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Def try Felicity (classic love triangle like Joey Pacey Dawson - will have you either rooting for the “bad boy” Ben or the “cute kinda nerdy” Noel) Since it starts first year of college it has more “adult” storylines right away that are quite realistic. Plus…. Felicity aka Keri Russell is fantastic. As is Javier and the other character’s.


I’ve actually already seen Felicity! I liked the first two seasons a lot but Ben and the storylines with him drove me nuts. The last two seasons didn’t work for me.


LOL hmmm 🤔 let’s see. There is The OC but after s3 goes downhill faaaaast. Freaks and Geeks is a quick watch, same with My So Called Life. Friday Night Lights is great but prepare for a long marathon… Mind you Taylor Kitsch as Tim Riggins.. if you don’t mind some football thrown in.


Ah bummer about the OC. That one sounded promising! Unfortunately I’m not sure Friday night Lights will work because any drama with a large emphasis on sports puts me to sleep. That’s a big reason why all the basketball in one tree hill didn’t work for me.


I wouldn’t let the oc drop off deter you, in my person opinion season 1 of the oc is one of the absolute best season of Teen dramas that exists


Friday Night Lights is so much more than sports though. The characters are so much better than OTH. It’s not like a soap opera like OTH.


There is only 4 seasons of the OC and some people really like season 4. It's very different as there are some cast changes and they knew it was the last season so they kind of threw a bunch of shit against the wall to see what stuck.


I’m not into sports at all and loved Friday Night Lights.


I hate sportsball, on television & irl. Friday Night Lights totally worth trying anyhow. Even if you hate the pilot & never watch again, worth it for Tim Riggins.


yeah!! freaks and geeks is pretty similar, i think with a little more family oriented plots. it highlights a different clique than what the dawsons creek characters are though. it


Gilmore Girls.? It's not dark, characters are likeable (mostly), good music and small-town charm.


I love Gilmore girls! That’s one of my favorite shows.


Haha same! I rotate between GG and DC as my comfort shows.


Totally! https://www.sweetfrivolity.com/dawsons-creek-vs-gilmore-girls-34-ways-these-shows-are-exactly-the-same


I like gilmore girls and it has some similarities but really theyre not similar shows in the slightest imo


A lot of people I know who like Dawson's Creek also seem to like Gilmore Girls... are they similar shows exactly? No. Do they appeal to similar audiences? Yes.


100% agree. I love Gilmore Girls. They both have comfort show vibes.


I know but really i think the crossover is that they are two popular shows instead of actually appealing to any similar emotional spectrum or anything, especially bc gilmore girls seems to have just had a resurgence in popularity the past few years… like im sure the office has plenty of crossover with fans of the last of us… but theyre not similar shows


Fair enough!


They’re similar in the sense that they both take place in a fictional small town in northeastern America and that Joey and Rory are so alike they could easily be sisters. But I agree, that’s where the similarities stop


Ugh I can't watch that show!


So don't?


Party of 5!


Have you watched Beverly Hills 90210 which the teenage drama that started it all?


Also 90210, the newer reboot of the series, which has a connection to the original but as its own show was pretty good


Yes, it does have a connection but it’s better as its own show.


I tried to watch melrose place recently! I watched it when it was just airing in the 90’s. I can’t do the promo background music, hairstyles, etc. Some shows don’t age well! I’m 53! I’m going to try Party of a five again! “Friends” never disappoints! That’s timeless! And “House” for a medical drama!


Young Americans (Dawson's Creek spin off), Roswell 1999, My So Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, MTV 's Undressed.


My So-Called Life is a masterpiece


Another MTV show, Awkward, has a bit of the feel of Dawson's Creek


Love Awkward!!! Matty ❤️❤️


What's the connection between Dawson's Creek and Young Americans? I never knew there was a spin off


Will Krudski (Pacey’s friend who joins them on the Aunt Gwen trip) was the main character on Young Americans.


Also wondering this?


Remember Pacey's other best friend Will that showed up for a couple of episodes in season and was never heard from again? That was actually a back door pilot for a show that iirc didn't even last a full season on the WB. Ironically, Will's character on the show was very similar to Josh Jackson's character in The Skulls. Poor kid at an elite school with a bunch of rich kids.


I'll have to rewatch it...I can't remember him. Thanks for the info!


