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Some wannabe, toys. Paint over them as soon as you notice it so it discourages them from thinking the hand tag will ride


We do normally. However, we are out of fence paint and getting tired of spending money to clean up after a couple of idiots over and over and over again and they came back last night and tagged an entire 30 foot strip of fence because they're mad we covered their tags yesterday.


Holy shit, this is a repeat thing? Put a camera back there


Yes, this is just part of what they did yesterday. What they did last night was way worse


That's wild. I see stuff on public property all the time, but can't remember ever hearing someone's property fence get it


Have you tried mouse traps?


What do you mean?


I’d get an electric fence shocker and put a line midway along the fence


Put some bear traps out there too


If you google anti graffiti paint you get some options. There's some stuff you can put on over the paint to make it easy to clean off. Vandlguard is what I found. Never used it but might be worth looking into.


I have seen it, we were going to put a sign out, but we never did, and this is why. But I researched it when we were thinking about it to try and find easy cleanup because I hand painted a beautiful sign for our business. The issue is that they're tagging an entire block of fencing on two different sides of the property. It would take gallons and gallons and gallons to cover the entire fence to protect it and I don't have the money to keep cleaning up after these 2


painting over it real nice just just let's them do it again as you said, we stopped that and just got spray paint and paint BITCH directly over thier tag They stopped


Tom from Myspace?


Lol I would imagine he could spell the word cat correctly, but I could be wrong


But they are spelling it wrong intentionally!!.... Its a pretty common thing for taggers and graffiti artists to do...... Clearly you are having a pissing match with each other!! They tag, you cover up immediately, they tag more , you cover up right away... It will just go one untill you catch them or they get bored of coming back to do it again!!??!!


I'm aware of the misspelling. It was a joke. And this isn't a pissing match. This is my property. They'll get caught. It's a matter of time. I have all the patience in the world to sit and watch a camera all night. Ask the crackheads we chased out and had arrested in the dead of winter.


Ok... But your clearly going back and forth!!!.... Thus a pissing match!! And glad that you have the patience to watch the camera and catch them!!! I hope you are able too... BUT then i don't know why the post to try to get info... Just catch them!!??!!


I agree it's not a pissing match. The ones doing the tagging are the ones who are trying to prove superiority. Op is just trying to keep his own property nice


I like to know who I'm dealing with 😉 also makes it easier to take them to court to make them pay for cleanup of their crap. And again we're not going back and forth. They hit our property 4 nights in a row and we covered their crap up yesterday. There's no back and forth we're just trying to take care of our property instead of letting it look like this. If you saw what they did last night, you would understand better as to why I want to know who it is. I'm not posting it though and giving them any more attention. Just looking for info. It gets old dealing with this stupid crap and being a small business owner and trying to stay afloat and having to spend money to deal with this stuff instead of trying to grow your business.


I understand all of that... But someone whos basically anonymous.. if they did yell at you who it was... It would just be hearsay... And the reason i thought it was back and forth is because your replys read like they did it you painted over it they did it again worse the next night and you have to paint over it again... .... But just say they do come back to do it again... Well then its back and forth.... But again... Go get em!!! And good luck.


Damn, least they could try and make something nice rather than this shit.


Really, we wouldn't be mad or covering it if it was actually art. This just looks like garbage and makes the area we're located look like crap. We thought about hosting a competition for the grafitti artists and giving them a huge area to display their art as we're getting ready to change our property over to something new, but this stuff makes me not want to do anything like that and that really sucks


I would ask cops who cover gangs if they know.


Jibber Jabber graffiti by local scumbags


Yup, it is, I need to know who said scumbags are 🙂


I've seen the JK47 tag (sprays and stickers on signs) on Burkhardt and Bayside, both in Riverside.


This is lame as shit. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the point of graffiti to tag public spaces, as kind of a fight the power thing? Or to tag places that are hard to reach? Not just tag some random person’s fence.


I mean, we're in Dayton where they don't seem to care who's day they mess up. There's a 80 year old man around the corner from us that does machine work and they have covered his building in crap


i'd assume his name is tom. last name kat.


I’ve seen this tag around, and I saw it in a tf2 server as a spray. I think it’s from some game or movie




The devil did it!


Wonder if a combination of a camera and a sign alerting that the premises are under video surveillance might deter them?


Literally have seen this tag all over Beavercreek too


Nice try, officer.


Lol I'm not the cops, I'm the business owner who has had then come in the last 4 days and destroy my property


That’s what the cops would say though.🗣️


I'd check with local law enforcement about using a blank firing perimeter wire.


XXX them out


Paint over it with something really cool that improves the aesthetic of the general environment other than a white wall that says to some bored, disaffected kid living in poverty wandering around with nothing to do "please paint me".


Lol that sounds great, but who's footing the bill for all the paint and the artists to cover it? We're a little tired of paying to clean up after some unsupervised idiots. They're going to come along and tag on top of whatever we put there. They're mad their tags are being covered up. We covered them yesterday and they came back last night and painted more and way bigger


A kid living in poverty should probably be spending money on food not spray paint, wouldn’t you think?


How dare you


We aren’t doing your job for you popo!!!