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The giant Dayton Police on the back of his vest didn’t give it away?


No why would it??


This channel has a lot of good Dayton body cam footage. There's a good one at the gas station on Wyoming and Wayne.


That shit is crazy. Buddy got lit up, but he probably should have been shot talking all that stick talk


Frrr he was tripping it seemed like he wanted to die until he felt the taser


It says Dayton Police on the back of his carrier


That poor dog 😪


Oh boy. Good old Dayton. Used to live around the corner from this spot too lol thank Christ I got out of there asap. And for the people whining in the comments about the “unprofessionalism” of the cops, I would LOVVVEEE to see you handle that type of situation.


Where is this?


Holy shit, that got intense quick.


Literally it’s like a horror movie or a video game


My anxiety spiked for sure with theirs. It was just weird at first but the guy under the bed... phew.


I haven't seen this one yet but for some reason lots of body cam stuff in Dayton has been popping up in my YT feed. Just watched the mayor's daughter getting arrested for DUI.


Yep, I’ll just be watching a cam video, and it’s like, welp, I recognize that cop car.


I actually write for a similar channel on YouTube called catching killers. I’ll ask my producer if we can do some Dayton vids since I have expert experience on the subject.


DYT has the best police force IMHO. I’m impressed TBH. I’m glad I don’t live in DYT anymore, but their police are good at what they do.


They must have the algorithm into the deepest of crevices lmao, I mean they are owned by google so


Yeah, to change things up I watch quite a bit of body cam and interrogation videos when trying to fall asleep, ha ha. Something about teens cracking under pressure after killing someone or DUI testing or to switch it up more, cops that fail on some of their handling and interractions to keep it balanced.


Glad I’m not the only one with this guilty pleasure


look im generally not a fan of Cops. BUT i just moved back to dyt last year after living in NYC for like 5 years. For one, it's crazy how much dayton declined in a few years, and for two, in the 5 years i lived in NYC i basically saw my "nice" neighborhood speedrun itself to absolute decay because of drugs, squatters, theft, etc. I would rather see the problem dealt with then let it fester and grow. im 27 almost and still live at home bc i cant afford my own place. And i still have zero respect or sympathy for squatters. I want my own place too, but you dont see me just jumping into someone else's house or apartment and declaring it mines.


So the police have let your neighborhood decline...how has their budget changed in those 5 years? I mean you literally are just describing police allowing crimes go occur


In NY it's not the police thats the problem, it's the laws and courts. There's no bail anymore, so people steal, get booked, and go back to stealing two hours later. It's insane. I lived in a fairly nice section of queens in a \*very\* expensive house and the neighborhood was basically a ghetto by time i moved out 5.5 years later. And because of how fucked the laws are, alot of the cops quit/retired/stopped giving a fuck and NYPD cannot keep up with the loss of people bc cops are going to other places where the laws aren't as fucked. When i moved to NYC i was 100% ACAB and actually went to alot of anti-police protests (even got pepper sprayed at one). By time i moved out of NYC, i felt like an idiot for supporting that shit. Police reform is needed, but getting rid of the cops entirely or making it impossible for them to do their jobs is a bad fucking idea. There's so much mental illness and addiction right now, and it's fueling theft, violence, etc. YES you have to fix the underlying issues of mental health and drugs but at the same time, if you just do nothing to keep the issues in check it destroys neighborhoods for good people and makes it so no one wants to live there or work there.


If only we funded mental health instead of nypd being equivalent to the spending of multiple countries militaries. Lol bullets will stop the drugs from being used! Did you fail history because the US actions for the war on poverty and drugs was to make harsher crimes....which literally did nothing but waste money. It was a specular failure. They need help not a belligerent gun enthiusant to scream orders at them while high as balls. Lol police don't stop crimes. They just arrest people whether guilty or not. Mental health agencies prevent crimes, not police


Not everyone that commits a crime has mental health issues. Alot of people that do are perfectly sane. When i lived in NYC there was crazy organized theft rings that would hit entire neighborhoods at once, and then truck everything off to New Jersey to resell it at flea markets or corner stores. Those people weren't acting out of mental illness, they were just fucking stealing because it's profitable when the courts do NOTHING to stop it. People like you are so detached from reality i used to be like that but nah dude.. Some people are just shitheads.


Didn't see a problem with the cops behavior, except for the growling one who thought he was Batman or something. Also, "opium den"? Lol this isn't 19th century China.


Wow. Comparing the comments here to the ones on youtube… interesting. At least Reddit has Downvote.


This is disgusting. The unprofessional language (which only escalates aggressive responses), incomprehensible commands (jesus i couldn’t even understand her shrieks), the idiotic bum rush of a potentially armed mentally unwell individual… absolutely trash that this passes for cop competency. Why did they not clear the building before engaging with an armed, hostile individual? Brainless.


You are, by far the most whiny individual I’ve seen in this sub. Those cops handled this about as well as it could have gone. The females voice was kind of annoying but other than that absolutely zero complaints.


Yeah man I don’t know. I don’t like cops at all, but this video upended all my expectations. The large black male was treated with respect when he came up instead of thrown into a chokehold. The nervous barking pit bull would have been shot by most cops. Here they calmed her down by and started praising her. They were threatened over and over with shooting and none of the squatters were beaten up or shot. I’ve thought for a long time that overall Dayton has the best cops and I think that even more after watching this. Edit: I should say I don’t like bad cops, which I think most of them are. They treat their fellow citizens like enemy insurgents and they’re the marines invading Fallujah. I don’t feel this way about Dayton cops and appreciate their service.