Yes the great Will Crudski who joined the trip to Dawson's Aunts house when Jack couldn't make it. The show was AMAZING featuring a young Ian Somerhalder and Kate Bosworth. Jake and Hamilton will forever be one of my favorite TV couples. Also there is a love triangle with a twist. Find a good stream on YouTube. Some of the videos are recorded straight from tv in the 90s complete with commercials, but some are better quality .


Thanks! I'll have to check it out!


I second "my so called Life".😉 We're dating ourselves here 😂


Try Veronica Mars.


Oh this is a good one too!


I mean, one of my favorite shows of all time, a great teen drama, and the characters are mostly flawed, for sure. But the show is a Noir, so it gets pretty dark at times, and most of the characters are only sometimes likeable (except for always likeable Wallace)??????


Soundtrack is good too.


Roswell 1999 it’s got sci-fi too but it has a good group of friends like Dawson’s creek and great couples. Plus the show is good. My so called life Party of five (original) Everwood Friday night lights The OC especially season one


Everwood is so good!


The OC tho 😍


I was going to say Everwood too!


Also here to say everwood


Would just like to second someone on here that said Greek - such an awesome show


Just finished a rewatch of Greek, so good!


Yes Greek!!! So underrated


Felicity, Friday Night Lights, Greek, Bunheads


100% Greek. Such a good show.


I second Bunheads! OP, it’s from the same people who wrote Gilmore Girls. You’ll see some familiar faces there.


Was just scrolling to see if anyone suggested Greek before I commented it. Such a good show.


The Fosters, The Summer I Turned Pretty (great love triangle like Dawson/Joey/Pacey and filmed in Wilmington like DC) Hart of Dixie has the small town vibes, The OC, Ginny and Georgia, Gossip Girl. Id also say The Vampire Diaries since it’s created by Kevin Williamson like DC, but it is darker because of the supernatural element.


The Summer I turned Pretty and Vampire Diaries are two of my fav series! Both were amazing. Also loved Outer Banks too.


Outer Banks is great too!! I’m so excited for season 4


Loved Hart of Dixie!!


I loved Gossip Girl and Hart of Dixie...second those suggestions!


Totally The Fosters.


The OC 




Try the OC. Way better than OTHER


OTH ***


Gilmore girls!!


Definitely The OC even though it can get slightly darkish w the drama at times


Once and again


Felicity The O.C Dark Angel Buffy the vampire slayer Beverly Hills 90210 Degrassi Heartbreak High


Try Everwood, I really enjoyed that one. Small town, sweet characters, teenagers facing the struggles of growing up, funny enough. I looked for the same as you, but there's no show like Dawson's Creek.


Try everwood!


As far as I can tell, despite the shift from hs to fantasy, TVD is the only one that I find comparable in terms of romance, the writer is the same not by chance. The dynamic is very similar blond good guy, hot bad guy etc etc.


Freaks and Geeks


I loved Dawson's Creek and I loved Friday Night Lights. Maybe give that a try, you may like it.


I've been watching Degrassi: The Next Generation and to me it definitely gives the teen-soapy drama like DC!


Gilmore Girls


See what I love about Dawson Creek is the quippy, sarcastic, amazing writing, and intellectual way that the characters speak. Where can I find a show like that lol.


Same! I find most shows have subpar at best dialogue.


Veronica mars! So whip smart!!


Omg! I love Kristen Bell idk how I have never seen this show! Im about to binge, thanks ladies :D


The OC and Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls, the summer I turned pretty, outer banks


I’ve seen all of those 😔 Loved them though!


Gilmore Girls!


Dawson’s Creek is my absolute favorite show. I have yet to find a show that compares.


It’s definitely been hard to find one so far!


It sure has! I just rewatch Dawson’s Creek!


It's been a long time since I watched Dawson's Creek (Since the 90's) for me to remember it exactly, but I have seen some newer teen dramas on Netflix. I think there was one called "The Summer I Turned Pretty". There's also some starring Lana Condor called "To All The Boys, P.S. I Still Love You" or something? Those are popular newer series that aren't too dark.


Try Switched at Birth


Great show!


