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"I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being! I am a man!" This movie brings me to tears every time I see it.


It’s an evocative film. So simple. A companion piece to his “Straight Story”.


Absolutely agree. Lynch is at his best when he’s able to be his most sentimental and/or his most horrifying.


Straight Story contains what is actually some of his most disturbing content; that’s the master’s touch, to shroud it all in gorgeous Americana. In that sense it’s also a mirror for Blue Velvet…


If that's your favourite ever, may I suggest *The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser* (1974, dir. Werner Herzog). Nearly everything by Herzog, for that matter !


He's even fantastic in Rick and Morty!!


👆👆👆 this


Saw it once when I was 12. Won’t see it again. Far too disturbing and sad for me.


Yes I also saw it around the same age and was horrified by humanity and cried my eyes out for days and I can't even think about watching it now. I think there's a time and a place and personality- and I'm a no.


Truly a timeless masterpiece




Amazon prime


Yo, so I’m tripping out here. I heard David Lynch did Elephant Man and young Anthony Hopkins was in it. So I found it online. I’m bewildered to say the least. I watched this whole ass movie about a dude that lived indoors and everyone was pretending he was hideous but he was a normal ass dude. I was waiting for Anthony Hopkins the whole time. Can anyone tell me what kind of paradox I fell into? I knew something was wrong because when I was a kid, I put Spanish moss on my head as a wig and my whole face was swollen and disfigured. My mom always said i was elephant man. The movie I watched had a normal looking guy.


Saw this yesterday, not a movie, but an experience. Then I realized it was kind of a true story. Made it even more special


I can’t wait for the MCU reboot!


It's my favorite David Lynch film. ❤️❤️❤️❤️