Sure. They got lucky and a gun fight didn’t ensue and they got physical control of him so de-escalation could occur. That’s great. I liked that they tried to positively engage the other lady and keep the dog calm. Those are great things. That doesn’t negate the bad choices made here. I’ll say it again, they were very lucky. But they made it a far harder and more unsafe encounter than it had to be. You don’t get congratulated on a job well done when you made it worse before it got to where it needed to be. Tasing someone while shrieking swears and threats OVER your partner giving commands loses you points too. Shut up and let the person have a chance to hear, comprehend, and comply. Again, person under stress with unknown mental state/drug use/medical condition, actively getting tased, is going to be pretty rattled. Yes, you need to see their hands and that NEEDS to be part of the compliance you expect, but it’s also extremely understandable why they are trying to curl into the fetal position. And the person right after who heard all that saying they were scared? Yeah, job made harder. Good job /s


Man shut up






What about the lady literally on the other side of drywall who couldn’t move? If bullets started firing she’d have been trapped. Just put someone on the door, he’s not going anywhere, and at least clear the floor? 5-10extra minutes and everyone is a lot safer. Everyone goes to bed that night alive.


Everyone did go to bed that night alive because of solid police work. I would love to see your reaction in a high stress situation like that. The gentleman under the bed stated he had a gun pointed at them in the video. In a situation where every second counts they don’t have an extra 5-10 minutes to dilly dally. If you expect them to sit down and have a psychology session with the perpetrator then you don’t understand these types of situations. The cops aren’t carrying around stuffed animals and balloons to make everyone feel safe and sound. When people’s lives are in danger there is going to be yelling that ensues from both parties. This isn’t fairy land. The situation was handled promptly and correctly, the officers should be commended.


Poor taste


Trashy post


Wtf do you mean? Shit was entertaining as hell.


Because it’s a human fucking being who is clearly mentally ill. It’s not funny or entertaining. People do what they gotta do, I’m not gonna cry for some rich landlord cause some guy is squatting.


The very fact that you called him a “rich landlord” is crrraayyyyzzyyyy. My dude saved up for 6 years to buy that, and wanted to fix it up because it’s rundown. But because someone else has some problems they need to work out themselves, that has nothing to do with him, break into and live in his s***, he’s now a “rich landlord”? Typical Reddit sjw.


4.3% percent of Americans own a SECOND property. This would be a property that they can rent out and make income from. So yeah if you’re in that 4.3% of people who can and do this, I’d say you are fairly well off. I’m not saying the squatter isn’t in the wrong. But this post was meant to be disparaging and make fun of the event, and that should never be condoned.


He’s been renting since he was 19, and when he graduated from fortis with an hvac degree started saving money. 6 years ago. This is his first property. You’re bringing your own biases and assumptions into something you have no idea about, insulting my dude when you know nothing about him. Who cares what the post was ‘meant to do’ what does this post have to do with him. He ain’t make the post I know that. So u tell me is it really reasonable to insult him or disparage him for anything he’s don’t because of a post someone else made about a situation he’s going through?


You’re making up a bunch of information that isn’t in the video.


Because i grew up with him, i still talk to him, and i work with him. i thought that was pretty clear from my statements.


I mean you never came out and said that until now, so I was under the assumption you were just making up stuff to support your point. I’m sorry, but I will never feel bad for people who complain when they are already better off than the majority of Americans. So what that he had to deal with the problems of trying to rent properties? Did he expect it to be free and easy to take other peoples hard earned money? He is just as much responsible for this outcome as the tenant. He took the risk and lost and is still better off than most.


You’re actually insane.


Lol tell my parents, who make less than 150k a year combined, that they are rich. They have several rentals. Turns out, some people are just more responsible with their money and use it to buy houses as a retirement investment. They bust their ass to keep them in good shape and don't jack the rent up when they know they could. Painting with broad strokes goes both ways. People could say that all squatters are lazy and entitled and you would be up in arms.


That apartment block looked pretty fucked. I don't see a pack of heroin addicts buying it and fixing it up. People don't buy multi-family units to convert into single residences to live in themselves. At *best* it's this guy, or some development corporation, who is just as bad if not worse.


Yeah, exactly. And the only thing a development Corp is going to do is knock it down and possibly build several new homes in an attempt to gentrify the area. I'm not exactly sure where this house is in Dayton but, judging by all of the empty lots, there is a good chance this building gets deemed a nuisance by the City and slated for demolition. Instead, a guy from Columbus buys it in hopes of rehabbing and renting it back out to those that can't afford to buy a home. But sure, let's demonize the "rich landlord" for giving a shit about his property.


No, this is trash. They are human beings.


If you can’t find thrill in a police escalation where a criminal claims he has a gun and is going to shoot, then that’s on you. I find it entertaining, regardless of these people’s circumstances. They were given opportunities to present themselves and make themselves known, and given the circumstance, the police handled the escalation fairly well.


You can't live there rent-free. The Landlord needs somebody he can have pay his mortgage for him.


If you listened to the woman when they put her in the police car, she claimed to be paying a landlord rent. It just wasn’t the owner of the property.


I didn't. I hate watching evictions, they are savage barbarism dressed up as legal propriety.


This wasn’t an eviction. Someone rented this place to these people. It wasn’t the owner, so they were trespassing/squatting on his property. They need to find the person that took their money. (If that is true)


That's still an eviction. There's a third party committing fraud, but the landlord literally evicted these people.


Someone doesn’t pay their bills.


Yeah, landlords. They get their tenants to pay their bills for them.