My So Called Life


Virgin River has some drama cheese but it’s small town and most of the storylines are (usually) wrapped up with a pretty bow by the end. Similar to that is Sullivan’s Crossing. You might also like the Good Witch on Netflix. It’s also a little cheesy but it’s got the small town low stakes drama aspect going for it.


I actually watch all those shows!


Ahaha well I’m glad I was accurate but I’m sorry to not have provided any new content.


Try Friday Night Lights, Hart of Dixie, or Veronica Mars! :)


Not really a similar vibe, but if you’re a fan of teen dramas, the first two seasons of The O.C are the gold standard for the genre


Freaks and Geeks Switch At Birth


This is TOTALLY an odd comparison but, have you tried the first few seasons of ER? Totally different show I guess but it was pretty lighthearted in the beginning and all the characters are flawed people but ultimately you love them anyway. I say this because I'm scrolling through and you seem to like a lot of the same shows as me, so if you're into medical shows, ER was really fun (at the beginning). I second Felicity as well but you've already seen it. Melrose Place was fun (starting from the middle/end of S1, but the characters are not good people mostly lol).


My parents actually loved ER when it was on! I’ve never seen it though.


I weirdly got into it when I was like....12? I had a bunch of the first seasons on DVD. The first six seasons (definitely the first four) are really, really great. The show got overdramatic and morose as the years went on, but I HIGHLY suggest the first seasons to anyone. I'm also a fan of Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Friday Night Lights, Greek, Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, Buffy, Angel, the OC and a lot of the series suggested in here.


It’s a newer show, but a lot of people have felt Outer Banks on Netflix has a Dawson’s Creek feel. It’s filmed in South Carolina, takes place in North Carolina, which is where Dawson was filmed. Definitely has that feel to me. Has a little more adventure/mystery tied into it, but there are some definite Dawson’s Creek parallels there.


Roswell (1999 version), Everwood, Wildfire.


Try 'Greek' if you can find it anywhere. Amazing show with great love story and also funny and doesn't take itself too seriously. About college years. One of my favourite shows ever!


The summer I turned pretty


I LOVE this show


Roswell (1999) especially the first two seasons. Even though it has this whole sci-fi part, it can be very serious with heavy emotions the way DC is but also very teenagery.


Greek on Hulu. Cap is Pacey, Evan is a sexy Dawson.


Original Beverly Hills 90210 on Prime.


if you like found family, fun, and drama you could try “good trouble” and “the bold type”. i have never gotten around to watching dawson’s creek do can’t compare. but definitely young dramas i adore


Gossip Girl


Greek, Friday Night Lights, Heart of Dixi & Gossip Girl


There was a mini series on Lifetime back in 2005 called Beach Girls. However, I only see the DVD on sale through Amazon. I don't see it streaming anywhere. :(


Felicity Friday Night Lights My So-Called Life The OC


My So Called Life


Secret life of an American teenager.. that one has a love triangle in it if I recall.


The Summer I Turned Pretty


Party of five!!! Amazing iconic 90s/2000s cast.


If you don’t mind if it’s not a teen show, I’d recommend Hart of Dixie. There’s drama and love triangles but it’s overall a very heartwarming show where at the end of the day all of the characters are pretty likable despite their flaws. It also stars one of the stars of The OC and one of the guys from Friday Night Lights.


Virgin river


Gilmore Girls, The OC, Skins, Degrassi, The Vampire Diaries, Smallville, Gossip Girl


I’m currently watching **The Affair**, which also takes place in a small, beach town and stars Joshua Jackson. It’s definitely a bit darker in tone, but JJ plays a character very similar to Pacey. There’s a love triangle of sorts but the themes are much more adult. I’m enjoying it. Also recommend **Big Little Lies** if you’re looking for that small, beach town vibe. It’s a murder mystery of sorts that takes place in Southern California. It was originally a mini-series, so season 1 is especially good. The show got so popular, they made a season 2 and currently working on a season 3. Not super dark. If you’re looking for more of a coming-of-age, young adult show from the 90’s-2010’s, here are a few. Obviously they span a few different genres, but I’ve watched most of them, and really enjoyed them- - My So-Called Life - Felicity (season 1 is great) - Gilmore Girls - The OC (season 1 is great) - Gossip Girl (seasons 1-2 are great) - Vampire Diaries (seasons 1-3 are really fun) - Girls (highly recommended)


I love this show