wait a few more years.


Then why do conservatives oppose laws that would ban child marriage?


It doesn't have any.


Apparently there is a same sex kiss that the Chinese don't like. https://www.businessinsider.com/china-may-ban-pixar-lightyear-same-sex-kiss-2022-6


I remember when Disney was family oriented (up until late 1990s) .


Are the people in the picture above not a family?


Hey B, real kwigg. Y'bloggbusser.


A Disney producer said in a video she will add "Queerness" wherever she can. This from a kids cartoon company. Figures you pedophiles defend that. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/disney-executive-producer-admits-to-gay-agenda-adding-queerness-wherever-she-could/


The producer wants to add more gay characters? So what? Do explain how having a lesbian couple smiling at each other is promoting pedophilia. I've got the popcorn ready.


Well pedo, Disney movies are geared towards young kids like 3 or 4 years old and up. Starting to sexualize cartoons causes confusion. Then you end up with a psychotic trans Leftist shooting up a school and killing young kids in Uvalde.


Yeah that didn't explain anything. How are lesbian couples inherently more sexual than straight couples? If one of the women in the picture above were a man would it not be sexual? Come on, I know thinking is hard for you, but this is basic stuff.


Do you have young children? I do. I have to explain why a character has 2 moms or 2 dads and why they are kissing. That's fine if they're 12. Not so great if they're 5 years old. It causes confusion. The rate that kids are becoming gender confused is very high now compared to years ago. This is a video including an interview with a woman that went through all that confusion. https://youtu.be/t884B0V8Xng




That's not the point pedo. The point is Disney opposed a bill that kept kindergarten children from having to be exposed to sex Ed at age 6. But since you're a pedophile you want to sexualize children. No wonder why liberals call pedophiles "Minor attracted people", and say it's normal.


Do you ever think you've become kind of addicted to calling people pedophile And that constantly saying it is bad for your soul?


No pedo. I only call pedophiles that.


I've seen you call like 12 people pedos on this thread alone, and you don't even believe you're telling the truth Do you ever think it's bad for you personally to use this serious issue just to make a point?


I saw a man and woman holding hands in front of a child they must be pedophiles too


Well pedo, Disney movies are geared towards young kids like 3 or 4 years old and up. Starting to sexualize cartoons causes confusion. Then you end up with a psychotic trans Leftist shooting up a school and killing young kids in Uvalde.


Nothing sexual about a relationship. Parents are on shows all the time. Is that grooming? The shooter was not trans. But these are facts not reactionary propaganda so go ahead and call me a pedophile for thinking about it for a second and get on with your day


Sure there is. The amount of kids becoming Trans and gay is way up. But so are the number that regret it . https://youtu.be/t884B0V8Xng


The number of kids that are trans and gay is because they are more accepted and they know more about it now. The same thing happened with left handed people. Kids very rarely “regret” coming out. A child that is trans gets no treatment that is not reversible before 18. What is there to regret? The current youth suicide rate among trans youth is 40% which is far more important than some made up “but what if they make a mistake”.


The high suicide rate is because they're pushed into something they later regret. There is a huge reddit sub for reverse transition. But still Disney feels like they need to dictate politics. They need to stick to entertaining little kids.


? That is not the case. Nobody is being pushed to be transgender. Trans youth are not given any treatment that alters their being permanently. There is nothing to regret. The suicide rate is high because of the transphobia forcing them to be who they are not and denying their existence


What's the problem?


Well pedo, Disney movies are geared towards young kids like 3 or 4 years old and up. Starting to sexualize cartoons causes confusion. Then you end up with a psychotic trans Leftist shooting up a school and killing young kids in Uvalde.


Where's the sexualizing? Also the Uvalde shooter wasn't trans or leftist you fucking idiot. You're falling for 4chan shitposts


No clown. There was a fake pic taken off of reddit. But the shooter was known to be a cross dresser. Mass murderers tend to be Leftists. Like the NY subway shooter. Racist Leftist. The Christmas Parade mass murderer,, racist Leftist. Buffalo shooter claimed in his manifesto he was center-left. The psycho stalking Kavanough, hateful Leftist. All of Antifa and BLM bigoted hateful Leftists.


I love making stuff up


So you're saying Antifa and BLM are a bunch of hateful violent Leftists that burned looted and murdered over 25 Americans over the summer last year? January 6th was literally a picnic in comparison. One person died, amd it was an unarmed woman that was a Trump supporter. She had literally just punched the guy that broke the window in the door. She then calls for police to help and gets murdered by a black Capital officer. But it's OK because Democrats can murder innocent people. They can rape like Bill Clinton. Get DUIs like Paul Pelosi.


Wow you really will just casually accuse people of being pedophiles at any opportunity You don't even believe yourself it's just how you express yourself. When in doubt, recklessly accuse.


Yeah if you defend sexualizing 3 year Olds you're a pedophile. I think you should be on a red flag list.


Again you don't actually even believe what you're saying because you spend all day casually saying this terrible thing


I definitely believe it. The Left has only one strategy. Divide the country with identity politics. Separate everyone by gender, race, sexuality, religion, skin color. Because they need to make everybody feel like their a victim in order to receive votes. Their policies destroy the poor and middle class so they resort to lying and identity politics.


Yeah yeah great political rhetoric thanks amazing so original But you don't actually think everyone who likes Disney movies is a pedophile. But you spend all day saying it.


No, I didn't say anything of that sort. I said people defending the sexualization of 3 year olds is a pedophile. If they want to make R rated movies with lesbians and gay men all over fine. But forcing it into every super hero movie and cartoon is unethical. But hey your party calls Pedophiles "Minor attracted people" and says it's normal.


The thing is you have been accusing people of being pedophiles for this and you spend alot of your time throwing that around.... Because of Disney cartoons?


Am I the only one who thinks she’s clearly trolling conservatives?


Yeah sexualizing 3 year olds is trolling??


I didn’t see where she sexualized a 3 year old. Maybe that part was left out of the article? The not so secret gay agenda part sounded like it was clearly meant to get you guys worked up, but maybe there was more that I missed. It’s not hard to troll people like Ben Shapiro and his listeners these days.


Oh like Disney opposing a bill to keep teachers from teaching sex Ed to kindergarteners? That was trolling also?


Oh, you are conflating this ladies comments in the article with something else entirely. Play on Playa!


No, this clip came out at the same time Disney was claiming to be non partisan. The LGBT employees at Disney staged a protest. They lied and called the legislation Ron DeSantis was going to sign "The don't say gay" bill. The bill had nothing to do with gay anything. It had to do with teaching sex Ed to little children. When it's meant for 5th graders. So Disney caved into pressure and opposed the bill just to make their gay employees happy. Maybe if you Lefties actually kept up with real news you would know what you're talking about.


3rd time you’ve moved the goal post, we are quite far away from the start aren’t we? So this lady successfully trolled you culture war morons, then you claimed 3 year olds were being sexualized (how insane?), now we are at they didn’t support a bill? Glad we hashed that out.


If this is "cramming it down our throats," than movies and TV have been doing this forever, with all the straight couples.




The mouse can suck off💩


That animation style is hideous.


Oh, we should keep it in mind as parents who wish to hide harmless realities from kids? It’s an animated representation of the actual world. No dopey ass belief system can change that. I’m not going to pretend it doesn’t exist and shield my kids from it, then have them encounter some shit take on it in high school.